rjf - -v ? ,, :4g ".-**'' >; "- * " ' ' , ' THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 1?, 192?. Hendersonvillc Interview Gov Hendersonvltlle, N. C., Feb. 17.? (Special.)?A committee composed of President Stanley H. Wright and Past President C. P. Rogers of the Hen dersonvllle Chamber of Commerce will go to Columbia Friday night for a conference with Governor McLeod of South Carolina, in which he will be asked to endorse the proposed Carolina booster trip to California and return, and also to take part In the/ entertainment planned for the boosy ers in Hendersonville on June /Zo, when the tour will start, it has been announced. A committee from Hendersonville, headed by Mr. Rogers and J. E. Stubbs, secretary of the local body, called on Governor McLean of North Carolina several days ago, gaining his endorsement of the tour and also his consent to be present in Hendersonville on the starting day. It is planned to have both executives deliver addresses, and "What the Governor of North Carolina will say to the Governor of Sguth Carolina" is expected to add much to the enjoy ment of the first day or tne inp. i Letters of endorsement have been 1 received from approximately half of the Chambers of Commerce of the two states, and every mall adds to the grand tot^l. With this assurance that the tour will have the cooperation of al^the civic bodies, the second step in (getting it actively under way is being worked out by those in charge. An executive' committee composed of the various trade bodies is expected to be appointed within the next few days to work out the complete itinerary, including the stopovers and the length of time to be spent in each city. A study of the route shpws the impracticability of pending but a few minutes in a majority of the cities, as the tour will ' v DR. H. N. SNYDER To Make Address at Tryon School Commencement. The school authorities and graduat-1 lag class of the Tryon High School were delighted to receive a letter from Dr. H. Ni. Snyder, president of Wafford College, accepting an invitation to make the graduation address at the Tryoa High School May 27th. The Tryon High School will probably graduate ten students this year. This is the largest class that has ever finished the eleventh grade at this school. The school authorities are very much pleased with the excellent work, spirit and co-operation of the senior class, below are the names of these fine students: ' ; . r. v Julia Ayerill. William Burnett. * Elizabeth Doubleday, president of the class. > Edward Hardy. Caroline Jervey. Mary Lockhart. Harvey Morgan. Dan Rlon. Mary Swann. Priscilla Screven. Tryon 8chool Needs Playground Equipment, > One great need of our school Is more playground equipment. The P.-T. A. was ltad enough to give the little fellows a nice wave slide at the beginning of the school year. It Is indeed a pleasure to see the little first and second graders having the time of their young life playing on the slide. We should by all means have a Giant Stride, Horizontal Ladder and a good set of See-Saws and Swings. ?u??????w???jpM ??mm A/T ill Qrvvn n nr in.in upi nig Consolidated School Honor Roll for January. First Grade? | Margaret Brown. Catherine Byers. Lionel Cochrane. J. D. Coggtns. Vera Edwards. Walden Edwards. Myrtle Edwards. W1U Garrett Beatrice Moore. Albert Moore. Vernie Sue Pritchard. Hubert Russell. Clarence Russell. Wooarow wiwu. Thomas Walker. Edith Jones. f George Blanton. Eldren Hall. Second Grade? v WaldSn Newman. Bdlth Jones. I i Men To ernor of S.C.i consume but 25 days. It is estimated that more than 150 cities will have made stopovers to satisfy the demands to entertain the boosters. 1 - ?- ? t>i? nnmniola itinerary ' AJ9 BUUU oo vuv vv*?r>?.? ? is mapped out, letters of notification will be mailed to the various trade bodies along the route aa.to how long the boosters will be in their cities and the hour of arrival.-. Bach chamber will be urged, however, to not plan any banquets or similar entertainments,* as all meals are provided for in the expense of the trip. The announcement that a band would probably be carried on the trip has resulted in inquiries from a number of bands of the states, including the famous University of North Carolina band. One city has offezjed to furnish its band and pay part!of the expense, while a number of others have agreed to go for expenses. The tour will be made under the supervision of the Reeves Tours De Luxe, a touring organization which feati res the western trip. This concern will have charge of all details of the journey, assuring the comfsrt of the boosters. No member of the Carolina booster tour to the Pacific coast this summer will be left either in Juarez or Tla Quana, Mexico, even should they wanzjer ever so much from the straight and nang^. This was assurdHwhen a certain railroad official, who is to accompany the jarty, declared that he always madd it a point when accompanying a touring party, to be the last to leave Mexico, assuring that no one is le t behind. "Of course the Mexican tequila and aguardiente has (nothing to do with it?" a Reeves Tour i representative asked him. No janswBr was necessary. ttjis Why Ws Need the Equipment. 1. Health?By spontaneous out door exercise. 2. Initiative?By forcing the child to make his own decisions. ,; 3. Purity of Mind?By keeping the child active in wholesome surroundings. 4. Co-operation?By teaching the child to give and take assistance, thus showing him the value of concerted actio i. 5. Ambition?By teaching the child that leadership is the result of successful endeavor. 6. Honesty?By causing the child to repudiate any success that does not come through fair play. 7. Imagination?By lifting the child out >f the common place and filling him with enthusiasm. 8. Self-confidence?By giving the child some responsibility in the goiues. .. Obedience?By teaching the child to respect the leader. 10. Justice?By teaching the child to h ive consideration for those who are physically and mentally weak. Will Diminish 1. Idleness?By keeping the child cons antly employed at something. ? 2. Unfairness?By teaching true sportsmanship. 3. Selfishness?By encouraging the child to help others. 4. Temptation?By keeping the chile oft the streets. 5. Gang-spirit?By guiding leadership in the right direction. 6. Reformatories?By giving the child active work to do, thus forming instead of reforming character. If some good citlsen of Tryon would like to give the school' a piece of equipment, the studeht body will certainly appreciate it. We will be glad to attach a little brass plate giving the name of the kind citizen who presented it to the school. Honor Roll Otho Gosnel. Zelda Edwards. John Spurim. Elma Walker. Edna Jackson. Sixth Grade? :Joe Horton. Charia Brown. Woodrow McKee. _ < Pauline^ Walker. Seventh Grade? Jamie Jackson. Mary Fowler. Edna Pack. Exle Thompson. Gillie Thompson. Earleen Edwards. Dorothy Lynch. Eighth Grade? i Maggie McKee. "Eula Jackson. Tenth Grade? Clestelle Moore. . I Virginia Brown. Jennie Barber. I Fae Gibbs. Nannie Walker. Marjory Walker. Gordon Hyder. - . . r - - . -V . : . . . J:? & ' - ?Tsyrrrr^ TH ^ Landrum b ewi. Miss Capps o? Tiyon spent the weeloand with her sister, Mrs. Carruth.' Mij ;J. J. Gentry of j isheville visited lis tajnily here this week. MrV'and Mrs. R. H. Brady and small son sjpbnt the week-en 1 in Belton with Mrs. pBrady.'s sister, h re. Watkins. Thte many friends o f Dr. Frank Or* wtHfa glad to know iie ik-soon to return to Landrum an d >e with the Landrun^lJrug Company. Mrp John Graham visited her husband kt Spencer Mountain, N. C., last weekg Mrpand Mrs. L. M. Gentry and chll dren sare visiung Mrai uenirys n^ouier, hit a. John Graham. Mi1, and Mrs. Roy P. Whitlock and Roy, Jr., will spend the week-end in Belton with- Mrs. Annie E. Geer. B. T. Shankle 1b visiting his uncle, T. F. Thome. The Maynard Circle of the W; M. 8. served oysters Saturday afternoon. A neat sum was made for the new church building. Mrs. Roland Lee's numerous friends regret that she isnt improving as fast as they would like to see. Mrs. Frank Jackson of Mill Spring visited her mother, M.sr E. E. Swindler, last week. Miss Dorothy Lander of Pelzer was a pleasant visitor with Miss Wyatt Sutherland last week. Mr? and Mrs. Archie Blackman visited In Spartanburg Thursday. Miss Godbolt was a visitor in Spartanburg last Tuesday. Mr&. L. W. Moore had as her guests Saturday and Sunday two of the Inman teachers. MfftB Nell SIngletary spent the week-end In Spartanburg. Dorothy. Sullivan visited her mniKav In A n/lnronn loaf vxroolr 1IIULUVU iU nuuvi DWU >HWV fl VWUI Miss Harmon of Chicago is visiting Mrs. ^.Charley Smith. Misses Edith Nash and Nannie Mae Malloty visited Mrs. P. G. Morris in Try on last week. Mijr'R. L. Lee has returned from a business trip through the West. Dr. and Mrs. Cecil , Rigby were guests of Mrs. J. J. Gentry Sunday. Mritf Annie E. Geer of Belton is expected in a few days for a visit to Mrs. Jloy Whitlock. Thomas Lee spent the week-end with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee. Miss Addie Deniel and some friends spent last Sunday with Miss Daniels' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Daniels. Miss Ella Dodd of New Prospect visited Mrs. J. H. McKenney last week. The Civic League will meet with Mrs. T. D. Earle and Mrs. R. H. Brady at Mrs. Earle's home the 26th of February. . Mrs. Wyatt Sutherland and Mrs. Jenkins spent last week In Saluda, N. C. Mrs. T. F. Thome is visiting in St. Petersburg, Fla. ? Polk County Bank A Tr IB f . 1 l\A ;B It's time to have or dress renovatei \a ) ;'. BELL & F "AT YOUR P|ione 172 TDVi A XV IX i * Drug of Real if HIGH' y PRESCRIPT \i ? ! wf ! TRYON PI i ? PHONE 174 >J v If \SjjLi- 'JL. s' % v ?V # ... ' - i'- ' , tL^yj * ' Mb - / * .y'-Ti., * i: Vi< ?iwb'itH>ri rt'i -' 1 ; - : THE POLK COUNTY NEWS - ! == Fortnightly Notes [ A A great New York success of a few seasons ago will shortly be read under the direction of Mr. Harold Crandall. Two Ibsen plays are under contemplation. It Js hoped that Mrs. Vernor can be persuaded to appear as Nora in '.'A j Doll's House," and there is a possibility that "Peer Gynt" may be presented. It Is likely that a bill of two oneact plays may shortly be put on. It ' * a TT.kl,AM>J mov ha is Iiupeu Mrs. neuuaiu seen in a favorite part of hers with which she charmed London audiences. Mr. Crandall, Sr., has a short play up his sleeve, which cannot but qiake a hit with the right cast. The following letter has been received. It says in part: "* * * As a sincere admirer of the Fortnightly readings and one who has not missed one in the foih- years they have been running, I trust that in some future performance a part may be found in which Miss Pratt may realize for us the promise she gave in her remarkable interpretation of Marie in 'Deburau.' It seems to the writer that with a role commensurate with her striking ability, we should have a performance of superior merit." The play to be read Wednesday, February 24, is "Outward Bound," a striking drama quite unlike anything else which the Fortnightly has here tofore done, and-, a play unique on any stage. Circumstances have caused Mrs. Oennison to relinquish directing it, and it will be coached by Mrs. Peattie. A fine cast has been secured and rehearsals are now in progress. When produced in London and New York it created a profound impression. Mr. William Harris, the New York producer, has graciously given his permission to have it read In Tryon. j * I About your Health Things You Should.Knov Read Dr. Gaines' articles in the I Polk County News every week* Hs ust Co., Columbus N. C. that Spring Suit i LOURNAY SERVICE"! 4 I 4 4 DN'S Store 4 ? Service I I! class 7 I; ion work 1 :: ?on's | A charming street dress of ;; flat crepe, has a straight ;; back and a simulated two< piece effect in front. Notice 4"Vl A oH+ rtl AATTAfl J 1 f? i/nc onl wccvco, xttceu witii contrasting flat crepe, and ;; the novelty pleating which < adorns the skirt. I' Price $25.00 ? r ?< :: ' I * II Hit C !' A corsetlette undergarment ;; Worn by the finale chorus ol ;; affair that includes brassiert ? to wear beneath the evening 4! four bulky garments that yo Other Model i: E . < m -I i |: "Rest Room for Ia ... N. . 1 i.-j ff ' I '-t i|- ' , V 1 e Fatb/pr, Like 1 - . 0 I lit GAS H i SAVED it' | THE S 1 UADADI7CD HI vni unit.Lii m < :: |. is guai ; | Reduce Gas Consuc : I on All A' \ \ This patented device J! , will Remove Carbon; ;and Overheating, Caus More Power and Speet Gasoline and Oil Expe o. Per gallon. \ \ ! * A number of local us claims. ! \ If you drive a Car oi ;\ Why not own a scienti ;; Back if Not Satisfied. <> 4 I :: COUNTY A < i; E. FINLEY K i ;; Edgewood Hotel > ? ? < I?- 111 O Hug. w. omi Spartanburg, S, jr Samples and Compare r LAS inior Spring 5 for the Jun These Carolyn Junior Coat and Dresses represent th utmost in designing ski and creative ability- The; also have been selected fror the presentations of leadinj courtiers by a picked com mittee of fashion- criticj and they also represent val ues because bought jointl; by America's finest stores. Thus they typify the utmos in style and price modera tion combined. Sold here exclusively! -A demure little style indeer is this Lorcheen Junio I AAnf trn4-U ifn #n oUnnoKl WAU mui iU9 loonivuwwi cape back. The cape is edge* with scallops, which also or nament the sleeves. Th collar of squirrel and linin] <$f fine crepe complete iti anneal Price $39.5( iCANTIE >f the "Van that combines four necessar Ihe "Vanities." One model i, girdle, step-in and vest is gown, for its slim lines are u'd otherwise wear. Is $8.50. $10.50. * Second Floor?Corset Shop. idtes - Maid*in Attendc s Son MONEK SAVED TRANSKY ID DACARBONIZER IANTEED TO option and Increas Mileagce nxnMnRTT FS !, as thousands of users attest, Prevent Spark Plug Trouble se Engine to start Easier, Give 1, and save from 25% to 50$ on nse while making more miles sers will gladly endorse these r Truck you are paying for it. ficSJransky Vrporizer? Money