B|/? m wgu,- m y.? " THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926. | 9 I * / CO His I. Th< I siderc didac; Ar of Ha : ' is we] Mr, I 0 i / / I _ . POLK COUN' 7 * } L i I I I jv Receii Indorse ii NGRESSH i Neighbors F and A 3 friends of Hon. Felix E. Alk ition of the voters of the Teni y for the Democratic Nominat lative of Jackson County, but lywood County, both as a pub il known by the people of Nor . Alley is, in the truest sense, a Handicapped in his early life by the la< spite all obstacles and by force of charactei flagging courage and incessant endeavor, he front ranks of his chosen profession, and is ablest lawyers in North Carolina; while as we believe that he has no superior in the er I A close student of political questions an his party's call, and every campaign finds t Always patriotic, always loyal, and alwa the choice of the Democrats in the forthcoir party that will recall the days when the matt Craig, by their irresistable eloquence, arous* Democracy of the mountains. The eyes of the world are on Western N( Congress who can tell the story of the glor ous triumphs of our present, and the wondei Elect Felix E. Alley, and we shall have heard and heeded, and whose ability and exj Prvn /VKrtan 4-V? /x l?r?4-I%*?. ? J? i i* ? T vun^i cos xvsi tiic lclO<1UV(1I1U1^6 01 OUT 1 I, William A. Band, EditorOwner ol the certify that the original of the foregoing ata Robert L. Madison of Cullowhee, under whos his high school course, is now on file in my c resentative citizens among whom Mr. Alley 1 Haywood Counties. I i 1 rY NEWS # #> les St iment ONALR 'raise His ability KJ iy present for the favor th Congressional Distric ion for Congress. for the past twelve year lie man and a private ( th Carolina. self-educated and self-n :k of educational opportunities, yet, der, studious habits, untiring industry, unhas won his way to a position in the recognized by all as the equal of the a forceful and eloquent political orator, itire State. d public affairs, he never fails to answer lim where the battle rages most fiercely. .ys ready to serve, he will, if he shall be ling Primary, make a campaign for hjp | :hless Crawford and the indomitable jd to intense and fervid enthusiasm the jrth Carolina, and we need a man in ious traditions of our past, the marvel*ful possibilities of our future. a representative whose voice will be jerience will be used in the Halls oi )istrict and our State. i Waynesville Mountaineer, do hereby tement, in the handwriting of Prof. ^ se instruction Felix E. Alley completed iffice, signed by many hundreds of rep has lived and labored in Jackson and WILLIAM A. BAND. Editor Waynesville Mountaineer. . * rung l ACE Merit I 1 able con- I i t his can- I s a citizen I iitizen, he I lade man. I . ? | Paid Political Adv. I