' \ I THURSDAY APRIL 29, 1926 ;-,COLUMB. + The Outlook Club met with Mrs.. ' J. A. Foagan last Wednesday afternoon. The program dealt with a discussion of club books which has been read. "Wild Geese" by Ostenso was interestingly discussed by Mrs. Feaga:' and Miss Seidel following which i Mrs. Fred W. Blanton and Miss Hold-1 erb um reviewed and discussed "So Big" by Edna Ferber. The Club is planning in connection with their literary programs to take up one optra at each meeting for a while, an^d "Aida" was studied at this meeting. After reading the story of the opera Miss Bodie played several selections from it. Anothe enjoyable feature of the program was music furnished by Misses Crawiey and Russell on Hiawain instruments. The hostess assisted by her daughter. Harris, tt, servtd coffee andDevil's food c:ke at conclusion of the program. Mr. C. 11. H.rlong, Sales manager for Blantcn and Green, spent the past w;ek-end with his family at Gaffney, S. C. * * * ^ Mrs. Charles M. Shannon has return, d to her home in Mtyiroe after a pb asant, visite with her daughter, Mrs. 11. F. Sikcs. . ? Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Door and little son J li.n Jr.. of Charlotte spent the laite. part of the week in CoJumbus stepping i t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lind sy Smith. * * * .". iss C .rtis llill who is taking a business course at Robinson's Busin ss College in Spartanburg spent last week-t nd at home. * Mrs. Mary W. C. Gray of Hillcrest spent s. vera' days the first of the wet k with Mrs Fred W. Blanton, i and together with Mrs. Blanton shopped in Spartanburg Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and daughter. Rt na, of Gaffney, S. C., spent last week-end with Mrs. Smith's parents. M.\ a:.d Mrs. J. W. Newman. * * * Miss Ida Siedel and Mr. John W. Artz spent the past week-end at the latter's home in Old Fort. * * * i Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Lewis and little daughtt r. Dorethy, spent last weekend with Mrs. Lewi's parents at Inman. S. C. Frit nds i:i Ca'umbus of Mrs. Nelle Bishop Me Hugh who is pleasantly remembered as music Instructor at Stearnes High School a few years ago, will be interested to hear of her engagement to Rev. J. R. OwPn, pastor of Mars Hill Baptist church. The wedding is to take place in early s :mmer. Mrs. McHugh has been director of Music at Mars Hill College during the past year. ? Mr.and Mrs. Grady McGraw of j Hendersonville were guests Thursday I of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Lewis at their home in Denton Spring Park. * Capitalist from Marion and Shelby namely Mr. W. W. Grey and Mr. H. L. Hunt, has purchased three Blanton and Green Park of Chocolate mountain wnicn property tney expect to develop at an early date. ? ? Charlotte capitalists have also purchased one hundred acres on Green River which is to be used for a summer camp or club organization. mm* Mr. John W. Artz purchased from Blanton and Green two .'ots in Denton Spring Park. SAVE ith SAFE Y ^ati/our? r\ DRUG 5TCY | I jjMfrjdpcrrumt Let us show yo^J this ? _ A a ' i i - m laiesi creauon 01 America's Master Perfumer. A complete line of Toilet Accessories. Get it at MISSILDINE PHARMACY The m&XCxQSL Store Tryon, N. C. Phone 4 Ih v I J SINEWS'-:-! The Polk County Bank and Trust Company is this week marking all the highways leading into Columbus with mile posts. Besides being a source of advertising for the Bank there markers prove convenient for persons traveling who are xlot familiar with this section of the country. Mr. Philemon Head, a former stud. nt of Stearnes High School, speAt several days the first of the week in Colifhihus in interest of the Rainbow Novelty Mill of Geoner, N. C. Mr. .ie. d taught in Grove High School the J past year. * . Mrs. W. S. McDowell was a Spart i.jburg shopper last Monday. * - * With the approach of Spring there I is always an irresistable call to the j pen country where one can inhale the pure fresh air of Springtime and study aature in all her respondent beauty. J his year with the approach of Spring Denton Spring Park furnishes a rend- j zvous for this Springtime call. In the j .ifurnooi.s one sees Groups of young people in sport attire with tennis rackets under their arms or across their shoulder headed for the tennis court which has been laid off in the Park. Other carry along their Hiawaln iJklees and guitars and spend a quiet iftcrnoon singing and' picking out weird meiodies on these quaint old instruments. Others are content to loungt around on the benches i^ the I Park. In the evenings on drawing around' the Park one frequently sees a big i.on fire with groups gathered around it roasting weenies, feasting marshmellows etc. Not many towns the size of Columbus pan boast of a Park where young and old may meeV have picnics, and enjoy good wholesome sport and recreation together; so it no wonder the town is proud of Denton Spring Park. However the Park is not reserve sola'y for local residents-. Residents of other towns are at liberty to lunch, nicnic and eniov the Park too. * * * Three new telephones were Installed in Columbus last week, Namely in the office oT the calumbus Cotton Mills. REPORT OF THI CAROLINA S The Carolina State Bank, of North Carolina, at the cloi RESOURCES 1. Loans and Discounts, .. 2. Demand Loans 3. Overdrafts, secured, l $35.67 4. United States Bonds and 5. North Carolina State Bo 6. All other Stocks, Bonds, a 7. Premiums on Bonds 8. Banking Houses, $2,440.0 Fixtures, $1,645.47 9. All other Real Estate ot 10. Cash in vault and net ai Banks, Bankers, and Trus 11. Cash Items held over 24 1 12. Checks for clearing, 13. Other Assets, Total LIABILITIES 1. capital 5tocK paia in, ... 2. Surplus Fund, 3. Undivided Profits, less i and taxes paid, 4. Unearnea Discount 5. Dividends Unpaid, ...... 6. Notes and Bills rediscounl .7. Bills Payable, 8. Certificates of Deposit re] borrowed, 9. Deposits Due Banks, Bar Companies, 10. Deposits subject to check 11. Deposits Due State of N. ( thereof 12. Demand Certificates of D 13. Time Certificates of Depi Than 30 Days 14. Cashier's Checks outstanc 15. Certified Checks 16. Time Certificates of Dei After 30 Days, 17. Savings Deposits 18. Trust Deposits (net), ... 19. Accrued Interest due de 20. Domestic and Foreign Ac Total, State of North Carolina?( I, E. C. Barnard, Cashier solemnly swear that the abovi of my knowledge and belief. Correct?Attest: Subscribed and sworn tc April, 1926. _ Wfllt.Pr Tlinmrvonr^ M/\+nw X >iviit|/ovil) iiv/uil IK you can'^ supp^y yQur | hour ahd a half drive t< ? i ;; complete Department Store. !! "Lowest-in-th i: MAIL ORDER SERVK + in Blanton and Green Real Estate office, and in the low offices oT John R. Burgess. With the increasing number of telphones in town the next thing Columbus needs and must have is a telephone exchange of her own. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Metcalf and little son, Burk, arrived last week from Chicago and wili spend a while at their home near Columbus, formely known as the "Barnes Cottage." ? Polk County Criminal term of court with Judge Staeks of Monroe presiding o'osed last Thursday. Judge Stack expressed himself as being very favorably impressed with the I little town of Columbus and the bright prospects for future development which it posesses. He was very complimentary toward ine ne?o remodled Cojrt House, school bulldihg and other Improvements and convenlen<v;s such at the water system, (streets, side walks, etc. Which has been laid as a foundation upon which to build a greater Columbus. * * * Mr. H. F. Sikes of the Sikes Motor Co. has sold his equipment and rented his garage building to Mr. D. C. Ft agan of Green Creek, Who will i continue to operate in the same c pacity as did Mr. Sikes. . . . j Kev. S. W. Dendy of Columbus Ga., I spent Tuesday in Columbus a guest l.n the home of Sept. and Mrs. E. W. j S. Cobb. Curae Trademark Fakera In the latter part at October each year the English city of Sheffield celebrates its Cutlers' feast, a dvlc function that has bean held annually since 1648, when the first of the city's master cutlers was elected. The banquet i Is attended by captains of Industry from all over the empire, and by at least one minister of the crown. Two toasts that are always drunk with en i thuslasra are: "Eternal destruction to all false marks on Sheffield goods" and "success to the Hallamshlre Wblttells." This quaint wording Is explained by the fact that the park of Yorkshire where Sheffield Is situated was once known as Hallamshlre, while "wblttell" is an old name for a knife. There la no public office more highly esteemed than this. As head of the ancient Cutlers' guild the master takes precedence next to the lord mayor 01 Sheffield. 5 CONDITION OF 5TATE BANK . at Saluda, N. C. in the State ?e of business. April 12, 1926. DOLLARS 101.284.68 1,117.45 lone; unsecured, 35.67 Liberty Bonds,.. none >nds 2,000.00 ind Mortgages, .. 6,830.00 49.30 4; Furniture and 4,085.51 vned none mount due from t Companies 16,210.07 lours 50.00 769.96 102.00 132,534.64 DOLLARS 10,000.00 1,650.00 current expenses 1,106.77 none none ;ed none , none presenting money none ikers, and Trust none , Individual, .... 55,023.34 2. and any Official none eposit none Dsit, Due in Less : none ling 101.24 : none posit, Due on or ..... 32,818.94 31,834.35 none positors, none ceptances, none 132,534.64 bounty of Polk, April 12, 1926. of the above named Bank, do J statement is true to the best Walter Thompson,Cashier Q. C. Sonner H. L. Capps M. A. Pace Dir<v?fnra ?' ?M. VVWA Ot > before me, this 23, day of II y Public. (Seal) 1 ?? needs in Tryon, it's only an <> 3 GILMER'S, Asheville's most < Selling at ;; e-City-Prices." _ <! CE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. I > ? POLK (X)UNTY NEWS Car Shipmen \ The second cooperative shipment' of poultry will be made from Polk County, Saturday, May, lsj. The car will be placed near the Farmers Federation and poultry received from 7 a. m. until 4 p. m. Cash prices are: colord hens 26c per pound. Leghorn hens ,23c, colord broilers 40c, Leghorn broilers 35c, Roosters 11c Guines 35c. The first shipment was made March 27 th, at which time 37 farmers to $519.00. These cooperative shipments will be made as long as poultry is available at prices' attractive *to producers. It is expected, that at 'east one car can be placed at Tryon every thirty or sixty days. The high prices for broilers quoted at these two ' shipments should encourage the J ? " 'aise them for an early | lauucis LU ?market, however, to be so means setj Western Noi | Real Estate is Pay | to the Wis* I See Try< I Th, | C. J. ] I "Rea | I can't sell all the | offer you t I Try on Dirt VI I | "It Can 1 I CHAS. J. | v Real i + Phone 173 X u yi ^ "I hac beaut until i I I on i ' choid ,} No. List P 87. $380 29 and 30 SO 216 to 222 SO 1 to 20 Inc. SO [Glen Wald 46 SO 51 350 27 350 90 to 98 SO 7 9 350 86 350 70 SO 85 320 8 0 300 132 SO 125 and 126 SO GUI / . - -* . / ; ^ t of Poultry ting an incubator in January- because 11 one earn not depend on hen? for 11 hatching that early. " II There is no reason why our farmers I should not increase the size of their I flock now that a regular market I is being provided enabling them toll dispose of surplus poultry for cash I sevefal times during the year. 1 Not only should Polk County grow I poultry business but in dairying too. I At present there is very little if any j I surplus mi'k produced and unfortuna- I tely there are too few purebred cows I on its farms. It is the desire of tne I County Agent to find a market for I dairy products and thus encourage our I farmers to replace scrub sires and I cows with purebreds that are more ll worthy of their hire. i Countj Agent John W. A rtz rtli Carolina 1 ' * ing Large Profits ? i Investor t *1 on First * t en Jj Lynch 11 Itor" | + I Earth, so I only |j the Best. ?1 rill Clean Up f _ * Done'' i II, . LYNCH j Estate | Tryon, N C. | f 1 no idea iful plac* T saw It:' 1 m \ visiting actual! slopes quisite tant vi climbir tnrtL land ati close ai ese your gi ? lots live in Severa rice Dis. Price aild Otl 0 $3040 The $5' 'LD ing re LD tionalb ld from s en Section] HvCfy 'LD and is ] 0 2800 0 - 2800 proven j ? hard-si - 0 2800 UtJ1I1S 1 o 2800 See your LD . range to 0 2660 n0t be 0t o 2400 Beautifu iT n may be s( w - Phone IS >LD GILL .. TRYO % IPMI Lt I 11 TRYON, \ ' REPORT OF BANK OF S,\U N|'^H The Bank of Saluda, at Saluda V North Carolina at the close of In ^ in J RESOURCES 1. Leans and Discounts, 2. Demand Loans, 3. Overdrafts, secured, none $329.58 ' ""^ur^ 4. United States Bonds and Lii(,..-.i p' .. 5 North Carolina State Bonds ^ 6. All other Stocks, Bonds, and Vi, 7. Primium on Bonds 8. Banking Houses, $3,800.00; | fl Fixtures, $2,500.00 'Ur^ ar,(i I 9. All other Real Estate owned """ I 10. Uasn in vauu -aim nei amot.i. Banks, Bankers, and Trust ( . ;,anji. ^ I 11. Cash Ttems held over 24 houi S" I 12. Checks for clearing 13. Customers' Liability on Acn ; I Total LIABILITIES 1. Capital Stock paid in, 2. Surplus Fund, ." 3. Undivided Profits, less current, expend and taxes paid, ! 4. Unearned Discount, 5. Dividends Unpaid, 6. Notes and 'Bills rediscounted. 7. Bills Payable 8. Certificates of Deposit represent rr.on? I borrowed, 9. Deppsits Due Bank^, Bankers and P .. Companies, ? h 10. Deposits subject to check, Individual I 11. Deposits Due State of N. C. and any , thereof, - 12. Demand Certificates of Deposit 13. Time Certificates of Deposit, Due in Lh I Than 30 Days, 14. Cashier's Checks outstanding I 15. Certified Checks, I 16. Time Certificates of Deposit, I>Ue one I After 30 Days, ' 17. Savings Deposits, 18. Trust Deposits (net) 19. Accrued Interest due depositor 20. Domestic and Foreign Acceptan. Total fl State of North Carolina?County m * * I, Walter Thompson, Cashier of tic above J do solemnly swear that the above statement ;ol best of my knowledge and belief. Walter Thonpjjl Correct?Attest: Gal : I'M Subscribed and sworn to before me, thiifl April, 1926. E. C. Barnard, Notary Public. A i P \ what a 9 A _ * it was ' one, but dozens of people H ive made this remark after H Gillette Estates. Have you y seen it? Gentle rolling H foot-hills - mountains - ex- H views from every angle - dis- H inges and valleys - winding, H ig roads - abundant timber id wild growth - a golf course t hand - all this is a part of H eat home territory when you Gillette Estates. j a 1 homes are completed and tM lers are under construction. 000.00 minimum as the build- fl sfriptinn incurve an pyGPD- I UVi. XW1V11 HIUUIVU Ull ^ ~ " L j beautiful residential section in architectural stand-point, lot is practically a full acre provided with all modern im lents with the exception oi 1 irface roads, which are now apidly completed. I local real estate man today and arbe shown the property. You will )ligated or urged to buy. 1 landscape map of Gillette ?states H 3en at the Main office, Try on, N- 0181 W. M. Ellsworth Dir. of Sales. ETTE ESTATES I >< I N, NORTH CAROLI>a estates I

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