'T"' ' I x PAGE SIX MORE ASOUT THE OF TENTH CONOR , ' . i i ' (Continued front t.) Mark Twain's1, death, lias been "slightly exaggerated." and is dife, I trust! to ,tile lionesj rui'-apprehonsioii of its author. I Jnt writing tliis letter, then for., to d-elare. once for all. that I have been a candidate since the announce menl was made, cud will continue to be a candidate, at least until the la-t vote has been counted in the coming prim try. And in this connection I wish to correct another itnpressiolt- which is likewise utter'., without foundation. Shortly after the announcement was made that I would he a candid dr. a press report came out from Washing ton. which was published in : ome of our papers. suggesting in substaiie that the contest hdtween Mr. \V< av r and (nte v. ould probably result in bitterness and would tend to disrupt the Democratic party in this district. To my own personal knowledge the foregoing suggestion has In en rep atcd in at h.:st two counties in this distrh 1 by it it-it who are opposed t > my noin inution. I roncede thai a eon; eke this cottl i be waged 011 d pl;.l;e so 'ow as to i reduce the re-11 It pr dieted, i ui no iinin who really knows Mr.! Weaver and me v. ill for a mono lit entertain a surged ion so ridiculous and absurd. 1! A friendship of man. years standing has existed between Mr. Weaver and < me. I have heard title claim advanc. d by -ome 01' my friends that sine. Mr. [Weaver lias been running lor I 051gre?s 1 have perhaps made more spec flics in his behalf and in behalf of I lie Democratic party than lie lias mace. I.et that be as it may. 1 -know it e ill be said with'truth that I have mate more Democratic speeches in this) district than any other living man in it. and 110 man will undertake to say that 1 have ever faltered in my luya'ty to Mr. Weaver and the Democratic party.And I am unwilling to admit that I ant estopped from aspiring to this nomination because perchance it may be the opinion of a few nun in this district, or in the opinion of some press reporter beyond the limits of thei State, that my entrance into the conte.-t may injure the Democratic party. Any Democrat of proper age, who has familiarized himself with the history of his country and the political qm-stionss of the clay, and who possesses the requisite .qualifications and character, has both the moral and legal right to aspire to any office within the gift of the people: and no man cap claim an indefeasible title to any office within their gift. I maintain that in seeking a Democratic nomination, as well as in the, administration of the affairs of (lov, ernnient. the time-honored tenet of the Depnocratic faith, '"equal rights to all and special privileges to none," does, anp of right ought to apply. flow can any man in this district, knowing me. believe for a moment that 1 could or would do or say anything to the injury of the Democratic pa|rty? Much of my life has been spent in upholding the Democratic cause. Prom the time 1 was twentyone years old and before, in every political battle that has been waged in this section, 1 have always been found in the thicket of the fight. At n i I w.-o: horn of these mountains; 1 wo; n :rt it red at their breast; I have iv- d my life within their shadows; the! when my rotir-o on earth lias ? n finished. I pray ttint my spirit ,.,y la permitted to take its flight t -in the left;. In mitts into the groat isyoud. A- ii I believe I ktio'vv some.liing of tile uf the people of this .-.at district. | Ami if liy their votes they decide that I shall have tin opportunity to | .. rve them in the great office to hieh I aspire. I shall he glad; and! ilial t vent it will be my solemn . hdge that upon all politic, t! finest ion's i -. 11! ...... ^..,..1, lot,.iitc niiil iiNU-rii'i as i i 1 lots jii;\t-ii mo to advance lit. a 'of Democratic faith. 1 will, on | ' i';. occasion, oppose any measure ) .!?; i i: nils toward the centralizati.ni e; power in tile Federal (iiivcriuuciit. lit.it tenth; to impair the soWr- i i.'.nty of the States in thuir right to I . iftiia.ie and control their own inter.id and local affairs. And 'upon (pps lions not' of a po'ilicu! nhiract' r. 1 nil fits! undertaki to ascertain the i h s of my people, and then aft upon such instructions as they may L'ivc nuiantl as God will | enable me ; :o see lh* right. I1'. on the other hand the people li.tli render their verdict; in favor ofi Mr. Wearer: if they shall decide that hi is again entitled to wear upon his ! brow the laurel wreath:-if it is their, wish that he shall again carry the , Dotnot ratie banner; then it is like- i wis,, my solemn pledge that every itne lie unfurls its silken folds to the !;r*n ze 1 will stand hy his side and wave itt loyally the olive branch/of P< a< in the ranks of the Democratic , 1. t there he no inharuioniouit strife ' a the Heinooi at ic liotisi hold. A Dent i tal who attempts to engender strife >r bitterness in a conu'si between t moc.rats is an enemy of the Democratic party. Favoritism and centralized power | are entrenched in our Citadel. Spe-, ! rial privilege sits enthroned in our ! Net ion's Capital. Craft and Creed ' ie-'il high carnival in the high places j .'f mir tloveinnieiit. The beneficiaries j of class legislation loll and revel in jtiiKu ions splendor in palaces whose j f! ited columns point to the skies; * iile Hunger and Want shiver and s: ffer it: the humble homes of . the ; pi or. wlto ip itlu r seek nor enjoy sfpe-, : ii pi ivi'eges from the government to I a ill i hem in their hat tic for lireai . I The .Money Changers are polluting j tl e Temple of our Liberties, and i wle thcr .Mr. Reaver or I shall be ! nominated in Tenth Congress on-: ; at District, it is vitally essential that itile Democracy shall present a united ! front. / FELIX H. ALLEV. i I HEAD THE Pi)LK COUNTY NEWS.j I ' -n ,? TJj&r-. - ? i i i i T^r| j ESSE A SI The Essex first payin For an almost whpt a - Peri Looks. pia?;!e i pavmc just as i ' S:'" 1 'I i 1 most v i r iA/ Doii v. vv. uan i I 11 .! I - i f IH " I r I I i i I , i NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX I ELECTION. By order o|f the Board, jof Commissioners of .Pojlk County, a|j special tax school election has beeijj, called and will he held ^n and for ' oft of special 'school district included'within the lunnuis of Oolumhus Township (in. /eluding all tjf .Columbus Township), Ion Tuesday, !the lfith day of March, lor the] pn pose of ascertaining the will, of the people within said !special sehoojl district, whether there I shall he levied and collected in said district a'special annual tax of not mote than: fifty (T>0) cents on the one hundred dollars' valuation of prop, erty, and one dollar and fifty cents <$l..Mi) on the poll, to supplement the I'uhlic School Fund which may he apportioned to said district by the county Hoard of Kducalion in case shell special tax is voted. L. L. Tallaiil.-is the registrar, and II. 1'. Sharp ind It. 1-i; Sellers are the judges for said election. The Courthouse has been designated as the polling place for said election. A new registration >f till voters within said special tax district has been ordered. The reg. * * * * * * * * * * < * * : C. IV. WIL I .% I PLUMBING Ri:i?AIR W(IRK * LET US FIGUF V V Vj..y *J* v <* v v -l- *H* v % *5? '!* *5* I* *! %* > 5mH *J? ?> * ] P you can't supply your r * hour and a half drive to * complete Department Store. * "Lowest-in-the | MAIL ORDER SERVIC *: > * * * * >*.;. * .j. ** * * .j.* * * * * .j. * *? * . ?Jj / Announ ~ We have been ap Service Station for tJ In addition to selli Exi BATTE the right battery f< Service includes skilf every make of battel on responsible advic prices here. We look forward tc H M. & M. BAT v Trvon, North Bmm ras HHWH ^ X CO x $765 ; Coacjh may be purchased ent anft convenietit terms < y closed car?even a "Four"?y< as much as the Essex Coach cosl difference in everything that i I'irmance, Quality, Comvort, and vour pride in the car you c tide v iii tell. And, in price, te .i!. i: or.i r.rv of operation, Ei easy to own. Why accept less Y/h\ rot have the qualities wanted "Si::" type in the world] lenger Motor < Try on, N. C. . ' -J ' 1 THE PdLK COUNTY NEWS. istration books will be open for thi registration of voters from the 15tl day of February, 1926, to the 6th da; of March, 1926, inclusive, and wil close for the registration of voters oi the 6th day of March, 1926. Satur day, the 13th day of March, will b? challenge day. On each Saturday during said period of registration th< books for registration of voters wu be open at the polling place (Court house) in said district from nint o'clock A. M. to sunset. At said elec tiori those favoring the levy and col lection of said special tax shall vot< a ticket on which shall be written 01 printed the words "For Local Tax,' and those who oppose shall vote s ticket on which shall be written ot printed the words "Against Local Tax." i * HOARI) OF COMMISSIONERS OP FOLK COUNTY. By W. C. HAGUE, Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and jby virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Polk County made in the [Special Proceeding en titled J. R. Ijjurgess, Administrator, v * * { P ^ { + VTHERS | & HEATING 2 A SPECIALTY ?E WITH YOU j > n*++*M ^. . '.j ?? ? USS ] leeds in Tryon, it's only an j GILMER'S, Asheville's most I Selling at 2 -City-Prices." | E, ASHEVILLE, N. C. J 4 ~ ^ cement pointed the Exide lis locality, ng lite RIE5 )r your car our ul repair wo k on y. You can rely e and reasonable > a call from you. rERY CO. Carolina. r ACH 'reight and Fax Extra for a low m balance du pay c Vat J -Ut 1 VL counts Good ivn. A of ssex is than a of the | t . Company s J va. Louise Mills Camp et al., th 11 same being now upon the special pr f ceeding docket of said court, the ui 1 dersigned commissioner will, on th i 1st day of March, 1926, at 12 o'cloc - M-, at the courthouse door in Colun 3 bus, Polk County, North Carolina, o r fer for sale to the highest bidder fc 5 cash, that certain tract of iana lyin 1 and being in White Oak Townshij . Polk County, North Carolina, adjoii s ing the lands of E. G. Thompson, F . S. Tanner and others, and more pa< ticularly described as follows, viz.: ! Beginning at a stake where th * hereinafter described lands join an ' meet the Thompson and Tanner land i and Powell lands and runs with Pov ell's line N. 23 E. 61 poles to I stake in N. C. Harris line; thenc with his line S. 721-4 W. 171 poles t ' the center of Green River; thence wit Thompson and Tanner's line S. 62 E 184 poles to the beginning, containin 92 7-8 acres, more or less. This 23rd day of January, 1926. J. R. BURGESS, Commissioner. Feb. 18th pa I ' 1' Notice of Delinquent Taxpayer. Notice ls: hereby given to Mrs. Peai Shaw and all persons that may hav a lien on the land herein describe that the uhdersigned purchased at delinquent Tax Sale in Cooper's Ga Township, Polk County, N. C., o the 4th day of May, 1925, 8 acres c land listedjin the name of Mrs. Peai Shaw and taxed for the year 1924. You are; further notified t|iat aj SAVE -with SAFETY DRUC^IU^ /jL Lejnon Cocoa JHF Butter WASN'T it only 'the other day you said "This weather is bad for the hands?" Well, you needn't let that worry you. Lemon juice, as you know, is slightly astringent and splendid for the treatment of roughness; the cocoa butter is, of course, the best of all tissue builders. Combined they make the best possible skin treatment. This lotion is also an excellent skin bleach. I 50c Each, g MISSILDINE PHARMACY , Start | ' Tryon, N. C. Phone 4J !. /- 'i - . ~l s t > '-* -v'-"'.. , ,./7 ' < "t >/ jL \l TheSouth'sprosperity /sT|v * has helped education. L~ ^ About $125,000,000 for the construction of J?% new school bui/dinda L % has feeon spent in the / /as/ 12 years in the t states served by the I So uthe m Railway System. ? < 1 Sen RAI. "} y%ei. N i/ - . , . . T1 ie plication will be made to the Sherlf of Polk County for a deed to sai< tt~ land if not redeemed by the 4th da; ? of May, 1926. . 1- E. W. DEDMOND, 2-4-26 3tp Purchaser. 5 ' /* ?" U. S. Hero Cannot Receive r" $100 Awarded With Meda Washington. ? Isidor Nordstrom 51 boatswain on the old battleship Kear 8 Mu-ge, cannot receive $100 gratult; j. awarded liim early last year with i a e b | '! Did You Stoj * ? t | l hat this i\ews I; Well, it is! i e d o a J| The editor and all of his 1 p ing for YOU. o They want to build the rl j | that you like. r <' Why not help them ? ' ! I What kind of news i !most ? ;; What feature of the pap< ;: best ? yt These are simple questi ;; are BIG questions with t He is putting forth ei J make this paper the ki: * paper that YOU want in | Why not co-operate? , i If something in the pape 33 tell the editor. 3 3 If there are articles ^hicl 33 YOU, tell him, too, and t 3! . No two communities are 3 3 itor has to study his tow 3 3 pie. ? 3 3 A word from YOU now e 3 3 r help wonderfully. 3 3 If YOU have i > ii The Polk C < 33 "The Livest Wet 1 I "I"!"!"!' ! .g.? ? ? ?.f.?? 4. *"H"H > * } ' .i . ?, /> -or* - L* > ): i ' - >3 -- * ?> - : is good cit to be prosj The South has just compi year. Mar.y Southern ent tributed to and shared in thi Prosperity is a give and take prosperous industry that give! , products; that gives regular I pays good wages; that distri dividends which add to the p L of the consuming public; tl ^ share of the cost of carrying our local, state and national | Prosperous industry, prospero prosperous railroads make foi Southern Railway System a pie ted a successful year both ii and in earnings. The public press and elsewhere, on this re a unanimous iudement that v-r interest of the South that the perity continue. Only a prosperous railroad car portation service needed by prosperous country. * JT wj LT^y((gB)j seti^^(C01 tflJRSDAY, JAXUARy f | congressional Mm: ?r ^ 1 ! splcuous lira very .in.,,,. f i and It Is possible |?. I)w the medal itself. Comptroller Hen-nii held that the In" war prohibiting : j Medal of Honor einv, ,1 operations nirain-t , made It Impossible f,,r, to give Nordstrom i|?. | His decision nls.. mi.e,. whether the m.-.mi ;.v ^ properlv awurdoil r i wr mm ii nr uu- I ' i two decades ;i?u I | ) to Th paper is Youj j i 'orce are woi kkind of paper nterests YOU jr do YOU like ions, but they the editor. /ery effort to nd of a newsi your home. r pleases YOU, i don't interest ell him why. alike. The edm and his peomd then would jestlons, send t's make it the South. !ounty Ne kly in the South" ! ?)???? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4? 4* 4* 4* v 4* v v+* ^ "W\ ^ i \V, izenshi 3erous leted a prosperous erprises have con5 prosperity. / ; proposition. It is > consumers better employment and ibutes earnings in jurchasing power rat pays a large on the business of governments. us agriculture and good citizenship. lso has just comi service rendered comment, in the icord has sounded it is to the best ! Southern's pros1 render the transthe people of a 7RI SYST&l Jit South I