r - " t i? PAGE FOUR ' > t MORE ABOUT MR \ SPEAKS 0 (Continued from page 1.) I 0 to that conference could meet in the perfect*accord that prevailed at Lo carno, where Germans sai suuuuici * to shoulder with Frenchmen and Frenchmen tor the first time in seven years treated Germans as brothers and equals, and each delegate stood on precisely the same footing as every other one and all rejoiced in the fact, i We as a nation are not signatories I to the Treaty of Locarno, but Mr. Frost welcomed the fact that at least we have taken two recent steps toward participation in the affairs that concern uss as really as they do the ' nations of Europe: by passing through ! one house of our congress a bill ap- | prcpriating $50,000 for expense of a i delegation to participate with the! League nations in the coming dis-1 armament conference, and by passing through the other house a bill for participation in the World Court, albeit the latter was so grudging and so burdened with "foolish reserva-' tions" as to make its usefulness to ourselves or anybody else rather morff doubtful. Mr. Frost closed his address with MORE ABOUT BOYS' AND GIRLS' AGRICULTURAL CLUB (Continued from page 1.) agent in making Polk county rank high in club achievements. During the first and second week | of February, the county agent expects to visit practically every school in the county and get the names of those between the ages of ten and eighteen who would like to join any of the following clubs: Corn, cotton, potato, - - pig, calf, or poultry. During the first week in klarch, Mr. L. R. Ilarrill, club specialist from Raleigh, will be here and visit several - of the schools in the interest of c.lub ' work. JOHN W. ARTZ, County, Agent. Columbus, N. C. SEE "PRICE" FOR onnn I?t TP WIT^T TR TT1 uw" a i . i ; Buy your blank deeds, options, mortgages and contracts forms at the Polk County News office. FOR RENT ? Light, cheerful room , with use of bath. Location near Li- ! brary and churches. Miss Siller, little Orr Cottage. 10-tf WANTED?To trade a team of mules J for land where fruit don't fail, or will. sell. R. G. Hamilton, Route 1, Tryon, N. C. SUITABLE reward will be paid for information leading to the recovery of young Jersey heifer calf which strayed from O. T. Bannard's place on White Oak Mountain, last rail. Address Vance Redmond, Steearns, N. C. REWARD for diamond-shaped Frat. pin, lost between Melrose Ave. and Trade St., Tuesday morning. Finder please leave at the Ballenger Co. FOR SALE?Fresh Hen Eggs, received daily from the Valhalla Poultry Farm. Rippian Way Store. Jan 28 pd "WANTED?Man with car to sell complete line quality Auto Tires and Tubes. Exclusive Territory. Experience not necessary. Salary 1300.00 per month. Milestone Rub| ber Company, East Liverpool,-Ohio. ' . 1-21-26 SEE" "me^or'^ilaTn"anTTancy dress- I making at the Wilkins house. Miss Cedia Thorne, Tryon, N. C. I 3t THE CREEN ARCH?Story of the Carolina Mountains, by Claude C. Washburn. For sale at Blue Ridge Weavers. Ralleneer's and Missil fine's. Feb. 4th SEE "PRICE" FOR GOOD FURNITURE. RANTED?Middle aged man. Hus' tier can make $50 to $100 or more weekly in Polk County selling Whitmer's guaranteed line of home necessities ? toilet articles, soaps, spices, etc.?to his neighbors. Team or car needed, but goods are furnisshed on credit. Cherry of Alabama made $122.50 in five days. He had no experience when starting. We teacch you salesmanship FREE. Write us for full particulars today. THE H. C. WHITMAR COMPANY, | v Dept. 21, Columbus, Indiana. I Feb 4-11-18 pd I CALL YOUR GROCER I FOR WICHITA'S BEST J "" j '' 1;' ~FROSf i N WORLD PEACE - V an appeal to all Citizens of this country to "forget the things that are behind" and to unite with all good citizens of the world in all movements for a righteous and permanent peace, using Locarno as a model of procedure; to quit advising the world from the vantage ground of superiority, and strive with'all that is in us for the understanding of "those nhcrss" that we ask for ourselves and upon which alone we maf base any hope for salvation from even greater cataclysms than that of 1914-491S, 1 'J Ri'jt Exeicise Thai Will Be of Benefit Here are a fewlsimpfe directions for rest exercises: Manufacture and mix your . own drugs and keep your body going. Be superintendent of your own plant yourself. Rest your thyroid, which produces your iodine or energy for the body. TV* moi mnp thvrnlri rplflv thp whole ! XV ICOl JVU4 > region where the thyroid Is. Relax J your neck and every time that it | tenses or starts to tense, stop it To rest your thyroid still more, use j less bf its product ^ To use less of its product, distribute what you have it_make, where it be- j longs. To distribute what energy you make i where it belongs, practice any form of 1 exercise you like which Intensively j balances the body. By balancing the body?the most effortless exercise [ there Is, anv exercise whifh is done better the less effort it takes? the friction in the body which has kept calling on the thyroid for ten times as much iodine' as anyone has a right to ask it to make, comes to a stop, and at the same time that you are relaxing your neck, and making iodine less, the body stops ! drawing on. it for more.?Geruid Stanley Lee, in Hearst's Ihternational Con- ' mopolitan. Human Traits Evolved by Young Chimpanzees Remarkable human, characteristics have been discovered In apes by Prof, j W. Kohler, a Germ at scientist. Ha captured and kept nijne young chlm- j panzees In his jungle i home on Tene- j riffe, off the African j coast, studying j his peculiar family for1 six years. The apes knew and loved him, grow- j ing livelier In their games when be ' joined In. His personal appearance j was well known, and when he ap- j peared In riding breeches the apes puzzled and studied the breeches mi- j nutely. They would take off hie en- | glasses and try theqi on their own { noses; and when the professor shaved off his beard there was a greet commotion, the apes stroking his face, neck and chin, and ejen poking down ( his collar to find the!vanished hair. Chimpanzees have k sense of humor, j show great affection, and know when they have misbehaved and deserve j punishment, being highly Indignant with an offender who ;has been caught * ? Knute Lawson escaped through an air hole after swimming 50 feet when he broke through the Ice near Duluth, Minn. i(M?hlu "" "I "The Pho Bring Yo Table ^ t If you find your tii occupied to shop here weather too inclement use the phone! Ring ' 12 or - - and you'll find us r your order as well as offei complete line of Quality^ The Ballenger I Y i ryunf I' 1 * 1 ' Zez Confrey Mixes Salads and Songs Zez Confrey, famous composer of the musical classic, "The Kitten on ? balled by his friends as the most versatile of America's popular song composers. Those who know him' say be can mix a salad or a song oddity with equal sue j^HH^ cess, which is ? . portrayal bl th? /.cz Contrsy. ' , . delightful pranks of a certain young feline frisking over the Ivories has been recognized ?;? the I model of American syncopation. Hut Mr. Confrey has other "firsts" I In his repertoire, his acquaintances declare. Country bred, he! is * Judge of borse flesh, and also knows a good cigar. The simple life is Mr. Confrey s ides of hapniness. Every so often Manhattan gets too crowded fori him and he boards a train for the country and the companionship of a pertain murmuring brook. Inevitably he comes back with one of the merry tunes for! which he is noted. A bachelor, Zez keeps: open house j l'or his friends. If he invites a few of the boys over for a midnight supper,j he does the cooking hirhsMf. Invitations to his lively little dinners are sought after. There are two dishes to which Mr. Confrey is partial. So arq his friends. His recipes for the two follow: Royal Eggs With Mushroom bauce. 12 eggs 1 % clip evapoSalt rated milk dllPepper uted with 1-3 pound mush- 1V6 cup meal stock rooms (Tpls may be 1 slice pimento prepared from 2 tbsp. butter bouillon cubss) i 12 slices toast 2 tbsp. flour ParsleySaute the mushrooms In two tbsfk ! butter, taking care not to burn; mak* a white sauoe of two tbsp. butter, { flour, evagprated milk and meat Stock. I I^Anlr flvn mlnntno Arl/4: thn nfuCi If Ait I mushrooms and chopped pimento. i Break eggs and drop into hot fat, being"careful to keep egg fn a globular mass. Just as soon as they are a golden brown lift out and drain. Place aa egg on each piece of toOTt. Allow two pieces for each serving. Pour over all the mushroom sauce and 'garnish with parsley. ; Pineappls-Cheese Salad. 10 slices pine- Crisp lettuce apple leaves 1 cup cream 1 tbsp. pineapple j cheese julCe. 7! j 14 cup chopped 1 tsp. sugar f nuts * Qreen an 3 red % tbsp. evaporated mangoes milk Creamy salad dressing | Combine the cheese, nuts, evaporated milk, pineapple juice and sugar, and blend into a smooth mkss. Cht plneapj- J pie circle^ in half. Spread cheese mixture on a slice of pineapple and press the otherj half circle of pineapple on top of cheese as one would a slice of > ibread in making a sandwich. Cut diamonds or triangles from green and red | mangoes and press into; the edge of I the cheesw mixture between the pineapple. Lay two of the prepared pieces of pineapple on a crisp lettuce leaf. Serve wltjh creamy salad dressing. This serves fltje. i 1 \| She Knew the Breed Little Marlon gnd herj next- dor : neighbor, Donald, were engaged In an absorbing conversation. j'What are anarchists?" asked little Marion, j Then Donald swelled With wisdom"They want everything anyone else has got and they never wash themselves," he replied j I "Oh, yes!" cried little Mnrion, wlith enthusiasm. "I see?they is just- little boys growed up 1"?Gulf Coast Lumberman. WICHITA 'S BESl1 FLOUR: ne Will 1 u Your- " | leeds! ] <? j me at home too in person - - or the | ; for comfort - - just i '4 <? I L I I 13 J ' | 4 eady both to take + r suggestions from our | iroceries. 2 Company, Inc. ] N. C. I ??Li! May Be Messengers From Other Planett While the Idea of shooting to the moon is often considered by astronomers, the possibility of projectile? evei having been shot to the earth is hardly considered at all. Yet strange carved stones qt which there has been ho sat" lsfactory explanation have fallen! from the sky and been picked up at different times. In 1887 a small carved stone; covered with Ice, fell at Tarbes, In ~~ afnno fljcn / THE POLK doUNTY NEWi. Silver tip Showed tie Could Cover Ground Any one who has seen a bear walk knows how slowly he j seems to move, and his run Is a shuffling, lumbering gait that is comical toj witness, unless he happens, to be running alter you. But a bear moves pjretty fast, notwithstanding appearances, and the grizzly, which looks jto be clumsier than the brown or the! black bear, can cover ground faster than the average! j horse. i | A western sheep rancher was riding! In the foothills when] he saw a bigj awkward silvertip. He had a rifle, but was not certain Me could kill the bear at one shot andi knew that he would get Into trouble If he missed.j So he gave a regular tjowboy yell, and! the bear started away In alarm. The man gave chase, at the sameU time keeping tip the piercing yell, and he soon noticed that the grizzly was getting farther away. He continued the chase for nearly two miles, until the bear disappeared In the mountains. and he had not gained a foot. In going back over the trail he no- | tlced places where the! bear had made Jumps of 15 or 20 feet, and the ground had been cut up by his claws, so thafcIt looked as if a harrow had been run over it. No Longer Satisfied With Looker-On Role Bobby, pge five, sitting with, majesty in the barber's chair, gazed with scorn upon his sister, age seven. ? "I asked for you to come with us," he remarked naughtily, "so you could look at hip ivhilo I Inure mv hair cut. ! And you are not looking!" Oil, but there was accusation, dire reproach in his youthful fury. "1 am tired of looking. I don't want to look any more. 1 want ni^ own hair cut," sniffed sister. "It Is your turn to look at me." Bobby's lip quivered. Traitorous, jealous sister. . . . Say, just wait till he got her home. He'd pull tier hair. It's happening all over the world in every age. in every walk of Ufe. Sister is tired of looking. ... BUY THAT BED ROOM SUITE FROM "PRICE." 1 I THI^ * The newest thing in advance ( t of all colors Carame 1 leads in i ? ary Calendar Style : s of Carai | Thefe's the whole itory of c > bound in leather?colored leal > ? Shown only at this shop. I $9. I BEAUTIFUL HOS ERY I IN ALL NEM I FOF P s dT^barbif. ^++ < + < ; < : ;* : :* : > >< >< < 2 ? . : < ;* < ; *: : :* TRY* DRUG I OI SERA !? / : . Here You Will Find Everything la ? . : Drugs, Toilet Artie e; ; dies, Periodicals,\Ho Frost-Kist Ice Greaita, r HIGH-<? . PRESGRIPTI lA/^te TRYON PK f PHONE 174 k I J ' France, in i?t? auouic. carved, dropped in a plantation in Dutch Guiana, while a carved cylinder of stone was reported to have fallen in the United States In 1910J j A possible explanation concerning the stone that fell at Tarbes was [made at the time by Professor Sucre, who thought that it must have been swept up in a whirlwind in some other pfpt of the world and r then dropped at Tarbes. , J But while such a1 supposition might be accepted as possible, more convincing evidence Is required, for should the scientist's surmise in regard tb ths whirlwind be correct, it is strange that the stone should have fallen alone ?without any of the other things a whirlwind would be bound to collect o-.i?_?.j Ancient ouomcr^cu Found in Caspian Sea Moscow.?The discovery of an ancient submerged city near Shlkov, a sandy bank on the Caspian sea, was made recently by Alex Atayeff, a captain In the soviet mercantile fle^t. Atayeff's ship, bound from ! Persia to Baku, accidentally changed- Its usual course and while soundings, were being made, he noticed buildings on the sea floor. Atayeff asserts that under the bright sunshine he was enabled to distinguish streets and buildings of ancient AsiatU architecture. A further Investigation revealed a well preserved roadway leading to the Baku fortress. | Archeologlstg are of the opinion that the-discovery reveals the] lost city of Kbaradasheger, which Is believed to have been submerged centuries ago by an earthquake which altered the whole coast line. Local inhabitants [ have the tradition that several oth^r cities were destroyed by the earthquake READ THE PPOLI? COUNT-? NEWS. * . * ERYL 1 )f spring?colored kid! And * chic. So the Jeryl- Febru- + nel kid, piped in Ascot Tan. * :urrent footwear fashion? ? :her, we again repeat. + V * FA |J U 1 'II + rSHADES $ I SPRING AND SUMMER | ! ++++ { M-+?<-4"H-++++++++++<MJ; 3N'S i STORE | acE 1 | ndled by a First-Class Dr lg store. T 5, High-Grade Can- | \t I Y t and Cold Drinks, i Cigars & Tobaccos. | ?LASS I QN WORK 11 on's j IARMACY | Tt? YON, N. a I 9*ZA..* i . ?\. < ? . $ ' ' *? '+++****++*+**+++++++++*4 I GAS If I SAVED I VAPORIZER AND II i IS GUAR A I * ' r,as Consumot ?|? , |I\VUUW . J. | on All AUT * This patented device, a: % will Remove Carbon; Pr< ? and Overheating, Cause E * More Power and Speed, a * Gasoline and Oil Expense * per gallon. $ A number of local users + claims. ? If you drive a Car or Ti 1 Why not own a scientificS f , Back if Not Satisfied. f . 1 COUNTY AGE * ^ | E. FINLEY KIT \% Edget/vood Hotel I + ?Jm{. J. V V % ?*. .J, *1* *1* !* v V" v *!* ?* v v *1* *1* *1* v v NOTICE OF SALE. Having tiunlified as administratrix of the pstate of Hen F. Mills, deceased, late of I'olk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under sign' ii. ?ii "i ryuii, it. uii wi the 4th dfty of February, 1927, or this notice) will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted i LET rTRICE" FIGURE THE PRICE. , + > { *? 4- * '2* 4* 4- < v * *t* v b -J* *t* -J* I * Water * 'By Amelia M. Watso t "UNDER TH * Wednesday Afternoons * y 4- v ?y > ?y *y ?y 4- ?y *y ?y *y ?y *y ?y } 4"y -y -y -y i WICHIT/ Sold by -7. .1 BlRSSgli ail life dealers |||j / polk twmu? County Ml/ Qm THE KANSAS MIL HENDERSONVILLE WHOLES Hendersons *********++++*+4U*+*+*++++* j - The I j i .'o j GOOD FU I Living Room I and Dining F I AT ATTRACT * i. a i. n. oarpeis, nugs, Furniture! I C.T.I '1 \ <? "Let Price Figu \\ TRYON, - . * ' X THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 193, MONEY SAVED RANSKY 1 nAPARRANI7CD vnvniivvniLLil NTEED TO ion and Increas Mileagcc OMOBILES s thousands of users attest, ?vefit Spark Plug Tr<?ul?l?* Ingine to start Easier, Civ,, nd save from 25% to 50% <.r, while making more miles : will gladly endorse tin 'uck you are paying for It. Itransky Vrporizer? Mann NTS WANTED SON, Distributor Tryon, N. (; I to said estate will plea-.- : .\i? . j mediate payment. This 4th day of February, pet ALMA OWENS, Admin. Feb 4-11 i-p I BOX SUPPER To be given at: School House Friday Night l-'eiiurary Benefit of Tryon Graded A" A re Coadirly Invited. ~ THE QUALITY FLOUR WICHITA'S BEST ! { { { { +++4*+< 4* d* .. 4, Colors n, on View and Sale E TUPELO" Or at Any Other Time. i'S BEST "^ne B Wheat f Bpl Flour m El * | the ^ B market si B to-day 1 v ^j 3gm -T rf^Tt .'i, iffl i-INO COMPANY ALE GROCERY COMPANY rille, N. C. ; v vv >4 * * * ,fr*M,4*4?4*4* * * > > *** T lome f ^ ^3^ * s , Bed Room; loom Suites; IVE PRICES j , Stoves, and Novelties 'RICE j re the Price." j , N. C. }j LAA AAA A A A A A. A A A A A.#. A A A A V'^ [?TVVVTVTVTTVTTTTVVV ? ; ISi .' r iM

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