Tryon's Horse Show Begins April 8th wlrMiig spirit has caused I Au- of the St. Ijouls Browns : in i'i" majors for six .rears > fv in. through as a player. I ^^Krgr S "r says Austin will again I ^^Erfth | I ' (Y>t>o says he looks for Loo i ^^Er!< I'iiflng rookie of the! "oK? Roth's home- I i thur,!.- '-ithtn two seasons. Ruth; ' ^^Kself ' already nnraed Gehrig | ^Kster" ! Of his slugging abU. . . H^uis i' first baseman of the I ^K,|[:< of the Pacific Coast ^^Eur. " 'ei'lth failed after servi? ... u irld war. bellevaj thai Western Nor Real Estate is Payi g to the Wise I See Tryc The C. J. I " Real I can't sell all the . offer you t Tryon Dirt W: "It Can B CHAS. J. Real E Phone 1 73 IHUDS Ncr V ESSEX HUDS( Hudson I Hudson ' This covers all co tax and thefollowii Front and Rear B trie Windshield C w ? as* View Mirror, I ran (built in), Radial Meto-Meter, Com and Tail Light. Were we adTertttinf f ESSEX "6" C Hudson Brou; The lowes The " A1 Fror C. W. Balli THE FEATHERHEADS 17J W?L' WELL BLAKEFKW1 ) / n r irst - j: ?? 4 I in jynch j; tor" , I i: Earth, so I only ; Rpst I ill Clean Up <> : * * y e Done" :: 1 i ry" or so-called which freight, nd sundry other added. Hudson irices tell what L you pay. ?nt, they w told bet CH '1135 xlan *1610 ver sold Buyers ,cJ | Company Sii I OWMT?t* newspaper I?M " \ II [ - ?? IE POLK COUNTY NEWS pp?I r\m r\ r juli# % Princeton Boxers '* Photograph ahowa the Princeton box champlonahlp caliber, being coached by th has been coaching the Princeton boxing I- -i j WE DO ALL K GENERAL CONTRAC1 I WILL GLADLY FURNISH YC YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMI I EXCELLENT SERVICE-WORI PROUD OF. I NOW HAVE CO BER OF TRYON BUILDINGS. YOU? BRICK WOOD AND C | R. A. SEX General Contractor I ThisE ! Is playing, an important part in t: | ment now going on in Saluda. ttttttttt i j |,ET US SEItt -* ? ? t 'TTTTTTt ? ! The Ba.ik o SALUDA MODERN EQUIPR For Every We just recently installed a V Sunstrand Adding Machine for t i - i ______ . ' | THE BOM 153 N. Chur | SPARTANBUI f\ / why voo and yxjft wipe / were togetuec- -1 qemi i bee. how Tall ano i straight Yoo looked\ amd SfciS "letls SEE.?-3. v _ wasn't sue ~ ' " ' ' 'f " :./! ' ' I . ft : ?F SP( Training Hard *?V + / i/ 1 MssmBBP : y' | K^^k f r: r. : / v^^MiaAa^k ' "" ^Rx :x:: ' .. irig team which la developing Into e famous veteran Spider Kelly, who teams for the past twenty years. L 1 II I' ' ? ;inds of : :ing& building ! >U ESTIMATES ON ALL 3NTSANDGUARANTEE ' ? THAT YOU WILL BE ! NTR ACTS FOR A NUMMAY I FIGURE WITH ONCRETE WORK ; :ton Tryon, N. C. < \ tank he great progressive moved M*+ ' > < YOU. +++ >f Qaliiifa I VKIKUK - - N. C. OFFICE 1ENT Need - > . ii . r Woodstock Typewriter and he Polk County News. AR CO. ch St. IG, S. C. / ?i?i | J V At the End o m r - Sfnr^i i vj i I 11. - I I ' ' ' I ="* 55m| i 1 j The Pacific Coast Baseball league championship will start April 6. * In his latest photos Babe Ruth looks all over like Charley Hickman used to In the legs. * * Harry Courtney, veteran left-handed pitcher, has been given a contract by the Brooklyn Robins. Powderhall track in Edinburgh, ; Scotland, Is generally credited with being the fastest course In the world. Springfield of the Western association has signed Catcher Eddie Banks, who was tjvith Hutchinson of the same league In (1928. Marvin (Bunny) Lent, semi-pro outfielder of Providence, R. I., has signed a contract with the Tulsa club of the Western league. * President Toole of the International 1 league, has purchased the release of Umpire Walter Papke from the Mississippi Valley league. , The Denver club of the Western league hfs slgped Judy Cline, young Denver lnflelder add outfielder. Cllne was given a tryout by Des Moines last spring. , Cleveland has signed Walter Durnnt, a semi-pro catcher, from Newark, Ohio. It Is understood he will be sent to the Paris club of the Eastern Texas league. " e James J. Corbett, the ex-heavywelght champion, originated the modern trick of bounding off the ropes, so often used by some of the present-day boxers. ei Lee Fohl's "big three" combination Is In line In Boston. It seems rather sudden, this "big three" business, but count 'em yourself?Howard Ehmke, Fred Wlngfleld and Charley Ruffing. National league rivals say Pittsburgh must strengthen back of the plate. One high-class catcher, they admit, would make the Pirates mighty dangerous for about three years more. The croquet championship of England will be held this year on June 28July 10 at the Roehampton club. The lnter-county championship Is scheduled to begin at Hurllngham on May M. BUI KUlefer should prove mighty helpful for Rogers Hornsby as his assistant at St Louis. With no managerial worries he should greatly Improve the Cardinals' pitching as coach. y NOTICE Under and by virtu-e of the power nf h?1p /f the Month ~" RiSStBLY- \ IE OSjjALLV^/ f ???1 I* ! ; y / r - - I I ? Wi-'.i&ii J li: ' . " " j THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1926. ===/ Baseball 1 Basketball Boxing _ J m "Brick" Muller a Star Performer on Gridiron One of the greatest of the greats, athletically speaking, ever turned out along'the Pacific slope was "Brick" Muller of California. Muller was an all-round athlete, par excellence. A star football performer, the big fellow could also hold his own with the best-In track and on the diamond. Muller, as you probably know, gained his most fame as a grldder playing end. He was good on both offense and defense. But his forte was throwing passes. Endowed with an extremely large pair of hands, which permitted him to obtain an unusttal grip on the ball, lie could hurl with speed and accuracy. In a word, Muller was one of the greatest passers football has pro (luced. In the famous Intersectlonal game with Ohio State, New Year's day, 1921, Muller's passing was one of his outstanding features. His aerial work played a prominent part In sending the.middle westerners back home with a stinging 28-to-0 defeat as a reminder of their Jaunt to the coast. Ohio, It will be recalled, won the Big Ten championship the preceding fall with one of the best teams that Institution ever put on the field. It was In that brush that Muller tossed one p?rs that traveled from deep California territory Into the waiting arms of a~ Callfornlan, perched almost on the goal tine. Out In the West they still talk about that heave whenever football is the topic. Champ 1925 Fly Weight The above photograph shows Kldel LaBarba, the 1925 flyweight champion who won his title by. defeating Frankle Genaro by decision it Los Angeles. Youthful Britisher Is New Fighting Sensation Teddy Baldock, a stripling of seventee!!, has taken the boxing world by storm. Since he left school three years'ago he has been In 124 battles and never has met with defeat. Often he fought twice dally In the Bast end. where he Is regarded as a hero. The experts are hopeful that he will prove to be a second Jimmy Wilde and retrieve some of Great Britain's lost pugilistic fame. The lad comes of lighting stock. His grandfather fought In the bareknuckle days of the squared elrcle, and >fi father also was a fighter. Baldock's latest'victory was the other night when he defeated a Frenchman, Antolne Merlo, In a brilliant exhibition. English Schools Intend to Continue Rugby Game One elementary school after another n England Is deserting association football for rugby because rugby still remalnsfstrlctly amateur. ( The situation has reached such a e stage that the head masters who ara seeking means of saving "soccer" as a school sport ,reallze they nave a aimcult task before them. \ It la pointed out by the headmasters and others that association football ^ has many fine qualities, and that It would be a pity to turn It over en tlrely to professionals. JiaiaaS^ Capt. Gordon Campbell, V. C., 0. 6. O., known as the "Boy Captain" of the British navy, who has been named as commander of the great warship Tl-er. of the British cruiser type. CamDbell Is not yet forty years of age and ic known aa one of the greatett heroes of the World war. He wai the Inventor of Britain's famous "mystery ships" that accounted for so many Oar- . HWn submarines. I . r\: * . I , -