7 eas pEP^y The model Illustrated is In an exquisite parme violet shade. A clever treatment of felt la accomplished by slashing a given portion at regular Intervals, then twirling each narrow strip under a row ol hrm stitching. The small hat to tht left below shows how highly decorative this self-trim Is. The third hat Is interesting because it is finished in a tailored way with three embroidered arrowheads, same as are employed on1 the cloth tallleur Increasing Interest is manifested In hand-nainted felt hats. Modernistic !/ Bridge ... Spartanburg, S. i apolis, Minn.; 1 Turn.: Mr. and Sholby, N. C.| i.' Knight, Miami, Miami. Fla.; ia. Sholby, N. C, .11,1. California. '. AND CUT I F-TRIMS Hs the ielt i.ai seems about to fro::: the itiiiiuery scene, buck K airaln to the center of the stajy ?ith some new Intrigu to perform. At present mo vec:lv genius and a pair of I are upholding the reputation Beit ohapc.au as an outstanding on 'ho leading spring style Be?er felt hats feature novelty i I they are slashed and folded B into piece-- and then put touith ni.-etv that rfves pt,aiu '?'w - c l appearance mere charming er Milliners have a knack of away one pardon and grafting where else in the form of apor a perky i">vr or a flange or trimming a a.v that Insures a td style in' rest. Isome tt'.-t- are attained by mg fei up : felt as the large the picture so effectively denies There urej added notes of Ion if :< hellish the fruit er a; 'pi- with hand painting. For That New HomQ See that r plans Include =p dfications for the latest Sanitary (Procelain K:. ,nu-l Finish Fixtures in tbi kitchen and bathro rr.. F.asy to keep clean, they'er always "In|ritine-lc k'ng!" Get our price <T: ' 'ions. In it.et. let us esti'tuat -,n vnur en n i n m b i n g or, that '! v- < 11 i n g V-u'li fiml our h-.iv. unusually low. C M W ? ' m vaiiiV/i a Plumbing t ryon. N. C. If' L '-r design Is carried ojut In vividly colored and gilded conventional pattern ings. Also pastel felts are exquisitely detailed with flower painting done In nature's colorings. iCut-out work, th? openings lined with gilded leather varies the felt mode very attractively In answer to spring's call for straw a pretty compromise is made In thai bangkok and crochet visca-straw hats have brims of felt with an all over applique of felt. Cut-outs-trim th? crown. Some milliners are using fell shapes as a foundation for ribbon dower-work and beaded ornaments tion. . JULIA BOTTOMLEY. (Q. It If, Wester* N*wapa??r UnlOBt) REAL ESTA $25 ADVANCE ON SPRING^PARK EFF] WE HAVE ACEEAGE IN TO 1,200 ACRES THAT VELOPING WITH LAKE SITES AND GOLF O FARMS, HOMES AND Br FEEL LIKE PROPERT DOUBLE IN PRICE IN T SO IT WILL PAY Y SEEKERS TO GET BUS SULT WHEN THE RUSI Blanton Offic* in P Columbus, Tho Mountain Clt] i * * -m. m I A. A. M | ENGINEEI % Prices as i S - consistent y | TRYON. + RrTHI )BL!m J. ? ;ii! IF you can't supply yo' ;; hour and a half drivi !; complete Department Stoi ;; "Lowest-in I: MAIL ORDEI^ SER ? <? < I \ ! E%/ -j Bridge At Lanier Club The Lanier Club will give a Bridge Party on Aril 6th at 3 o'clock, all bridge payers are invited. Reseirvatious for tables may be had from *? A A 1UIS. X\. XX. WOHlbft. X 1 1L/C, uuo uuimi. * * ? Mrs. J. A. Beswarick is visiting relatives in New York for a few weeks. ; -WORK ATTAIN FOR THE FELT HAT 1 1 , m nn "vtv^vtv t LIV I Ul\ a All Sooiety Newi Oak Hall Arrivals v Mrs. 0. A. Sanderson, and sons, John and Qiure, Oak Park, 111.; Mr. nc^ Mrs. William Rea, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mr. pnd Mrs. H. H. Laughlln, East Liberty, Pa.; Mr. A. L. Lustig, Providence, R. I.; Dr. Jay Perkins, Milton, Mass.; Mr. Lovell Emerson, Milton, Mass.; Miss Phil A. Fields, Port Chester, N. Y.; Miss Alice Fields, Port (jhester, N. Y.; Miss Katherene Snyder, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Miss Harriet P. Humphrey, Shanon, Wis.; Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. A. Stralmeyers, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bunting, Detroit, Mich.j'^Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Carroll, Buffalo, N. Y.; Miss Elisabeth Thack l-i 1' r'rvrvl. er, uruun-iy u, iuttao., xuido nuuic vww? i idge, Boston, Mass. ! Mrs. E. H. Davis and three children who have been spending the winter in Florida will arrive next week to spend two weeks with Mrs. James Vernor, Jr. Mrs Davis is a sister of Mr. Vernor. ? The Hub CHty Bell Hops, an orchestra at Spartanburg, will give a dance Friday evening at the Lake Lanier Te. House, This will be a subscription dance. Mr. and1 Mrs. C. A. Peters and children qf Hdndersonvllle have moved to Tryon and have taken a bungalow at Lake Lanier. Mr. Peters is connected with the Tryon Development company. Numbers of Spartanburg and Hender8onville people motored to Tryon last Sunday, many of them golfing at teh country club. "APRIL'S COMING!" "April's Coming!" calls the blue jay , With his Bcreaming bag-pipe cry. I From the South I hear the calling Of the wild geese flying high. 1 "April's coming!" cries te jonquil , As she scrambels out of bed | With her little golden nightcap \ Closely tied upon her head. "April's coming!" calls the plum tree As she furls her pink-white plumes, ( Fluttering in the morning sunlight, , With her panoply of blooms. | Now the violet from her windows r Lifts her wondering eyes of blue, "Oh, I see that April's coming J And the- world Is made anew." ! ?Albert L. Berry. Tryon. READ POLK COUNTY NEWS TE BULLETIN^ ALL LOTS IN DENTON ECTIVE APRIL 1st. TRACTS RUNNING FROM IS SUIT SUITABLE) FOR DESITES, HOTEL SITES, HOME OURSHS; ALSO IMPROVED 1SINHSS PROPOSITIONS. WE Y IN THIS SECTION WILL HE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS, OU INVESTORS AND HOME IY, AS YOD KNOW THE REI COMES. & Greene ' Ik County Bank North Carolina 1 with Natural AOvaataaos EiSlCK1"" UNG SERVICE easonable as is ivith accurate work. SALUDA. H ur needs in Tryon, it's only an g to GILMER'S, Asheville's most :e. Selling at i-the-City-Prices." VICE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. ?' * * * ^ ijj. + * 9 9 1 ' ' HE POLK COUNTY NEWS \ " ~ I SOCIET Phone 99 Mu?t Be In Thii Offioc By Wednesday No I Guests at ] Mimosa ' ' j Mrs. W. P. StapletOfl and Miss Sallie Stapleton of Detroit, Mrs. E. M. I Shelton and Sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I J. Holton, and sons, Detroit; Mr. and i Mrs. Edgar H. Evans and daughter of 1 Indianapolis; Mr. Volmey M. Brown, 1 of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 1 Miriam, Miss Elizabeth Miriam, Cleveland; Mr. C. F. Huperman, Detroit; Miss E. M. Howie, De roit. t Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allison of Brevard, N. C., spent Tuesday in Tryon. 1 n s Mr. E. E. Merrick and Mr. Richardson were in Raleigh on business this ' week. * J Mr. Martin, of Darlington, S. C., t was in Tryon Tuesday on business. 1 I^COLUMBl Mr. and Mrs.! Lindsay Swofford, of Spartanburg, spent the past week-end i with Mrs. Swofford's parents, Mr. and I I Mrs. N. T. Mills. I p . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Welbourn of Patterson Springs spent several days the first of the we ek with Mr. and Mrs. I Bridge. Attorney Frei Hamerick of Rutherfordton was in Columbus -Saturday on business. Mr. P. S. Louis sent last Thursday in Spartanburg looking after business affairs. Mr. Jim Edvards formerly of Polk county but foi a number of years a resident of Soi th Carolina is spending 1 a while with his daughter, Mrs. W. ' P. Cargil. I Revival sen ices which are being ( jheld at Columbus Batist church as ) scheduled to c ose next Sunday night. !Everybody is cordially invited to atI tend the remainder of these services. 1 | T T ; (] Mis^ -'durtisj Hill from Robinson's Business college at Spartanburg, ac- i i companied byj her cousin, Mr. Daug- i 1 lass Monroe, from Fort Bragg at Fay! ettvilli, spent the week-end with her parentis, Mr. ana Mrs. vvasn nni. i ! ~ Mr. Frank Sikes spent several days the filst of the week in Albemarle and Monn e on business. / Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Merrlal of Henderso iville were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Lewia. WHEN IN NEED OF JC FOR SALE C 380 acres one and one half r section of South Carolina, on churches near, in good com acre. Wil' cut into small Easy terms. . HAVE OTHER GOOD ] For particulars address, P. O. Box 646 .t. . ?. .? -t. A j. -t. .t. .t. .t. .1 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTVTTV" ? I ' jjij. Exquisite M THAT SYMB< * .. * ' i Charmingly different is the ;; ;; small and sleek, very severei j "v twisted and turned to please in Duprv ] i <g? ?|i ~<XtlVt;, licit tci 1115 *** ? found in delightfully new n ? ? and combinations, o o " '1 Ballenger :::: tryo * i * i ? .. I I 1 - r ? ^ I I (V lVTliw A 1 XJi TT I . ion of Each Week ++++ 1 3ine Crest ? \rrivals - 1 Mr. E. B. Danson, Cincinnati; Mr.- ] franklin Leach, Cincinnati; Mr. and < Wrs. Henry C. LaBoiteaux, Clncin- ' lati; Mrs. Emily Burton, Cincinnati} Hiss Elizabeth Rogan, Cincinnati; Ur. Harry L. Gordon, Cincinnati; i Hr. and Mrs. Albert Page, Chicago. # j . 1 Dinner Party A.t Mimosa Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Holton celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary with a diner arty at Mimosa last rhursday night. Covers were laid 'or eight. Mr. Jay Berg of Avon Park, Fla., la spending several days in Tryon on business. t ^ js" NEWS'-:-! Misses Ida Sei^el, Lois Holderbaum and Winfred Bodie returned Monday from Raleigh where they attended the North Carolina Education association. Mr. W. P. Cargil of the Columbus Cotton Mills spent Saturday in Gastonia on business. Messrs. P. B. Williams Alberta Burgess and J. W. Gibson have been added to the sales force of Blanton and Green. Mi;. Williams who has been dealing in real estate at Shelby came to Columbus the first of the week. He expects to move his family be re. Supt. E. W. S. Cobb returned Saturday from attending the North Caro liha education association at Kaleign. VVnile away Mr. Cobb visited his son Mr. Jacob Cobb, who is a student at thp University of North Carolina at Cnapel Hill. Mr. Earley, from Tryon has be ught from Mrs. J. M. Lynch of liutherford county, through Blanton & Greene a lot on Park street upon w lich he expects to erect at an early date a modern, up-to-date, brick theater building. Mr. T. C. Mears wno ts associated with the Lander Electric company of CMumbus, has gone to Gaffney, S. C. tn superintend a contract of wiring n sw mill houses. He will be away s iveral months. Mrs. R. T. Ledbetter and baby of liree, N. C., are visiting Mrs. Ledbettar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lynch at Boxwood Inn. ) B PRINTING CALL 99 XX)D FARM niles from town in Piedmont highway. Good school and munity. Price $40.00 per tracts for $45.00 per acre. FARM LANDS CHEAP Greenwood, S. C. *** .1.? ?M> 4 jt ?? ' f Vjdl W \J* , ' J 'i i New Hats K; 3LIZB SPRING^ I : ' J new Spring millinery! Hats ; ?hats nonchalantly epic to be ) one's fancy?hats softly decor- !j ne. The essence of Spring is 5 * ?-i. nodeJs ol silks, saun?, uuano . ?! | j & McFee I N, N. c. : I ! TI *+++++++++++++++++++*-M ++++ ?JJ? .1. II, SALUDA f j Saluda with thre miles of paring, sewerage and more water mains to . ?o in is going to be a lively place this spring and summer, j Much property has changed hands aid more will do so. Saluda is only waiting the magic touch of capital which with individual will make it one of the most attractive places in the moiintalns. The Power Dam at the narrows of the Green River, although delayed, will some day be a reality, and will furnish power for many plants in Saluda and nearby cities. The proposition of taking over one of our fine building sites and erecting a large up-to-date, all-the-year Baby Sanitarium is being j considered. This will of course be in:the nature of an enlargement of the lone now run so successfully in the summer by Dr. Smith. I County Commissioner E. W. Thompson has become auditor for Wild Acres Development at , Little Switzerland with headquarters at Agheville. Saluda is sorry to lose him and Mrs. Thompson even temporarily and hope they may soon return to tehir charming home here. The new JJoward Hotel has been a success from the start. More people have wintjered in Saluda than ever before, many of whom are being accomodated there. * Miss Wilcox is improving her oily Hill property in a number of ways including a stone foundation under the main house. This is onh of the most popular boarding places in town, at all seasons. I LAWRENCE A Landscape Consultant on Indianapolis rA ?L A A A A .t. g?g A A |L A |fc A iL A A A A A ^ A f-^1 tMt J TTTTTTTTTTVTTTTT~VVT V < . i Smart i :l Sports and l 4 i ? ? ? _ j.j HK^t-? ;! *1/ i ! Fashion 1 iFabi I 2 Wonderfull collection c ! I reflect the latest ^ty I t tuxedo effects cape vi J 1 ing and embroidery \ I buttons, colors of fur. ? f All the season's newes \ represented?mauve, ; f bois de rose, sandalwc | Patterson's i | | HENDERSC . I. 1 I. . t IURSDAY, MARCH 36, 1926. \ Tryons Harse Show ; Begins April jj 8th i: - '"""" I i The removal of the Southern Railway "road" house to a site opposite the station has given much more room for parking autos In town and is a great improvement to both Main street an<T the community park. Miss Helen Wilmer Stone is considering the addition of a tea room to her popular weayer shop, this summer. * ; There is to be another rural route from Saluda Post Office. It will go east to Tryon Mountain, thence to ? Hpwes Corners and return to the Pacolet Valley Highway. There is every prospect for a good crop of apples this year. Orchards are being well cared for, pruned and sprayed. The cool March weather, while not agreeable to all Is fine for fruit, as there is little danger of frost when the buds are held bck so long. There was recently a pruning demonstration by H. R. Niswonger, extension expert, eld at the Arledge orchard. Apple orchards well cared for are sure to pay owners a good profit as western North Carolina does not grow enough apples to supply its own markets. A large planting of potatoes was made here in February. According to many old timers, they should do well ' this season, as they were planted In the right phase of the moon. Three more cottages are going up in Overbrook Park and many others are planned in various sections. The fine new home of Mayor Little on Henderson street will soon be com- | pleted. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson are the proud parents of a baby daughter. T. SHERIDAN Architect City Planning Tryon ?=-^^=========??^~l * v v v *1* *** -** *!' -I* *1* *1* V *1* *1- *f* *1* *1* *1* *i* *1* *1* *1^ Goats I Dressy Modes f Of Finest 'ics? | * 2 )f fine coats. Models that ? le themes from Paris? ? iriations; intricate braid- ? novelty self-trimming, ? t and loveliest shades are f green, etheral ciel blue, f >od, navy and black. r Al ! uept More; ^ i JNVILLE, N. C. t * N. i ^ - iljui

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