vuIW MMMUL AT THE ^^ ,1-: physician for -17 years, I ^^H,?.r,: , r::i'l [lull tiianyf Oonstl;,, i lilldren lujd to bel ^^ ,'.,',. 1 I H ., children's little Ki. Mit'vp that a sickening necessary. ' ii- Caldwell's Synip Pep-1 HI; ,-!i"v causes :t gentle, easy | Ha Reduces Bursal EnlargeHifl merit*. Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled HH Tendons Soreness froB Bruises or Strains; stops Spanr. Lameness, allays pain. Does net blister, remove tha ^^ I^Bhairorlay up the horse. Only ta lew drops required at each application. $2.SO a bottle at j ^^ ggrstscr delivered. Book 1 A free. ^Frolic. SH IT? SL. Seriarf^. M~.. I WWJT^nTj ^9 ftwdi Relief! A pleaaant effcctira tynw. I 35c and 60c size* And externally, oae P1SC8 Throat and Cheat ll MTFn Young Men I* Learn All I LU (be HARDER TRADE I College m the South. Jobe awaiting our graduate*. ^ leitr Barber College, Charlotte, N. C. Forestalled ft ^ I'li.rr I'idn'l your conscience tell ! ii'it tn ii'iu li t!i:il <-ijfc? ? ^ slc .Vi>. mother. 1 grtililied quick. 1 [Let this gi I build > H If your body is skinny and Blin-down, if 'you can't e&t or ^ jeep, hare fits of nervousness, Hmpiy complexion, you need ^Danlac to put some solid flesh Bin your starved bones and bring Kou back to health. I Tanlac is Nature's great tonic ^nnd builder. It is made, after tho famous Tanlac formula, of roots, barks and curative herbs gath ered from the four corners of the globe. I Get a bottle of Tanlac at your i-j o* *. ai _ x cruggisi s tuuay. Diari uie guou work at once. You'll feel better right from the first. In a week's time you'll feel like a new person. For Tanlac gets right down to the seat of trouble. It purifies the blood, aids digestion, helps the appetite, puts on pounds of flesh. Millions of men and women Who were once sickly and discouraged have been lifted right tiack to health and strength by the Tanlac treatment Our files contain one hundred thousand glowing testimonials from grateful users. Tanlad will help you Just as It has helped millions of others. Buy a bottle at your drug store today and start the winning fight ifmii has an excuse for wantS the mnli. hut it is seldom satisrtory to l,i.s neighbors. ft? 1 i \ BAYERtV;, || \J\ ff ASP SAY "BAYER AS Unless you see the "Bayer C getting the genuine Baver l w cians and proved safe by mil Colds Headache N( I Pain Neuralgia T< DOES NOT AFFE Safes l? tk* tnct auk ot *?jm M?kfli it J I 1 1 ; ! H ? i )ther! It's nel to "Physic" Your Child bowel movement, but, be^t of all, It never gxipes,| sickens or upsets the , most delicate system. Besijdes, it is ab| solutely harmless, and so pleasant that even a cross, feverish, pilous, sick child gladly takes It. Buy a largje CO-cent bottle at any store that sells medicine and just see for yourself. , Dr. CaldwellW SYRUP PEPSIN What He Wanted Milly?Brink me a hum sandwich. Billy?Wltlil pleasure. Milly?No, With mustard. Strong and Active at 78. TT t J? II l r, \r,.T-rl, koo kooleirl Xiamuru ? iraiMUl Ui iUJ 1 I 11 UUO uvuitu Cuts. Burns. Bruises and Sores on man and beast during all: those years. 3 sizes.?Adv. Hope will make thee holing; for Hope and Youth are chilitren of one mother.?Shelley. Eye Inflection and inflammation are healed overnight by using Roman Eye Balaam. Aek your druggist for 35-centi Jar or send to 172 Pearl St.. ,N. T. Adv. Opinions are like watches; no two ever go alike, yet each mini believes in his own. Shave With Cuticura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. Njo mug, no slimy sotfp, no Irritation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses?shaving, bathing and shampooing.?Advertisement. IV>n't tell a child to he good unless you are willing to set him ju practical ex a mi ile. eat Tonic rou up! Thanks Tanlac for Good Health "Severe stomach pains worried me for over a year. Gas formed after eating. My kidneys, too, bothered me, and severe backaches. Thanks to Tanlac my appetite and digestion are O. K. and all pains have disappeared." Officer Wm. A. Jackson j 1844 So. YewdeUSt. Traffic Officer Philadelphia, Pa. 18th and Market Sts. for prime, vigorous health. Don't put off good health any longer, and tor constipation take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. Some people are so miserly that one cannot -even have a joke at their expense. vaM 51 ill PIRIN "-genuine ross" on tablets, you'are not Aspirin prescribed by physilions over 25 years for suFitis Lumbago )othache Rheumatism ! ' I :CT THE HEART ! :cept only "Bayer" package hich contains proven directions. indy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets, so bottles of 24 and 100?Druggists. tan at MonoecitlcacldnUr at SaUcjUcMiS POLK The KITCHEN | i CABINET iS i. L J UVa A.?*b. V\??tern i, uioii.)! "Suppose that this here vessel,]' says the skipper with a groan, "Should lose her hearings, run away and bump upon a stone; Suppose she'd shiver and go down, when Bave ourselves ws couldn'^." The mate replies: "Oh, blow me eyes! "Suppose again, she shouldn't." ?Wallace Irwin. AN APPLE A DAY There is no reason for lack of apples in almost any market. A juicy, crisp, good tlavored apple is a fruit par excellence and POKn| enjoyed by most people. Baked Apples With rr A5 1 Nuts.?To twelve apples % .1 use one cupful of hickory nut meats chopped line. R Pare and core the apples. Cream a little butter and sugar and mix with the nutmeats. hill the cavities with this mixture and bake until tender. I'lace a square of toasted buttered bread with the crusts removed under each apple. Serve hot or cold with whipped cream. Balcsri AnnlBc anH Raisins.?("ore mid pure apples, fill ravlties With sugar, raisins and pieces of bujtter. Rake fifteen minutes In the oven. He move, fill centers with more sugar and cinnamon, adding more butter , Replace in the oven and baste with j boiling water to make a sirup. Ruke j until the apples are soft. Serve hot with cream. Apple Nut Mince Pie.?Take one cupful of walnut meats, two cupfuls of apple cut fine, one-half cupful of vinegar, one-half cupful of water or fruit juice, one cupful of raisins, one-half ^teaspoonful of cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful of allspice, one-half teaspoouful of cloves, and the same of salt. Mix spices and sugar, add all to the other Ingredients. Divide into two pie plates lined with pastry, cover with top crusts and bake in a hot oven. Lemon Sauce.?Take two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, one cupful of sugar; ( when well-blended add two cupfuls of , water, one and one-half tablespoonfuls of butter, the grated rind and Juice of a lemon, \dd flavoring and butter at the last. Serve hot. Vinegar and hutmeg may be used1 If lemon Is not ?t band. Parlinee.?Roil together one and seven-eighths cupfuls of powdered sugar, one cupful of maple sugar, one-half cupful of cream. When a soft ball Is formed remove from the fire and beat until of creamy consistency: add nuts, using two cupfuls of hickory Jiut meats cut Into pieces. Drop from a spoon on buttered sheets to cool and become firm. Apple Ramekin.?Half fill the de sired number of ramekins with apple Rnnee fill the remaining space with whipped cream, ro\er with a rich thlD pie crust and bake In a hot oven, j Homemade Candy. The candy which is made in i the home is much more wholesome ^han thp manufactured ^0* article and itjls a f W-SC. \ the different, vaI Velvet Molasses Candy.?Put one c u p f u 1 of m olasses, tliree Jcupfuls of sugar,! one cupful of boiling water and three tablespoonfuls of vinegar into a kettle to boll; when tlie boiling point is reached, add one-half teaspmnftjl of cream of tartar. Boll until Vhen tried in cold water the inixturcj becomes brittle. Stir constantly during the last half of the cooking, \yhen nearly done add one-half cupftil of butter and one-fonrth teaspoonf^l of soda. Pour into a buttered pan! and pull when cool enough. While j pulling add flavoring desired ?peppermint, a little vanilla, lemon, or ^ bit I - _! -II or winiprgrwii un. Peanut Candy.?Take two pounds of brown sugar, twelve tablespoonfuls of butter and melt In a smooth omelet pan. Roll a pour.d ?f peanuts which have been shelled and the brown skins removed, with a rolling pin until the nuts are like coarse bread crumbs. When the sugar and butter begins to boll, cook, stirring occasionally to keep from burning, for seven mjtnutes. then add the peanuts, a bit njf salt and pour out Into a buttered {in to cool. Break up into pieces when cold. Chocolnto Caramels.?Put two and one-half lablespoonfuls of butter into a kettle; when melted, add two eupfuls of molasses, one cupful of brown sugar, one-half cupful of milk. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and when the boiling point is reached add three squares of chocolate, stirring constantly until the chocolate is melted. Boll until n firm ball can be made with i a bit dropped into cold water. Add a i teaspoonful of vanilla after taking , from the fire. Turn into a buttered | mold and mark off In squares. , Apple Cake.?Take one pint of sifted , flour, three level teaspoon fuls of bilking powder, one-half teaspoonful ; of ( salt, all well sifted. Cream one-foUrth s of a cupful of butter, add one-h|alf | cupful of sugar, one egg yolk well- ( beaten and a cupful of milk. Mix as | usual, add one heaping cupful of , thinly sliced apple, and the stljffly J beaten egg white. Bake In a shallow j pan about half an hour. Serve with , cream and sugar. 'Tyu^truc, j w Beat Carpeta of Wool i Carpets and rugs, (o wear weight oil should be made, so far as weajjfhe f surface Is concerned, wholly ^>0m | wool. This is one reason whj?: orl- i ental rugs are so durable. >,j80 the < wool used In the oriental countries < usually came from sheep tjjut lived In I a rugged country, jdjils ! I ? '"tj&Sed" A motorist l^Pf-d for a leak In his gas tank with* lighted match. Aged I forty-two.?p. I t:.-.-': . s ......Mufti* COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, N. FABRIC HATSLEA PARIS SPRING C( c|>HE now spring lints are "saying,, A it" with fabric. Tf ihere is one thing more tlinn another which the season's advance modes express it Is that not tnngihle yet vtr.v real and coveted something called "style." Milliners are making ? spectacular play on crowns of unusual types. The smart high square towns hare brought on a storm of Idiscussion as to their hecomlngness. Time will tell, \ ^ ^ $ . * > W 1 '* ' V '-- ? \ fL- ? Group of Sprirg Hat*. for certainly there are tjiany of them among advance millinery'showings At this moment Car si is exploiting I lie turban, which deiehds not upon trimming but upon "lines" for Its success. The very severe y simple black satin turban showii to he right at tlie top in this picture is indicative of the trend of the mode. Tliei toque shown last in the group Is styled of taffeta silk In combination uitjh line black straw, for French in Diners are enthusiastic over the Id'ajof using the two together. Sash-wide black tsatin ribbon Is put to effective use ' for the imposing crown which Imparti style in tlie fullest sense of the worn, to the narrow-brimmed model shown first in this group. Folded sqjiapes of the rib- i l>on are used in artistic symmetry for the trimming. Another unique use of , ; "fit , Paris Sprir ribbon is displayed in tlie clever coronet cuff which glvbs such unmistakitile chic to the handsome French import pictured at the left below in this ollectlon of notably stylish spring I'hapeaux here illustrated. Most of the fabric hats arriving from across seas are of either taffeta, mtin, faille or belting ribbon, iviille jlack is aHvays counted as su table , for one's "iirst hat' to span the time jetween flow and Easter, yet it is very jvldent that the cjnming months will witness' a season (if marvelous (color ngs. At this very moment mjria<Js >f ^quisite pastelfilnted ribbon! Iiats UK" crowding the n|llliner.v field. 1 ' The draped beret, which shows almost fantastic effects In its curious Not Worn Out j The newest negligee naturajlly Is mly worn Inside but it does not mat- 1 er whether it is worn inside out or : sot, for it is reversible. One iilde is 1 )f hand-blocked silk crepe while the ' )ther Is of harmonizing crepe black Wtin. The collar is so arranged that it also Is reversible. Up and Down, or Round About ( Stripes are popular this winter and i t depends on 'the Individual whether j * i TS 1 they go up auu uowu ur iuuuu. x* | j ' irr YiLtfkMi (i V . ! . C- ' I - D FOR SPRING; )ATS ARE FLARED f . -I draping* and foldings, Is the last wnf In sinart headsear. events for spring of cloth or of sll:? wldij-h find their origination in t'te atel era of leading Parisian stylists are flared and furred to distinction The super-flattering qualities of ffl' as i decorative note appeals to the Freich creator of the costume beautl ful and it is therjefor^ not to lie woo densd at that the modern coat mode.-' ><>Vv display it as an . all-the-year-rouud ( trimming. ; 1 The choice of ^ur for spring wrap ' embellishment Is ntjt. as might I* ex- -S pectjed, confined t<]> (he flat type. Many 1 of the new lightweight garments carry , a btflge or gray fox collar. However when a greater ^u)ount of fur is em ployed, 'as must! he for I he stylish dares, borders or full length revers. then! furs are chosen which can be > manipulated like fabric, such as broad tail, dyed mole, beaver, summer er mine and other similar kinds. The 1 coatj at the left In the picture, which is so I'arlslan in Its every detail, re veals side flares of exquisitely supple beige fur. The) detachable choker * emphasizes the i smart hlgh-necK e vogtpe. ' 1 Alnong coat Imports such materials j as channeen. proadcloth, lustrous twills, diagonal cheviots, epingle. I trlcotlne. wool rlpp and kaslia cloth are featured. There is every indication that silk coats will be exploited. I Moire and twill silk are favorably t regarded and especial stress ts being nn hla/?b satin enjits u-lfli nit 11 f I'llivru "II ?IU* " ^ * ' "I-"* ed pockets and other details, also I ^ ) :W ^ f _ J I"--?5* - si w ^stS =<?=^2 ig Coats. showing narrow borderings of fur at the front edges, with unique small collars to match. Navy moire silk is the medium chosen for the coat to the right in the illustration. It carries a platinum gray, fur collar and cutTs with deep revers at the front. For resort wear bordered silk crepe Is styled into charming straightline coats, which are collared with ermine or fox in silvery gray or beige. Very striking, too, are the black and white coats, such as a black moire with white lining; white fur collar, and edgings to match. ML'LI A BOTTOM! JCY. H (?. 1926. Western Newspaper Union.) one i8?gllm, the latter Is by far the most stagger. The new skating sweater* of brushed wool have horiI -- - -% A x ll. zontal Stripes in lucnsna, suxe, juur. scarlet or other hue on the bodice, " while the sleeves are plain. Two-Piece for Evening The two-piece frock Is as popular tor eveplng as it Is for morning and Jay wear. It is made of the mosl gorgeous brocade or metal fabrics ,so that the beauty of the fabric Is en Bar m Help That. Too Often It's a Warninj VV JHY drag around feeling ( r - VV Why not make up yc daily backache, those sharp, st deij ii regularities, nervousness kidney inactivity. Use Doan's Doan s. Ask your neighbor! Here Is Convi A North Ca\ Mr*. J. P. Gatliings, Orel F lyg: "I had backache. It f oop jwithout getting a ghat j t >o freely. Headaches and ; little colored spots appeared | I Pan's; Pills and after usin t id kidneys acted reguh fioan' Stimulnint T)riir&ti 60c ali dealers. Foster- Milburn C A 'l Sound ' Is her opliii hi sound?" 'That's a|l it ever Is, 'my dear."? ,lfe. ?i-1 1 For Tat and Sunburn. Use O. .T.'s Beauty Lotion, The Juiekest Way to Beauty. Removes 'intples, Frefl les, Blackheads and beautifies the !!kjn. 75c at all drug tores on a mone Miack gtiarantee. Adv. Peace and War "Do you tlilnl we have many heroes lowadays?' "S ire! Look at the mar lage statistics.' DEMAND "IIAYER" ASPIRIN rake Tablets iVithout Fear if You, See the Saf tty "Bayer Cross." Warning! Ur less you see the name j "Bayer" on package or on tablets you j |/|VAI\MI IWj " "Finally, I went to see Dr. Farman. He showed me that it was!constipation that was back<ff my troubles. Hesaid that jt was a very serious thingjbecause poisons from clogged waste matter were picked up by the blood and carriejd to every body organ. And if I didn't correct it in time I might become a victiri of one of those terrible organic diseases. "He made me drop laxatives alrooether. changed mv diet. and put meon Nujol. I don't think I've eVer felt better. I slejp well| my ( headaches Have \|l 11 disappeared, and you can sed for tmhwtmnal yourself what an For Const ? ^..,1J..,, ire not getting; the genuine Bayer isplrin proved safe by millions and irescribed by p i.vsielans for 25 years. Say "Bayer" njhen you buy Aspirin, imitations may ;)rove'dangerous.?Adv The good nu ri who goes wrong Is ! n reality a bit man who has just | >een found out Children J\ cially pre]>arcd for Infants in To avoid imitations, always look (or th Proven dire< tions on carh package. ] "But constipation "Not sb long ago I was like you?headaches a good deal of the| time, sleeping badly, and the least bit of housework fired me out. My comnUvi/Jn t/nn tuoc KoH "* | '?r & Bad Back! t of Disordered Kidneys aid, worn out and miserable? tur mind to be well? Tbat abbing pains?dizziness, blacb and depression, are signs of Pills. Thousands recommend ncing Proof: rolina Case lard St., Wadesboro. V.C., was almost impossible to p pain. My kidneys acted ? * dizzy spells came on and before my eyes. I read of g them, the backache left arly." s Pills c to the Kidneys i o., Mfg. Chemists. Buffalo, N. Y. Particular "Hops your-dog chase cows?" "No, he's u bulldog."?Williams I'urplf Cow. No Cold Fever headache or grippe' Colds break in a day for the millions who use Hill's. Headache and fever stop. La Grippe is checked. All in a way so reliable that druggists guarantee results. Colds are too imDortant to treat in lesser ways. Be Sure Its Price 30c CA5CARA ^QUININE Get ncd Bob with portrait Cuticura Soap Best for Baby Somp, Ointment, Talcum sold tHiyhtn. Sampled free of Ovtleva^ofceratorlM, Dept M, Ifak The knowledge that you are unable to do n thing is next best to being able to do It well. f^nif fnr -wmjr Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oif, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espearms and Children all ages. e signature of Physicians everywhere recommend It. ^ _ i Thcuxuuli cf wwmtw ""'/y <* mtk Mu from tluir on a* is serious, Grace" improvement there is in my skin* Nujol has done wonders for me." Nujol Works Like Nature Constipation is dangerous for anybody. Nujol is safe for everybody. It is neither a food nor a medicine. It does not gripe. It is gentle and natural in its action and is prescribed by leading medical authorities. Nujol" simply makes up for a deficiency? temporary or chronic ? in the supply of natural lubricant in the intestines. It softest the waste matter and thus permits thorough and regular elimination without overtaxing the intestinal I | muKia. v Nujol out be taken for any length of time without ill effect*.' To insure internal cleanliness, it should be taken regularly, in accordance with the directions on each bottle. As Nujol it not a laxative, it does not form a habit and can be discontinued at any time. t Ask your druggist for 14^ 1 Ntyol today and begin * -c. ?C-,. k^.l.k ,k,? UK IVVI MIHUWI W?, *" i? poatible only when i lubricant jnttstjfla| elimination tfuttion ii normal and regular. i i " ' ? life A vriiiftfl

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