I^Jfkprpaky. tl 1926 : , ' . M. .; IN'; EREST /I .. ltiAflt A Unr e uamci cu nci at m-sli Wor Edil . , - ^ie ^ Year on p| ; l I - ,)i :cr. w < ears ago, on* H i e.st. fihiber in l d had to be H > nthePn woodr ....a> liius were i : ' r ard sold. n: 1. never, could It. . 't : .. ? : > i 'la wagonBe" result be I.:' i ^ , t- t j ; .. ,! ::t truck. ' T ' < v. j;:: . '.ills, as Olir ; 'i'1 . ''in. h.-s changed all 'ha.j'tr i.ii in u 11 iy miles r.iii\v-:.!> - is P . just as libit1 (is I itnii r a- a t ? o miles B : ;!>! Wit- !,!' I. > ta.l s ago. i plain : .? -lit "lis' uences i ni'l'l' ii'v at- ;;.:.' ! o -sibility i j-!"/- a timber re T.in!'- :s I't it.a t at and detl tar i. 'a;'idly than it ought and; i- ': > i t tare hringir.g less J- v v v > TUU | I Ilia I plajynjr an important part ii ent j riALUDA 41 s? 7*\\g5 ?f( m % When '> >t a car, house, lot wyiiiK a radio set, fionit-v Maybe, you' I In n?why keep it t inK up a sign won't d sands of eyes that w c POLI Oi I 1 Ipolkmui e and There Which th the Progressive I :ed By "A Dirt Farm< than it will hereafter. Thousands of farmers who had never been offered anything of consequence for their timber have been ready to accept ridiculously low pric#?- simply because they have not realized the worth of what they had. Within a few years from now, most of the large, mature timber so suddenly made available for the markets by the coming of trucks and good roads, will have been exhausted. We shall then have to use each year only about as much timber as we grow. And when that time comes, prices will inevitably go much higher than they are today.- The Progressive Farmer. "Crow fig bushes," says the Yorkville Rnquirer. "The leaves will be profitable after awhile if styles con- j tinue to change." There are lots of j other good reasons for putting out \ fig bushes eevn if styles should not } revert to those of Mother Eve. Let's I include a few figs When we send our j order for app'es, peaches and pears j to our favorite nursery.?The Progres- | sive Farmer. - Nitrate of Soda Is Best Nitrogen Carrier. Ra'eigh, X. C.. Feb. 7.?Of the com- | merciul forms of nitrogen sold in North Carolina, nitrate of soda is the ' most efficient, according to tests made last year by the North Caro-; lina Experiment Station. in the annual report of the North j Carolina Experiment Station now be- i ing prepared for the printer by Di-j rector R. Y. Winters, agronomy work- j i rs of State College give the results ; of various tests made 011 the six | branch station farms and 19 outlying fields. These tests that nitrate 0/ BUY THAT BED ROOM SUITE FROM "PRIPE" Bank j i !> \ ' I > 11 the great progressive move- !! < > I ?> -?. .? V V 'rW 1 t * 1 RVE YOU. < 4 WW JI I * of Saluda I - - N. C. ill SS\T\*-Q a All PvAC I four Message or furniture to sell? Looking ai a washing machine, a rug, or ar re searching for a job. Or, tryir luiet ? Merely telling ynur friend o it. You've got to get your prob! eekly closely scrutinize the Columns of the lassified Want Ai I COUNTY N , . ice there?watch the quick result . i f 1 - v "^Tr -* -?~ - " m FARMERSj Has a Local Angle: :armer's Attention ?r" ! f j soda leads the other nitrogen-carrying materials in the profits produced by crops. N | , Using millet as a test ' . C V . r,T wjjgHJW? j POLK COUNTY NEWS. *EW? Km N '' erested in better methods of producng quality fruit as / shown by 114 ;rowers attending the recent two-day ruit growers' school held here by the lepartment cf Horticulture at State College co-operating with the Wilkes bounty Fruit Growers' Society. The school was held during the later part of January and was promoed by County Agent A. G. Hendren vorking with the officers of the local ruit growers] organization and H. R. Jiswonger, Extension horticulturist. The 114 growers present represented iver 57,000 a|)ple trees and over 7,000 ieach trees. I According io those growers present, in interesting program of lectures, lemonstratlohs and practices dealing vith every phase of orchard managenent was conducted. The interest vith which thb various talks and demonstrations were received was indl:ated by the extended discussions by he growers after each item of the irogram. Some of the main points stressed vere the proper training of young ruit trees for highest production, best md latest methods of spraying, how o pack apples In boxes for high class rade and how to cultivate and manige the soil for quality productions of ruit. A feature of the meeting to which ill gave attention was a study of the ipportunity for the apple industry in vestern Coralina and the policies to >e followed in developing this indusr.v. | . Among those taking part in the pro;ram were C. D. Mattthews, head of he department of horticulture at State College, J. M. Gray of the farm lemonstrajlon division, C. L. Newman if the Progressive Farmer, E. S.! Milliaps, district extension agent, H. It. Jiswonger, extension horticulturist, A. J. Hendren, county agent, and ; local irchadists. The Cotton Seed. Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 8?While the last fall was favorable for the hal-esting of cotton free from weather lamage, it still is a good precaution o test the coltt^n seed for germinaion. Most of the seed saved last fall ihould be high in germination, but Having qualified as administrator >f the estate of J. J. Ruppe and wife, lennetta Ruppe, deceased, late of ^olk county. North Carolina, this is o notify all persons having claims igainst the estate of said deceased o exhibit them to the undersigned it Rutherfordton, N. C., Route No. 1, >n or before the 28th day of Januiry, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per10ns indebted' to said estate will >lease make immediate payment. J. T. HUPPE, Administrator. C. O. RIDINGS, Attorney. Feb 25th pd NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of he estate of Ben Lyles, deceased, this s to notify all persons having) claims igainst said estate to present them to he undersigned for payment! within welve months from this date ior this lotice will be pleaded in bar 6f their 'ecovery. All perBons indebted to laid estate will please make immeliate payment. This the 7th day of January, 1926. FRED LYLES, Administrator. Tryon, N. C. , F^b. 11 NOTICE OF SALE. Under, and by virtue of an order j f the Superior Court of Polk County, i nade in the Special Proceeding en- i itled J. R. Burgess, Administrator,' PEOPLES BAP Member An Tryo . ++ A Am O interest UII o ++ Capital $25,000 Su < No loans ari 01 G.H.HOLMES, President. J. T WALDROP, Vice President. WALTER JONES, Vice President. W. F. LITTLE, J ' tT! ? r??j i. Acuve V ice rresiuem. I | - . i ' r i * I > . t?? i* .J _ ' ' ^ ; \ I jm - ' - . ' -! 1 : JRAL & " to assuite a Rood stand, testing is red- i omtnenqed. j ( "It is] always a good precaution to test our cotton seed before planting/' ! says Drj R. Y. Winters, director of I the No^th Carolina Experiment Sta- ( tion. 'fUnder boll weevil conditions j it is necessaryy to get a good stand ( earlv and sometimps sppd hpfomfls u dpmagqd in storage. This is true especially if the seeds are stored in ( large quantities or kept in a damp room." j To test tlie. seed, Dr. Winters advises faking a smaill sample from ( the bottom oft the pile, one from the j middle!and a few from the sides, mix ( >them | thoroughly, and send ar double ( handful to the Seed Laboratory at the , State Department of Agriculture in ( Raleigh. Make a request , that they , test the seed for germination. Dr. Winters cautions the grower to give' t his correct, name and address on the , package so that a reply may be sent , withoujt delay. Such a test will save . trouble and expense. i ; Seed Spring Oats If Feed Is 8hort. I Raldigh, N. C., Feb. 10.?The severe drouth of the past summer 0* tendinjg into the late fall in the Pied- .' mont and Mountain sections of North : , Carolina not only caused a shortage i ^ I of thk usual forage cfops, but also ' | prevented the customary seeding of j" winter grains. Therefore agronomy i workejrs at State College are urging a libdral seeding of oats during the j i coming spring. ' "The shortage of home grown feeds, j' both krains and forage, is recognized '' by al} farmers," says G. M. Garren, j' assistant agronomist. "The valuel of oats las a grain feed, especially ifor workihorses. is also well known to! all ] I I | farmers and for this reason more oats :i should be planted this spring, espeV8. Louise Mills Camp et al., the i same being now upo? the special pro- i ceeding docket of said court, the un- j dersigned commissioner will, on the |j 1st day of March, 1926, at 12 o'clock M., at the courthouse door in Colum-jf bus, Polk County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for | cashj that certain tract of land lying j I and being in White Oak Township, j j Polk County, North Carolina, adjoin-) 1 ing the lands of E. G. Thompson, K. i j S. Tanner and others, and more par-ij j ticularly described as follows, viz.: Beginning' at a stake where the I hereinafter described lands join and | I meet the Thompson and Tanner lands I and_PowelI lands'and runs with Pow-j I ell's line N. 22r E. 61 poles to a 'stake in N. C. Harris line; thence j | with his line S. 72 1-4 W. 171 poles to j (he center of Green River; thence with | Thompson and Tanner's line S. 62 E. ! 184 poles to the beginning, containing ' i 92 7-8 acres, more or less, j This 23rd day of January,, 1926. J. R. BURGESS, Commissioner. Feb. 18th pd I ; ' \ NOTICE OF SALE. I Pursuant to the power of sale con-!, tained in that mortgage deed exe-ij cutdd by G. Duff Jackson and Sarah j Jackson, his wife, to \V. B. Lawrence; on the 24th day of October, 19S4, and j of record in the office of Register of Deeds for Polk County in Book 22 at | page 142, to secure the indebtedness [ and conveying the lands therein de- j i scribed, default having been made in. | ! the payment of said indebtedness, the: undersigned will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Polk County, on Mon| day, the 8th day of February, 1926, i see "price" for good furniture ; IK AND TRW nerican Bankers I n, North Cart i . g. J. J. AAA JL A A tt, A A ,t, A A A ytrVV WTTTTTT VTTVTVTTTV VTTV VT -i avings Accounts Con I rplus over $7,000 R J ' . a made by this bank to Fficers or, Directors. Mmlmva ?? , v] -A 1' .\ J r i. t 1. ? ....... ... - ; _/ v x I > I \ :ially in those sections ? Where the trc uth prevailed last fall." j Mr. Garren oflers two methods of 'rowing oats. F rst, the regular win-' tei oats may be grown inj the very ;ai'ly spring. The Appier land Ful- P ih lm varieties f re preferred. These j sail be sown as e irly as one pan safely j ?o into the field s to preWe land^ j Prepare Now f< r Delayed Dormant ' 5 pray. Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 10.?jit is time j lew for fruit grwers to prepare for :hj first spray of the seascjn, the dela fed dormant spray. This is one :r satment that s lou'd be g|ven every o chard every y iar. It, primarily, is i control for scale ipsrcts, jbut aphids 31 plant lice are also controlled when tie spray is mace at the right time. "The delayed dormaflt spray was > fcrmerly made any time (Hiring the winter,'' says C. H. Brandon, extension entomologist aat Stale College, 'ijrowers now are advised t oapply it jt:st before tb( buds swlei'l in fhe s oring. It is mere effective if used in his way, AppU trees may be sprayed i a little later to control the plant lice, j .shich will be a the time when green I : an be seen ii the blossom buds. .. frith peach tr< es, however, the dei.yed dormant spray should be given a before the buds sw;ejl to control leaf ^ :url as well as insect pests." :. i ' - t About the on y way to control scale | insects attackaag fruit trees, is to | pray tne trees Qerore spring growm i legins. Sprays diluted kuiifti'neiuly J [ ior application after the leave* have! ppeared will rot control {the pests. -v __ , Farmers of Halifax bounty are 1 slanting "May' peas for market this 11 spring. Enougi seed are jheing plant- j ;d to ship se' en cars. | j I -= " " . it Eleven o'c ockj- A. i{., the said r lands describe 1 in said Mortgage as I follows: j; I e Situated in he County of Polk and;1 State of North Carolina and in Tryon i c Township, boinded and described as'* follows: i; | ' Beginning a: a stake, 3. E. corner J' of a lot sold to James Page and on. Ballenger's liie, and running with j said line S. 4( E. 14 poles to a stake on the South ride bf the -oad, leading! . from the Tow i of; Tryon to the Howard Gap road thence w^th said road j S. 84 E. 11 roles| to the; Junction of . the Howard C ap road near Vaughn's j creek; thence with the Howpfd Gap road S. 11 W. 16 poles tb the middle J of the creek above ford; thence up with the creel: S. 52 W. lb>poles S. 67 j ' VV. 6 poles, S. 59 W. 7 pofes to a large | j n'n V> /-? I olrlA I f\f thO PTOOlf Q T1 f 1 " O IUI1C Uli Ulic OIUV | VI U|V Vl vvu MUW ^ pointers; the ice ?. 35 W. 31.4 poles 1 to a stake an 1 pointers ft the foot of , the hill; theice Nl 53 3-4 E. 30 poles 1J to the beginning,! containing 5 14-100 I acres, more i r leds. This being the slame lfnd conveyed j by Mrs. E. M. Harlow to M. W. Page ; by deed date 1 December 22, 1903, re-j corded in Book 19, page 413, office of Register of Deeds| for Polk County, and conveyec to sfid G. 'Duff Jacksor by deed from J. S.I Shaver. This 4th d?y ofj January, 1926. W. B. LAWRENCE, f j Mortgagee. ' f ( WALTER JONES, Attorney. ' si^w February 4th i ij r l NOTICE. 1 Under and by Virtue of the power ,1 of sale co itain^d in j that certain ;f use the best irs Wichita's : 11 ==; i AAiinnyQf : SI tUIWANY Xssociation dirt a ; I E I | J . j ** " ;? I ' ' npounded Quarterly| ! \' ' |) * j | > esources over $300,000 i anv of it's * T -i i 'I i ! I W. B.WEIGEL, Cashier. , y. A. BLAND, *' Asst. Cashier. 1 M. H. MORRliS, - | Asst. Cashier. i J.>. PEELER, Accountant. .' L ' .11.. A. . I . t . .* -i . PAGE ELEVEN J +++ ^^2 tiki ft? Hero ^ | i ^gQlfciifc i iw H an flfl ^4M In a raging storm in mid-ocean, Captain George Pried of the S. S. Roosevelt directed the rescue of crew from the disabled British freighter Antinoe, recently. For three days Commander Fried fought mountainous seas to take the sailors off the doomed ship. Two of his pwn men were washed overboard and drowned. ji'lit cnamber ol' Commerce of Alio Kit is co-operating Willi County,^ ifciiiu C. A. Hose ol Uerltord county u have aU the tobacco seed planted ill he county treated for disease. Many good farmers in North Caro- j ina are planning now to sow some espedeza seed on the small grain. County Agent N. K. liowell of Chovan county had to vaccinate 1133 togs to control an outbreak of <;hol ra in his county. tEAD THE FOLK COUNTY NEWS. nortgage deed executed by Floyd Ales and wife, Bessie Liles, to For;st City Motor Company of date darch 18, 1925, of record in mortgage leed "bookl No. 22 at page 219 record >f mortgages for Polk County, North Carolina, to secure* an indebtedness >f Four Hundred Fifty-nine Dollars; lefault having been made in the paynent of the same, I will on Monday, he 15th day of February, 1926, at IS I'clock at the court house door in 2olumbus, offer for sale to the high ;st bidder for cash, to satisfy said ndebtedness, together with Interest ind cost, the following described ract of land as conveyed by said nortgage: Beginning at a pipe, Turn?r's corner; n Tuesday, the 16th day of March, 1926, for the purpose of ascertaining he will of the people within said .nnnixl nnhnnl It'll ft t Vl ll nVO >pcv;iai ocuuui uiomci, nu>;iut'i i.ucic shall be levied and collected ip said district a special annual tax of not nore than fifty (50) cents on the one tundred dollars' valuation of property, and one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) on the poll, to supplement the ^ Public School Fund which may be ipportioned to said district by the bounty Board of Education in case such special tax is voted. L. L. Talent is the registrar, and H. P. Sharp n:d 11. E. Sellers are the -judges for said (lection. The Courthouse has seen designated as the polling place 'or said election. A new registration if all voters within said special tax listrict has been ordered. The regstration books will be open for the registration of voters -from the 15th lay 01 r eoruciry, o, iu me utti. uaj if March, 1926, inclusive, and will dose for the registration of voters on the 6th day of March, 1926. Saturday, the 13th day of March, will be challenge day. On each Saturday luring said period of registration the looks for registration of voters will tie open at the polling place (Qourttiorse) in said district from 'nine I'clock A. M. to sunset. At said election those favoring the levy and collection of said special tax shall vote t ticket on which shall be written or printed the words "For Local Tax," and those who oppose shall vote a ticket on wjjich shall be written or printed the words "Against Local Tax." BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF POLK COUNTY. By W. C. HAGUE, Clerk. Feb 18th NOTICE OF SALE. Having qualified as administratrix af the estate of Ben P. Mills, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having t/laims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, at Tryon, N. C., on or before the 4th day of February, 1927 r this notice will be pleaded in b. . their recovery. All persons indeb 4 -*>' -tt - - -ffi 'Jjjtti