nrt A..+v v++++++++++++++++ l?' ? I f I l //y-r'S, teas + I * *"And Bridge t Parties .v r > I i^H *V -? _ \> Sprague and family left ;.ii# ago for their home In I ^ Minn. They "spent the iYum at Mosely Hall with I Mr. \\ .:: r .ltto. their aunt. Miss I <... : S >?-r was with her. fl * . of I'ine Crest Inn left . ire for her sister, Mrs. r who was terribly hurt in a ... in Illinois. * * y:<. ;'oth Marsh is staying with Mrs. B. B. Bishop, ii - will motor here from (ru ? \V??hi: slid wi" 111611 take ller home ' ' Kwmsville, Ind. Vr Mrs. L. G. B. Rogers will jUi. , i'1" 1>ine Crest Iun this r thev are now occupying ,11, nf i ouages there. j!,.. nr a :is and Mrs. Wilkie have J.,.,. , li'.vir northern resort, Castle Park. r Go'.land, Mich. Mrs. Gran am Will Entertain at Luncheon. W \V. Graham will entertain at Iutt-1 '"? on Tuesday Mimosa j- fontplnt to Miss Nellie Stearns, who h.;.i .nst returned from an extehdert trip abroad. Mrs. Remick Will Be Hostess -at" Bridue. M> R C Romlck witl be hostess i; two tobies of bridge today. Visitor Fram Jetroit, Mich. Mr U". D. Barnes is spending the I reek-end with his sister, Mrs. B. T. 'rice. e:i Melrose avenue. I \ J 1 \ f * II > Try on Exclu. Ec t ON . 4 r In ten ( lots SPII I portion How cc eaiser, ESTA1 $375 ca it will t in cash Sooner ESTAT ing tin This is of the 1 her dollirs r < v ( . G w m. ? y < ! -j- -j* >y : < : -t : : : .* : : > ; ;* + fr < Mrs. Godshaw Has House Guest. Mrs, James O. Wilson of Cleveland is the house guest of Mrs. E. H. Godshaw. * ? Mrs. Richards Will Leave Soon for New Jersey. Mrs. Mark A. Richards, who has been spending the winter in Tryon, will leave in a few days for her sum-1 met home in Newarkr N. J., and ex pects to return to Tryon again next winter. * ? Browns Leave for ? Castle Park, Mich. Mr. Carter Brown and family left Tuesday for their summer headquarters at Castle Park. Mich. They will return to Tryon again in September for the fall and winter. * ? Delightful Motor Party to Tryon. Mrs. Hazzard, Mrs. Ambler and Mrs. Shaw motored from Askeville Sunday afternoon and spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. E. Pue Williams. * ? Guests at Circle Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson Templeton and Stevenson, Jr., are guests at Circla Inn. Dr. Parson Returns Home. Dr. Parson of Greenville, who has been in Tryon for two weeks, has returned to his home. ? Mrs. Brown of Springfield, 111., has arrived at Circle Inn. ? Mrs. Griddley, who has spent the winter at Charleston is also a guest ' at Circle Inn. /r irn $37 in 10 riTT.T.KTr lays or less lots now sell ling for $3040 will be $38 ally higher. They will a )uld you earn a more si surer, safer way than "ES today? sh covers; the down payn lake $468.-75 in 10 days fr payment, saved by buyii or later you are going t( 'ES?for your home or ai le for biggest returns. a last call. Don't loose th lots at the 20 per cent dis e. Phone 188 right n< in the next ten days. W. M. ELLSWOR1 GILLETTE ? TRYOr *111 lAIUiU. 1<RT? j Jk i I / ^ v- .-v ?n? ~ *?.. ?. i?. t*.*- -.; - TRYON 1 All Society News J I >$? $ ?*??* ?*? ?* *.. ?*? ?* ?*? ? $**?* H j Am te.ur Show j Draws Bia Crowd [.at Now Strand. The seemingly impossible Is always happening in Tryon. The large audit uce which packed the Strand theatre last Friday night hadn't the faintest ilea under what conditions the program was staged. Talk about lo cal r'.irt order talent. On Monday of lr. * week (just five days before the night of "The Show) it wu learned that Mr. Early, the movie man, had an open date on the Friday following. The president and secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce had been on the lookout for some sort of an evening's entertainment, whereby Lhey could get the Community to help make up the still remaining deficit incidental to the staging of the horse show. Here an opportunity offered itself, but was it too late to take advantage of? That was the question. Several Tryonltes, to whom no little credit belongs for the season's success of , the Fortnightly Drama Club, augmented by a few i "raw amateurs" uninitiated to the ; "glare of the footlights," weiie pressed i into emergency service. Doubting i Thomases were plentiful?some even ] ridiculed?fcut the movement, once i under way, averse criticism injected into that little determined group a 1 spirit before all obstacles were as I nothing. Work against time was s frantically begun. i Friday night the curtain rose with i Dwight Smith giving a humorous t reading, which missed fire in spots < because the audience became restless i and tired of waiting for the curtain, 1 to rise?finally thirty minutes late. < Warm applause was generously given c when Mr. Smith completed his reel- t tation. Next on the program was the Quar- s tette?Miss Pratt and Messrs, Massa- ? ?? m !. eS*? r5 .* $7( Days ri: EST AT ling for $1500 will be $1? 00 and lots of other pric 11 be 20% higher. jbstantial, potential prof - - - a buying a lot in uili lent on an $1875 lot toda orn today. Here is near ig NOW. ) want a homesite in GIL l investment. NOW is tl lis opportunity to getryou count price. JUNE 1st w aw and earn several h \ '//, Director of Sales ^STATES, Inc >1, N. C. ETT t \TE i, v i i THE POLK COUNTY NEWS ^ * h<-++++*++++++++^+^++++,(.+++, SOCIET" rhone 99 *1 ust He In This Oificc By Wednesday No novitch. Fowler and Stone. The ren- 1 dition of several "American Classics" c was greatly enjoyed by the audience. Of course there were some rough > spots, but on the whole it was pleas- 1 ing) melodic and harmonious chorus work. 8 Number three on the program was 8 "a take off on the local Real Estate n Salesmen. Miss Grady and Lawrence 11 Goellet, who had gone to considerable 1 trouble getting^up a parady on each one of the songs sung by the Quar- c tetto hist couldn't eet started: their canaries had stage fright or some- e thing, but the act was a clean-cut, humorous affair, and the audience, to n judge from the continued merriment J' and the applause at the termination^ w of the act, enjoyed it immensely. Mr. v Weigel, as the "Nutty Prospect," made 11 a bigger hit than in any character 11 (luring the season of the Fortnightly, and we'll say that's going some. Mr. Houser, as the dumb, blind and deaf beggar, filled the bill nicely. fi Act number four, "The Highway- c, man(" read by Mrs. Carter Brown, p and acted by Miss Babe Marsch, Pur- t) :ly Richardson, Oliver Andrews and I several others, tickled the audience a pink. No Broadway audience ever applauded more enthusiastically. Act number five, "The Strong iVhite Man Act," was really the fea- d :ure act on the bill. Messrs. Maz- S lanovitch, Brown, Stone and DeBoar D vent through ^ cycle of clever stunts ind near-stunts, as it were, which vere remarkable, not for their successful execution, but for the cleveriess of the group in their conception, y rlere was original, unadulterated w :omedy, pure and simple, and the au- ft lience seemed to be aware of It n hroughout. , S Mr. Carter Brown filled In for an tr ibsentee on five minutes' notice, and tave a very interesting and amusing id * - J b; tc ni j rk K'^h&tf&u - :*& i ft ei to t lential J lection | + + 4 >0 I I + $ 4* "ES I 575 and :es proit in an LETTE y?but ly $100 LETTE be buyr choice ill soon undred iT\ \ x ; / mnmw++**++++ t NEW! \ j on of Bach Week -i )lay on names of local folks. What audcvillian could have done better in the short notice? For the next number Mr. Fowler odeled a few, and the local yodel ans had t much longed f?r treat. Two little Charlestonians lifted mall and dainty-dark feet to the teps of the Charleston and a cuter, aore nonchalant pair of actresses tever graced any stage In the counry. The grand finale, with the entire ompany ringing the catchy tune, Show- Me the Way to Go Home." nded the evening's entertainment. A better one of its kind Tryon has ever seen. We would like to see net what this group could accomplish rith ample time for rehearsals, and re look forward with great anticipaion to another program of this sort i the near future. FOR SHERIFF. At the solicitation of my many riends I hereby announce myself a andidate for the office of Sheriff of oik County, subject to the action of le Democratic Primary. If elected, ,will give the office my undivided ttention. J. H. METCALF. 20-27-3 I hereby announce myself a candiate for re-election to the office of heriff of Polk County, subject to the emocratic Primary Rules. R. M. McFARLAlp. 3 times pd The repeated performance of "The Tan Who Married a Dumb Wife," hich was given at the Parish House >r the benefit of the Lanier Library, etted that institution a good sum. everai in attendance contributed ex a money. The Tryon postoftice Is being enrged as to box capacity. A large ittery of boxes Is being added. The >wn has outgrown the office, but Dthing is being done to provide a ?w and adequate building. The.preslt structure is small, dajlc and hard keep cl^an. LO LAST SATURDAY, MAY 1 N. C., LARGE MALE AID NAME OF "BILL." HAD C CHAIN. LIBERAL REYV.A RETURN OR INF0RMAT1 OF DOG. DR. HENRY NORRIS, Rul ! < * * > >+ ?* > < -5 A SHOWING PIECE x t/% - .' We have a wonderful selecti AT REASONABLE PRICES, lection while the assortments most every wanted shade and will be glad to give you som you with your summer ward VISIT OUR READY TC The Ballengi Tryoti -v -. - ' Sc. > ^ 4..% * * ??. ?j. >, ,j.,J.A/ ?. A A > ? A .J, A ; JBH^jSeRIL ; AA.;,AA^.; >.; f : ^ 'I ' ' 0 - ' ^ r, * J." IT I I?I?'Ud I i 1?H JtfjiW.of-kfl kwl'm iof-t*2 _ Jack Delights Hundreds Every Week With His Voice. New York -City.?Jack is the most popular radio soloist in New York City. Jack is a dog?a brindle bull. He sings weekly at Station WNYC and can carry^Sny tune. The talae^ed dog belongs to Doctor and Mrs. Edwin Griffin of Brooklyn. He has won many blue ribbons and ; silver cups at kennel shows all over the country. Nowadays, though, he 1 hasn't time to bother with such triv- |; ial things. Besides, he has to take j care of his voice. Jack's talent for singing was dist >ST fr * f I 5th, from ellenton, f . V I :dale dog. answers to * r t r lOLLAR ON.AND BROKEN * * 1 lRD WILL BE PAID FOR | < [on leading to return * i * * 4> herfordton, N. C. $ *************************** OF PRETTY : GOODS ? 4 4 nn of lovelv PIECE GOODS i Come in and make your se- I are at their beet. We have I materials, and our salesladies 1 e of the new ideas in helping * robe. * 4 4 4 > WEAR DEPARTMENT- < I \ 4 er Company ] 4 , N. C. 4 "11 i 1 <1 y y v1 v&BiiaBmiiSVSififtjfBfcf'my, x . , THUF^CAY MAY 20. 1926. i S Try on Club Notes $ Etc. | iil i ' . i a.a.. 'W-.t V ^ DOG ,fV? SHUS\C jT3,'y. j-'JTJ^i.,'j Wtifcnldo tj> (rc.'c.f ftyou^ .w-ryt _ ( covered and cultivated by his master. He is an exceptionally intelligent dog and appears to understand everything that is said to him. t When scientists, interested in his unique talejit, come to visit him, he puts on a wise and comradely air as tie goes through his paces. When he has finished a selection for them he ? looks at them as if to say, "Well, now, do you know how I do it?" Jack gets fan letters from all over the country. Children often write to him, telling him about their own dogs and invariably ending up, "I wish he were as smart as you." , Jack has several favorite tunes, but i new one called "After I Say l^m Sorry" is thought to be his favorite because of the vivacity and energy he puts into the rendition of it. REAL ESTATE IN COLUMBUS IS MOVING VERY FAST Mr. C. R. Rlanton of the firm of Blanton & Greene of Columbus, N. C., cports heavy selling in the Columbus narket, aitd says prospects for many idditional sales in the near future ook very bright. His firm has huntreds of listings that have required nuch time in getting together, and he prospects are exceptionally good. MISS MARY TATE 'w,^B B /; x:: 7;<WB^ HI As assistant to the public printer of the United States, Miss Mary Tats lolds probably the most important aost ever held by a woman In the isrvlce of Uncle Sam. ************************* I hereby announce my- * self a candidate for the of- + fice of Clerk of the Super- * ior Court of Polk County, t subject to the Democratic Primary Rules. J. B. LIVINGSTON. % 3 times f . . X *+ *+* : : : : >+++++ { ++++++++ 4+t+lW< . . >++++ +< ++++++ + ! FRENCH LESSONS | 1 V * ! Given to beginners and ad- | I vanced pupils by compe- * ; tent French teacher. Pri- * vate or classes. X * ; Phone 77-B. J * * + *++'>+*+**+*******+*+****** jf

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