' " if i i , ?*a~p * '. ~~ THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1926. The Polk County News ? Published Weekly by The News Publishing Company . LOUIS LEHMAN, Editor *3 it?*i i at th j p >st > fije at Try >n, M. C, as second class mail matter under act of Congress j TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year 1.50 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 75c DISPLAY ADVERTISING RAT? PForty Cents Per Column Inch, Flat Legal Advertising, One cent Per Word, Cash In Advance ^~n ^ n ii REDUCING THE" COST Or IjOCAL GOVERNMENT Mark Twain is credited with the remark that tihere Is a great deal said about the weather but very little |done about it. Is not this applicable to the cost of local and state government? I Economy in federal administration wilW hot alone bring the maximumcof satisfaction to a tax-ridden people. Aftfer all, the greatest cost cf government is local, and it is straining penniesj and swallowing' dollars to sit idly by and think that the mere | reducticn ol' national expenditures by congressional ajnd parlia-j montary action will turn the trick for prosperity. ; Local and state governments are awakening t6 find inequali-j . tic- an.; extravagance, and no one doubts that they exist. The Sta.e lax Commission in Indiana has made a decided decrease m state ex, enses. T. e members of that commission study the lax ? probWi in its reliction to the cost of government^ and then the j necessary machinery is set in motion to correct thej evils and repair the leaks. * THE GREAT OPEN SPACES People who live on the farms and in the towns and villages hear as strange language the appeals for better housing facilities ^ and living conditions for those in the tenement-crowded cities, fiuman emotions are set afire by the stories of children who i cari i, KlnHp nf crass or hear the song of a bird. | t SUlUUin, ix ~ ? o . One-third of life finds its sustenance in the three substantial of food, clothing and shelter. Another third is found in the social and spiritual contacts that mean kindness, worship, sympathy and love. The third is traceable to the beauties of nature, to brooks and lakes and sunshine, to forest, mountain and plain, to tides and sunsets; while labor and industry mingle in all. It is unfortunate than many men, women and children do not receive even sufficient of the sub^tntials and are scarcely one-third living. Yet the world has such, and it is the business of society to provide opportunities for more abundant lives for its kindred whose souls are hungry no less than theih bodies. * * * N SCRIPPS WAS CONSISTENT j Nearly three years before his death, Edward W. Scripps, one [ of the great figures in American journalism, gave orders that in the event of his passing body be buried in the sea without i communicating with his relatives. Whyj not? Sqripps love^I the sea, and spent a greater portion of his retired life in cruising its 1 waters. Many people dislike the idea of a watery grave because it can not afterward be identified. Yet whatever this or any 1 other man may have accomplished will be marked by the retords' of achievement left, not by a shallow tomb of engraving on atone. | * * * i ! NECESSITY THE MOTHER OF GOOD ROADS - Illinois now leads all other states injts 5,000 mites of per~ ^ ^Jo iirVkY-v Airat* + r\ rlt?i trn Liiaiiuiiu Ljpc |;avcu luauo, aim anj vjiic *>nu u iv-u w u*i?v through the soft soil 01* sticky clay of that state in the old days , knows how badly the paved highways were needed. Truly, no section of the country can boast of absolute immunity from rescue by chains or mule teams at times when the weather man does his stuff. But all hail to Illinois! There is system 1;o its system. ? 1 HOOVERIZFNG MOTOR TRAFFIC I If Herbert Hoover succeeds in establishing uniformity in 1 state vehicle laws and local ordinances affecting motor traffic he will have done the country a vast amount of gdod. Let's make the nation safe for tourists and all the rest. People shy at traveling in strange jurisdictions where traffic regulations are probably directly opposite from those they have been accustomed to at home. ' * * *'j FEEL YOUR OWN TULL A boy was flying a kite. Another boy was watching him. Both saw the kite, but only one was enjoying its flying. The boy a that held the string got the real thrill. It's no fun fishing unless s you can hold the pole. It's no lasting satisfaction seeing the other fellow's shoulder galled against the wheel. You may chuckle in the end, but the real benefit is not in inherited wealth; it's in the dollar that you helped to earn and the town you helped y to build. j * * * UP JUMPS DEMPSEY 1 In the eyes of sportsmen and lovers of the manly art of i 1 1 1 J 1 1 T t T\ . . . I V\ tnump ana De mumpea, jacK uempsey may.yet redeem hiiftself. His lack of performance in several ways in the recent past caused the public to believe that he was a sport slacker. But now he has a broken all precedent by putting up a cool quarter of a million to profhote his own fight with Harry Wills on Labor Day. According to his promoter, the campion will fight solely on a percentage p basis and without guarantee. Though he expects to clear a million, even those who would not care to see the match must f admit that Jack has some sporting blood left, which will tell, even among prize fighters. c BOOST TRYON 111 fares the town that does not advertise. * * * " t Co-operation is born of understanding one another's problems. Some fellows think of community work as the ardent union ? man who refused to blow the quitting whistle because the blast c ^econdsoverthehour. ?r-pTr .LMUjj mm*!? 'THE POLK COljNTY NEW*! THE POLK COUNTY NEWsl WEEKLY ' ir The New Occupa m * nr om1 iha Oiric Wnrp 9. Onlv Real Victors i!i.V UHVI WiV >-? ** ? ? w- ? ? ? ? v in the World War By WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE, in Designer Magazh e. LET US consider the home, particularly the American home, of this new decade. IVherein does it differ from the lame home twenty, thirty, forty years ago? The answer is obviously in machinery, convenience, laborlaving comf emancipating luxuriea. The thing which 1 his decade a doing fo . in America at least, is physical in its outwird eipresiion. Mac . e liberating the physical body of women fr>m the toil hat their mothers and grandmothers had to^know. The houn of service lot merely for women in industry, which have Been steadily decreasing 'or two decades, but for women in the home, are growing sho "ter all the ime. Wires and tubes are bringing service which once was bai ik-breaking ind knuckle-racking and eye-straining upon the mother anil wife and lister. The modern home is designed with wisdom and Uvu. Women ire l>eing physically emancipated today. But emancipated fer what? No one who looks at the world can doubt seriously thit the new iberty is in many cases transgressed by considerable abuse of license. Smoking among women ia a gesture with which they indicate their freedom. The cigarette, the occasional more or leea surreptition i d?n, the latchkey te sister's bachelor-girl apartment* are the-overflowing froth jpon the brimming cup of women's freedom. It is thus that woman icoffs cynically at her past. Soon the froth will dissolve and the cup wi 1 jrim without it. For woman ia coming into a new relationship in western life. With physical emancipation she is getting wider spiritual latitude than she evir ltd before. She is seeing, examining, questioning, challenging the goo|d ind evil of the world. And if she blinks and gigflea and ia a bit frivoous, it is passing hysteria which will aoon leave her ealm and unafraid, maba^hed and free. The war, so far as boundaries are concerned, M far as indemnities ind reparations go, has left victor and vanquished unaatiMled. Tie irrnies of men on both sides were the loaers. Mother and the girls weia the only real victors in this wa Thev came out freer thaa they want in. 'As the Result of the Commercial Application oi Scientific Inventions Mj ALDOU8 MUILEY, in Vanity Fair (Maw Tart). Tht really great aimpliioatioM of our mtnUl lifa,.it ia laaartad, h*M baaa brought about "a* tha reault of tha oosmarcial applies iaa af aeianlife inventiona." Tha raamlta of thia axcaaaiva facilitation ua, flrat, aa strophy of the artistic, musical and dramatic facaltiaa of ties a who aacejit their: amuaemenU ready aaade; and, aacoad, an incraaaa af boredom. There ia nothing nowadaya corresponding ta tha paaaaat urt, tha fall:songa, tha traditional plaja and nununixiga ad tha paat. Tha talaot which produced these things lias latent; ready-made ataadardiaad ?atartainmutt has eWectivaly prevaatad it from expreeling itself. Bat rs dj-auii ait can -ever be aa completely sahafying ta a ama aa tha art hi aaakea himself. 'Hie cinema, the gramophone, tha wirelaaa art dietnaohaaa; bad th?v do rnibit^ to setiafy man's daaira for eelf-eametaaeu Any merchant who does a credit business will tell you thi.1 long toward the last is when the debtors put most stall in intalments. a a e Farm relief will come as soon as the farms relea e e e People who can't read are not much worse off than those fho don't. * * e I The door that is hardest to keep the wolf from is the one tc he sedan. i * A California man fatined whenhe saw a $100 bill. But the ill was for groceries. * The four corners of the earth are those on rubber, coffee, luminum and the grain market. - * If judges' salaries were raised they would at least look leasanter while sitting on the bench. I Music is the universal language, which probably accounts or the rattles and squeaks of the fliwer car. * "Wonder what the man who names Pullman csrs callg his hildren?" Columbia Record. Probablv iuat nlainiHinora ? / _r* General Pershing traveled all the way from South America The straw that broke the camel's back may be ii 1 your matress/. It may tickle you to lie on it, but may also be the means f losing your chance for success by sleeping overtur e. ? * A great automobile factory in Detroit has abolished "coeerences." Here is a lesson for everyone. What the whole ountry needs is less conferences, investigations and i >ropagandc, nd more facts, convictions and action. I ' CARTOON I g|j . i: cj. L. OETTLE J p-""i ... r mk fm I i | ] 1 I ^ ^*Sg ?^ S ^^Y3rSi-^ i^M flCSyl Q. L. Oettls, publicity agent for South Africa In the United 8tatee, photographed In Waehlngton Juet after ha had called at the White Houae wHh Sir Esme Howard, British ambassador, and told the President a lot about the advantages and merlta of South Afrlea. ' I I I The 1928 automobile lq reported remarkable for changed lines. An owner who got into the 1926 license-tag line says It was about the same as i last year's. When the first organised govern> ment was founded Is not knowp. All that can be said with certainty Is that the following day a cry went up far tax relief. I " Poultry experts are trying to get the t egg production of hens up to an cm a day. It would seem to be no mere , than fair to give a hen at leant oaa day off a week, , When a man complains that he doea not get enough exercise In the winter It is not safe to conclude that be li ( i longing for another heavy snowfall ae that he may clean off bis sidewalk. | ( Experiments Conducted in the laboratory of the University of Illinois | , have produced a one-eyed flsh. This certainly represents progress If soma other use' has been found for the fish's other eye. Trotsky Is one of the few people t who have found advantage In going i from America to Russia. He can t print what he likes. This was not ' the case when he was a contributing ; editor In the Bronx SIR G. BUCHANAN t t i t Bs E 0 0 ?I ^ n Sir George Buchanan, mlnlatar of health In England, who haa been In Waehlngtpn ae the gueet of thmUnlted Statee eurgeon general, Hugh 8. Gumming. i |L Ill ..' READ POLK COUNTY NEWS * " 5( ' ' *"i -J''"** '~i7~' , * . j, * v ' *jr\ -.^-r . V? -VI ' ftA About your Health Thing* Yoo Should Knov jiilV /i J 8LEEP It has been said that sleep cures rore nerve-disorders than all the rugs prescribed by science, to which tatement most educated physicians willingly subscribe. Normal sleep Is otti nreventive and curative for dis ressing states of the nervous system. >rug B?feep is never natural?nor is the tupor caused by over-feeding. Ftor est effects, sleep should be indulged t night. Observe the new-born babe who leeps most of his time, except when roused to take nourishment; he is luilding a nervous system for many ears of active service. Hia food conains the necessary ingredients, readyirepared for his appropriation; being oo feeble to take exercise, his sole lusiness and occupation are the buildng of the rudimental nerves along vith the "temple" in which they are omfortably housed. Sleep is the ideal sonditlon wherein Nature may >acomplish her wonderful ends. Your rakeful, peevish, restless babe is gong wrong?and will develop Into a lervous, rritable, unhappy and defecive youth, unless his course is corected by the capable nurse or physl:ian in charge. The adult is, in great neasure, subject to the same physiooglc law. Sleep is the faithful chaperon of he nervous system, exerting her dgllance as long during life as her equirements are respected. Her ap>roach is gentle?her touch sublime. !.nd, what more delightful than her >anorama of bewitching dreams? She s the guardian angel of the voyager Iko QOQ nt utronnnnfi offnrt To Icr. tore her wilfully and reep&tedly 1b fo >e forsaker by her?In which event, he penalty 1b sure, for only the >ended knee and the tear of penitence :an Induce her faltering return. Next Week: "THE SIMPLE LIFE" firte MB" A MO?9 IN THEr WINTER?DONT HAVE MYSTERIOUS Nurse?"Did the doctor take your emperature?" Patient?"Yee, and I can't find my vatch, either!" ALL THAT MATTERED Mother?"Tommy! Don't eat 'bo last! I knew a little boy who died Defore 'be had eaten half of his ice ;ream!" "What happened to the other lalfT" AN OB8ERVINQ PA8TOR A clerygaman says that women ire allowed too mnch latitude in the natter of dree a. How about longitude, reverend?'' EA8IE8T WAY OUT One Laborer?"Oiminy Crlpes, I'm lick of work!" "Well, ain't I^been^Teiiin' you, all his time ta loin de union?" ASK DAD HE KNOWS I Woman would make good In coniress, Judging from the way they inroduce bills into the house. NOT 80 DUMB Boss?"You've got a big nerve aayng I've got to take you into partner* hip." Go-better-youth?"Not at all! I'm :olng to marry your daughter I" _J t' ? NOT 80 CURIOUS AFTER ALL Women are supposed to have more uriosity than men, but so tar none f them have tried to see the North 'ole MEANS JHE 8AME Man dashing up?"Your wife has roke her leg!" Professor of Kngliwh ? "My dear lan, you should say, "has broken.'" ' 8U8PICIOU8 Professor's Wife ? "Say, Ichabod, rho is this Violet Ray I hear you tfking so much about la your sleep?" ; \ . I 5 I IT'S . ADVE ' i NO 10( f v.,..^H NON SICA OCtts-.^H jinK Ihi asb:u^H *va. ' kgS( * -C^H ink of :, a uaiv^ And it. Wilson ihsmam/^H iillii.il , ./ H isiblt- rriblt ; Exam'n.i .in atom. leutral b dy around ?fl ither bodi>- as it around our sun. times in .1 second Atoms. '' whici p;H millions i . one corntt^^H without . titt c^H systems. Our sun and its one aton. .n our unuea^^^ verse in m is orta'xn^^N . space aven; traveling miles a second, it hundred million yeaniS the telescopic maie oij^B /JNo wonder it sagslntbfl Father's house are tnuj^B With common sense Stgfl says to the Countess Cufl on it." Strong - minded Aamfl were indignant becaas^B was admitted here rd^^B whereas the Countess O^B shut out. These elopement shocked ctirjH ties. The <;, :ble-s?ra^M ^oo much I r oureiean-sB minded woint n. V Observe the prwer fH even when it isn't v-nfH ing. The countess iaal Island with a contract iM the stage at a h:gk fl wouldn't have got tit H assistance of Uncle Sail Professor Ruber teirnH Association for Science that. "Viewedifl angle there are no cstlH cent men or women' H . the human race is 7^BB mined by the cbromortB the egg cell.'* With complete retwM sor Raber. after insi*<!^^B sianand American dirofttM you think those egg well enough. from lit Pottp har til (b.-f modilBH An Englishman has I London to (.'ape Towii^B I nearly S.oOu miles, in | At the . tie I San Fran . I take about thirty I York to Chi lew J That speed : I stop flights , I be made within tw?-:7l^M I Washing':. a.;tlan-"'^M jCoolidge's order, (closed the M.iicaD I San Diego and the I Tla Juana at 6 P ? J hours are wt the beS*^B /the dive ii:h.ibitaBt{ "l!^H I Tla Jliana ownefl Ihouses and similar -J of them United Stata6^? I way. peti;a Freed'11 I cancel his m I President Conlldge I cold Vermont ear H I Frnmeut Bank'^^M The origin of Tkrtadneed < I th? Bank <lagl*?' V j ^niH finitely est.bll^* m Kansae City S!"r. JM Economist race* as far as May K Pitt Induce! P?r|18,y? cash payment* ?' moved Oil ray ? dr* ifl toon, which *ho*? on a chest label" being savagely * r,:<H But, it is s^ |d(t? made use of n? 1695, a medal!!*'. ^ mum ? cists of a seated, Jf the head uncover** one hand and H "p (tl(l throughout r"firP ' years It has rent the same.

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