If' ' ' tv' / .1/ 1 . [ THURSDAY, APRIL 1. 1926. ~ ~ r j [1 _ riTryon's Horse ! Show Begins ^ April'8th Ij """ ' ?1 A Fsrooir ' ' % ? I """i ftnrtn rtffl r?v.^> n? mi?guiijiui mw.milw:--:s^vX-xs<^>>:sv-y-.>-x%:x tLy a Lined up on the mark we havi versity and Intercollegiate Penn rel door College High Jump rhamp ar Vaulter, ready for a trial run at Of and Norton trained for the N V the w&rld decathlon champion.shii1 Rih'io Perpendo/. , (e irjitv of Ha- ^. Wilii I' IflvufK li:i? ! elected cap tain of the m-Jti JIuvii: football team * * * Pe'f* Itehun. fi.nnor Ifhiladolphla Nnlii-nat pitcher." ha* 1 n signed by (ho Mobile | (-III'!' of 'ho! Southern leairue V . . ? I Tin- N'ow Haven of >|io Kastpro lee true Ics s<il<l I': I:I}I M-Kenty I ' to tin- Clialtanooira club of lIn- South era lea cue. ! i i] William ft nd) Broii-le. semi-pro outfielder of st l.ouis lias signed a contract wjih Spriimtield of the Western association. c * ? Tommy Hitchcock. IVveretmx Milburn and Watson Webb. American players, arc ranked at the top of the British handicaps. # * j t1 The Mobile club of the Southern '' league has obtained Catchjer I'etc 1 Bitcbie front Sail I'ranoiseoj of the " Pacific Toast ICnjrue. ? il In addition to the rowimr nittchlnes. 3 t Coach Dick Ob-ndon has introduced ? a scow type of boat In the cool for In i door practice by Columbia university J crewmen | 7 j 1 hetBabe ~H r? f r'?W i | Last year Ruth was handicapped ? by too much weight, but this ^ear is going'to be different he ^ays .1 Uam'c tVia RoKa i*? o niKKar cWi v .lClt O U1 It | til U iUUk/Vl <91111 sweating himself into condition f* i f the coming season. Hoi \ 7 i (CopyH hl. W N II 1 ^... -,:v\ <tf jjtti^Y^i^' i~tfi I frSffii i'ftfrw*fc ' "V " - k : - 4 [ || IN 1 A's Setj to Go | ^ - ^ ; k%? a i- %, & A e Tony Planshy. Georgetown Uniay champ; Einerson Norton, Inid Charlie HoT, Norwegian Pole (orgetown Un ,'ersity, where Hoff ..ritii n L,rnlil^0.<horn for I III'TCMillf; " IHI ????? W1M Plan Forei ;n Tour for Two Ydiung' Tennis Stars Two schoolh y and schoolgirl playirs will he sen to Kngland next year o play agalns British champions If dans being cot sidered by several profresslve lender of the United States ! ..awir Tennis ssoeiation are looked | tpon favorably on the other side. No official 111 >ntion of this plan to j ncourage scholastic tennis has been nade, bui It Is likely that it will be J nentioned at tie annual meeting of! he association in February 0. The associath n has been very sueessful in tnaki lg tennis a universal :ame among stnior players by fosering the Pavis cup competitions ant! iy sending tihh r players to foreign ountrles Leaders jnf tin ussociutltin feel that entiis has Ibeeti t stchlished as a senlonteiiintion;. I gai ? and that it is now line to give mo, attention to the juInrs and tiovie. Fcrd Owners! And other use s of Clincher tires?here's ou knockout feature: Pathflndi r Tires. Will ort-ruii lots kf hiph-priced brands. Sells lower tjhan "p p" or mail crder. Come In and see If wefre telling the. truth. Hines Motor Co. Passiort, N. C. 1 LET "PRICE" IGURE THE PRICE r Tie Traffic Signs " ^ ll /* *rr U-V** SWT?* ,v Iffwrnvp A ' '+-* . . FHE Wi Sport Notes .'V It % New Orleans has bought Catcher Cj Llngle from Des Moines. * - * Babe Ruth says he will have s smashing come-back. He may mean his derby, j The Yankees, around the American league circuit, are being taken seriously as a pennant possibility. ? ? Indianapolis Is going to train at Hoi Springs this year, deserting Florida, where It did Its work last season. * * Apparently Carpentler's object In coming to the United States Is to Join the Dempsey disarmament conference. i Princeton has 140 candidates for rowing, a list of 20 per cent larger than In any other year in the |unlvereitv's history. I ?? * [ Emerson O, Welk. former shortstop J of the West Virginia university baseI ball team, has been released under op | tion by Pittsburgh to Wilson, &. of the Virginia league, Houston of the Texas league has sold Pitcher Hal Dlvlney. a splthall hurier, to Beaumont of the samt league. He was loaned to Beaumont by Honstou last season. BUY THAT BED ROOM SUITE FROM "PRIfE" j ' 1 i For That ; l\ew Home See that pour plans in- | elude specifications for the latest Sanitary (Pro celain Enamel Finish Fixtures lit tt 6 kitchen and bathroom. Easy to keep clean, they er always "Inviting looking!" Get clir price I quotations. In ' fact, lei us estimate on your en, tire plumbing needs pn that new dwelling You'll iflnd our figures lunusuallv low. C. N. Weathers Plumbing Tryon. N. C. ; ^ A* 1 m j- I 4 1 ^ ! ia_y i tHE FOLK 5COUNTY NEWS ORLD ( Newark mi the Inte national leagae has announced the pn Chase of Leslie McCullough, third bataman. from the Bloomington club o 1 the Three-r league. His home is ii Brooklyn, N. Y. * < Babe Ruth rowed a oat as a tralnI Ing ?tunt. It prohnblj won't help the /morale of the <>prv>sMg. pitcher any when Babe appmnYheJ the plate the coming season swlnjitag a pair of oars. ^ ? I Outfielder Harvey Hendrick has been sold by the Cleveland American league baseball club t< the New York fackees Last spWnf Hendrick was to the Prov:den:e club of the 3nternatfoosl league. ? Three ciabs. the Giants. Cardinals ' and Phillies, had a j.rent battle for home-run bono-- hjJi season. MeI Graw'e team flnall' wu|i out with 114 | elrcuit blows. The ; ^ards hud 101/ and the Phils an even [100. Wlliianl Neanlx, 1 inner Boston A. A. hurdle star, has l)ern appointed head of the physical it Gaining department of the Boston! | English high school. V ?j Karl Hamilton fo-nerly on the pitching staffs of the St. Jyouis and Detroit America11 leag tj> and the Plttsbnrgh Nnt'enal le-gue plsi'is, .who retired i".om hasehnll la;it season, has algae" to retcrt to tlJ ( Los AngelM teen. 't Is- ;'>e READ POLK COU^ TY NEWS 4,*4*4*4?4?4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4 ,>4,4*4*4*4"M*4?4* ' i f^REAL ESTA1 $25 ADVANCE ON A SPRING PARK EFFE WE HAVE ACREAGE IN TO 1,200 ACItpS THAT I? VELOPING WITH LAKE S SITES AND GOLF COi FARMS, HOMES AND BUS fEKL LIKE PROPERTY DOUBLE IN PRICE IN TH SO IT WIL j PAY YOl SEEKERS TC GET BUSY SJULT WHEN THE RUSH i i " , i Blantoh I Office in Pol CAMmKn?. A I The Mountain City ? | -si GARRE1 Wish to announce t.o their Western North Carolina that fice on Trade street to serv< heating. Engineering and estimates ai obligation. / All work and materials are g GARRE1 Phone 210, Tryon P ++++++++++++++++++++++++++*i I Western No : Real Estate is Pay ; to the Wis( j See Tryi Th C. J. ] "Rea I can't sell all the | offer you Tryon Dirt VS I I it ?j 1 i 11 L,an 1 i r CHAS. d. Real 1 Phone 173 ? Mp... r 9F SPO 3:^S=fc= r" j , EXHIBITION GAMES ! At Greenwood: , R. I I Greenville (S) 2 I Syracuse (1) !.51 At Dallas, Ta^as: R. H. E. Chicago (A) 7T lljlO 1 Dallas 4 10 '3 Edwards, Thomas and Crouse, McCurdy, Schalk; Victor, Andrews and Hungling, Wicker. , | \F At Tampa: R. H. E. A New York (N) 3. 8 1 Washington (A) 7 10 1 v Barnes, Wisner, Thomas and Hartley; Johnson, Fergusonand Ruel. At Petersburg: ,R. |h. E. I St. Louis (A) * :. .0 9 3 | Boston (N) ..........-.-.v...li 15 0 l! Ballou, Nevers and Dixon: Mogridge, J Genewich and Gibson. ? i ~' ' 'j I ' 3 At Waycross, Ga.: R. H. e. j 7 11 t " New rora iaj ?- Brooklyn (N) 3 8 1 ^ Jones, Beall and Collins; McWleeny, ^ Striker. Williams and O'Neill, Har 4 grave. . 4 At New Orleans: , R. H. B. j* Boston (A) 9 11 14 New Orleans 1? 2 4 Laungren, Welzer and Gaston | Cvengros. Hoffman, Hilton, Roup- 4 rich and Dowie. I 4 r 1 ; * rE BULLETIN ^ lLL LOTS IN DENTON CTIVE APRIL 1st. TRACTS RUNNING FROM i SUIT SUITABLE FOR DEIITES, HOTEL SITES. HOME URSES; ALSO IMPROVED INESS PROPOSITIONS. WE IN THIS SECTION WILL E NEXT TWELVE MONTHS, U INVESTORS AND HOME 4 , AS YOU KNOW THE RtfT COMES. | & Greene k County Bank lorth Carolina ith Natural Advantages ? mail i?i^? \ i ; T & SON many friends in Tryon and ; they have opened up .an of; the public in plumbing and e furnished free and without < uaranteed. T & SON . < I hone 707, Spartanburg, S. C. *> j :: ? < ? rth Carolina j! 0 * ing Large Profits _ i; 3 Investor ;: :f ' i: on First en \\ I O Lynch ltor" ill <? 1 Earth, so I only \\ the Best. o rill Clean Up ,| o 4 4 r? r\ ? * * ie uone 1 ?. < } LYNCH Estate * ! i Tryon, N, C. \\ i L i " ? IRT III IS II h - - i ~^sB '.. SOFTEST JobsT^B A barber in Moscow. Horse doctor in Detroit. , , ; Killing the fleas on a goldfish. j<. , Keeping flies off a snow man. j1;,. t Sweeping leaves from a hall tree. ! ' , Digesting the hole of a doughnut. . ' iri-: J Being nightwatchman on a sundial. To be captain of the Swiss navy. |;n. " ^ Keeping the dust off Niagara a?8Manager of an ice house in Driving a street sprinkler in ( , "' ,i*'>> I enice. ...m| , r!-"V.. J ' hr^l *+****++**+++4-+++*+++++++.+.,....... . . ^ A. A. MKh'mTfl -? ENGINEERING service rnces as reasonable as is Consistent with accurate work ?jt|tt|t[(f|t mbejssbI T"P you can't supply your needs in Tryon, :l hour and a half drive to GILMER'S, Ash J complete Department Store. Selling at "Lowest-in-the-City- Prices." MAIL ORDER SERVICE, ASHEVILLej . j. a j. j, j. .i. .t. * 4- < 4-H-M-e+++ > :*+++ ihihB 1 FOR SALE GOOD 1 ARM 380 aeres one and one half miles from townii|B section of South Carolina, on highway. Goodtl churches near, in good community. Price acre. Will cut into small tracts lor $45.00fl Easy terms. HAVE OTHER GOOD FARM LANDS CHil For particulars address, P. 0. Box 646 ' GretnqM ^4.4.?? + ?.?1 .> < 11111 nniB ? : WE DO ALL KINDS OF | GENERAL CONTRACTING & BUILM > \ ; I WILL GLADLY FURNISH YOU ES ITMATEjQSjM ; YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTSANOGUARAM i EXCELLENT SERVICE-WORK THAT YOU I PROUD OF. I NOW HAVE CONTRACTS FOR A? ; BER OF TRYON BUILDINGS. MAY I FIGURE YOU? _/ | BRICK WOOD AND CONCRETE K'GJtll | R. A. SEXTON General Contractor Trm'M * * y , , , , , ^^4444)^1 This Bank! Is playing an important part in the great progrefli^H ment now going on in Saluda. LET US SERVE YOU. ' 1 4-'. ? ? ? ? The Bank of Saludfl SALUDA - - -j| Why's and Other Wlfl About I ? ?????> K - Jersey Sweet Milk. Sweet Cream, Double Strength. s'^a One-half of 1>' Per Cent Chalmers A Flavor?the Kind You Like V Every Bite a Delight I Phone 174 I TRYON PHARMACJ liiiri'irimt a-aigt '**-' " *

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