PAGE FOUR KASHMIR MOUNTAIN i | GARDEN OF INDIA i J; T One of Most Richly Enjdowed of Beauty Spots. i Washlngton.-^-News of the tleath of 1 the maharajah of Kashmir jqpcently c directs attention to one of th^ wealth- c lest thrones In India. The country famous as the "land of nlghtlhgales and i roses-' is said to bring an income to \ its ruler in excess of $5,0(XI,000 yearly, j "Kashmir's real weidth, however, i ' a cannot be measured in terms of .money," says a bulletin frpm the Washington headquarters of the Na- ' tlonal (Jeographic society. ' "Anyone * making a list of the ten most richly J endowed of nature's beauty spots i I would have to Include, In a represents- _ tive list, this vale set amidst the tow- , . ering Himalayas. One traveler asserts | 'it Is impossible to know what color I and depth, and proportion are until one has visited this "Happy Vqlley" in the Himalayas.' Complete Circle or mountain*. '"The state of Kashmir in India * spreads over an area equal t;o that of | Minnesota, but it is usually the so; called 'Happy Valley' that Is assoeint- ' ed with the name of Kashmir. Not on the slopes of the Himalayas, hut | set down deep anions theih. Is the vale that has Inspired so ouatiy writers of poetry, prase and music, and which, 1 In former years, gave to the world one jof tiie most beautiful and delicate of ' all fabrics made by homan hands?the ' Kashmir (or cashmere) shawl. "The Vale of Kashmir, a wide. level j plain 84 miles long and DO to miles wide, has been compared to. a transplanted. peaceful Thames valley, with j a girdle of high, I snowcapped tnoun-j{ tains. Its charming coinhinntions of j | lake and mountajn scenery, wooden . chalets and winding roads, are much t like those of Switzerland, except that j there is always a white horizon, a j complete circle of snowy peaks. On , a clear day the mountains glisten In \ ( the sunshine like 'the battlements and towers of some fairy city Of purest ] marble.' J i ."These mountains, the loftiest in | the world, have helped to make Kash- j nllr the primitive beauty spot ^t is' today. They are i Kashmir's strongest battlements against the# encroachments " .if.? of the white man s civilization?win has so greatly altered fhe more ac- , eesslble parts of India. "With a latitude about that1 of Damascus, or of the Oarollnas in the United States, and a protecting wall of mountains, the Vale of Kashmir has none of those extremes of heat and ; cold which make the districts to the north and south so uncomfortable at times. Flowers / and trees of many varieties grow In profustai. Sometimes a sudden chance in temperature nearby will result In a snowstorm on the surrounding mountain peaks, a vivid and Interesting spectacle from the valley. In the winter the hiercury drops a little below freezing. 'During the summer the thermometer sometimes shows a temperature of 105 degrees. "The weaving of shawls used to be the main Industry, but those Wjho made ithem were 'practicably slaves, who were never allowed to leave JitTshtnir. It has Deen said that every shawl cost the eyesight of ope or more persons. The shawl Industry was brought to an pnd by the Franco-Prussian war In 1870. / "A treaty between the state of Kashmir aqd the British government, J?y which six shawls of fine quality tnust be paid yearly. Is said to be the " only thing that prevents the knowledge of the art from dying out among the natives. One of the most beautiful designs Is the 'cone' pnttern; another favorite Is the 'ring'' shawl, which, though not transparent. Is so soft that it can be easily drawn through a finger ring. American whalers and Balling vessels plowing the Pacific 50 i years ago invariably made their way into the ports of India to obtain one i of these prized light wraps as a gift for the women vaiting at home. "Main Slreet" a River. "The main suiprise and the delight' f this romantic taalley today Is Srtna tLUU 1JS TU/ ... i j- . j : I [. - V >- ; ' I L.,r V far, the capital] 'the Venice of the! East'. Through the vale winds the-. Jhelum river, fed by the Icy Himalayan springs, occasionally, forming beautiful lakes of sky-blue water- The "main street' of Srinagur is thisj river, and facing the river are the! palace of the maharajah, the government buildings, and dwellings. On the river, and the numerous canals that intersect It, live l.r>,000 people in boats. Qver the Jhelum are many large bridges of wood, built on" piers of crossed horizontal logs. What the lit- i( tie chaletlike houses lack In archl- I tectnral elegance, they make up In j plcturesqueness, and In the spring their sod-covered roofs blossom forth | with fresh green grass, delicate mauve) Irises, and In some cases with gorgeous scarlet Kashmir tulips. "Near the capital, and gracing the! shores of the lakes of the Jhelum. are | , the beautiful summer gardens of many ] of the former rulers of the country, i Some of them, such as the Shalimnr, j where tne Aryan youm sang or rne j pftle hands"he loved, are In ruins, but | nature has been kind and even in ruins they possess a dreamy loveliness that puts man's handiwork to shame. On an autumn evening, when the avenues of Chenar trees are tinged with gold and russet, when the lofty mountains behind them take on every shade of blue and purple, and the long lines ot fountains sparkle in the rays of the getting sun, it would be difficult to find match for them elsewhere." t i ??????______ , Medicine Cheap and Good Here's a French physician who advises us to walk on the front of the feet, In order to stimulate the action ! of onr lungs. "Walk on the front part of the foot," says this Professor Amer, "at the rate ( of 190 steps a minute, with the head up and the calves stiffened, a quarter I of an hour, morning and evening." I This medicine, comments an observer, i can be taken by anyone, costs nothing -* I ? VtanaflMal Rfp, ^ v-^-nr y VT--WT " ' ' i! K ' / . : \i . j : . MORE ABOUT HOLY CR( > (Continued from page 1.) .. I F ruild, and Mrs. C. P. Burnett for the j c] Auxiliary, read admirable reports of 10J he; women's work for the Parish, i E onimunity and the missionary fields j A if the Church. j | il The vestry .as elected for the eh$u- j di hg year is as follows: Hon. F. P., M TaOnn senior warden: Dr. Allen J. I pi hituy art receivtu? i 8-hour-service] at 1 and practically all of thi the oalancc on the . following day? , ^^HOUR-SERVICE 8ty] ?-7mmy?i (ft..,.,.,,. .// ?* car pai mo wit wit / cat e Wi Mail we the Coupon ' TODAY yoi THE CHARLES WILLIAM STOI F lease send me FREE a copy of> Name Address : Town and Srafe V/MilJ! S JS1 r less the same way that the lower inlmuls do. "Now, ltoy," said his mother, "be [ ;ure y m behave nicely, and don't bolt It rour food. Remember that auntie j o :eeps a butler xvlio will attend to all r our wants, hut there Is no need to be c tightened of him." ti "itii'iit-.iio!" saiil Itov In the modern a ISS PARISH MEETING I i " IV i Other officers of the Parish are J. oster Searles, superintendent of the lurch school; Mrs. jC. P. Burnett, ganist and cjhoir dirbctor; Mrs. W. . Kilpin, choii mother; Miss Minerva vant, president of the! Woman's Auxiary; Mrs. Anna, Beach vice presiaut; Mrs. D. S. Blois,' secretary, and frs. C. P. Burnett, treasurer. The resident of the Woman's Guild is of Caret "'HRIFT means buying wist . It means buying merchandi a price that saves you mori ting satisfaction is such tra s new catalog offers you m rou apd your family can be well d les with Fifth Avenue's stamp c ir home beautiful inside with pets, curtains and draperies, an nt and roofing. You can equi dern improvement; your works h every tool you need; your ai h every sort of accessory. . 11 -I j ui cncsc ciiiu many umci tuiuga alog and all at a saving in monei Satisfaction is guaranteed when IliamStores. If the things you bpy will return your money and tram Lsk our customers?there are ma lip and mail the coupon bekr 1 at once FREE and postpaid. W UES, Inc., 952 Stores Building, New 'J I'our new catalog for Spring and Summe: Mj[? m WlJ yvfyfyM^^^ i ^-rJ^'.nTr*. i !v. ^.. lU LbL 4 Irs. A. A. M< rrick, with Miss Mariret Bennet, vice president; Mrs. race Clemen;}, secretary, and Miss nne Nash, treasurer. Refreshments were served by Mr-s. . C. Remick and Mrs. Grady on bealf of the Guild. ? ada, sword, Indicating the nobility nd wsuiluia of state, has been eoropted Into the KngHah spade. The tube were originally trefles (trefoil saves) and denote peasantry; while It* ctttsena and merchants were jarfced by the diamonds (carreaux, qoane tiles) Preserving Egga Of the many methods which hare een tried for preserving eggs on a mall scale none has proved more oocessful than the nse of water glass odium silicate). Pure water that as been boiled and then cooled hould be used. To each ten quarts of rater one quart of water glass should e added. The solution should he preared, placed In a Jar or crock, and he fresh eggs added from time to [me until the jar Is filled; but bo sure hat there are two inches of the- so tlon covering the eggsj The eggs aust not be washed before packing, or washing Injure? the keeping quajty, probably by dissolving the muQagtnoug coating. Real Estate Bargains Peter Minult's bargain lot of real s^tate? Manhattan Island?purchased torn the Indians for a value of leas ban $24, has a parallel In another ttlonlal real estate transaction ifought to the attention of the Naijonal Association of Real Estate bards by the board of realtors of the ifanges and Maplewood, N. J. The erritorv now en>braced, in the cities ?f Orunge and East Orange, the town >f West Orange, the village of South )range and the township of Maplevood, estimated to contain the homes if one-tenth of the population of the Jnlted States, was bought from the Vlnacksop and Shenacktoe Indians In .078. The consideration, according to >avld Lawrence Plerson, historian of :he locality, was "thirteen kans of urn, three coats and two guns." : William 1 W' r "i"?' Wpwr 4 't^^' ' :: Tl THE POLK COUfiTV NEWS. *' 'V/WPRICE oV'o *C ' * * C>*V^ 'rf^^nmr^V * * I HMJH 17 A LITE lof health muy not be reckoned In dollars and cents. Two thousand .{ears ago there was peraaps some excuse for the gastronome, hut today tjhere Is none. Tlie way to health lies in a balanced diet. Hippocrates. ^he father ! of medicine, | figured along the same lines hack 450 I B. C. llej expressed the belief that the science of medicine had its be- j ! ginning in! the efforts of men and women -to find better and smoother diets. Diet in the home totjlay is becoming a matter of premier eonsidera tion. Women are taking cognizance of those important food elements known as vltamines. They have learned, alio, the benefit to.the human body 'of such minerals as iron, calcium anf approval. You can make really good furniture, rugs, d outside with dependable n voiir kitchen with every hop or garage can be fitted itomobile can be equipped you can buy from this new f' you buy from The Charles fail to pleaseyou in every way iportation charges both ways, my in your community, w and a catalog will be sent frite TODAY. fork City . ? ? mi ---- , - ; ' .. * ' ' . %' ' ; ^ . v. .> . .. - ' ^ ?i I ! . - ' m\ ^3Pfcfc^l / \ sh.i$3 All in the Same Boat An amusing Indit n story is trans- } lated into English Ly I'andlt Shyama Shankar, an Indian scholar who Is also well versed in English. Four Mohammedans were offering prayers at a mosque. One, by chance, said something not belonging to the prayer. The man next to him cried out: "You fool, i you have spoken out In the midst of > your prayer. Therefore all your prayer goes for nothing." "And yours?" cried out the third man. "You, too, have spoken, so your prayer cannot have j any effect." T"_e fourth man muttered to himself: " They are all speaking. Thank God I am not!" .'926 f I improvement WHEN BE' /1 71 Pau Tower # ?s JL l^uotone tUCO/"! / {olors f 9 ..." s , r> / ~ \ y ' , ?r ' ~ fm far"-. B I / /y 1 f ^>40* F*?- ^9B3HESE?59bHHBHI S FALLS Hung On to Good Thing A young Scotsman took his lass to i high-class motion picture theater In I London. It was in the afternoon, and presently an attendant came to them I with tea ami cake on a tray. "How j nuch?" the young man inquired cau- I tlously. '''There is no charge," an swered tlie attendant. In silent woncer the j'buth and his lass sipped their t ?a and munched their cake. Two hours later, after they had witnessed a performance, the girl whispered, "We must he going. It's past all o'clock." "Not me. lass," he replied, "i'ou can go if you like, but I'm staying to supper." TTER AUTOMOBILES AI I |JI CK. WILL BUILD THEM Buick i " -i .i. nas Dont a better jitcmobil Wf ? T n We Are The f \ usive Ag For The Better UIC In lLUDA and C( >NE OR WRITE I ' ^ City Mot \ "orest City N. C. ""**- " ' * ? ' r iL- 2Ll\t&f Jsi' ' THURSDAY, JAKTARy I MORE ABOUT POIJuJ BANK AND IRifl (Continued fr<-tn I lowed bv the | tommittee and tin , ,.( both of which wopthe stockholders, ah . .1 were present. Fo lowing these |?,] in at: able address I, far-reaching and M I Mr. W. T. Matntii) it s, . . .... II he subjtct of his n e j Henry Gibbs iti a f, words brought out ;i. . [operation. Solon ismade \ eryhody ores. . tli. y lived in Polk , Jackson in a vers I. to gtft things yon pressed it, "Know lit and then go after it mncn 10 uie jjrut 11: . Tallant. Between ii: the radio other inter .. ^B made by Air. \V. A . Lewis and Fred W. In the business tie holders voted unaninit.n !v |(,^B resolution made by ill. !?;>^B (ectors at their Decern! : ocrease the bank's cape fl $15,000 \o $25,0011 as s*. rectors deem advisable. ; v ment of the bank is keep pace with this fa>: . ; munity. The old bank i,; were re-elected and iinm'.-.i^-^H the stockholders adjourn..! a brief meeting in \\ h.< h their oath of office and djH W. T. Hammett, ,prosit!'. :,t B lumbus Cotton Mills, vt< and Mr. P. S. Lewis a.-d.-n^B ier. The officers of tin :./^B as follows: J. R. Sams, chairman ., E. W. S. Cobb, presid-m. Frank Jackson, vie ...^B W. T. Ilammett, vie- n-B Fred W. Blanton, vi< ;H cashier. el P. S. Lewis assistant M. L.; Arledge, assistant'cidB So great was the wmn. -I meeting until it was tlcd.d J the annual stockholders' a...? the form of a banquet ajauii vfl B " 1926 improvement* JT. ' 1 kE BUI LT, -r-j I ^ANU ' ^ rfW sett am !n 1 v^APFWED j'Wheel "Brakes Gas JiM e Air I Cleaner AWT) MANY OTHEH DisnNcrrvi FEATUMJ r. T ^nts $ K=l i )LUMBUS JS or Co. * ^ J