I II i 7HIUSDAY. FEBRUARY 11,j 19M. I/To Farmers a Business Mt Vv iji.maii earthly relations sooner ; . are dissolved. > uars ago this day, February 1 f.H-t first pressed the soil J.!,', p County at Tryon, N. C. v ii;n time the whole world was ; j,'l? , i peace loving nation on all !! I | \\ tiiis is true, Polk County has t { llli;i i) to arouse genuine pride In the s ,.f her citizenship. We hare i ' j;, ,-t: 'i t rise from sackcloth and ashes t i ;1> i amy of educational advantages children to a position among j tli, , ii:tics of the state that makes ' ev- r- ' 'Ik t'ouutyite swell with gen- I : ,;ine i-i 1c when he reviews the last i j . ight years. j r,.ads Within that time have ] : i?.. ? reconstructed and worked i ;l V(.-r at this time, when the ! wratlm is good, a Ford car can go i I,, ,]moM all the homes in the 1 ;| t" 'f t> I a ihat time our banking re- i 4* \ NEW SPRtt + I Gordon + j Hosiery + + + ? t For Men ai * + + + + Now on Display ( + The New T + A A A i The Ballene T ? ? M i -I* I TRYOI> > 'f : * : :-+**+++++++++++++H S1-2 Pi j v S* t+ 7+ f+ 1+ ++ ++ ? Beginning || H. PATTERSON BOUGHT || FREEMAN, HART SCHAF1 || UNDERWEAR AND OTHE: *| SALE AND PASSED ON T( ** 42 dozen Dress Shirts, collars * neckband styles, value up to t*J $3, for ** 38 dozen Dress Shirts, collars ** neckbands, value up to $5, tor . ; t 50c and 75c Garters, Paris a ;!; > Ivory, for tt :'5c Garters *t for . ** 24 dozen Dobbs' and Societ ** value $6 to $8, ** only / ** $5 and $6 quality Hats *** " * at * ? *s * ** S3.50 Work Gloves, tt special *! v ** $G to $7 Driving Gloves ** for x> ** $3 to $5 Driving Gloves -%% for ** ft remember, folks, thi it ORDINARY ANT) SHOUL THE MAN, YOUNG OR C THING IN MEN'S APPi || STRICTLY FIRST CLASS MOST OF THE MERCHAI || TO HAVE BEEN-CANCE H SALE TO ANY CHEAP C tt BEEN HELD IN HENDE] if 'BU - i 1 M nd Other in of Polk Go. sources have doubled, tripled end quadrupled what they were. The towns and country have made tine progress generally, and Columbus, the county seat, has had the second birth and is being made over. Agriculture is still wearing hei "Baby" clothes, but the dawn ot a new time l? opening when old Polk County will shake off her shackles and appear to the rest of the state and of the world what a mighty sleeping Samson she has been. I have served the beloved people of this County as their County Agent all these eight years to the best of my ability. A few farmers have appreciated my labors and benefitted by thsa1 while others have stood aloof and received no benefits. There is one outstanding farmer in fhd Pftlintv T nonriA* wafootn * vwuiuv touaiu uvui mentioning personally. In a sense he Is not a farmer, and in another sense lie is a tremendous farmer. I speak of Mr. Orant C. Miller of Tryon, N. C. He began about six years ago, and has transformed a very poor section of land of gullies and thickets Into a place of beauty and and profit, and built up a herd of excellent Jersey TO id Women dnnta In and > Shades er Company J, N. G. rice CI) Plus I Thursda THE ENTIRE STOCK OF NA i^NER & MARX CLOTHES, DC R HIGH GRADE LINES OF T] } THE PUBLIC AT THE SAM] attached and <.0 _A , ^ n* -4 At- $2-50 to $3 Dnv ..$1:45 to attached and Finest Adjustab ^ for ??? t * . ?P-L# t/tl Finegt Arjustab nd for * ' '* ' A /Imof oKl w w JL' IIICOL nujuoutui for J-i/C $1.50 Neckwear M. . for y Club Hats, ..$4.50 &*?.?.Neckw (J*Q PTA Sterling Silver I .. < < > < > < > < > < ' ' ?> luckles, with ...$1.50 I for . f.Y, S Men's sl value' 5Qc value> fort . hiefs 25c j On all chiefs, cl|)th< THE m Wa iNY- I . E* W I DS? I use. h mndt' ate i i iiku/i rms I Has wuh,?wmhmwh* ; i . j" " ^ J.B.HES ii j "Real Estate Ml TRYON ? ? ? lL> MM,... PTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTVTV TTTTTTTT > ? ++++**-H othing i 15% of I I, Feburary than's man shop ajt 60c on >bbs and society club hat! ke Finest merchandise foi S 1-2 PRICE WHICH wfe BOUGH j ing Gloves .$1.95 r Ml I Value le $3.50 Caps ^ two p " * - Value le Caps $1.65 HValue le up to $2 Caps or ?or B Valut .... 85C lor . Value Mr 45k lor . One S] ' ' ' . V H: i - * j r -S1" J " the polk county news stock and especially, the dairy cow, the pis and the hen; fourth, more horticulture worfc, and fifth, club work with boys and girls. All this does not mean that I am a "quitter." I am here fo stay. Like Paul Jones when the British Admiral ordered him to surrender his boat, | and he replied, "I've just begun to flgnt," we are facing great possiblll- j ties) in Polk County. Nature seems | to nave finished her work here and,' after bestowing her most princely j glftls, had many left over from every- j wh^re and Just dumped the whole j "kl{. and bllln" right down In Polk County. So let's do our part and ' make her glorious. J. R. SAMS, i County Agent at Large. f : j :: 111 11L. _ CntiiKof' I nun a |||UIIG | are turning to West- |j [ere Real Estate Val sis, and development t any wonder that far- i X ting advantage of a * of getting in on the | i show you a few Real * t cannot help but be % I T 4? | TER, JR. 1th a Future." N.C. ?? i P'. ? and Gei Nathan 11th, End THE DOLLAR OF ABOUT $18,1 S. INTERWOVEN HOSIERY. I JND IN THE MOST EXCLUSIV T TT PAR PT.TTS IK PTTIR r.FlNT X XX X W JL X x_f V/ Ky XV x x?** w ?. ? _ EN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS s up to $65, some with ^97U air trousers Y*' "3 s up to $55 ^32 j s up to $45 J2g Jj :s up to $40 |22 5 s up to $35 $19 5 ^ialIot... $15.C Novelty Sweaters, up to. { $3.95 and $4.! 25 Per Cent Off Cortley, Jr., and Oregon City Bo ;s and Knee Pants. T- . fl , - J vl *" * - ' ?. ?!? x " :. . j I Ai.AAAi.il lAiAAAAAAArfiiiA lA LAAAAd VTTTTT' ?^TTTTTVTTv1J|T TV1 ^TTTT' ! m THE PI - - I' J L I I Tryon the Unspoiled Psrad se. Editor Po k County News: Granting the truth of all of t leeloquent language that has been spilled about tlie betuties of Tryon, I still Insist that the fact remains; tha; man, or to be I more specific, the c tizens of this ci y, deserve little erei lit for this condition. I am w iling to go further t|r state that these citizehs or many o) them are crimi tally negligent as ragards the preca itions /needed to nti lintain the beauly of ohr paradise. All, I think, will agree with me that much of the beauty is due to the luj urious growth ot our trees and shrul s, and that anything which interfere i with their fullest developmenti is a distinct disadvantage to all. Presumably as many will agree that one of the most dangerous f the many dseases which are fatal to our |trees and shrubs is the Saif Jose scale. !>o dangerous is this parasite that moat of the states have enacted rigorot .8 laws" calculates to insure its destruction and prev int its spread. Tn wtnvJir ntntna tknOA WrV /? L?nt ill ill a il j aiaico uiuoo iruu ucgiovi to chop town and immediate y turn all trees or shrubs affected >y this scale are fined and the wbrk s done for them by authorities whoss services are paid for by the culprit Yet here in Tryon, where thB ^eauty of oui foliage is one of otr mostvalued assets, I have seen enough San Jose scale to infect and n timately destroy all of the deciduous trees for miles around. The Eaonymous develops here to an exten unknown in many sections, and is a shrub nfbst worthy of our encourag sment. Yet in four out of five locations which I have visited this year it has found to be bidly infected by the scale. Rigorous pruning AYTON-OLARKE OPEN THE SEASON AT CHARLOTTE 11 Frank Clarke and George Ayton, Ashevilh Country Club and lliltmore Forest Country Club golf pros, will team up and open the Carolina Professionals' 3olf League at Charlotte on May 31, opposing W. Goebel and Fred Hyatt ii the opening match of the season, according to schedules drawn j tor the leason's event. a 1 i.. al L . J..I. j . J According to tue scueuuie uratteu, i \8hevilli? golf followers w 11 have | several f ames jrtayed on the Asheville j Country Club and Blltmore Forest Country Club courses jthis season, If ++++ { *** > : < ++ + + +++ f { ++'>+++ + 4-+4'4" nts Fui 'sMan intf Qnturi ini? uuiun i )00.0(J OF THE HIGHEST TYP1 rl ANE ATT AN AND HARRY BI E SHDPS. THE ST0C 5 HAS B ' 1.1 ?i All Arrow Soft Collars, vi 35c, for I ! A Van Huesen Col ars IV for i ,|| Sweater Vests, in to $7 va III for !A Faultless Pajamas, $3.50 v 'U for ;.] !A Faultless Pajamis, up to S "" value, for ..! l(| Odd Dress Trousers, Flai " steds, 17 to 2,2 in;h bottom kA UP t0 $12 value, ||) for J10 Up to $10 values; 15 fw j Up to $7 value for ! .... /a |. _ One lot especially priced ?J for ! | 'I hhhhhhh on a yk^^nru clui itttitiuttt rrttrrtr ' ' ! " . . If f :) l rioFLE'Sc'c Number Two ' r!! 111 11' and liberal applications of whale soup were tornerly considered as deterrents, jbut I understand that now a opiny juaoj ueen aeveiopea wnicn, u applied In time, will work a cure. The j many fruit growers around Tryon arej more competent to advise on the sutject than I. The (Jiscuraging thing i is that though the intelligent, industrious and conscientious citizen, maiy succeed in eradicating the pest oty his own property, it avails little, for the scale Is easily carried ,by biijds ind insects from diseased trees, even though at a considerable distance. If no law Intended to enforce measures for eradicating jthis disease exists in North Carolina?and I understand this to be the casesteps should at once be taken to enact siish a statute. In the meantime patrio ic citizens should do all they can to rid their trees of this pest and to encourage others to do the sa,me. Unsightly water tanks and clay banks are! bad enough, but the San JOse scale; Is an even greater menace to our unspoilpd paradise. A. N. C. The Board of County Commissioners. Editor Polk County News: The Board of (bounty Commissioners was In a business session last Saturday, February 6th, for the purpose of d.scussing the advisability of borrowing sufficient amount of funds to hard-s irface the highway from Tryon to Saluda, a distance of nine miles, this amount thus expended to be refunded by the State less 5 1-2 per cent. We believe this would be a fine, aife and profitable business proposition on the part of the county, and if is to be hoped that our honorable boarl will weigh this proposition from eve-y angle before they let go. We have faith in their progressiveness and do not believe they will the professional league goes through as planned. Games played in Asheville will alternate from the Biltmore to Asheville links. +++++++++++++++++-: +++**+++ i h. : i ^ Use-the Polk County News * 4* Want Column for quick re- % X X 4. suliK It will pay you well, X || atuj J.- cost is small. J Tiishin; Shop lay, Febur | S OF MEN'S; CLOTHING AND 2RGER SHIRTS. FAULTLESS P EEN BROUGHT TO OUR STOR rv ! I ' 4 ilue OA^ 33 dozen Intel J ... 6vc iery, Silks and value, for .... QQP | Up to $1 value ! for lue\ $3.75 [ Haynes' Best 1 If?.. $1.85 for All Bath Robe P250 (fcl Aft ?PJ-.|?U Luggage inels and Wor- Men-S Fine Sil s, also knickers. Suits, also Woe $6.95 value, for .... . - Duofold Under $5.V5 garment fl? a nr Duofold Union $4.75 for 7C Chalmers and . ?JW./0 Finest Ribbed WEEN THE HOURS OF 10 ANE DAILY WE WILL C-IVE TO EA A SUIT FROM $22.iS0 UP THE > HAT IN THE STORE. ( ONNECTION WITH THIS GRI ' SALE" WE'ARE GOING TO G LL MERCHANDISE ON THE 1 >ES NEW SPRING MERCHANI 11 i tiii 11L1 in 111111111111 { i- fefi. i &. . Ttf rJrWfi v- . v*l PAGE H-A^S J'lumn"?! j turp down such a -good proposition. The State of North Carolina haa t raA it tor being tbe most progressive in I ^ good road building of. any of the other States, and we believe our Polk County folks would like to be lined up with the same progressive spirit. At this meeting the board placed an order for the furnishing of the various rooms recently modernized in the old courthouse. The board deserves very much credit for the various Improvements that have recently been made on and about the courthouse. The first floor has several nice rooms, all entered from a large >Vf hall, Including those of the Board of County Commissioners, the County Board of Education, Treasurer and i Tax Collector, Farm Agent, Ladies' Rest Room, Ladies' and Misses' Toilets. The second floor (the court) rooms have also been modernized, and when finished will be as good as the best in this part of the State. Now it is to be hoped-the board will not overlook or fail to put the grounds I in good shape as they have the building. We believe that every citizen would be glad to see the grounds set in grass and some kind of nice shade trees planted in a uniform way. We have heard various citizens suggest that some one should be employed to take care of the building and grounds, and we believe by virtue of his office that bhe Sheriff should have all this in his charge, and we ^ feel quite sure that he would be able to have it done at the right time and in the right way at less cost than any other person. It is to be hoped that the buildings and grounds will all be in readiness for close inspection when court convenes on the 19th ^ I of April. CAW. i Columbus, N. C. Older Than History An old encampment, so old that hls?ry has no record of when It was nUt, has been presented to the British nation. * This is Clasbury ring, near Wor thing, high op on the South downs, within sight of both the Isle of Wight and Beachy head. The camp covers 80 acres, but its grestest Interest Is not In Its fortified earthworks, the finest in the district but as a factory for flint Instruments established by Stone age man. ills factory consists of two shafts sonk to the le-el of the flint rock, and Joined by ?j tunnel Quantities of arrow >' heads and a number of tools have been bscnd In these shafts?Family Herald. 'v _ TU I Sale |i r I< > < > < > , - i * ill FURNISHINGS. HICKEY- || AJAMAS, WILSON BROS. if E AND WILL BE PUT ON H nr-s woven and Holeproof Hos- U ' Lisles, up to 35c 19(j JX 45c | Ribbed Underwear 79c if < >11 A. M. AND 3 AND 4 <2^1 ,CH PERSON PURCHASIR CHOICE OF ANY $5 {5! < M >2? SAT "NATHAN'S MAN ; J ^ IVE 15 PER CENT OFF j j' | HAIN FLOOR; THIS IN- ?! >ISE. || ::: s s:;:::::::: t: