I Winter Puilding Gains lfg|>or;>es ? questionnaire sent | by the Department of Commerce L (>,? the winter depression In Ltruotira Is helug gradually leveled [ Ptir-K" the last two years wlnf buth'. < has shewn a decided InLge ovr that i>f former years, Lf, (.-eves eoiH'lnsively ihat the fgtion iu hehaif of year-round con Lcti.'t' s producing definite results, kstifii' ai and experience have roii tint. - \ ept in the most northI sec:e:;s an ! during extreme Ither *-;in JI,U':IU idiv an I roStpbly as In summer. Brick'* Great Value ;rlck :s the material that succeeds. ten others can. in adapting Itself thf. ?ari:s of the man with good e and a moderate lucerne. In the se : ,i ?n a proper plan It sugts a|i ' . (justifies that should be iciated with the word "home." pernencv ' ospita'liiy. warmth, combeiotty And brick lias that rare nor.1" d characteristic which le I to d-tmguish the elect among unkind- h grows old beautifully. Tinu- to Plant Trees tog winter evenings are the time oltsnirtg beautitieation of thekonu inds. 1 he man who plants a tree lire to point It out with wrld*.? t Worth Star Telegram. tead The News LET "PRICE" GURE THE PRICE S A F Fire and thieves ai menace to your money, : jewelry?and your peace can lie had for but a trii don't l?e afraid of loss?] posit Boxes. Your savings too, wil thru us. Start an acco' us save it for you until you don's need it we wii tercst plus absolute saf< We cordially invite ] your bank and to consid serve you. Polk County Be uoiumbus, LU M Measure< Golde I -dm -' -HWI I L ^ We are ready t( needs! Our yard seasoned highest g in large quantitie was right to cut You'll also do bett and other materia MTVICU. UiumBuili B LAND! . .v * . ^ -i. s-^r, \ r-1 < "ri ' t ^ :.. ; i , COUNT SOYESHIMA Count M. Soyeshlma, former mfi^i ber of the Japaneee houee of pe^rr who recently vlelted America and lec tured at the University of Chloago, views America unflatterlngly, aooord Ing to an artlole written by him for a Japanese monthly magazine. He says we are hypocritical, cruel and overbearing, and he also made un- ' pleasant allusions to the way In which the prohibition laws are not observed 1 ( ' i I 1 ! READ POLK COUNTY NEWS < ? ? ' i rtitrit1 J? G ET Y < > i < > < > i ? ? k o i <> "I ?? i ? <1 ? re an ever threatening + four valuable papers and of mind. Absolute safety 'ling sum. Don't worry? 'J rent one of our Safe De- f ? ?? 1 be safe if INVESTED ;; unt in our bank and let you need it. As lofig as U pay you 4 per cent in- ? sty. :: you to make our bank J; ler us a friend, ready to <; ? f < ? ink & Trust Co. i North Carolina i; o ? BER i d with the n Rule d meet your building s are stocked with rrade lumbers bought s when the market your building eosts. er if you buy cement Is from us. At your [ " A iers Supply Co. tUM. S. C. . " * ' '* * - __ ^ us of the rest of t world. They help keep down ci'n promote good fellowship, permit t friendship of -etnofer individuals, I spire IndHstrv. ?GreenvUle Advocati jKJH^p ^Jp WANTED Middle Aged Man. Hue lere make ||50 to flOO or moi Weekly selling Whitmer's guar teed line of toilet articles, soap spices, extracts and medicine Polk County jia open for you# Yc only need team or car. Bxperlen* unnecessary. Salesmanship taugl Free. Full information on reques Write now. The H. C. Whitmer Company Columbus, Indiana Dept. 23 11-18-25-1 iVANTED: Young men and w nen Bookkeepers, Stenographers an Salesmen, learn in a few weeks I he Oldest Business College In Nort Carolina's Largest City, Small fe >asy terms. Board and room fc K>ys and girls in the domltory r isonable. Howard's Business College Win on Salem, N. C. April 29tl fOR SALE?11,000 lot No. 1460 1 Lake Lanier subdivision tor 187 nte cash. Fifty foot front; dept 204 and 170 feet. Noah Hollowell, HendersonvllL N. C. 18-36-1 IUY THAT BED ROOM SUIT FROM "PRITE" * J What % Sunday v ! came in your > The bells gather for dei ; be throughout } Sabbath to tb Why? ;; Here is i ;; point is that i !! - You canr ! I What are ! I Let's go ! > - Which Churcl < m BAP1 !> Regular services ;; a. m- and 8 p. i ;; Special music eve * > Sabbath School 1 !! Public cordially h ;; THOMAS L. JU < > ] | | CATH ;; St. John's Church ;; avenue and Lai Mass?Sunday 8: < REV. J. A-MA] EPISO ] I (Church of the < > JI Sunday?Holy Co; ;; Sunday School. Prayer and sen Confirmation Insf >1day 8:30 and 8 * Study. ; Wednesday?Miss conducted by Id ]! 8:46 p.m. Eve Friday?Litany ai All are cordially ;; services. " REV. C. P. BUI ^ -Jij .* -T - ^T-'k T -J -" THE POLK COUNTY NEW? *tZT T" rrammuTxiiu p tt Buildina City Lighting Matter of First Importance An ornamental street-lighting system that affords adequate illumlnaton at night, and also Is inconspicuous la the daytime, harmonizing closely with the general scheme ef architecture In the various parts of the city, is a source of great municipal pride. A city may have many beautiful thoroughfares, but their beauty Is not tppatent at nlg|it unless they are properly Illuminated. Proper lighting Implies that the tn= tensity of Illumination should be ,t? varied to meet the requirements of the re different sections of the city. 8treets q. and avenues In the business districts B where the traffic Is heavier, for Ing stance, require more light than those In the residential districts. Just the >u right amount of Illumination Is as necessary for effective street lighting as is the right method of Illumination. t. The Inafalloflnn a# a mrr\r\A Kirhtln# aiic iiiawmuvu vi m ?wu n^uitu^ system Is something that demands considerable thought and planning. Not. alone the street-lighting system, but also the ornamental posts, the >d kind and shape of glassware, and the proper placing of the posts must be " given careful study, j There are many streets and driveways which are beautifully lighted at night but which lose all of their pleas" Ing appearance by day. This may; be e> explained by studying the lamp posts. >r It wUf be found that the posts Ine stalled are huge and clumsy, poorly located, and do not harmonise at jail e- with their surroundings. The posts. In fact, have marred the entire aspect a of the street by day. ? Vitality and Beauty h in Baildingt of Brick Since the day when the Assyrians B> were la their glory the Inventive genius of man has wrought great Itng provements la brick. Nowadays It la turned out of the kiln In nearly a every color and shade, In every degree of coarseness and fineness. It dams ? a river. It paves a street. It forma the | wall of a factory; It adorns the Inside j as well as the outside of a homo. SB Y j e You Going To Do rill soon be here. It comes every childhood. will ring, the organ will make n rations. Thus it will be in Tryon, ; Christendom?not merely this w? e end Of your life. . * ' -? iL.i a lorce mat persi*i??ui*v auiiv it is here, present, living, lot possibly ignore it. i you going to do about it? ! When? Next Sunday. Whei 1 ? The Church of your preferenc 1 | | '1ST each Sunday 11 First and , Second an sning services. p. m. Sunday S avited. - ' STICE, Pastor. *Ey p OLIC , corner Melrose ^ aier street. Tryon?S? 30 a. m. days ea< NLEY, Rector. and Thi CommbusOPAL days l: i Holy Cross.) fourth mm union 8 a.m. LO a. m- Morning gRSl non 11. k ^ traction ? Monp. m. in Rector's Rev. Will i; " . . _ Sunday?( ion Society Class a# m rs. F. H. Touret, . / ' ining Prayer 5. A 8raded id address 5 p.m. T\ invited to these Wednesda; p. m. tNETT, Rector. A friendl; "."I v'.i [11""'* v.. '[ " ' i ll 5 0Kj|iH||Hfl . . F..t mere was onc4 a time when tM mortar joints wars rafarded as aa nnwelcome necessity, bat that time la past Modem art has shown that mortar can be made a nUnable ally In attaining the ultimate object?beauty. With their unlta of many colors, the architect and the clever brick worker create a surface which has the lookj of a skillfully worm fabric, thus the bonding together of brick permits varied effects In what the architects call "texture." Brick baa such a quality of humanity aa clings to no other substance that goes lata the making of a house. There Is always the knowledge that here Is the work of human hands? that every piece was wade by man and put Into place by loan. The effect, produced by man11 harmonious arrangement of hie man;r units, la one of lasting vitality. ? It may be taken for granted that many a home builder hail paaeed brick by because of mistaken ideas about i*? onof Tn ml* thftr* 1i nn | iPi VV/DV. 4M bu V ?V reason for any man whs la planning A build to yearn In rain for a home of brick; he may hart It If ha wants Jt.?Detroit Freo Preaa Home-Owner's Value .i The lose of one potential home owner eventually means the loaa of Incalculable wealth to the community. This was the opinion of Howard W. Elmore, vice president ?f the Chicago real estate (ward and now chairman of the committee of administration of the sixth annual "Own Tour Homo" exposition. "When a community falls down on ' the Job of securing even one family as permanent residents, It not only leeee the sale of a house and lot, but It loses the "upkeep" en that family for a long period of yeaira," he said. "One family may hare many children end these children ere likely to marry and settle In the seme cemanalty. Wbea oae preepectlve hosts owner la lest, the purehaatng power ef many peopla la lest" Why Snakes "Rattlo" The vibrating ef the snake's Ml was a cnmmnn pkanrtariaHo of aakes before tl? rattlasaake evolved from the cemmon ancestral stock ef Pit Vipers. Hi# habit ef vibrating the tip of the tall at a high rate of speed Is believed to be an escape of nervona force brought about by Immediate conditions - ^ READ P"officC)^rrY 'NEWS ?? 4 4 > About It? week jurt m it ;; < > lusic, people will and thua it will < > ?k, but on ir?ry f unds you. Tha ;; < < > * * e?" To Church. j" B. . j j < 3 METHODIST JCf 1 i J ^ n Third Sundays 11 a. to. j * d Fourth Sundays 7 JSO ' v tt ; chool every Sunday 10 I! , I B. O'Neill, Minister. ; \ Church School at 9:41 ;; - - il: school with claasea for (r?"Quiet Hour" 4:80 7 welcome awaits you. | 0 i 1 . . . . A A A A ^ ^ i * , , A.^ A A Z* v. ' ^*; ' % TE * pf-;,-' . > <- - ' ;" ? r - _ 'I* House and Garage ( Combined in p 41-0" r i ?it' jUNPOR. 35PlNINCtoSin II'* II* Jl l4'-6*/l'-r Plan. , -v rrn _n tow p. ^bbmK \A Jl ir Plan. i most convenient arrangement of servants' quartors. On ascending to the opper floor we find two large bedrooma and oaa smaller one. The large rooms, placed aver the living portion of the first floor, are practically Identical, and each Is provided with ah unusually large closet, with shelves at both*ends. The smaller bedroom has a smaller but ample closet, and there are large closets In the hall and off the bathroom. The bathroom is conveniently alaeed at the head of the stairs wlthn a few feet of all the bedroom doers. There Is a large storage space under he roof adjacent to the garage struc:nre, and a large balcony opening from the smaller bedroom. This balcony is decked with canvas and conld easily be adapted to nse as a sleeping aorch. It U entirely hidden from the street side of the house. Concrete Block for Partitions Adviied Basement partitions of concrete slock or tile are recommended fer car-ylng the weight of the floere and Inferior partitions as prefsrsbls ts seams and columns, although tor wide ipans and heavy structures the latter ire obviously necessary. The rigid support afforded by latelor masonry walls lnsnres that there will be practically no settling of loors or Interior partitions %nd reasejuently little If any cracking of pUser or loosening of Interior trhn. Such walls afford fireproof lncloew for heating equipment and fuel, online steam, moisture and. odors and provide isolation for fruit, vegetables >r other perishables. Concrete block and tils see much laeri for both load-beartnf end esu oad-bearlng partition walla, alao far Ire-wall lncloenraa. Standard units ire used for. load bearing walla, wUl* special units from four to alz lndhas :hlck are often used for partition trails that do not carry leads other than their own weight Wider Flooring Present styles of architecture demand wide plank flooring for use with the early Kngllsh, early French and DoiOnlal hwe. Due to lumber having a tendency alternately to take oa extensive moisture and dry ont, one manufacturer of flooring is producing these wide planks, after lumber has teen thoroughly kiln dried, of a veneered or laminated construction, to prevent shrinking, cupping, warping, etc. Stucco for Beauty Stucco la one of the most attractive types of construction and costs less for the effect given than almost any a# AAnifvnetiAa Shwcn l/UICl VI VVM??? . ? Is Ideally raited also Car the needs of the man who was* to Mae to! his , o 7??^- p " '. ' * ' '-i*