wees I eas nd Bridge I Parties * I t- LAXJ.AAJ.AA t ? fffTTTTTTTT I VI'TT1 Pr*ach was made today tc H, Dr. Robert Adams 01 , will prvacb at tbe Bap ^^Heit Sunday at 11 o'clock rcry welcome. Secured Lska ^^^Bbers bare been secured ^^^Bake. wblcb will be open Jed the radio own^^ Tryon and vicinity ^^Hwrvice and so indi ^^Hard or letter to us ^^Krille, 3. C., we will ^Hgul&r weekly tripe ^^B)D covering such ^^Hesired. He, all makes ma^^Badios and accessorHrders promptly fiUHrythfng positively 0 PRODUTS Bam bill coxe I Box 806 Heeartik, S. C. WE DO AL] ^KNERALCONTRi ^HriLL GLADLY FURNISi L'H BUILDISG REQUIR HcELLE.S'T SERVICE-W Hp I'D OF. I SOW HAVE HEOF TRTON BUILDIN( llft/CX WOOD AN. H R. A. S Htnl C#tfr?<tw [> of Gen Special To R? LET US GIVE > Prices R I. G. F LANDRl _ rma NSTIT STRIVII TO 8ERVE Y\ No Account too Sm No Account too La To Receive Our At IOME IN AND TALK ' I I. R. Sams, Chain E. W. S. Cobb, Pr? Erank Jackson, Vi W. T. Hammett, \ fw vj m?1 I---- TT. Dimnion, w* S. Le*iaf Aaat * L- Arledge, Aju oik County B fobua, ? II If II 1 Mr*. Hester Hostess To. Cleveland Ladles. ) Mrs. J. B. Hester was hostess Satf urday afternoon to a number of Cleve land ladles. Tea was served and a . very enjoyable affair witnessed by those who attended. A Delightful Bridge Party Saturday. I Mrs. Lindsay gave a lovely bridge i party Saturday night, introducing the Mr. and Mrs. Bayes, who will make Tryon their future home. j To Spend Season In Toronto, Canada. Mrs. Mabel Holland left Tuesday to spend the summer season in Toronto, and will return to this section In the early fall. Rogers Will Give Bridge Party at Pine Creat Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers will give a bridge party at Pine Crest Inn on Friday evening. They have taken charge of Pine CreBt for the summer months,. and this Is the first social function given under their regime. Invitations have been sent out to many to attend this affair, which promises to be an enjoyable one. Mrs. Grady Hoataaa At Bridge Party. Mrs. Earl Grady entertained at : bridge Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. James O. Wilson of Cleveland, Ohio, who has been the house guest of Mrs. Oodshaw. Leave for Main* to Spend Vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Re^d and daughter, Annette, hare gone to the < > < > < L KINDS OF i: lCTING & BUILDING il < i ?> I YOU ESTIMATES ON ALL J | EMENTS AND G UARANTEE ORK THAT YOU WILL BE 11 I CONTRACTS FOR A NUM- ; | 3S. MAY I FIGURE WITH ? > ? D CONCRETE WORK ;' EXTON ;; Tryan, N. C <. ?> <? < > f eral Constructing ji i ?? Attention \! ? lidences \ | fOU E8TIMATES J * > ?? easonable. * \\ ARMER um, s. c. :: 11 < > ,????+????+?????????? ????? C ? > ? :rong ncial i "UTION I ! o i I i 4 ? fG HARD i; ^ CUSTOMERS :: < > all. ;; rare, ! I < i- 4 > tenuuii. * > THINGS OVER WITH US ;; i nan of the Board. ;; esident. I > ce Pres. 11 ice Pres. ;; Vies Pres. and Cash. Cashier. ! I it Cashier. ;; ank & Trust Co. North Carolina i: i > / I rRYON All Sooiety Newi 1 l f state of Maine to spend their vacations, and expect to return to Tryon shortly. * Mrs. Lindsay Entertains At Bridge for Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Lindsay entertained at bridge Monday for Mrs. Wilson of Cleveland, Ohio. * * Leaves for Providence, Rhode Island. Mrs. Mima Heirott Facett left recently for Providence, K. I. Their cottage will be occupied for the summer by the Mehaffeys. * * Oak HaJI Arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Henley. Columbia, S. C.; Mr. C. S. Cromer, Char- I lotte, N. C.; Mr. N. M. Heller, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mr. T. P. Edwards, Asheville, N. C.; Mr. V. R Hlggtns, Mr. G. F. Ferguson, Charlotte, N. C.; Mr. P. G. Bunting, Petersburg, Va.; Mrs. G. Howard Stewart, Montreal, Canada; Miss Isabel Robinson, Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mfrshy, Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hamer. Charlotte. N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Spartanburg, S. C. * * * Miss Helen Morgan of Greensboro | College is at home for summer vacation. * * * Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Morgan and family >i motored to Spartanburg Tuesday to 1 attend the Morgan-Mayson wedding. r= i (M Toi Requi At Reasona Face Powders, Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Beauty Creams, "Prescription Wats Tryon PI TRYON ? * ? ? > < * * * * * * * : : : * : ANS' Our S I . QM Lun Al Mill :; and we deliver wh :: first order and se1 both quality and b :: buy your building :: ture. Landrun ? <? < ? 4 > 4 > ? POLK COUNTY NEWS 7 SOCIETY Phone 99 V!n?t Be In This Office By Wedoesdsy Noc : * :* * > * -h Latest Style in s Hats and Frocks. c II Is interesting to note the changes [of style with each season. In thei^ ' spring everyone went mad about ^ small close-fitting more or less tall- ^ | orcil liat. Now the large hat Is in ^ I full vogue. - jj There are beautiful milans velvet 0 trimmed some white and others an ^ ivory shade. There are sheer straws ^ of fancy weaves and others trimmed 8! with flowers and ribbon streamers. o | After all, a large hat is the sensii ble one lor summer when the sun , u , .u- __ . _ A HIM i JU ill lugs lu yuui mcc may- ^ in-thc-house complexion. And a plain ^ hat will go with everything and Is ^ really more sensible than one made ? only for garden parties. ci And not only is the light hat pop* ular, but light colored dresses are all ! the go just now. Flesh georgette and jw silks, most of them made on sports Is' line, are being shown everywhere ana j'1 worn by everyone. The salesladies .n hint of short sleeves, and the latest J'e magazines show many frocks with the " abbreviated sleeve. | We heard so much about colored |31 shoes in the spring and the idea was 1,; fascinating, but very few have ap- ^ pea red on the streets of Tryon. Mayhe they will have their day yet. ? * tl Noted Artist In Tryon. Joseph Birren of Chicago, 111., noted painter, is in Tryon for a long bl stay looking over the great views in s< this section preparatory to the making of some pictures here. Mr. Birren was born in the city of Chicago, ^ tt i i ?ni I *s v I cc w $ I L?Jl 8( ilet isites m w hie Prices. ^ Rouge, h Manicure Seta, a W Vanity Cases, Variety Soaps. Specialists." oris lldNlldUJf [. N. C. "" " "* " "" " 1 c* *J* *1*4**!'* *** ?% **? <|* *%* 4**^*4**1*4*4**1'' WER? ervice _ iLITY fiber | SID Work en you want it without di 5 what we will do for y :eal service. requirements from us ani i Builders Sup Landrum, S. C. -*** ? '1' it ! j. <' * 'i' 4 r \ . ' { NEWS >n of Bich Week \ tudied at the Art Institute of Chi- vi ago, New York, Philadelphia, Mun- T1 ill and Paris. ha He is the founder of the Art Insti- pa ate Alumni Association (1911-1915); en onorary president of the Art Insti- Bi ate Alumni Association; past presi- M ent of the Palette and Chisel Club; ca fe member of the Arts Club; Paint- an rs and Sculptors, Chicago Society ot tii .rtists, Laguna Art Association, su forth Shore Art Association of Masachusetts and Connecticut Academy Bi f Fine Arts. Al He is represented in the Chicago rt Commission collection, Union ^ league Club, Bermuda Promotional ommission, the Renaissance, Illinois j Women's Athletic Club, Rockford Art ^ lub, Joliet High School and other ... se r\11o/tiiAna r\ P Hiotinotinn JU^VHUUO Ul UlOblUVVIUU. piMr. Birren expressed keen delight ith this picturesque country, and tated that the climate is excellent ere. He is well acquainted with Er- at est Barnes, who has just recently ta ft here for Detroit after having spent H. te winter In Tryon. He is a close iend to Mr. Mazzanovitch, a famous S( rtist, who resides in Tryon, whose aintings have been greatly admired y many. ba r iS Rose Wilcox returned to Tryon for le summer from Boston, where she Pa ad been attending college. Se * * * to Mr. A. L. Berry is in Chicago on to usiness. He is expected to return jjij ametime next week. ... E8 Mr. Chas. J. Lynch spent several Ith ays in Columbia, S. C., the first sof , SCi le week. ... jt0 Miss Louise Weyand of New York Jit spending several days In Tryon, ^ Electing material in conjunction I 1th her publicity work for the Na-Jj10 onal Magazine. rf ... |<f Mr. Julian Hester returned to ryon this week after an extended Ip in the North. He visited Washigton and New York, transacting usiness for his firm. * Edward W. Frost is driving through i his Northern home this week, after jjourning in Tryon all winter. ? has. D. Brown on usiness Trio Here. Mr. Chas. D. Brown of Chicago, I 1., was in Tryon the latter part of j le week attending to some business latters here. Br. Brown with his. ife will be remembered as pleasant LOST i a cloth sack, $247.50, on Melrose renue. Finder will J>e liberally rearded. Address care of this office. i WANTED _2_ FIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS 4 Stone Masons. 3 Laborers. Apply at GILLETTE ESTATE 1 Tryon, N. C. Bring your tools ready for ^ work. * *********** f:: ?: i u T ? T ' ? 7 * > 7 ?? i , ?' j ? ^ f SLAY. SEND US YOUR II y OU IN THE WAY OF { <? T i T ) BUILD FOR THE FU- :i < > 11 < < > ply Co. LAAAAAfcAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAi PTTTTT 'I1 'J'T T T 'I' 'I* V T T 'F 'F rTTTm ^ i " ' ... /u-j . . ?***?????*???* * *++ * IB ?i3hI, *+* * *:* 't * * < < : : + :* : : : * : V < :* sitors in Tryon this past winter, lis was their first trip here ifter i^ing spent their vacations in all irts of the globe. They becam so ithused with this section that Mr. own purchased some property on elrose avenue. He returned to Cbigo Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Brown id two sons expect to spend some ne in Tryon the latter part of the mmer. * rthday Party jxiliary Club. The annual Birthday Party of the lxiliary of the Presbyterian Church is held at the home of Mrs. G. H. eyer on Tuesday afternoon from 4 6. Delicious refreshments were rved, and a beautiful pageant was esented after the luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schwlng id Mrs. A. B. Dreyer, all of Sparnburg, were the guests of Mrs. a. Dreyer. ? * 5uthern mercer izing mill news J. D. Lawson, who has been In the rber business with H. H. Hinton, now selling barber supplies for the sndersonville Barber Supply Comny. Rev. M. E. Sumney, pastor of the cond. Baptist Church, is planning leave Monday for Shesnee, S. C., begin his evangelistic campaign In 3 tent. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Hendricks of isley spent Saturday evening with eir friends at the Mercerizing Plant. Mr. Garren Powell, who has been In hool at Easley, S. C., has returned work for a few months. Mrs. Emery Petty and daughter visid their friends in King's Mountain, C. Miss Marie and Renie Ross, who ve been in school near Salem, S. , have returned home. Mr. Carey Gosnell has moved to Why's and < Ab Li Jersey Sweet Milk. Sweet Cream, Double St One-half of 1?' Per Cen Flavor?the Kin Every Bite a De Phon TRYON P Western No Real Estate is Pa; to the Wis See Try Tfc C. J. "Re< I yl can't sell all th< offer ^you Tryon Dirt V I Can CHAS. J Real Phone 173 k i * / i THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1926. ' ? v v v v v v 4? +1* v v v*!* 4? v *!- v v *1* *!" v **" *{* * * ? ?* ?? Try on Club Notes 1; Etc. :: * * i > \> *............. ,t, * , ,?, t, ,y, a ,?, ,y,.?, , ,? | t ,|,,? ,| OJ VVTVVVVVV VVVTTTVTTTTVTT7 11 'u town, where he will be permanently located. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf and children spent last Sunday in Saluda. Mr. J. 11. Roddy spent Sunday in Itosman, N. C. The people are very glad to see Mr. Davenport back on the Job after an operation recently. Mrs. B. \V. Reed has improved smce her recent operation. Miss Irene Galloway spent Sunday in Rosnian, N. C., with her mother and father. Mr. honey's little girl, since a recent operation, is doing nicely. Miss K'uth WhitmireJ who recently underwent an operation, is back at work, wo are glad to say. Mr. and Mrs. Bud McKee of Easley, S. C., spent Sunday with Luther Powell. On last Sunday a truck load of hoys went to Brevard to the all-day singing. George Fisher, who has been ill, is gelting much better, we are glad to state. Mr. C. Durham, who has been on a vacation for some time, is back home and ai work again. Mr. Charles Metcalf of HendersonI ville, N. (\, spent a while with his I folks here Sunday. y J. H. Conner's family has increased ' | In number by one since he began the barber business here. Mr. Dillard of Spartanburg, S. C., is doing the grading work at the mill. Miss Gertie Frisby has gone to spend a few days with her mother I and grandmother at Horse Shoe, N. C. 1 j J Being for something good and right j is better than being against someI thing bad and wrong, when the ful[ filment of the former replaces the j need for the latter. j The hand that lends itself to unI selfish service is always the right i hand. . _ _ Other Why's out -4 ;*3??i ? a?i??I Sweet Butter, rength. Sugar, t Chalmers A A Gelatine. id You Like Best light e 174 HARMACY irth Carolina > ying Large Profits | le Investor | on Pirst ien :: Lynch altor" ;; 3 Earth, so 1 only f i the Best. :: Will Clean Up <? Be Done9' ?? ? 4 > ? ? ? < > LLYNCH I % Estate % Tryon, N C. + I + i - t

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