I -rv : H,' , }| tiroinan, who w S. I I ' '' ' ^rlsK K M Stone Mount I iit'W stone mountain nn Will of Coloi I I ;:X ':v '; I I Be E~2 t> i~T30C I'lynioulli (V will of Colonel n. .1 <> 1111 <;. Surgec ^B: or:,-iMil. everything " oil by Colonel Cc BHORT ITEMS Bl,r'- ii i. on Solomon's temple H' | IiihI ii union or gtilld. ^ frow'ii ,,f dip ftnger nails Is bulb-ate good healtli. H' gasoline tank for avlb",.I, invented. Bs i'',-nily arrested in Mel^B''io l> 111111 to be landlords. s -'ill ,i luxury among Chl ;a-g iiercentage used comes ^B d bred cows. ^^B ^!??^?? i Wreck Fired by Gai -H ?jl l. ^ Kw^^v v^?A '^dfliHIlQHiMil^HI^^B^^Kk'^t^ xWft^S^"j$$SS&$S8g?&S?8&^^ -owly averted near Ypsllanti, Mich., wh >n gasoline tank car on the tracks of th Jumped, was hurt. Phqfograph shows t Marshals Meet the Pr< t ver the country asse mhled in Washington sistant attorney general. This associatlo ain Memorial \; >< V' V t VK^ uiBM'^H ^y> -^H r isociations in New York viewing the I fiuorial on which Augustus Lukema 1. rill take the place of the discontinue nel Coolidge % m. ~ ? J 3oe?aotaoiS'l ; / t.> town clerk, with large book con- 1 "Coolidge. filed February 11, 1926, and int as master in chancery. President ! with the exception of a bedroom suite ' >olldge to his sou, President Calvin ' I * ?i? OF INTEREST i Elephants can uproot trees with ' their tusks, 1 A baby hippopotamus often.takes a ride on its mother's back. Ukeleles were introduced into Hawaii by the Portuguese in 1879. Northern Europe has had one of the most severe winters on record. Swedish churches hold a national fortune of about $7,000,000 in art treasures. 1 j , j F soline !>?'. V' './.'TV' l en two freight oars sideswlped each e Michigan Central. Thirty cars were he burning wreck. ..!J a. isiuein i for their second congress were pren Is known us the United Stales MnrWOMAN SCIENTIST Bin Dr. Eioise 15. k""ram, woman scientist tt the United States Department of \griculture in Washington, photographed at her microscope in the aboratories where she is seeking in'orniation of diseases which annually muse a great tijnancial loss to keepers >f chickens. Doctor ("ram is now workng on discuses, of the digestive tract OLD "SOUR DOUGH" \ ^ Old "Sour Dough" George Campbell Larson won his final contest against tne of the largest smelting companies In he West for $20,000,(100 In royalties Hi patent rights to an improved ore eduction process. Carson has no idea ivhat he Is going to do with the money which he won through the decision of he Circuit Court of Appeals. "Court ieclslons are one thing and cash Is mother," said old "Sour Dough." Reading Her Own "Obit" This desire for omission does not ilwavs spring front the same source, towever, as did the ideal expressed by i chronicler of an older generation who declared that a lady's name should only be published twice in her Jfe?when she was married and when she was buried,?From an article In the Saturday Evening Post. Emolument Worth While Fifteen hundred dollars a year Is Inooma fftP a fltPWflrdPHS Ill average iuluiuc *w* u an a big transatlantic liner, and when she gets well known and Is given regular employment she may earn as much as $3,000 a year. Many War Memorials The number of memorials erected In the United Kingdom and on various battlefields I In memory of those who fell In the World war Is computed at over 8,000. / . I 4.:" ... iWjll 'i' ' ii/ v'. 'OLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYO; ' ; iJ. S. En c '. * M^grrn i.y ^ 4 Alanson B. Houghton (left), Ai to Switzerland, whci recently arrived B. Kellogg, at tlie State department. European situation In general. To 1 isr Jfj^, '..-I ?%*;* I t'"y'. , The house committee on n ; dirigible. The picture shows the n: CAPT. A. J. HEPBURN |K M I i HHHS3 SKiK tfjEwim*^ J7* B^jfc}?|y^yi^WCc^p >... *7 r'* ilr ^ ~ :s/ nJuflmke.^. ^**^W | Capt. Arthur J. liepbuni has beet f appointed director of naval lntelli ! genes by Secretary Wilbur. He ha been In command of the U. S. S. Wes ! Virginia. * : LITTLE HEROINE \ .;\ ^ v- y ^' ... ^ * ' ^ W t 13L. y||g r L. i The robbers cot away, but It was | not the fault off little Sophie Isenberg I When the bundles invaded her father's | furniture store Jin New York she beat I it to the phorje and asked for the police, who weije quickly forthcoming ; but not quick enough to get their men | The robbers got away with $180. [ More Apples Needed The average per capita apple consumption for tife entire United States Is now one-hal^ an apple per day. So far we have <pnly reached the halfway mark of tlhe proverbial "apple e day." We understand, says the Progressive Grocer, the doctors are not j taking a very active part in persundj ing us to eat the other half per day. ?hr: " Many Varieties of Birds The biological survey says thai there are 800 species of birds and 11,200 subspecies. I Old Wedding CuMtom One hundred pounds of sugar was the curious wejddlng present the British Grocers' company gave Miss Marjlorle Pollock {at her marriage. The gift was a revival of an old custom lapsed since 1$34. Nimblenesa Win* Prize i Haste and rashness are storms and tempests, breaking and wrecking business; but nlmbleness Is a full, fair wind, blowing It with speed to haven. f-Fuller. T " * ' ' 11 *Hf- i \ y, y. C. I' i | : ivoys Confer With H nerican ambassador to Great Britain, in this country, held their first! conferei They discussed the coming limitation n *i 1 nil IV nulla lvionsier Lsing ^ : J ' -V V' < H^^E^Ev X:*:^ xraSHK^H iaval affairs has recommended the lodet being inspected by members of Makes Graphs < ' ' i r ~ W yCi: :-:<:-^ki&HR- f Invention <if a machine which wil sounds of the heart has been anno physician at St. Luke's hospital, CI doctor has worked for more than a i known to physicians. They are the ra graph. Both devices were considered < but the combination of the two remo caused wide differences of opinion in capable of listening to and recording ference from such causes as the pat i Borah Gives Tips --^^' p To really enjoy spuds from Idab< Senator William E. Borah of Idaho senator from the state, called on Nl< hotel In Washington, to teach him th from the "Potato state." The potatoe for the Idaho Territorial day banquet UTILE BITS OF The first successful airplane flight i wa^ Paper suitably for newspapers nu? i been made from I eucalyptus wood. The city of Cologne, Germany, was j founded 38 years before Christ. Haiti's promised bumper cotton crop has been damaged by a worm plague. At the height of 1,000 feet one may see an object 36.36 nautical miles at can ' I . j [ j J...., A ^ . r ' \ 9, 1 I IT * "' *J 1 II j'i ieir Chief "'jP^i '<-9 and Hugh Gibson, American mil dster nee with the secretary of state, I'rank of armaments conference and the !L1_ lDie i I f ? | piww*ww' wpft m . ... i J?^;;i construction of a 6,000,000-cubic-foot the committee and naval officers. jf Heart Sounds Cftr-_ \M V M r 4 iJMfl M I fl 1 make separate) graphs of the various unced by Dr. George K_ j Fenn, staff licago. The Indention, on which the rear, couples two devices already well ! dlo-stethoscope and the electric cardioiistlnct advances^ In medichl apparatus, | ves the human element which at times ' cases. The machine, yet junnamed, Is j : various heart sounds wjthout interlent's breathing.J Ill I on Spud Cooking ^ "n ' \ ' /V v |. v> , ?%% A:- ? ) they must be cooked ijlaho style, so (right) and Fred T. Dubois, the^first holas Sabatlnl, chef of the Mayflower e fine points of cooking this delicacy s were shipped from Idaho especially In Washington. ' INFORMATION As many as 4,061 muscles have been counted In the body of a moth. Latest reports show that there are 27,469 women In the federal civil service In Washington. Operated like an automobile seirstarter a jack has been invented for raising and lowering cars. More than 2,000 patents are held by members of the colored race In the United States. j ^ .: w... V1 ?* ^Pf^RS . . 4 i *"" ? ^ WRKLEYS RK. NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand ? pocket and purse Mora for yonr money and the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any mooey Look (or Wrigley's P. K. Handy Pack ^o^onrDeal?|?CoonteinG7j^ All to My Wife 'To my wife: I leave my house witli first anil second mortgages. "My piano player on which there is only a matter of $220 more to pay. "My automobile and the privilege of making the rest of the 'easy payments." "My life insurance policy of .$1,000 on which there is a policy loan."? Judge. A decent boldness ever meets with friends.?Homer. kt ssaJ AkMie ?a dry powder in white and tints. Packed in 5-pound 1 If L-. pacKages, reaay ror use oy mixing with cold or warm water. Full directions on every package. Apply with an ordinary wall brush. Suitable for all interior surfaces?plaster, wall board, brick, cement, or canvas. instead ofKalsomine orWall Paper Ask your dealer for Alabastine colorcard or write Miaa Ruby Brandon, tbe Alabastine Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. KESTER UtADTTO W# METAL MENDER 5BW Household Solder 1 Hsrs'i why thousands ust J Soldering \ Keeter Metal Mender. [ Booklet Simp U?'Requires OntV mI(1, _ Heat" Anyone c*n u?eit- * " Sie/t?No mcs?y pots or ? dangerous adds. 5?re ? Genuine Solder t/pee makes firm metal joints. Request Satisfactory ? W o r k equally well on light or 'heavy, old or new work. Economical? Save* many times its price. Tour Dealer Can ^Ullgo, CHICAGO SOLOES CO MP ART OOP Wr^htwoodAv-.CUc?o.U.a.A. The Best Recommendation ?FOR? Bare-to-Hair ? It the number who are trying to imitate it If Bare-to-Hair wat not growing hair on bald heada there would be no Imitator?_ If there It baldnett or " signs of it you can't afford to neglect to use Forst's Original Bare-to-Hair. s s* 1 ( Correspondence given personal attention. For sale by afl Drug Stores and Barber Shops. W*H. FORST, Mfr. SCOTTDALE, PENNA. W. N. U., CHARLOTTB, NO. 14--192* /

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