K?MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S r>F , d pBEU FoSTWieK. MAS IUVEUTE0 WHAT ME P CAUS -OOfir TRACK." LltJEOLELWA, OU VWHICM ? ~rv' FAMIUV ix*r OAU LEAVE /MUDOy fooTPR^UTS UUUOTK2ED, BECAUSE TU< PATTERN IS A CLOSE IMITAVIOM OF ,// CHX? ^ I' from milling crowds, r it is to such men that th stantial advantages. Sin ceptions) of health-ind\ inchv'" I nl-nc sai) to dui cnjo^mcut ui ] > o . * Is desigrteu to L'.'.rc .o: tr to provide the right typ Those whoJ<?ve Nature their interest. The cente tains, this suburban area 'r that is exceptional even ir ncss. Its central boulevar DERSONVILLE, a thr ? as a resort of unusual exc development as this. In the Hi^ Bookie's "vd of I."ir. upon re quail., j i LAluI |L Walter \_ fruU, Worth Cap loCte, Winstc Offices in 0>>?cm in j L r TBE POU vjl vaafu-ev gtm-ptu 98t. re wu remember . vjmeu wos vjeut td school to study, auo Kiorr TO practice RASwr bau, rehearse class plays, sou err ads fop- programs AUO AWtJUALS, P1V.U TWOR PAUCe PROGRAMS, VUEAR FREAK. CU3TM6S AMP POS? AS MEM AUO VJOMEU OP TH' VUORUP ? v.. gffHPWPT^?.! ...-- . 1 ..i^. E , , __L! Jl The keen-minded man of affairs real tages that come from having HIS h< open," so to speak. To him, the privi' home, with all the comforts that not ! considered possible only iji the city; I emoved from smoke and noise; that is a pi ie LAUREL PARK development offers ai ce the business man df today is also a lov< icing sports, the builders of LAUREL PA not only thr ?<?sentials to home comfort, hi t a great variety oJt. out-of-d^r recreatitifll >. CFNTr si TBI ie reeveacionai nceus oi man, woman and cl: a of homeplace ? a community of culti will find in LAUREL PARK ESTATE! r of a vast range of greenclad moun- ~ artnkes of a wealth of natural beauty Ter i a country noted for its natural lovelid leads directly to the heart of HENiving city that is known to thousands :ellence. You have never seen such a o Faci ; ' eith * veni *hlands of Western i >rth Carolina he Sent SCI formative literature toill be sent is i dip muI mail the, coupon^ 3 4 EL FAME EST "n c o ro p opiated .NDERSONVILLE, N.( Fuller a. o. Gretnolm c. p. i mt ht Vice-Pres. 2nd Vi a. y. Arlxdce c. n. James Suy-Trtsi. Seles Director lolina Offices in Hendersonville, Ashev m-Salem, Greensboro and Raleigh. South Spartanburg, Greenville and Georgetown. Augusta,, *. f --7,, .*? ,y 7 ?7 r ;"W * ' . J1 !. ? ? ; : COUNTY NEWS . Sofffarot OASPC*-1****0*- SAMG W* WAS A MOST iuosua*- ?w?y BscAuse rr w?v*R.fiW\? .^BTDOTS A^rWIMCr UUOSUAU'" ** ??T J -L - 3??--5 ... 1 [MSSBS i't ? " V ;iiiy; " ires today the advanomeplacc "out in the lege of haying such a k> very long ago were to have a home away rivilege indeed. And, 1 aggregation of sub;r (with but few exRK ESTATES have it the facilities nece*r k ~ iTRR ' tild. It is being built jre and refinement. 5 much to intrigue ATALOG OF SPORTS mis Golf Polo Swimming Horseback Riding Hiking Mountain Climbing Motoring > . T rapshooting Canoeing Rowing Motorboating ilities for all of these arc er provided for, or are conent to LAUREL PARK "ATES. jrel park estates INCORPORATED NDERSONVILLE, N. C. I 1 me information about the . :nic suburb 4TES -? i?? loCEM tt-frm. ille, CharCarolina Georgia r r' f -J f % \ ? . Pillage Gossip ~ ^ ISBEj iKdfl ^ |gj| ' JOMM MEMRy J\PW 16 VUORK.IU' OW A radio Rsee\/iu<* SET vuhksm suables TH* U6T6U6R Tt? TALK. SACK - TAKE A BVQ- HE-MAM WHO MAS JUST TOWED IU OM A" PETER. RASBtr STDRV FOR. -rue . tMODmS". VIHAT WOUtO WE MOT ??IVC To BRCHOQASr A P9U WORD? T .888? ~ Pirata Perch Turns ^ Sunfish Out of Neti Bunflah are troubled with what jmajr be sailed a marine cuckeo?the pirate paTck. This flah, which la either tee lair or elM Incapab e of making a '4 aeot of Ita own, waits on til the sunfish have completed their neat and then tarns them oat. Installing Itself la their place. Ita eggs are frequently laid among those of the original occupants. These, however, are not disturbed and hatch out In due coureu says the Vancouver Province. 4&\-i Perhaps the moat Interesting east foand under water Is that of the Mack-nosed dace. The flsh clears * space about two feet In diameter and the female deposits a layer of eggs. Then a layer of stones la gradually placed ever the eggs, the stones being brought to the nest la tM month of the dace. Oa these aaotber layer of eggs Is placed aad then comes another layer st stones. These alternate layers of -eggs aad stones are slowly built up until the pQe reaches a height of eight laches or so. fha black goby fonns a home for Its ?CP Uke a balL This Is constructed st pieces of weed Interwoven end beuad together, the eggs being placed x h* la often the case, the male buflds the nest and, after the eggs have been deposited, takes It In turn *fguard It ^I SALESMEN WANTED for lubricatlnj oils, greases and paints. Excellent opportunity. Salary or Commission The Jed Oil and Paint Co., Cleveland Ohio. APARTMENT WANTED?Two elder ly ladies want apartment on ground floor, permanent. Address Miss S. E McKee, Tryon, N. C. FOR SALE?By owner: Four lake front lota on Lake Lanier at attrac tlvely low price. Easy terms. Addresi Elizabeth Levle, Margo Terrace, Ashe rille. N. C. i FOR SALE?About 1000 feet galvaniz ed %-inch pipe. Price 5c per foot at my place on the mountain. Fine for rose arbors. E. W. Dabbs, Tryon, N. C. 1 Libt A Weekly f< I ANN THE APPC MISSILDINE! PI As In Thi You can now buy LI Weekly Magazine, tl mentioned. LIBERTY contains tli serials by the world's i and Patterns. Specis Buy it regularly. Out Phone your ore be reserved fo Lib* A Weekly f OUT EVERY MO* / ** THURSDAY APRIL 32 1926 Horn* "Intide Oat" According to a French technical publication devoted to the horse breeding Industry, a Chinese visitor was recently taking notes at a prise stock farm In- Franca When he reached tha staple where 20 fine horses were standing In their stalls, the celestial turned to the owner. "1 cannot understand," said he, "why you Europeans always put your animals In their stalls Inside out." "Inside out!" exclaimed the breeder. ^Exactly. You stable them with I their noses to the wall. They cannot see anything, are easily frightened and are apt to kick. In my country we turn them around so that they can see what Is going on and who la approaching them. You westerners always start at the wrong end of things."?From La Bulgaria, Sofia. (Translated for the Kansas City Star.) * -. J WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MAY 6 Oratorio Night?Mendelssohn's Elijah. Soprano, Ethel Hayden. Contralto, Nevada Van der Veer. Tenor, Allen McQuhae. Baritone, Fred Patton. Chorus of 350. Frederick W. Wodell, Conductor. * THUR8DAY AFTERNOON, MAY 6 -j j Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 50 players, Ossip Oabrilowitsch, Conductor; Victor Kolar, Associate Conductor. Piano Concerto, N. 2 by Rachmaninoff played by Mr. Oabrilowitsch, Mr. Ko lar conducting. sympnony no. o, uy Tsckakovsky, Mr. Gabrilowltsch conducting. i?j + ' * * * THUR8DAY NIGHT, MAY 6 , Opera Carmen, by Bizet. Soprano, Louise Hunter, Metropolitan Opera Co.; Contralto (singing Carmen), Alice Gentle, San Carlo Opera Co.; Tenor, Wandell Hart; Baritone, Edmund Burke, Metropolitan Opera Co. Chorus of 350, Frederick Wodell, Conductor. * * FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 7 Children's Chorus, 500 voices, Mrs. B. L. Blackwell, Director, in cantata "The Lady of Chalott," by Bendall, and in part-songs. Aria from "Louise" , Charpentier, by Ethel Hayden. Selec tions by Detroit Symphony Orchestra. ; 1 FRIDAY NIGHT MAY 7 r Artists' Night?Prima Donna Luella > Melius, Coloratura Soprano, Paris Grand Opera Co. Richard Bonelli, | Baritone, Chicago Civic Opera Co. j Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowltsch, Conductor; Victor Ko_ lar, Associate Conductor. * 1 , Mall Your Orders For Season or Single Tickets to ! DuPRE BOOK STORE Spartanburg, S. C. ? . Season Tickets $6.00 to $15.00 . Single Tickets $2.00 to $ 5.00 ? I SPARTANBURG MUSIC FES1 IVAi. ' May 5, 6 and 7. Brty )r Everybody OUNCES UNTMENT OF i PHARMACY lone 4 Dealer is Locality BERTY, the 5c National irough the dealer above i^ le finest short stories and greatest authors. Fashions il Articles. Movie News, every Monday. Price 5c. ler and a copy will r you every week. erty or Everybody ?. 1 / IDAY. PRICE

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