Hj+ Drives, Teas H And Bridge |? Parties ***** * *+++++ >> _ ?^???? ^Blue Kiii;'- t<"Vst I] ^ nt0rt;iii:s i-'ifty Guests. J The i; ' Fore9t Inc., enterH,IltM ;[ at their newly | < KmPl, !.-.! '><>use atop of Hog I H,,k .y, :.: . i.ist Saturday evening. t K. jiri1- ' ,he evening was a < ^Mimu-r a: ! ' Ruests subsequently ( Belli*! d,i?:. 1 bridge tables. ^B)empsey i:> ( ^ Vyon of J ^Vather .V-iiiey. Jack !' ' V World Heavyweight t to Tryon last week t r tvi;l,. ; yanlev. They motored ? ,|u, .r..n:ai* camps at Laurel I v was brief and was f rk ' , over property with I I BeOi I Tin Fishing Is a sport In the t streams on a Hogback. 9 ' Bridle patJ through a i mountain W\ Fine saddle ht he available. 1 Beautifully tennis courts u the racket-end ?and, of co I Inspiring golf top of Hogback K TONE ever drearr IN When the ma cutting and blastin| Mountain, nearly I N. C., aceptica v "Impossible." Bui II 5av< | % BE OUR CUE This is aii invi as our guest. \ offices, and you K J* You will not be u will show you t M prefer to let the I a SAVE $400. Until May 15 unit, at a saving B <h The price of eac sites then availa Many people same time are r? || WM.R.TIMMO! Direct? R. C. Remick, i Tryon. N. M 3 ^ M. Law. Treasurer ^ Spartanburg. 3. C. IiEBi Julian Calhoun B |2 S. F. Cannon ^PArtAaburg. 3. C IL? til ' rTTTTTXTVTV WTTTTXXTTVTVTTT* Rev. O'Neill ( [n Washington, D- C. Rev. Will Be O'Neill pastor of the Congregational Church left for Wash- . ngton last week on business. In his 1 ibsence, the services, last week, were ( :onducted by Rev. Dyer, who deliver- s id a very interesting sermon. j ... 1 [.ynch's Lake < letting Ready ] For Great Opening. 1 Rapid Strides are^ being made to nake Lynch's Lake an ideal swim- c nlng rendezvous. Sand Is being haul- I d and the lake basin Is gradually f >eing cleaner and cleaned. Already f ourteen memberships have been ap- 1 )lied for and the quota Is expected c o be filled by the first fo June. 1 ir Guests on fhe toof o/ : first Unit of the h ng nountain trses will /^~vy,v | urje. you ?* heard of the course which rolls about the ted that Hogback could be tamed. To n-with-a-vision first thought of grade [ a road to the top of Hogback moun t mile straight up from Tryon. offers ragged their heads and said. more ! the imposiible has happened/ "roof BBLUE Ridge Forest offer; inable outdoor activity. A quaint and commodiou overlooks an endless valley, ful abandon, 300 home sit planned for the first unit o ) development. Some front course. Others border the ri 0 mit, looking off into limitf depth. ST. ttation for you to come and visit Blui ]/c will furnish free transportation fr I will be royally entertained at the rged~to buy. The sites are for sale, of he beauties and advantages of the Mountain speak for itself, and do its th, you can secure one of these 300 si of 4400. because of our 20% Pre-Ope h site is $2,000, and after the 15th, if ble, prices will range from $2,000 to are purchasing sites for their own i serving other sites, as an investment. NS, Director of Sales northo.roli r? Offices President Greenville. S. C. ^* Spartanburg, S. C. E. M. Blytm* Columbia. S. C Greenville, S. C. Charleeton. S. C. Gaffney, S C C. Y. B?o?n ^ Hcnder*onvill?. N."( Spartanburg. *. v- Aahcvilk. N. C. mM~ Rkmicx Charlotte. N. C. Tryon. N. C. Tryon. N. C. lueF J . Ti rRYON All Sooiety New* 1 Quests For The Week End. Mr. C. M. Landrum, Mr. and Mrs. Fohn Landrum and Miss Elve Land um, were the guests of Mrs. E. H. Jodshaw for the week-end. Mrs. Godihaw and Mr. and Mrs. Landrumj ointly celebrated their wedding anliversarys and Mothers Day. sixty Guests Snjoy Great Trip To Hog Back Mountain. One of the most enjoyable events >f the past week, was a trip to Hog Jack Mountain, where about sixty ruests were entertained for an afterloon of Bridge and later at supper >y Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Remick, who lipersed hospitality in a most charmng manner. eBlneRidgi cfJoqback Mount Aai'velous Blue Rid The Clubhouse of the Blue Rii day you can motor from Tryon up a u id, broad, surfaced road to the very top of itain in thirty minutes. Every foot of the r you a different view, each more magnifici inspiring than the last, until you reach and gaze down on the historic Piedrr i every imag- For with the cei ^ _ price which is it s Club House some profit, wit and with care:es have been CONVENIEN I f i-kic otaanhr. No sites will 1 1 k*"w e>-o ?on the golf are now being t im of the sum- ?- an<^ when the s ess space and and the balance CITY CONVE When you bi _ will be assured e Ridge Forest water e,ectric om any of our mountain is bul i Club House. course, and we r>r\*/ic -rmc place, but we COMF THIS own "selling." Reservations the order in wf taken up. Spri ites in the first the mountains, ning Discount. season. Now is there are any You will find $5,000 for each ience. Fill in ^ descriptive lite ise and at the wish, or call al Wise people I to come this we, NA Jdge IE POLK COUNTY NEWS SOCIET Phone 99 (lust Be In This Office By Wednesday N The drive up over the well graded roads the awe inspiring views along the way, and later enjoyed the new Club House with its many comforts, was a rare treat. Mrs. Paul Smith and Daughter Expected This Week. Mrs. Paul Smith and little Daughter are expected this week for a visit with Mrs. Smith's Mother Mrs. Doubleday. Mrs. Mahaffey Entertains At Bridge Mrs. William Mehaffey was hostess to a number of her friends for bridge Friday evening in compliment to her sister Mrs. Mason. Mrs. Mason left Saturday for Richmond, Va. She ifitfesfGolf ain Ige Forest 3ce Forest Golf Club fell- Valley which looks for all the wi the or a patch-work quilt. A panora oad only by the horizon. Twenty-si ent, mountains, I 7,000 acres of tamed the whfre nature's exotic beauty runs lont made accessible to all who love bea tain saving of the discount and with nevitable, there ia an opportunity to h a small investment. r TERMS. se actually sold until after May I 5th, aken. A reasonable deposit secures ettlement is made, you may pay 01 in 10% installments. NIENCES ON THE MOUNTAI jild your lodge or home in Blue Ri< I of every Convenience of the city lights, sewers, and the very tipm t thirty minutes in your car from the WEEK. are coming in rapidly, and are beii lich they are received. Soon the fii ng has spread a pink blanket of rhoi Mountain-laurel signals the comi i the time to see Blue Ridge Forest, a coupon below which is provided f vith your name and address and m rature and any additional informs t our office nearest you and make AMr. C. C. Bennett, District Manage Blue Ridge Forest, Tryon, N. C. Please send me descriptive literatu Forest. ' Fores ? -Cr,: - " ' Y NEWS oon of Bach Week spent several months In Tryon and her friends regret her departure. * * * Many Entertained At Tea Wednesday. Mrs. Earl Grady, Mrs. Helen I Richey, and Miss Elizabejth Grady entertained a number of friends at Tea Wednesday afternoon from 4 to6. ? Lovely Bridge Bridge Party Thursday. Mrs. T. B. Mayne entertained a number of friends for bridge Thursday afternoon. Joint Hostess To Bridge. Mrs. Helen Richey and Miss Elizabeth Grady were joint hostess to a most enjoyable evening of bridge on ' Thursday. N si arid like a map? ma that is limited x square miles of wilderness; a place rampant, but now u ty. peace or sport E the advance in realize a hand B| Reservations the reservation le-fourth down l N TOP. I dge Forest you Telephones, ost top of the : city of Tryon. ng cared for in rst unit will be Jodendron over ing of the new or your conven- % tail it to us for H ition you may ; arrangements re of Blue Ridge Bfc | f gj^jf i y to I Manna From Heaven By MARTHA M. WILLIAMS (Coorrlirbt.) pBGOY laid down her fiddle with a A gigh. She had not dreamed It carried so?ambushed In the grape arbor ot tk* arnwir a# Vi a ?n a/i/tM nit a kn.l i?t WJU ctj IUVI yjk me (aiucu sue iiau felt so safe and happy until across the lilting notes she heard: "Stop that devil's noise I" "She calls herself a Christian! My Aunt Pen. Only a step-aunt, thank Patel" Peggy muttered. "Margaret, go see about the big yellow peaches. It's time they were tnrnln'. They'll all squlnch up to nothln' If yen try to dry "em real ripe," Aunt Pen boomed. Peggy was glad?she wanted to keep away from her guardian tormentor as long as possible. But she dared not leave the fld<fle?no telling what would happen te It If by chance Ktddums spied It. Hugging it tight In her shrouding apron, she almost ran through the gate, and lest herself under the burdened peach trees. She laid down the fiddle and clambered nimbly up the fifth tree of the row. Daringly she reached for the onest peach upon the farthest tip of a long twig?lost balance, and went swishing down, getting no worse hurt than to her pride. Bat the man suddenly awakened from sleep In the long grass, of course, could not know that. He rushed toward her, saying eagerly yet husfcedly: "Are you hart? SureT as aba shook her head. "Lucky?falling at least fifteen feet. Old" trees like these should be headed In, more than hall It would cost only one crop." "You wouldn't say that If you knew the owner," Peggy answered. "She raves when late frost costs her even half a crop." "With my spirit's ays, of course, Pd Uke to see her," said the stranger gravely. "Think you could persuade her to let me stay a fortnight?" "Not a chance. She'd call the doga if I took yoi home with me," said Peggy. "Still, If you oame a good, while after dinner-time, asking Just for a bite, offered pay for It, which she went take, though she'll want to, and praise her cook In' and her beautifully clean house, she'll ask you to stay to supper, then to stay on overnight; after that lfs up to you how much longer." "A diplomat wasted," the stranger said, smiling. Tm Royal Reed?at your service" "And Tm Peggy Fane?be sure you forget It. I don't tell you any more. Aunt Pen loves to Introduce herself? so well doing It will help your cause," P?ggy Interrupted. A week later Peggy said to him In a very early encounter: "You are a loss to the stage. A great one. How have you charmed the uncharmableY' "Let's see. I think It Is by unawareness of your presence," Reed returned, his eyes twinkling. "Honestly, I think she regards me as manna from heaven," he went on. "Can't any I blame her either. Doubt If ever before she has had the Joy of feeling that she completely eclipsed youth, beauty, charm. She's felt she had It In her" thirty years at least Now, to have It come true-vwell! Imagine It. She's not a bit Infatuated with me? don't think It for a minute. But her vanity la so swollen she sees nothlDg In right perspective. I'd be sorry for hgr If she were only, a little kind to you." "Navor yon mind about me," Peggy flung back valiantly. "Just watch ont for that Imp, Klddums. He trusts nobody. If bo saw as talking together the tale he would tell Aunty Pen! lie's flghtln' mad because she's giving oe the peach money, since I'm doing Ml the work of drying." It hurts te think at your hands all stained and rough," Reed said, catchlag them hi hie own. "I dare not ask you te go away with me now. but I Y'REAL ESTA On Bee Tree Knob, \ Valhalla Valley. Far the a summer or winter home section of Western North < Belt, Just over from Tryor its own water supply Iron acres in fine grapes and otl quarters, 10 room home v porches and just the thin mountain home convenient There Is not a Poet wonderful Mountain home \ situated on this particular place, a resting place for t Inn fnr the sick, for the he there Is not a place in We begin to comp. ri with thii look will convince, none bi us show you, we are offeri; Act Quick, be wise, inv Blanton. Office la Pa Columbus, I TfeeUNeeetaie City i THURSDAY, MAY 13th 1926 ? ? Try on Club Notes Etc. :: ? ?? ? The Garden Club Holds Meeting. The Garden Club met on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Nelson Jackson Jr. Mrs. Ketley, Mrs. .Kilby gave an interesting talk on a number of plants and flowers brought to the meeting and distributed several packages of aeens to be tried by the ladies of the club. l?eli{htful refreshments were served ' after the business meeting. Mrs Jackson was assisted by her daughter and son, which added charm to the afternoon. MISS {GRACE LORRAINE i wHH! fg^^m BBjMjyjywwy A true beauty of the South le Mlee Qrace Lorraine of Richmond, Va., a student at Qunston Hall in Washington, who Was recently awarded a gold medal for writing the best essay on the life of Edmund Burke. The contest was conducted under the auspices of the Sons of the Revolution. snaii come Dack soon?ana so vouened for, I hope you will be glad to go. How about It?" "I?I think you know!" Peggy murmured, rosier than the fading dawn had been. It was too much?heedless of all else he clasped and kissed her, murmuring softly: "My own darling! My very own t" "She ain't yourn?ehe b'long ter my Mammy Pen," Klddums, In night shirt, barefoot, tousled, his eyes gleaming rat-like through his thatch of tow, shouted. "I'm goln' ter fetch her right away?so's she kin see you two a-carryin' on." Ten minutes later they got the surprise of their lives, In the shape of Aunty Pen, not raging, but smiling at them, and holding out a hand to each as she said: "Well, I done It! All comin' out Just like I thought. Minute I clapped eyes on you, young man, I knew you for rich John Reed's boy. I went to school with him forty years back. Know men?how they always wanted wor?t way what they thought they had aq chance to get. So I fended you off from Peggy?all the time wantin' you to have her. She's a good child. I love her for all my scoldIn'?" "So -de 11" Reed Interrupted. "And henceforward both of us will love you." PARENT TEACHERS TO HOLD MEETING rne annual uiecuu^ w mc * Teacher^ Assn will be held at the school building this Monday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. A large attendance is requested. * Use the Polk County News * X Want Column for quick re- f J suit f.. It will pay -you well, + ? an cost is small. { + TE BULLETIN^ Warrior Motfntain Overlooking most particular home seeker, that over looks the prettiest Carolina, in the noted Thermal l with Its own private drives, a mountain springs, 10 to 16 her choice fruits, good keepers rith private baths, sleeping g that it takes to make a \ ' hat can begin to describe this vith its beautiful surroundings. Peak in the most prominent, he weary, a health giving locaime seeker and p'easure hunter stern North Ci . lina that will 3 Ideal Mouma.ii Paradise. A " " " T . 1 it the Able need asa 10 see, iei g this at a sacrifice on terms. estigate, Nuff sed. & Greene Ik CoMty Bank <Mih Carolina rttfe Nataral /UvatafM ,'t_ ? ,^ir,n in.

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