r I! ' I fir i PAGE TEN The Polk C PjblisleJ Weekly by Lie LOUIS LEHI 3 i, ?1 iq ti; p Mtiifipe at Tryon, N. act of ( | TERMS OF . I i!a( . 1 j a rfontns j I\i.-ee Months .1.... DISPLAY ADV Forty Cents Per -egal Advertising, One cei ^^"hat^rhich makes a man great 4 WHAT'S WRONG ) Rest quietly in your easy about you and think. What is the question vyith yourself wt strike, poison booze, flappers, ir/Mi+h rKvnme tHp wpathei J vul/ily v?4 t v* vv) va*v .. ~ ? ? ? bread, lack of vitamines, static, crop outlook, or too much publi< have decided to your own sati these things are contributing t ment of yourself and mankind, and begin your day's work wit! then wonder why you ever wc wrong with the world. This j Should it fail, however, you gel * ! "WEfRE HERE BEC That was a grand old so whether you kept sober or is all right in a song of its kir better Tryon, or help this coi It will never j)ut efficiency inl ment, or sympathy into neighl fice as an excuse for residenc Turn about is fair play. Tryi here who are counted as popi community to be here because * "WIMMIN" Of all the arguments agaii one real sound objection, dnd t of the ald-tiihe precinct votin great American masculine insti and we might say, downright i "getting-the-votes-in-the^box" i tine. Woman?whose fine hand invaded the last stronghold of * ? i ii i . at bay to see* sneiter ana proi days that used to be. For worn and has taken mere man from 1 When it comes to serving can wield a wicked pencil, casl born judgment. It used to be the floor when you went to vot find some law to put you out if cured. It used to be you could kidding you about being a Der since women are guiding the d ^ you can't even get into the pk you're not on her side of the f booths, that's taboo. The last ing cigar stubs outside the do passers warm without splitting from the grocery store. It's ai of the ropes. While standing a so loud over points in the elec riot squad for the "bloody 7th," to arrest us, and his posse to political complexion. * IT'S ALL IN TI For the second time in its the cloture rule limiting debate. The success or failure of all legi pends largely on the machinery ure by which bills and proposals these forms seem unimportant, must abide by them they mean ceremony, the psychology of ti ality have decided the fate of world importance. * Joseph Williams, a blind St than $15,000 hidden about his ' A head to a thing generall; * Divorce evils are no worse At that, how could peace arms? * Wouldn't it be cheaper foi confidence ? ? * Oil man makes $25,000 a d thousand years. ? Columbus discovered Amer have cleaned it. * Prohibition is in its infanc; their bottle. ! You can't change a leopard' .try's wet spots. ^ When a man says "I'll thiri will co home and ask hia wife I I I ^ , ???; 14; ounty News News Publishing Company VI AN, Editor H C, as second class rpa 1 matter under | Uoni?ress I I ? UBSCRIPTION I 1 I.J 1.50 L i.oo 75e ERTISING RATE Column Inch, Flat it Per Word Cash In Advance ' iVITH THE WOHI^D? chair tonight; drafvv the curtains wrong with th< jworld? Settle lether it is the tariff, the coal Congress, the i: idependence of r, the parole system, white landlords, the fceign debts, the :ity for the ex-Keliser. After you isfaction which di" how many of o the lack of peace and contentgo to sleep. Ar : le next morning h freshness and :rdor. You will indered that thei was anything anlrlAnln foila tn Pnro /I catl 1JJL1V/U ociuuiai 1UUO w vv** V. t your agony bare. * * AUSE WE'RE fl^RE." ng. That is, if you didn't care not. The here-lecause attitude id, but it will neyer help make a nmunity grow iflore prosperous. :o business, honffcty into governoorly contact. I ; will never sufe or as an alib for citizenship, on is here becau se all of us are llation Then we owe it to our Tryon is here. * * IN POLITICS. nst woman suffrage there is only hat is on account of the passing g place. What formerly was a tution is now rei ned, effeminate, ininteresting. T] e great g^me of is quite blase?a mere legal rouhas shaped the nations?now has1 man, and driver him like a stag ection only in thle memory of the an, lovely womait, is "in" politics, the only place he had his last say. on the election board, a woman ; a cautious iye, and use a stubi you could spit tobacco juice on ,e, but now the women will try to your nails are not properly manicuss out thei election officials for nocrat or a Vice Versa; but now lestinies of t ie ballot emporiums, ice if one of the women suspects ence, And a^ for smoking in the election therj were enough burnor to keep the sheriff and ca^d up and burning any empty boxes vful. No mere fights at the end round the polls we used to argue tion law they would call for the and here wculd come the sheriff fix things up, depending on our * * i IE MACHINERY. history, the tj. S. Senate adopted The world jcourt was the issue, slative and deliberative bodies deor the actual systems of procedare determined. To the outsider if not trivial, but to those who about everything. The detail of me, and the j influence of personmany measures of national and & * * . Louis beggar, died leaving more home. ! * * y puts it on its feet. * * than marriage scandals. * * treaties ever be signed without * * r France to take straw votes of * lay. With us, a day would last a * * ica, but the real estate boosters y. That is why people still want i s spots; nor, seemingly, the coun * i k it over," he generally means he , ' , ; r "" r *,-T nTcOLUMBI S " ' V.j liHt ,ursythia, vith its little yellow star fl wer, is already in bloom and the b ds of the ihododendron are swelling I saw a mrty of tourists watchini a mountai leer coming down a stiep road; in one hand he held the riijns that guided a pair of weary looking mules, in the other he held a ripe attached to a long pole that answered for a brake. The wheels grated and slid ove- the hard ruts as slowly he crept diwn the sharp side of the mountai 1; when level ground 'ras reached, he pulled his hat over his deep-shamed, grizzled face and mo red contentedly along. Since we have been in Tryon we have seen only a few red sunsets sach as one rees at sea when the departing sun flames the west with its flamboyant splendor. But the beauty of the t vilight before night locks aer iron doirs is unexcelled anywhere. The whiteness of the dawn reacies along the western verge and the rugged mountains stand out like gimt watch towers, with the outline of pines sharply etched against the sky, and all us silent as the hills of home. The rights are none the ltss enchanting ; the setting of the p.'anets in all thair hrillianr.v nvar thp mnnn tain tops, the myriad of stars moving with the same silent tread as when their trembling light first left die cradle cf creation and the Pleailes and Orion first took up their still inarch through the trackless firmanenti The heavens are whitened with their beuuty and all the vaulted blue is diamended with radiance. Such is the magical charm of Try on. . T < I 4-H iOPLE'S CO orick. fet this is a country whore, vith a minimum expenditure of time ind eve a less than that of money, bis unsightly stretch of road could ie made into a thing of interest ind' possibly into one of beauty. Shrub! i, vines, trees, any or all of ;hese planted along either or both sides of the walk and given a reasonible amount of raro fnr a fom wodra would soon change this dreary secion. Why lot start a fund to change 'Red Cliy alley" Into what It should >e?one of the beauty spots of toWn? If we are to keep Tryon an |unipoiled paradise, here is a good place .0 begin. Water tanks and cjlay janks go a long way towards making t a pan.dlse lost. A. N. O. An Appreciative Audience. Sditor polk County News: Those of the Drama Fortnightly *rho wefe responsible for the seleof ' ' Z ' * ' I i % L LiAfWk? - L/I ? ... 1 7] " w W ? j m I V Among recent arrivals at Oak Hall are Mrs. Paul Bo\*ren and Mrs. Dougj las Donald of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. W. C. Niblick and Miss Anne Watson of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. David Van Da sen of Detroit, and the Misses Wat kin of Philadelphia. Mrs. Holden and Mrs. Peattie int vite all who may be interested tp view the pictures of Ernest Barnes at Mrs. Peattie's home, "Dunwanderf ing," Thursday, February 11th, from 3 to 6.. | < Feb 11th Mr. Thomas, a brother of Mrs. C W. Ballenger, is spending a few days in Tryon en route to his' home in Colorado from Florida. Mr. M. R. McCown was in Raleigh the early part of last week on legal; business. I I and N. E. Williams made at business ; trip to Rutherfordton Monday. Wilhern and Lain Gibbs were guests at Mr. G. L. Taylor's Sunday. T I I Miss Lucile Taylor visited jBessie Helton Sunday. I , 'I Reuben Wilson and AntansaJ Jackson were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. jClarence Stepp. j We are glad to report that Mif. Fairest Lawter, who has been very ill with tonsilitis, is improving and is again ready for work. Mr. Dorcas Lawter called to see Miss Nettie Bradley Sunday. Mr. Pink Brown, from Morristown, Tenn., is visiting relatives in thiB section. J L A .t. A A A*A. A A A .? AAAAA.AAikAAAA'.U iLUMN ?| tion of the play presented Wednesday night, January 27th, were greatly pleased over the enthusiastic reception given It by a lafge and Intelligent audience. . ~ IMany of the plays presented in the arge cities appear to be written for >eople of questionable tastes and dull comprehension, the producers apparently thinking it necessary to play down to their audiences. Witness, for example, the four-year run in New York of "Abie's Irish Rose." Evidently Tryon audiences are not in that class, as the Subtle wit of Sacha Gultry, the author of Deburau, found- quick response and appreciation. The new draping of the stage, the colorful costumes and the really excellent acting combined to make a most entertaining evening. It is rumored that the next play to be presented will be "The Swan," a comedy by Franz Molnar, an eminent TT..n ^ a_i i - ? I xiuustuuui oramausu A.. N. uj | j ; Miss Lucile Smith has gone to Gaatonia to accept a position with thp | Gardner Music House, I Harold Crandall is confined with the grip. Miss Margaret Law is improving from a spell of the grip. The Carol Society will meet every Monday night. Voices are invited to take part. The Congregational Church wi 1 have a supper party Friday night. J j Miss Gladys Gibbs and Mrs. Justice were in Spartanburg to see "Sally." j >-l - X!?i I J I IW-g?BE=ga Sunny View, Since the snows and'jrainjs We are having some of the very j"wprssep roads out," around this plaice. Bpt we hope some time soon we vyill be r r I able to have better ones. On account of the rain wp did not ' ! have any Sunday School Sunday. Some of our young people ^rer; very badly disappointed. Miss Holderbaum, our hojne agent, met with her club members hire on last FridayL and awarded prises to the following girls: Miss Luis Jackson and Sarah Eliott, Nellie Lynch and Creola Taylor, as they ha\ e been making and serving cocoa, and the judges decided in favor of these four girls as keeping the nicest l;ltchen and furnishing the most foods lor preparing this. | Little Herman Lynch is very sick with pneumonia. We hope h m Bpeedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dinsdale and little son, John Henry, from' Kansas City, Kas., are visiting their parents. We welcome them very much, Mr. A. H. Lynch was a p easant visitor at Mr. W. D. Helton's Sunday afternoon. Bill Jackson and family vis ted at his father's, J. L. Jackson's, feuikday. Messrs. Clarence Stepp, J. J Price gtiews Mis! Mary Sharpe, from Massachusetts, ^vill spend the winter in Tryon.( Mr. ind Mrs. Wygal have come back to Tr 'on from Galveston, Texas. TT" ^' XT? /\ln rirQPQ Dr. Justice ana Key. \j iieujc judges at a debate held at Landrum Thurs Jay. Mr. Ebelle of Asheville was in Try or Sunday. > Miss O'iver, city librarian, who has been in the hospital, is improving rapid1 y. Nujhbers of Tryon theatre goers w^nt to Spartanburg last week to see ''Sall|-." Mrl H. L. Griffith of Hendersonville has Accepted a. positiop with E. E. Merr ck, local engineer. Th 3 Group Center County School Teao iers' meeting was held last Tyesjlay at the Tryon Schools. Mils. J. W. Heatnery 01 saiuaa apem the week-end in Tryon with Miss Lenirs Lankford and her son, Mr. J. W. Hea hery, Jr. M \ C. T. Price of Inman, S. C., i was in Tryon Tuesday on business. IM r. J. R. Burgess of Coluumbus was aivisitor in Tryon on last Tuesday. M rs. W. W. Graham has returned tci Mimosa after a visit to New York CjtJ. . LllJ - - f -J - ~ Fishtop^ N. C. r,ie bad weather causing a little IUmss, I failed to give you any Items last week, but will say that the snow (o t rather hail) did much to loosen up the land, and where it was sown in : rain or vetch, kept in good shape; buj where the land had no catch crop to irevent it ?rom leaching, when the ha d rains came it did considerable da lage. ^ he bad weather not only prevented more land being sown, but also th preparation for next crop. The lnnH is better nreDared now for an otilsr dry season, however. Ilr. and Mrs. vNewton received a $il| on the 12th?a bouncing girl. j ontez Jones has caught two owls anj 12 hawks during this unpleasant we ither that were catching the partri(j;es on his premises. He set poles Ui in the midst of the field and pi iced a steel trap on top which did th; work. | During the unpleasant weather for fa m work a small number of hands have changed the Cone road near M >untain. Valley Church, where lit wis first laid off, thus getting rid of the worst piece of road between Un church and Saluda?eight miles. T1 ey also decided at no very distant tine to ,j meet and change another sn all piece of road on the mountain, m iking it better and nearer by cut,'tii.g out a turn or two. iVe had several inquiries why we do not continue our articles on the hi story and customs of this section. W 3 will say for the readers' benefit th it we now have one written and is in the printer's office or lost, but as the News has been changing the pr;sent editor probably knows nothing of it. If he will publish the articles, I will continue writing from time to time such things as will interest the readers. * fMi&L' ' IBiliie Hfll, only seven ycr.-s -if age, lives In Los Angeles oiii' js predicted to be the "coming genius of the violin," by Efrern Zin)'.r.!?.-;t i Such wor ' Ai.>' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 ]s ff^wa Be careful about 1,1 . mund Briebart, call 1 man in Germany, beiu his hands, tore hors. two horses pulling j.g;> ,.. , u -li if He scratched hinis^ blood poison devcb,, Germs too small to " "F microscope are strn, man. Such germs an . (ft hands. Bean Inge, einitei.i,. r,._. clergyman at the h v.it ,( y Cathedral in London. i.i.,,rs trol. He says "LIMIT KI:ke~> CATION to not more n,, "" dren, from any one laiailv.? He believes parent- - .ill ^ number of children, it ih-y u educate all but three at.tL. expense. Good, gloomy ^ knows little about hum i. u. And he worries !> < ,, people have most of the , hill, birth rate being lowered acj educated classes. What would the dean havs Nancy Hanks, with bare fee? unable to read or writ*-, care heavy baby in abut with aland without windows'.' He'd have said "Leave child> to the educated upper class; dear." But the big baby ham Lincoln. You never car-. The latest asinine, inters.ijs ous proposition is that the} States should sign tin int.-r i "protocol." pledging ourseht-j the use of chemicals, includiit; gasses and other gases in fare. Chemical warfare, in add:-:-; ing MODERN warfare, is t:brutal, most merciful for:r. thus far devised by human bn: Chemical warfare could Miconscious the inhabitants/.f i city, capturing without kiliir.: The old style of war was to city, kill the men and wrr.-: poison gases, so-called, inus-stear gas and other gases a:1 merciful than powder or bulkas powder and bullets are more ful than weapons of an ear!;-% In the big war entire rec made temporarily blind by were taken prisoners and line camp, tears streaming d?*: faces, unable to see their not a man wounded. Not : and the blindness did not las: Only a sickly sentim-titaic?l :hat kind of warfare "ns rible" than the old-fashioned : shot men to pieces and Iff' die of festering wounds on tt-i field. Meanwhile the army's ch-r: partment, concentrated on sa chemical warfare and (hem:;" erally, Is engaged in work; to the nation, APART from r' We are not going to a"*2 body, and should develop i est point every known warfare, including chemical n to be ready for attack. Meanwhile, poison gases used more and more in I.KGFT war, in fighting the boll the European corn borer, already appeared in severs and might, if unchecked. 12 corn.crop as the boll we>vii:' cotton crop. Real estate is a respect*3 considerable business. Aug-5 f> , scher, who says'he is like tr." horse in Dickens, that * down if its driver allowed it goes on working and ?lW buys something. A fo%M7 Have a trn fi ir "ill- ' bought a 32-story buiMiric 2" Broadway, New York, f?r iThat would surprise old Afused to buy farms on land. Moral: Buy a piece of now, where the $17.0on.""" will be later. "T ryon." T Is for Tryon, a nea' !i"!" R is for roads, which ar> and sound; Y is for vontier a iim 'in'4 see; O is for on top, to fill N la for neatness, in Try"1 |: And if. you don't b?'li,,Vr look around. Tryon, N. C. Overdue. Boy?Ma, there's a man L who wants to see you nitiiva UllUI c. Mother?Tell him to Ua'^B I'll be down In a minutf. I Boy?I did, but he