i Mr.i m :';'"t k i,: i^n i Gelatin. 1 V:ir " in . n^' > L=--" I -'.'I' HII nloinila L ,h, V.ouse tl ... '-v., 'f?t S.V11" '^^ 1U* '-'.'! that V " ' v a r....f ^I'P*1 .^H' ... rs protected tl ivlu * r ftthesom^t'tdo fmaV root" .. the !? > itn is u ' <*:iti'llng flgu ^B. h"' " thyrsi* In h B:i!; vt wreath In tl by tl Hj- ,?. ^-11 rh;ir is 11*1 . (,. f the vlllaj kf it., uirlum' n clnom [;? Brgi' T vii-l In I inn c,,kf B,]uar?* In tl |b h panel pletu p.. ?. ir feet St}HSl H, , s ' ie.-i>ratlve hartf .vsst corner of t' nor-v y leads to a stilt B 11 or In alr.e. of whf Bn- la Intact, and part I wall Is preserved to Ip and a ha'f feet. Tt I 'res discovered In L' I pa" rtiB are so compk [rib t sslon can elve on Br h of the beauty r Bc-Hered by decorati Wca'j Ireular, creseo | p. ': K is a squure pan! l-piare, In each c< I a cai.'harus ts represei or o|l,er vines extendi! wallj this room ts c y wjtb l's marble tbres throne!. which one pass - L m Imr rPOJI! "O tne WSI. 1 Iprr f>f 'his floor Is entire with. designs arranged BUVt* " Tfc I of Known lmportanp|. jj B. the greatest worfr-Af tl Bat done on the theater.^ Bor Shear ?a.vs: , ( r,? f I passages of classic lifer cce Is made to thfi; dpi tportsnee of this bulltHii It that the mlirderers of t I In the sixth century B Id to havi been apprehend I betrayed themselves l?y ^ I at a passing flocff lere according to presefvl Irge public assemblies we fecial times In the history ktory work at the theater w, lly In Ma-ch of the prese feultah'.e place for dunipll feted earth existed; xt ;Ui khout 430 yards to the norf pre Is a along the top k tie* medieval fortUicutioi laps the ancient wall of tl lere la a ?offirlent spuiht h |be\"nd this cliff for the di all the ejrtti from the the Krotu h-re a narrow-gatti r the dump cars was begt Uei-pion of the site Intlmli |p west entrance of the orcht icavat'on of Corinth. like i (hilar work In Greece, la do hder the i '.spices of t Ive Arilt k"'l i', studies at Ai the ".sii.tep ,:,ce of ihlf SOWt' Meiolii % .... sersltio* nnd dtb n-f'tii'lons of the Unit t> "ice ig!i*h Common Law larae "i mo.ion law" Is given rltten iaw in n0n scripts? ' An contradistinction to tl or s*j)tu*e ]aw consists Hot; ; nr.?ims of British, D? Saxon extraction, to whtctrrt y'-d! !?| p... isloos have givr Cl> "f law , and derives " is said 'run King' ATflA lav. v pro" i, cared In 81)0 A 1 - s st i .Statute law pi ?er r: Ijrtw. The coiunr 'he i nl'e.i |tateH is based i ' Kng Htd Exchange. I; ^ Live on Cornell HT ua eg, found over a large at* ^ therr. AfrW'ti are notnads W* ^fctnchiaily by means of, and < ^ S Tuareg women are a? ft ^fcmer, la I'.rUaln, They go afco ^Bed. wh'le the men are alwa The Aniiieh choose their Ot 1,1,1 teujrii the children, ^^and write. Thev can own pre ^ eve;. afvr marriage. and thi ^fcn- have do control over an-t authority are lnh?rtt H|h Ui? tuotlars. > ipi?eag^^ I.ADY 9dT Is Lady 6urza de Mar Shemun, an ui Assyrian ohlsftainsps who waa th? he snly woman delegate at the peace con' Ference of Versailles, has been In Lonn Hon trying to psriiflajik the British to '! restore her people to their territories fd prom wttlotj.,th^jr have been driven by the Turks. They are now living llj the re plains of Mosul. Lady Surza Is a nun of but wears Hu'rofkJiVFtMrfskab^bnB'J Paper Blockades When a country declares a blockade ln which ft cAnriot Enforce it?ls called a ! paper blockade, because It exists only e j an paper.: Perhaps the most famous r I paper blockade ln history was that de111 clared by Napoleon ln 180T. The j' French 'emperor declared a blockade against the British although he was ,r' not able.,to ^et^jaj^fy^ywar Teasel 10 to sea to support the blockade.?Path-' '*'1 finder Uafiatlne. as , . .* _ . mm a a . I * # * kl Hcrrible Methoda ot tie 1 i Treatina the Inaan* of I Critll within the larf'&retury Insane-: H persons were treated with terrible^ tie cruelty In nearly jaflftdDfUlsed" coan^i in tries, and as late as 1T70 lunatics werej re eahihHed at unbllc fairs In Ungtand.j ' and as late as 1815 there were ex-^ t1? : pel?ui-e.>t. r rheiatally afflicted. I' he One of the mildest of the old fonnj' re , of treatment of mad people, and lon^i "e. | In vogdh~*t Sfra|Oa?n, In Perthshlr4| fa- Scotland* w&a^S&flMed with the objjj to servnnce bftiw.-vfestlval of 8t. Flllaa^, i" a Scottish titeSk rb insane people gere dipped In tM; of "holj~ pool." Spfgv St. Flllan hati a bathed In the 8again century, ^aoy^ 1,4 quaint ceremonian were conneotaif to i with this "dueklffg." After the In#-! s*^jner?l(jp:''Oia lunatics were herded ' T St. Fill an" aI chjtpel, an3TTf?5|55ed to* the floorrft? b^left all ve Those .who jpaanaged to free tfceln nt bonds and escape were considered ^ curetV lh0OTence did, not bear on >r" , thj**'plojjs-Mllef, however, and th* >t- r custom gradually declined. ag ^Jgp-l | ut t Old Ftgfch Chateaux t>9 ,r ?f Historic IntereH fj 1' To *0^ these French names |lj raplftly qqggests college days and tbo j" j struggle with declensions, but Ouyopj Cialllft&und GalllarfqBre not In ain i??bsl^9. .JiijalA.. iw, 'wgf|l;;.Tu.ur;n he ba<* to i the days of waving plumt ^ ?t shining armor and prafrctng steeds. -J WW can Ignore for a moment tttj '* stfratrmngs of tourists on the o l| APeTv^^rPW)er of ^odi :i R- canoas Ultiy, UhvJJttlXaliind them. I : h? , Is not hard"to people. In fancy, t i (f I Twfehfrjpt QvQjjury life that went l *'1 here, when Richard the Lion Heart I omWTw.r at Ouy t "shouTtf bot of mlSWrAd reminds o ! I reU*ft#b*?t)anoranla frotn f^e Eiffel tow o/HwUShrd, which In King Richard's d I p! was "the key to all Normandy," * 1 '*?; alpq fies is thessjahn snramhla ? nt the precipitous rtflns, a wonderful out-, "K ' lo(>k. AF Gfalllon, "the AmefTcal wttl 4 fc^Jii^liber that It not only once " _ notiaed Phlllppe-Auguste, Louis XH, of ' the Mcdicls-'aw^^a^UJB, "V|r*tW os | Benjatpfli Kradktii. "^"Vvv I !?>'' lie / Wry VAg \ / : i MmMhii:,tfJ ThbugT o \ ?V ^ ^?e hV^hSbt^iW^uLfltr ine f ?K?n u, .MrH ag?,*successTPgjaae, i:?aerall^ gal | wiTf nnucEr-Wiy~HPtTT^ot ai w lys ac,H.7t?4g^Anied<-by' wealtBtf For hat it must. be combined p actical as It wasJtf^jrlj* c s >s of a ml ^SSMSP18 t0 8UC ^"esSi' 'n< e 'dy^Hw '"tr m rim''I c U'' , he Tit-Bits. ~ c/W <*HT ^ Oh. Romtol IK ** ~T ?-?? ? ^ (He was^a_v?ryihj innagr tpi wid ^' ilfln'iiiijfj' ri inj ii1 rented I*s wlto mltlea )jAO?r dfeclirlqg h 1 ^toy^a ~ttr n ctjci 1 fash p lon/Jh^ jeoulq aavjgi^ajb^Buif > p t?f.,r flyi8*Kpurage nt ige of C1|0tojr.were alttlut~aj' naual o le efeDlPj^ifae on tile sofa, he on t chair, n als be probably lu - THB POLK 4i I ' IJ ( "JJJI 1 J J I ' J I r-1 11 iv ? * *" Worf^ tu( lli'.f II I .(.; . . L' J bass (' - tew. J,. . I}' dJ at \ .1.7,. . >A *' 'i f t ,SS ifou!' ,ltL? ^ 'S I<": . ; n '! f. | t>l:; V. ! A I > ikuiyr. UiM V'l dU.C*. : V . .r . ; ? js ?*i ,!ov!y <. < .? I dVSc. ^i;.t ) roiji. : ;. j Shor ' I , ; j: :irtr.i v . i j . - . r ?anc j I Olj'u/.q >,! I ! -I i. j > i. *. ^ x ;[ * -:y-- ~ . J * sT * pti j ^ '0,'.' V*k A*'. V,' * -V-. ~ ' ? -TV lOfl^ J V,' >|\Yv i ' V ? ,ii7 > ? J ica 3 '... i; j, Li I "I : | < ^ -J J v\. ^ -8 j hj; v., j. : tf 'j'.i , j ii o to (JS ' *' ' ' ). r t, <*| [JJP y ?,? t:?|? i 'J> " ?* >!??/ n ?' U-j 1 ,.rf .0^-_y 1 ff 4^Q j *' ? ,??* ??? t* ?to ' i-i ??f? { J- ten '7; 1JHJ ' Hi ' I ' ? >ll?* . '*1 M oh * jrt nfltft "::: .. ?*: of j ' 4 | . ' ? ft ft 1 ' ,f ?" ! ?>i :rj " ' "f i* h | ".if f1? K * !?.," I . ...? .? | 1 T...1 ' T f *' ' ??t?- "?n I ' /f7t, f?| , ".I I '? * ff) ' ' 1 r -J/ f o 4 : 7 ' hi ? ??fXH 7fj'? I!' V' f}4 ' ; ?:{ ''.for ffal '( II .'T; lf 7 >[;) tf ' T ; >'"'n rr? . ff .f w i..-* r.v.' t?.> rl : *4 V i <41 * i ' 7 .. f: V. I ?rr." In tf iridic 'rrrfB '? 'l>l : * ': /! ?. -'Unr' 1 ' .r n V *r- p; / I fjj 7/A* f; f? V, rf f/ #'*7 -rut Miff I' -II U' * rn'tv**// j.o /lit-i'i) n* ft / - .;.>fIt f -'ini lb O>-t ! 'f( * -Ip pff1 f#:?q n V. I//..?. ?! ' hooWti ff*? ft* " f 'Iff Hf |t ./.f' ^Tforf.'i *?rrf ifl ii tiH f? ' r?" 1 N* ?ffv 4f .'/ // ? Tif iff ft //< o rf f?N ' -?? .'? TTtif ff I' /';* Ot 1 I ' ... 7 S ' ' >'f'. rf^'rc t J>i?V e'f"-' rl+t I ' T'for K V mooi ff 1 ?' . yfr ?!?-)?? T ' f-1 'TP f " f' .jfi'.'f /fir ,t > f"?Y : ?t'f* 7 t { ?)'?'!': < *a . t n *. T. . '! V ?M , . ~ . ? . p, f r? )7/ />~fn ' f :f. * tf? '/: ? !/. *-?.*. ?v t--, 1 ' f. ' ' . i 'i ' ft- ft ft1' :1 1 ' ! V.:i:'i I Out !' ' /> Itfilrf'? I.f ' ' '? ' <{ " i/o/ tnoiftlw MT// loffisT. ho/. ' ' .;>WW "luMMnsQ >i. v?7nii? a Cr./lf-wnTo* ,/f) _ : '">* W. * f go'itm I or'lfw '.IITf RLEDGE, Sec'y--Trea?' ' '"- ' < :?>in/n f,n>) I ' '-o?i:riion fir: .oin!oo rt.'I'o io Gre?n?boro, N. C. - rf'jtil ci woH ?" ioo/ onM i"f- . //KIM to io/8J ..lli/.llij OlotoiJ ill** 6/Ift h?i;a tl ? - I w.i.nn ununrr I?? Vi7.il/ hoo* "I/Hi - >r':;i:i v>Jn* <>iIT ' '*lj. rijj:* jAlfj lt9 ai I ''.'rifvi.o.1 i0-y >'