r . | THURSDAY, MAY 13th 1926 W IJ READ THE NEWS ON THE SPORT PAGE EVERY WEEK St==== Polk County Ne dent Interview: sey at Train Situated on the extreme heights of pa the Laurel Park Development hold- jn igns. on the crest of a bluff that over- m looks the countryside for miles ar-: m ound. in located the Indian Cave as Lodge in which Jack Dempsey, ,|f Champion Heavyweight Pugilist of [j( ^ Wor d and his retinae are housed for their Spring Training., under an je er .niireinent with 111 Laurel Park people which c:i:ls for a cash con- j sj, sideration of $3*>.00U't)0 to be paid fr Jack I)emps. y for a sojourn there of one mouth. With Mr. A. A. Merrick, fjj I met r. d up there last Wednesday tii in accordance with a wire from a vvi Metropolitan newspaper to proceed to tp Henderson villi* to collect material for vv; a special Sunday run for that publics- w-( tion. .fir. 1> mpsey was not on the preniis. s on. rur arrival but was in evedenc. sliort'y alter and 1 made my j-)) mission known, whereupon be invited i s to dinner and watch him work- pr cut 1..ti r in the afternoon. ^ Such an assortment of copped ^ hai.cd. cauliflower cared, flattened1 j nosed gtiitlcman I never before had the privilege of placing foot under oc table with. For table coversatlon of these Knights of the Padded Arena ;ir had but one thetne and it made uf steak taste like boxing gloves "Kin e lick int .I'll tel the cock-eyed world K<, he Kin" "Xaw he cin't" "I busts him ... / i w on the hitter and gives htm twilight ^ sleep in the tired" "Hood rite jab is all _0 that hohy got" and so on endlessly. g0 Of course fir. Denipsey did not share ar our table. He has his meals served c0 in a.little cottage adjoing the Lodge. w, Afitr dinner, one of the sparring tp th ^ j* t>i? on rnces ram iur rtayeia sl] Not Revealed by Cluba te Announcements of lurge soma er changing hands for baseball playera to are heard no more. Iji When Ernie Nevers, the Pacific ^ poast football sensation, 'was signed oj by the Browns, Owner Phil Ball said the contract was "up In four figures." Earl McRee, an Indian pitcher from the Southern association, cost the White Sox "a fancy price," according to Owner Comiskey. Ton.v I.azerre and Mark Koenlg, the most expensive purchases of the New York Yankees, cost "plenty of money and players," said Manager Hugglns. For Walter ChHstensen, the St Paul outfielder, the Cincinnati Reds "paid cough for him to make good," Manager Jack Hendricks revealed. The Coast league outfield star, Paul Waner, and Inflelder Hal Rhyne, cost Owner Barney Dreyfus of the Pirates "plenty." ? More I, I than a * ^ *j* million, i ? people I! like you j are | driving f Buick | auto- ! * mobiles.. 1 making I possible Buick value. | BUICK MOTOR COMPANY | Division of General Motors Corporation 4, FLINT, MICHIGAN | FOREST CITY MOTOR CO. j FOREST CITY, N. C. j Ill IN ' ? ws Correspons Jack Demping Camp irtners a gentleman with a feiniiie sounding name but with an "All ale fist", Tillie "Kid" Herman and yself on the invite of the "Champ" i he. is called by the retinue, sat iwn a game of pinochle. For two >urs, the squared, roped and padded rena was forgotten, the Kings, the icks and the Queens of the Deck, l\ were shuffled, delt, played, reuiffled, etc. Not a word, but rein ce to the game. Mr. Dempsey '-oiii'onslv and when he J) L Btuic '^"O * lally arouse and announced it was me for his exhibition bouts and arkouts, I learned I was $4.50 on e short end of the ledger. Payment is refused with a gesture and the >rds "we'll continue later." First the punching bag, which impsey handles with the deft hands a skilled circus juggler. Next the immy much after the fashion of ose used in the army for bayonet actice a canvas coyered mass in the ape of a man's torso. With his st rebounding' with perfect precisn, first the rifeht then the left, thud, ud, I had the very cheerful thought cure to me that if 1 had the choice facing a bayonet or Dempsey's st I wou'd hesitate, perhaps toss i a coin to decide. Now he is ready r his first bout, over the ropes he res, followed by another, perhaps enty pounds heavier. A little perninary shadow boxing a#ul there >es the bell. Back and forth they i, feinting, swinging, clinching they e separated by the refree. If one >uld only see these men from the list down, he might be prone to ink its a fryout of new step^for e enarieston. cfempsey a arm wuicu r.-ies with it sleep for any mortal, loots out his flashing white even et)i. clenched with an effort to lighti the blow. The sparring partner tiers under the deluge of lightened ows. and rocks like a ship at anchor en the bell. Next partner and so 1 four in a row without any rest It's time to have or dress renovate BELL & F "AT YOUR Phone 172 "Somethii Will you pive us a chant $10.00 a week? We are do graduates. Will you be one $200.00 a month. Have you difference a few months spe< salary? For full informatio Robinson "Bus 141-143a North Church Carolina M-**++*4*++<'+W+t++t++++H+*{,H'l POLK GOUN The New Sti TRYOP Every night at 8, Si Matinees at 3:30 on Tuesd Phone 35 for i MONDAY NIGHT MAY 17th A 60 MILE A MI "RED HO wi MONTE BLUE AND F A Warner Bros., C TUESDAY NIGH! "THE PUMKIN VI i An evening of old time n jazz.. After the concert and everyon . NO MATINE WEDNESDA TOM "MY OV THURSDAY AND ] ANOTHER LAI RUPERT HU "MONE1 CLAIRE WINDSOR OWE] SATURDA BUC i "A MAN FC ? " *" ' V ME W ! for Dempsey. At the end steaming | like a tea kettle but apparently fre^h I enough to take on half dozen more. IA few wrestling holds oppened by j his trainer to work loose certain j in iscles which do not come into play in boxing and then the bath-robe | jdonned-poses for photographers and j then on hlis way lezurely back into | I his dressing room. L While hi|s Masseur was working on j Mr. Dempsey, Mr. Rogers and I came i j in and spent a half hour or more dis- j |cussing the possible contenders for the j j Heavyweight Crown. Mr. Dempsey j ventured opinions but requested that 1 he not be quoted. Mr. Carroll Rogers j tried to get Dempsi y to do things in (conjunction with the Hendersonville I Chamber of Commerce, but the ' I "/-.I ..?> ^,,1 ihat ho was tied I I v nam p cA[naiucu tuwi. .. ? | up actually "sewedup" by the Laurel | Park interests for the month so that I he cou'd not even venture off the ;>r mises without their permission. j Carpentier to Fight tSjjjjfew flt Georges Carpentler or France, ror-; mer light heavyweight ahamplon, and Eddie Huffman of California have teen matched to fight ten roundi at . Madison Square garden on May 41. The match will mark Carpentler'a first ring appearance of his present American Invasion. I - | READ POLK COONTY NEWS |j I that Spring Suit ; d ] LOURNOY SERVICE" ig Better" !: + + < e to place you in a position to + < * ? ing it every day for our ? ; ? Or may be you are worth * !* any idea -what a whale of a | zial training will make in you | m write or call. * + + >iness College f Street Spartanburg, South ? >UR SQUARE Mi V7jf !?. * \. Tn^E PQLK COUNTY NEWS ORLD i "*v Passing of Wally Pipp From American League The mystery surrounding the passing of Wally Plpp from the American league has finally been explained. It Is all a matter of finance. No club In the American league valued Plpp to the extent of $115,000, and thereby hangs the tale that made ! him a member of the Cincinnati club of the National league. The Reds, badly In need of a first j baseman, offered* the Yankees $13,000,1 for Plpp. The New York club having j no particular use for Plpp, since Qeh-> rig had displaced him at first base, j asked waivers. It Is said two American league clubs, Philadelphia and Cleveland, refused to waive. Both clubs were willing Co take a chance on Plpp at the waiver price, which Is much less than the $16,000 offered by the Cincinnati club. | On manv major league baseball mat- J tera there exjsts a gentleman's agree- J ment between the magnates. New York explained Its reason for asking waivers was due to the offer received from the Cincinnati club. Cleveland or Philadelphia could j have Plpp before Cincinnati If either i cared to pay flfi.OOO. Neither club be-1 lleved him worth that nruch of a gamble, In addition to the big snlary he would demand. Both clubs withdrew their admitted desire of taking on Plpp and permitted him to go to Cincinnati. He le certain to add much strength to that club and Is worth twice the price paid for him. Boxing Replacing Duels Among German Students Boxing Is aiowly replacing student duels with sabers as a major sport In Oerman universities and high schools. The first Interscholastlc boxing matches ever held here have Just taken place between pugilists of the University of Ooettlngen and the Hannover School of Technology. Educational authorities In many states, Including Prussia, have sanctioned boxing and Its popularity la becoming widespread. The lower bouse of the Baden legislature has passed a bill prescribing the same punishment tor student duelists with sharpened sabers as that meted out to those who attempt to settle affairs of honor with ether weapons. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualfied as administrator of the estate of Jacob Owensby, late of Polk county, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Fingerville, S. C., Route 1, on or before the first day of May, 1927, (date to be twelve months from the first publication of such notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of April, 1926. ROBERT OWENSBY, Administrator of Jacob Owensby, Deceased. April 32-29-6-12. **++++++*+++*+.M.+++++*.H.+.j. | W. F. LITTLE ! ? * % NOTARY PUBLIC J { Tryon, N. C. +i ? 4 +*** { +<">***** loAi/mvl dhulu t GOODS Tresh Daily PHONE US YOUR ORDER WE BAKE EVERYTHING IN OUR OWN PLANT FRE^H EVERY DAY. AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT' Tryon Bakery TRYON, N. C. Phone, 168. OF SPi Jporiin^5Qtiib3] There are quite a few rounds missing In Mr. Dempsey's ladder of fame. * A team could not fall to be popular when it wins a half-holiday for the tudent body. * The total humber of clubs affiliated with the Ladles' Golf Union ot Great Britain Is 969. * * Public High School Athletic league of New York city will add hand ball to Its activities this year. Sixteen students were killed In China, where the state police evidently permit overcrowding autdhioblles on the way to basketball games. * * President Elliott of Purdue says that every student ought to be devel oped along some special line?as, for Instance, football and basket-ball players. * Loren Murchlson will be out of amateur sprint racing for a month or longer because of a pulled tendon In his right leg In a recent meet In Newark, N. J. Invitations have been sent to ten leading European athletes for competition In an International track and field contest to be held in Philadelphia July S and 8. "The Lion of the Pyrenees," as Paollno, the French heavyweight pugilist, la called, Is reported matched with 8palla of Italy for a bout In Barcelona, Spain, May 16. * Reggie McNamara and Franco Georgettl, winders of the recent six-day bike race In Madison Square garden. New York city, received $10,000 as their share of the spoils. ) ; ... * + j Landrail HTTne C. W. B lw,-. .+*^ku-~St&k**Z--i. --.:! --2 i '?. I * DRTlIf ."V ?.*7 I The authority who says some i snakes are a necessity seems to know I of some that one never meets. One pleasant thing about the north j . side 6f a hill is that the boys can coast ' there when all the other snow Is gone. ' i 11 Battling one's way up from poverty j ! is commonly a matter of mistaking i the wolf at the door for Opportunity. | I Each of us has I is weakness, and j the promoter of the hypothetical oil well is on somebody else's sucker list I ! Browr eyes may be more durable j I than blue, but It will be hard to con- I vinee the poets and popular song writers. A father, whose young heir Is In I the habil of spilling Ice cream on his j *1? " ?'?/vr*inaro a j clothes, reiers 10 mem n? _ , j al mode." / Sir Oliver Lodge says the world will not come to an end for thousands of millions of years. If that Is what's i I | worryiuc van I GARRET Wish to announce to their Western North Carolina that fice on Trade street to serve heating. Engineering and estimates art obligation. All work and materials are gi GARRET Phone 210, Tryon PI i' | Qua I Lum *= "Thati =9 3 We exercise great a sg lumber which we buy for 3 - is none too good for you tc 3 GOOD MILL WOR 3 ~ We maintain an up to 3 supply all of your needs j and specifications, and at " reason, and resf"assured tl the best of attention. Cz g figures before you buy. EE E LUMBER, MILL WORK, ~ OF BUILDINi ii Builders Sup Land rum, S. C. w SON C( Hudson h< $19GQ tagebecaui Super-Six "At Your Doer" D?OSt Nvikmiei^toPrnj than 800,1 Brougham - *1554 built by H 7-Pass Sedan 1795 exclusive 11 years it Automati ten standing I Cleaner; Rear View Mirror; Mnr>turp err Transn.isMon Lock (built- U11L.UVC MI in); Radiator Shuttera; ?J "1*1* Moto-Meter; Combination tlCXlDlilty, Stop and Tail U|ht. < 1*1 and reliab 2^ And tod xj fe=JLJ Coach is n j I ever built. \A\h \ / i >5^7 / allenger Motor Co TRYON. N. C. ' ^r ? . . *- - . .-?-J' basketball BAsEBall Miss IrK i:.. ; Ir,n retiring |.r. em Womw.1H awarded n the N'orttw. \\\. MioclatUiii i>ar?n the first N..r: c,.m fl letter, hnv'.i;-- , r,..j :~fJ Intramural nrt, . ^ many friends in Tryr> J they have opened up the public in plunviirrJ 2 furnished free and v:-M aaranteed. tione 707, Spartanburg 5;B 4.+++* -H- 4- v-r V++V TTt+*H iber I ire in the selection of our customers and the :~l ) have. K OUR BIG HOBBY date planing r ill s. just according tu your prices within keeping t hat your orders will n-e ill us up today and get M AMD A GEN KRAI. G MATERIALS ply Co. I 4.4^. a A A 4. i1 T T I aids first advanseofitspatcntcd :?the world's |l us motor. More II 000 have been I udson under its II principle. For II has been outsecause of dis- II loothness, wi de II power, speed || ility. ay's Hudson II ot only the best H n ^ 1 ^ f c r\rii "fd ^^| 1 I <113*^ lO ^ ji ever before. mpany -H