- S ? . TRYON ROUTE ONE Oh, the woods, the beautiful woods, as spring bursts forth in trumphant procession of blossom after blbseom. Do we take time to appreciate God's liti'e mission arise sent to us spring after spring in all their glory, to teach us beauty, purity, and innance. * Blaster Woodrow Heague attended the musical contest at Raleigh. Mr. E. B. Edwards and son Carl ard daughter Miss Essie attended * ' " * A ? ritw tn? tusinci COUliereilCC iu ruicai VII./ 17, April. Mr. Ed. Edwards and family* ane reporting over the arriva.1 of another little boy, Mrs Edwards and babe re getting on nicely. ? * Sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. Simpson, which prevented hier going as a delegate to our anual meeting of ths W. M. S. at Asheville last week. ? ? ? Miss Jrrne Edwards spent a few afternoon hours with Miss Grace H .mi ton Sunday last. A great tipical Fox chare was exP rierctd recently, when it was said to be about a hundred men and the race began on top of Fox Mountain, and went as far as Mr. J. T. Waldrop and back up and was caugni on xne Hamitte farm, some fun for the men, end hoys and dogs to catch the Fox. They say Al^gka is getting warmer, seem-; this worning they must have borrowed it from our good old N. C. * Hey to all cart spondence did you knew twa's Spring again, we would enjoy something about the vicinity, of each you. of you, just now, in the mor. ing of the year. Mrs. R. G. Hamilton HILLCREST INSTITUTE Rev. R .X. H inter. Mr. W. A. Whiteside and Mr. N. M.Brannon attended the meeting of Presbytery at Statisvi'le Ave., church in Charlotte this week. Believed in Advertising The late Nebuchadnezzar, ancient king of Babylon, who saw the famous handwriting on the wall, was no modest violet. A bit of autobiography he had inscribed on a cylinder 2.500 years ago and securely sealed in the wall of an ancient temple for posterity to dig up and read, now reposes in the Carnegie museum at Pittsburgh. Several of the opening paragraphs are gems of modest praise. He goes on to say: "I am Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babyion. the great, the mighty, the favorite of Mardnk (Babylonian Cod), the ruler who knows no weariness." Then he expatiates at great length on what a builder of temples and walls, "mountain high." canals and other structures he is, and adds, "may the wise men after nte, read of all my works which T Kueo inr*l ton ntmn tRn toKIof " I nine r? i i 111.11 u|'vu mi niuiii, Nebuchadnezzar was taking no chancea of posterity neglecting to give him credit where credit was due.?Capper's Weekly. Historic Bells An odd wooden cage for the heavy peal, of ancient bells belonging to the church of East Bergholt, near Ispwlch, England, has often been noticed. This elaborate oaken cage stands in the churchyard. It was built originally In the early years of the Seventeenth century. and has been restored recently. The reason for Its construction was that the projected and half-completed church tower was never finished. There Is a similar, but not quite so large, timber bell-cage in the churchyard of Wrabhess, between Colchester and Harwich. Throughout the ages bells have been the heralds of tidings, cheerful and sad. of news good and ill. Not High Priced Goodyear .tires .are .not high priced. Although they are the standard jf highest quality, you can get a Goodyear for as little as you ar"e asked to pay for an ordinary tire?maybe eve-n less. | Hines Motor Co. Passion, N. C. ^wrr * o?^prap>?5 Mrs. R. N. Hirnter has been real sick with cold this week. She had a most pleasant visit with her sister at Clinton, S. C., last week also attended the meetings of Second and Cauba Presbyteries while away. Rev. R. M. Gibson and wife of Conjord, N. C. and Rev. J. A. Baird of Chrrlotte, N. C. were at Hillcrast Tor the day/ Monday. The gin's of the Y. P. C. U.. gave their program in the contest Sabbath night. Their subject was "Dangers 111 Genc-ste," The talk and readings were ;ood and full of helpful suggestions. The songs were beautiful and helped co make the program very interesting. The judges of the contest were Mrs. ray. HJiss M. Elizabeth Reid and Mr. Jolly. Thty were to consider hree points, program, attendance and co'lectlon, onie third each in value. The dicision was in favor of the boys on program and the girls on attend.nco and collection. * < i his has been looked forward to with intense inUrret. It has been very helpful to those particpating in it and ilso to the hearers. Mr. George Watson and Miss Winnie C. Long, students, spent the weekend with their parents near Union Mills. < < The at idents are enjoying tennis and croquet, especially do they enjoy ten. is. We are to glad to have games like these for the students Tl creation. The minds relax, me uuseles are given good exercise and they feel refreshed for study. I Have You I New Ele Refrigeration stored by elec I water. We garantee that every 100 ] remove 14,400 or more Britis your refrigerator. ICE-The SAFEST and most tion for any temperatures I the Safe range of ternperat in Ticket prices: De 500 Lb. Books 80 1000 " " 75 2000 " " 70 5000 " " 65 I The Horn Manufactures o{ Telephone 149 I DR. D. M. I Optoi I Eye S Shelb; | Will + TRYO X Tuesday X From 8 a. I A t MISSILDIN1 | Eyes I f - If Your Hav< X If Your EYES E | Come In : ? DR. MORRISON{ Repair V +**+++ ++++++++++++**++*+4 +*++++++++++++++++++ii.+++-H J Steam Heat SEDOE W < TOURIST ANI * Rates R | Hot and CJold Wa J Phone 167 * Let Me Have Tour Building 1 t Low Cost, Good Workmanshi % Remodeling Old Building. t RESIDENTIAL AND D. E. B. ? | Building i | TRYON, N. C. - ,Z . ... . . "V-.. -,w . x . ! . "% ^ i -1 .?i " ' S/l r'es as Told Place Parrots in New Role To Illustrate his belief In the future life of animals, Mr. Elliott 0*Donnell recently told the following stories I to the London Times: A lady living. In Hampstead had a parrot of which she was very fond. One of her servants In a fit of rage killed It. The following day the lady was at a party, and she noticed that one of the guests, a gentleman and a stranger to her, was staring at her. Later on he was Introduced, and he said to her: "Do you know why I was staring at you? It was because 1 saw a parrot sitting on the arm of your chair and after a while vanish." The gentleman then described the parrot he had seen, and convinced the lady that It was the ghost of her killed pet Mr. O'Donnell next referred to a parrot belonging to an undertaker who had the bird for 28 years. One day It remarked to. him, "You are go Ing to die soon," and a few hours af terward the bird Itself died. Two or three days later the undertaker died. At the Inquest held on hlra, reference was made to this Incident, and the query was raised. "Do parrots understand and are they clairvoyant?" Worms in Soil The best treatment for the worms li the soil, which are net likely to be doing any harm, la watering severe: times with lime water, as recom mended recently. Different kinds ol worms are found In soil In which there Is decaying vegetable matter, but the\ are harmless. Castor oil la not li>el> to do your plants any good, and we should not advise using It?h?'cntreaJ Family Herald. Compass at ths Polos The department ef research In tec-estlal magnetism ef the Carnegie Institution of Washington says that la the absence ef any observational data at the true North pole It Is not possible to state to what movement, or change In direction, a compass needle at that point Is subject. The north end of the compass needle at the true North pole would point approximately 1 toward the North Magnetic pole which Is situated about latitude 7G ' d?irrees 5 minutes north and longitude | 06 <Wt-*pr west of ftrecnwlch. i Tried The ctric Ice? trie current in pure drinking lbs. of our ELECTRIC ICE will ih Thermal Units of heat from economical method of refrigera>etween 40 and 50 degrees F. -? for foods. livered as required, cents per hundredweight 19 II ?? ?? 99 99 99 99 tf e Ice Plant f Pure Electric Ice Trvon. N. C. I MORRISON j | metrist <' Specialist ',! y, n. c. ;: Be In ' ' n, n. c. :: ', May 4th ;; m. to 5 p. m. o t The ;: S PHARMACY 11 examined 11 3 HEADACHE, JI >urn Ache or Blur, \; and Consult | on the above days. | Pork Done. v * > ******* Good Meals OOD INN ;; ) COMMERCIAL -; leasonable t ;; ter in Every Room. ;; Tryon, N. C. ;; 0 i * rroubles. ]; p, Good References, Ten Tears <; COMMERCIAL WORK 3! JANDERS | Contractor. - \| LANDRUM, 8. C. Box 72. II '1 ' T - .? *?..s s THE PQLK COUNTS NEWS 1 LORD WILUS0ON '~~ ~ """"in?nt Brit I Lord wiiiingoon, a _ l?h statesman, haa bean mentioned aa s poaaiDie aucceaaor to Lord Byng aa governor general of Caiada. How Long Fisbea Live How long does a flsh Ive? Not oul out of water. Any boy can tell thai from observation. But with proper food?everything It neels? According to Popular Sfclenee Month ly. Major F. S. Fowle.' of England who haa been conducttig a special study to And out, repots that a cat flsh, with which he Is acquainted. Is now fifty years old anr Is still lively. An electric eel In the xindon zoo. he found, lived 12 years. Other flsh age figures, as given by Major Fowler, are as follows: Carp, thirteen years; goldfish, twelve years herring, four years; salmon, three years; brown trout, six years. A bulfrog's recorded age was fifteen yean; toad, eleven years, and the giant salamander, fiftytwo years. Smaller and Better "At the risk of Incurring the scorn of the go-getters, I think that I shall withdraw my suppfrt from the Diggerand-better city movement and devote It to the smaller-and-better city mowement," said Mr. Cato Ninetalls. "There Is nothing reactionary about this; quite on the contrary. It Is progressive. The blgger-and-better movement, If net as old as the hills, Is doubtless as old as cities. The smaller-and-better movement Is a reform, a getting away from old things, a getting away from old 'slogans,' as they are so Ineptly called. The blgger-and-better movement has been In progress for a long time, and It has achieved remarkable results in the way of bigness, but I nothing at all In the way of better ment It may be that bigness and betterness are incompatible."?Indianapolis News. ' ron o.vi.n t front lots at Lake Lanier. Must sell, great bargain at last years prices. Easy terms, address F. E. Box 153 Asheville, N. C. A Few Wc Su POLKCl Realizing as i present time is fj friends and subsc we wish to make In our plans: the service in Try tirely new force < oughly experienc< familiar with equ ask your co-opera V by which we may |1 purpose to give: We have issu lence, and in ord( you to please ca familiar with nan numbers for you in securing for yc In consideration and bounds, and as f any size Can only giv to call by number, w we are not out of lint ing every possible mi vice for a better and Thankir Polk Corn ' - ; 'V su-v'-- "V ^ * " r^-'": .- ' TI American Nation No Higher Morally Than Western States of Europe - " u By DAVID HARRISON, in English Review (London). . - ?. It is submitted that on an impartial survey there is not * shred of evidence to support American claims to superior morality. However charming, the individual American with w^jopi our leaders come into contact, and while recognizing the valuable relief .work parried out {J in Europe by American effort, the fact remains that the United States } as a nation is no higher morally than the western states of Europe, and certain disquieting facts suggest a definite inferiority in some respects, j Ceuainly her foreign policy during and since the war?with its failure J to discern any moral difference between the belligerents until her own < interests were directly touched, her desertion of Europe and Armenia I during the critical years of the "peace" and her treatment of war debts on a strictly commercial basis, although her states and cities shamelessly repudiated their debts after the Civil war?suggests a nation acting deliberately according to self-interest. ' There Are Only Five True Tastes: Sour, Alkaline, Sweet, Bitter, Salt 4 _. . - CTendon). By PROF. D. FRASEK hakivio, m wu^uvM. N We have only the following true tastes: Acid, or sour; alkaline, or oapy; sweet, bitter and salt. Vinegar is sour, baking powder is soapy, sugar is sweet, quinine is bitter and salt is saline. Anything in addition to these that we may perceive in regard to what we take into the mouth belongs either to the group of the odors, to that of contacts, or to that of gensations of heat and cold. In other words, nerves of taste, of smell, of touch, and of heat and cold are all involved in what we call "tasting" ! anything. If you are asked what the taste of an apple is like you would reply, "Oh, well, just its own taste, the taste of arf apple." But there is no such taste; an apple must be sweet or sour; what we call the "taste" of the apple is its flavor or smell, which can be perceived before the fruit ia taken into the mouth at all. f^REAL ESTATE BULLETIN^ I WE HAVE IT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUITABLE FOR ALL PURPOSES, IN TRACTS RUNNING FROM . "nnmrnxr nu* 6 TO 1,200 ACRES LOCATED IN AN i ajawiw**. W. N. C. PROPERTY THAT HAS NEVER BEEN ON THE MARKET BEFORE AND THE FIRST INVESTOR IS SURE TO MAKE A PROFIT.AS PRICES ARE ADVANCING DAILY ON W. N. C. REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS PROPERTY IN AND NEAR COLUMBUS THAT ARE SURE MONEY MAKERS BECAUSE THERE IS NOT ANOTHER LOCATION ON THE TOP SIDE OF GOD'S GREEN EARTH LIKE COLUMBUS, COME SEE, AND YOU WILL BELIEVE. Blanton & Greene Office in Polk County Bank Columbus, North Carolina The Mountain City with Natural Advaatogos 11 irds To The Patrons and bscribers of the HIMTV TFI FPIIfINF M /VIII I I kbki Iiviik WW. sve do that the service rendered you at the ar from satisfactory, and as some of our ribers don't understand the reason for this, the following statement: for the enlargement and improvement of on, we found it necessary to employ an en)f operators. These operators are thor3, but will require a little time to become ipment and local conditions. We therefore ition in the following manner as a means render you the satisfactory service it is our Y ied a new telephone book for your convenjr to help us render a better service will ask ,11 by number, as our operators are not nes in Tryon ahd in order to look up the it takes time which would otherwise be used nrnrrmf cflririno / Vi ^/fc VAAA^/V WVX ? AW( of the fact that Tryon has grown over night by leaps t is a well known fact that any telephone %stem of e a satisfactory service by requiring their subscribers e are sure that in asking your help in this manner e with what is reasonable,'and assure you we are ussans to effect a better and greater system and sergreater Tryon. lg you for your generous co-operation, Yours trulynty Telephone Company LOUIS A. AVANT, Pres. V ' - * ,*/-- v . A \V zjzi' 2- ' 'j '? ;i.v.*.i ? . / ... t? ' l V^"CYj.i| p.I S.I t Th\" Won^l I ? Here j 1 ompUiB * " . +++*+4ikl + ' '^1 Tn * ?\B ! u'T(>p.??1 + - li RE WAIT J I I X Phone 441J + 373 Biltmort .,? H I + +++* : -^^iij 4. * : : > >++',hhJ I | ANTIQUE mi J I X We to, and sell, fl I J what you have to H * Tables, Chairs, Dtfcfl X boahds, whatnots, a I 4, antiques. < > Also upholstering H T Cabinet etc. J The (iiiler Furniitl II X 97 Patten Ave. >M ++++* 4* 4* v 4* 4* 4? 4?4* 4* 4- v v v v v 4- 4+4hUi|iM | TYi'EWRl J + INDERWoJ I + The World's S'ajH * ' P EW R ' * + The Machine of 4. curacy and Spees: H H J , Demomtnlt. I ? lnderwoc:^^H J TYPEWRITER CM | 9 +*+* **+*++++++ ? | MUSIC TEACH burnhaiH I VOCAL TEACH 7 A Teacher of EipH f and EsUbiiifefl X Repute'ci I STUDIO I * 14', X. fViiJ X Phone W'l I I ^ ?rt?*.^rnn * e' X Drawing. Materials, llfl H X terns, Blank Boob I SB X office suppusm i t X EQUIPMENT I BURT. l. owneevlb i Iz 24 Broadway ?? 414* 4?4?* v v v v v v v+++^^| cafeteru^K If cafeteru^K if BETTER 'y 21 Hay wood St. fr* *4* V V T *M" Provided the'raifiJ I j| ers of Tryon and ^ooiro kit vice snd 11 UCoii V . I cate by a,rd orlW^M I in Greenville, S. II make n. ' I I to Try n coveritf^E III service desired. J Servia nil I chines, redius j I Mail orders pronf^^K l J ed. Everything I guaranteed. I RADIO I CO. In J II

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