THURSDAY, MAY 13th 1926 The Polk ( Published Weekly by Th . LOUIS LEI \ ? ^ 3 ltered at the p ist')fli^e at Tryon, 1 act c TERMS OF One Year Six Months Three Months DISPLAY AD Forty Cents Pe Legal Advertising, One c< II! M . - ANOTH recently a nun's car w< another car coming from beh off the tracks lief-. re the tr; a new danger. Something els< that along with the familiar ist should stop far enough f peril; he should look behind as and then listen as if lie were crystal set. * POLITICAL PA The argument has been z Congress worked together on can get together on a no-part state.N This sounds nice, but in government, after all? No force non-partisanism it can Under our system of governn intended to be the method by lation should come about. Th becomes paramount there app< opposed to non-partisan actioi Both groups divide, and soon the very elements that sough is not so much to do away wi make and keep the platform; .1 ovioli'nnr nnlitipal nai ctrilt n.ri/c-cAiui,iji6 x good government will inevitabl .? KEEP 1 The school term will so^i tion. What shall we do with months? This is the questioi ought to concern more parent the children alone and they natural course of events. Bi boys and girls ought to be ke] busy at work makes not so mu tive channels of activity are degenerating influences. A ] and of intellectual and phytic moral restraints as are condu the children back in the fall rigors of institutional life in t * A: A ' 1' "OLKS" Sort of a mock trial pulh investigate Prohibition; the n tion induced by recent n< ?vspa ion. The trouble with all heai the witnes: es cloud their te What good to call an avowed ' avowe d.v to tertify for the h the Government wants private views, let it listen to can iv me.-to.ui vhev drunkeni shopping and trading zones o! women and children can pas: drunk?!! brawls cr clenching them go to the savings banks ' the farms and factories where of ye teruay. There will be terms. Fvery wet move bring L~ saloon, and it is evident .hat So, Mr. Senator, come o folks" what we think of Proh * The work of attending to conscience for not attending t * What we want in* this average citizen is a little abo? m The fellow who doesn't s who doesn't brush the ashes o m What we need now is ano the country actually believes * Another reason for beir they believe also in dividing u That song, "The World 1 mystery of why young people * News dispatches of the n ents causes one to wonder v t" classes. * The Census Bureau says 117,135,819 on july 1; whicl they are hatched. bounty News e News Publislen) Company HMAN, Editor N/.'C, as second class mail matter under if Congress SUBSCRIPTION 1.50 ; 1.00 75c VERTISING RATE ir Column Inch, Flat ent Per Word, Cash In Advance I I II II ER DANGER is pushed onto railroad tracks by in;}. Fortunately the motorist got ain passed the crossing. Here is ; to worry about. It simply means stop, look and listen,'' every motorrom the tracks to be out of this well as each way along the tracks, trying to get Denver on his firs! * * RTIES NECESSARY idvanced that because members of the tax reduction legislation they isan basis in nearly all matters of ould it be the most desirable thing matter how hard we might try to never be made the absolute rule, nent it can not be, and was never which checks and balances in legise moment that non-partisan action ?ars as a logical sequence a faction n or to the matter acted upon, there are formed "parties" out of it to destroy them. The question th political parties as it is to nwp ; and organization of the existing rties clean and constructive. Then ly result. * * HEM BUSY 1 be over, and then the long vacaour boys girls during the summer i that concerns many parents and s than it does Some may say, let will seek proper environments in it few parents will deny that the it busy. Whether busy at play or ch difference so long as the respeckept wholesome and free from proper mixture of work and play al activity administered with such cive to increasing virtue will send in good condition to take up the he schools. ? * ON "MAIN STREET' id off by the Senate committee to atural sequel to the present agitaper polls on the wet and dry questrings on a moral question is that stimony with personal opinions. - _/ _ _ 11_ J wei 10 lesuiy ior me wets, ana an drys ? facts, stript of personal and the still small voice of the Ameriless is no more. Let it come to the f America's "Main Streets" where 3 along without molestation by odors from hell-hole saloons. Let 3, the life insurance companies, to the bleary-eyed sot is but the ghost found the verdict in no uncertain :s us that much nearer the old-time the country wants none of that. ut to ?Main Street" and ask "us libition! * your job hurts you less than your o it. * * country is a condition where the /e the average. sweep off his sidewalk is the kind 'ff his vest ? ther straw vote to find out whether the wets won fairly. * * ig against the Bolshevists is that p the bootleg liquor. * Ls For The Sunrise," clears up the stay out so late. * ? lany uprisings of the Chinese stud/hen or whether they ever attend * * the population of the U. S. will be h is counting the chickens before - - ---?\ft,uriteii? ' " ft'" *' ^ | .4 'J THE POLI / 1 v kfVOU'll FIHP WE" ), L Woos Of) THE PACK/ pypOR(H - 00. 9BATP K/TrtEfA .'-AMP votrfe I (/EXPECT ANY HOr SU( Human nature is the san is safely on the average. For and hard work. No man ever wanted to be. But it is infin wagon to a high and gleamin reached it, than to have gauge* that offered no zest to the str ' When ^fieat Is broadcast, as Is aoi predicted, a coal suspension will b static. Home Is where the keys wei left, In the other pants of the twi pants salt. After the great orator expounds truth for 52 minutes he says It go? without saying. The Charleston dance Is to be tes ed In a laboratory but that won't te why they do it Learning that the sun product static lakes the sunshine out of 111 for th? radio maniac. i i A credit mannger says some peopl seem to get their fashions for payln their debts from Paris. As the superiority of blue eye or brtwn eyes, opinions differ. It d< pends on which she has. Autolsts will not be held after mine accidents, such presumably as tearln a pedestrian's fender off. Tabloid sketch of a political career 1. Talking himself Into office. 2. Tall lng himself out of office. Among the paraphernalia consldese useless when the campaign closes ar party platforms and goalposts. Whatever became of the earring so popular a year or so ago, tha looked like a pair of Indian clubs Fashion now hints that girls wl went trousers. The custom would be departure In the dlrectiop of modest; It Is hoped we never get to th point where the only evidence necei sary for a divorce Is a marriage certil cate. ! A black spot has been discovered o the sun. to say nothing of several tht have been noted on presumably clea collars. If young stenographers would n duce their mistakes by one-half, th high price of rubber would get a stai gerlng blow. The Paris astrologer who says 192 will be characterized by hard wor and plenty of money is 50 per cei right already. yScience has finally produced a wi terproof match, when what was real! In demand was one that would grov at the office borrower. A Cincinnati stenographer has Jus closed a business deal In which sb made $1,00<),000. Let somebody tr to dictate "to her now! It Is estimated about 82.3 per cec of our publicists who say the Amer can spirit will never submit to diets torshlp are still unmarried. For purposes of easy Identlflcatloi a football fan suggests that Frenc cabinet officers hereafter be requestc to wear numbers on their cutaways. Parents should read to the chlldrei an educator says, and frequently by tt time the parents get home froi dancing school the children are not I yet A sar suit of overalls makes anlc present for mother. ^ ' Where one bandit 1b killed, ther are ten to take his place. When they begin to broadcast hea by radio, what will the static do to It What the prince of Wales needs 1 a good wife to order him to get a bl cycle. Arabia -may be the mother of th first civilization, but who was clvlllsa tlon's grandmother? ' 1 ' i 7 V* * t.v > X. POLK COUNTY NEWS ( COUNTY NEWS WEEKLY "he Queen of May \ * :cess ie everywhere. Even intelligence success, the difference is ambition quite becomes-as much as he had litely better to have hitched your g star and by valiant effort half i your mark by a low and easy one uggle. ? HONOR ROLL ? L TRYON SCHOOL CLOSES MAY 27th ^ I * The Tryon School is looked forward to a big commencement this year four nights of entertainment to be given. " Friday May 21, 8.15 o'clock ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COMMEN-[ CEMENT EXERCISES Pupils from the first through the i six grade will take part in this pro- j gram. Dramitizations, drills and songs | s will make up the program. 'e Tuesday May 25. 8:15 o'clock SENIOR CLASS NIGHT I? On this night the Senior Class will * give their class day program. Wednesday May 26, 8:15 o'clock * SEVENTH GRADES GRADUATION EXERCISES , The seventh grade students will re- 1 " ceive their diplomas on this night | * The "seventh grade class day exercisese will be given, also the award- _ , ing of certificates of HONOR and ^ certificates of ATTENDANCE. The block "T" for athletic honors will be awarded on this night. d e Thufsday, May 27, 8:15 o'clock GRADUATION EXERCISES OF THE SENIOR CLASS lt On this night Dr. H. N. Snyder, j President of Wofford College, wtll deliver the commencement address. 11 The Senior Class will receive their a diplomas and the medals for scholar' ship and sportsmanship will be awarded. ie *" CLASS ROLL OF THE SENIOR CLASS OF THE TRYON HIGH SCHOOL n Julia Arthur Averill, William Cling'! an Burnett, Elizabeth Boubledayn President, Edward Briton Hardy, Mary Caroline Jervey, Mary Dill Lock. Stephenson Rion, Priscilla Alden Cr m? if mi 4 ocriveu, iviacy ouui y, m?iy mieauur j- Swann. THE FOLLOWING MEDALS WILL ? BE GIVEN STUDENTS OF k THE TRYON SCHOOL 11 Highest Scholarship in High School Given by Mr. B. L. Ballenger. Highest Scholarship in Grammer y School Given by Masonic Lodge, rl Highest Scholarship in Primary School Given by Junior Order Master Mechanices. rt Boy showing the best Sportsman* ship in atheletics. Given by Tryon y Pharmacy. Girl showing the best Sportsmanit ship in athletics Given by Misstld1 ines Pharmacy. The Scholarship medals will be given on the following points. 50 percent highest average on ,h studies. 25 per cent for conduct. 26 ^ per cent for attendance. a, Million-Dollar Stadium te Plans for a million-dollar concrete & etadlam, built along the Unco of tb4 lD Ma bowl and acatlng upwards of 100,. 000, ware discioced by Tax Rlckard. t Ttda gigantic ctmutcra, the promote* said, will .be built either In Lot* Weans nt. ? ?)< n..?. ? ?? H _ ... w ?- -w "? "? W oorapleted some time to 1MT. It wi| jfrorlde tor all octdoor sports to $? metropolitan dlstrtot, a oompsntoi t piece to Rlcksrd's ?ew indoor worn, T Hsdlsoa Square garden. a How Empire Was Formed 1- The foundations of the British empire In India were laid by the English East India company, which began e Its conquests In T749 by driving out r the rajah of Tanjore and claiming his territory tor England. t e J . . 1 _r- i*-'-- < ' - ' ? CARTOON ' ? - \ r ^ I CAPT. A. J HEPBURN ? Capt. Arthur J. Hepburn has been < appointed director of naval intelll|enoe by Secretary Wilbur. He haa < >een In commartd of the U. 6. S. Weil ) /Irglnle. 4 Good ra transpor "Then art thrtt things which make c nation great and powerful?a fertiU soil, busy workshops and easy convey vwwvyvi W*v ywuiyi v//* jjumm) K float."?Lord Bacon Sot iM/Z %eSo ,fexi;-.r ' M ' . . -k i TRYON's"| || Real Furniture St things. The cost of almost everything has mcrea about 70 percent in the last decade, but the average freight charges on the Southern have increased o y 35 percent In relation to the cost of other things, transrortatit? on the Southern is cheap. And When measured hy the quality of service rendered, it is one of the cheap* est things that can be bought today. FTHLE-lul vtiiem sem&^0yiht South I