R !. . I THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 192( ^^iEEEiEE ********** I "i | Dw\s eas | And Bridge * ? $ forties ?s> i ? t ; Norwood Hous^r left Tryon last week for an indefinite stay with his family in Orangeburg, S. C. I Mr. T. P. Richardson has accepted a position with B. Hester, Jr., fn the conducting of real estate and general insurance. * '* * Miss Rose Wilcox; Returns to TryonJ Miss Rose Wilcjsx has returned to Tryon for the summer. f>he was a member of the Jjunior Class of the Vesper George sfchool of Art, Boston, where she rejeuived a certificate for satisfactorily! completing one year's work. Examples of her work were shown at (he annual exhibit which was held (at the jschool the week of June 1st.; Mr. Geo. H. Holmes and Family on Fishing Trip. Mr. Geo. H. Holmes and family left for an extended camping fishing trip on the Carolina coast this! week. In the party was Gendell BroWnlee, who recently returned io Tryon after completing his course of study at the Asheville Military Academy. ? Visiting the R^v. Mr. ?>'Neill and family this week 4re Miss Marie Louise Smith and her nurse from Asheville. ! The Crandalls Leave For the North. Mr. and Mrs. (jrandall are leaving for the North to; spend part of the summer with thleir daughter, mjs. Wickham, in Chiqago. They contemplate returning tq Tryon the first of August. * I* * Miss Ruth Ever | Gives Party. A delightful pajrty was given Try on's young set at the home of Miss APPLIQUE AND CU" SELF-TRIMS ?U8T aa tha Mt but seems about to I retire from the wlllnery scene, back It comes again to the center of the fashion stage wltf some new Intriguing aet to perforin. At present moment lnventlYC&fsplns and ? pair of scissors are "r*1 reputation ef the! felt chap<&u as an outstanding amber on the leading spring style programs. ' WJ "" The newer felt hats feature novelty la that they are slashed and folded and cot late pieces and then put together again wlthW nicety that gives them an gppearahce more charming than fcer. Milliners have a knack of cutting away one portion and grafting It somewhere else In the form of applique or a perky bow or a flange or In some trimming way that Insures a sustained style Interest. 4 Handsome effects are attained by appllquing felt npion felt as the large hat in the picture so effectively 4em onstmu*. There are added notes of decoration If one embellish the fratt v. flower applique with hand painting. i= ! | LAWRENCE \ Landscape Consultant on Indianapolis 1 ? j ('""Z'ZMI ; | ENGINEERE ;> 1 Prices as rea ' consistent wil - :: TRYON. 4 ?* +++ ++++++++++++++++++++< *)" > +++++++*+ ! +* { +++++++* * +++++* j" j Ruth Ever last Saturday evening. j I The guests included Misses Grace I Miles, Geraldine Sayre, Helen Morgan, Edith Nash, Midora Kamenar, Caro- ( I lyn Jervey, Betty Doubleday and < j Messrs. Harry Morgan, John Preston, 1 T. P. Richardson, Theodore Balienger, i William Burnett, Franklyn Little, George Remick and Gendell Brownlee. 1 I Mrs. Nelson Jackson, Jr., and children are spending a fortnight with her father in Spartanburg, in the ab- ' isence of Mr. Jackson, who is in the ' | Middle West on a business trip. * * * ! The Bells Visiting j In Charleston. ( , Mr. Geo. E. Bell and family left Tryon Sunday for a week's sojourn ' in Charleston. In the absence of Mr. Bell, Mr. Sayre, who is now a permanent resident of Johnson City, Tenn., will :^>e in charge of the Postal Telegraph office. " *"? 'iJtnrt lo nonHinp "DOC" 1*J. Hi. missiiuiiio 10 pv..?...0 two weeks with his daughter in Detroit. He left Tryon on the late train Sunday night. # * Miss Carolyn Jervey is leading this Friday at a summer camp just out of Brevard. Dr. Jervey, in the absence of his family, will enjoy a week's fishing trip in the low country. * ? Mr. Charlie Lynch visited Columbia the early part of the week. Mr. Lawrence Goellet .Leaving for White Plains, N. Y. Mr. Lawrence Goellet is leaving ! Tryon next week for his home in White Plains, N. Y., to spend the [summer with his parents. He expects jto rejoin the staff of the New York i World, from which he has enjoyed r-WORK ATTAIN FOR THE FELT HAT . twHX . B^Pjr The model Illustrated is In an exquisite purme violet shade. A clever treatment of felt Is accomplished by slashing a given portion at regulju- Intervals, then twirlin IT Moh norrnw ?frin nn^ar a mv nt firm stitching. The small hat to the left below shows how highly decorative this self-trim la. The third hat Is Interesting because It Is finished In a tailored way with three embroidered arrowheads, same as are employed on the cloth tallleur. Increasing Interest Is manifested Is hand-painted felt hats. Modernistic design Is carried out In vividly colored and gilded conventional pattern lnga. Also pastel felts are exquisitely detailed with flower painting done is nature's colorings. Out-out work, the openings lined with gilded leather, varies the felt mode very attractively. In answer to spring's call for strfcw a pretty compromise Is made In that bangkok and crochet vlsca-straw hats have brims of felt with an allover applique of felt. Cutouts trim the crown. Some milliners are using felt shapes as a foundation for ribbon flower-work and beaded ornaments tlon. JTTLLA. BOTTOMIxHX, US* WmUW Shan?? Oaleog S . \ SHERIDAN Architect ? City Planning * Tryon j 3RRICK ! ! SG SERVICE \ isonable as is !> ? th accurate work. !! * SALUDA. J FRYON All Sooiety Newt I *++++++++++++++++++++++++*< several years leave of absence. Mr. Uoellet has spent four winters In rryon and has become so acclimated hat we are counting on his presence i-ifh ns next year, notwithstanding lis positive assurance that he is gong back to stay and work. Wetcalf jFamlly Returning to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Metcalf and Iitle son. who have been staying at heir estate near Columbus for some his spring and summer, are returnng to Chicago. They leave on a late Sunday train. In the absence of the Metcalfs, Mrs. jeo. C. Woolson, who recently sold FROCK AND ENSEM SUPREMACY ( NOVELTY la the word when ii comes to the new woolen fabrics declared by the mode to be among the smartest Items for the styling of sprint apparel. To this end, genius Is guld tng Its looms to check, stripe, plaid mottle and multicolor every weave which comes within Its range, Includ lug fine kashas, repps, tweeds, chev lots, cainel's-halr suitings, luster twills lannels, homespuns and others toe numerous to give recognisance In one Nrlef story of fashion. While the colors are high In the majority of spring woolens, they an artfully blended and soft In effect dometlmes as many as from two t< vol/ o HiiTun ivilnro are romhlned In lerest In tapestry designs In novelt: wool goods results In an extensive us* of this type of fabric for coats, suit* &nd ensembles. Ombre effects In flannels nnd bor lered flannels In bright or pnstel col nrings make up charmingly In one piece frocks. Coming In 54-lnch widtl they are economical as It requires i minimum number of yards for a dress Greens and rose hues are general fa Tortus as well as soft blues. In the tweeds, particular Intern ^Betterrefirigt withou Frigidaire is the method of keeping temperature. Chs box into an electri Frigidaire *init, or metal cabinet Fr Frigidaire j fwf A C month 1TV 9.9 Fndu ELECTRIC RE] R. O. ANDREWS Tryon. Let Us Figur On JOB PR] POLK COUN >???? < . ifr/ r . .w. tit ffl&f'*; . THE POLK COUNTY NEWS SOCIET Phone 99 Muit Be In Thii Offico By Wedneiday No *+*++++++* { *****+ + +++4. + + + + + + r ' her home in Valhalla, will occupy the I Me teal f residence. r * I % Letters received here from minoury Smith state that he has secured a very desirable position in the Washington Fruit Exchange and has de- , cided to stay in the Capital City permanently. Waverly Hester is away on a business trip to Norfolk, Va. He is expected to return to town the latter part of the week. "A wife is a person who has just seen a good parking space back a little way." [BLE DECLARE )F NOVEL WOOLENS t center* In the herringbone wearea , many of which are extremely elabo > rate, working out fascinating pattern ; lngs. These appear In pastel and palm beach shade. With such an Imposing array of fa? 1 clnatlng materials as this season wit nesses, stylists are spurred to feature a campaign of unique design which > shall measure up to the fabric Itself ' That Is how It comes that the ensera) ble shown to the right In this picture Is fashioned with extraordinary chit s and charm. The handsome material ? of which this long coat and one-plec* frock Is styled Is both plalded and bor > dered In tapestry Interweaving??. It u - marvelously colorful, also extreraelj f lightweight, which Is a special char 8 acterlstic of the new woolens. 1 The drees to the left Is of plalded kasha cloth. In colors which recall tht " mellow tones and tints "of an Arabian tent covering. The scarf worn with 11 Is of gay colored crepe, for In the rat 1 Jorlty of cases a scarf accompanlei 1 the dress or suit. Notice the buttoni on the skirt. Buttons are a popular trim this spring. JULIA BOTTOldL?Y. (4 mi. wmin Wwjspir u?l?al iratior> ^ ' t ice modern, ec6r,.->.\-tc.-I ; foods at an ev;. . r1 1 mge your pre.-ic*. C refrigerator w ' select onje ov tin; / igidaires. B-.vy : : rou want en th* O ly payment n':. . Cll ****1 "p ? - .v-. . | llcf Li". ' FRICL" I.-'v i" . > Representative N. C. - <1 > J . < h i i; i e With You ; :; rour :;; NTING ity news i: i 4 < i ? i ? < ? < > ? JLj/ --.J-. ?> ? r " "? f-- ^ *--= 7 i Y NEW! on of Bach Week ?? ? ? < LIMERICKS. There was a young man from saiuaa, Who went with his ma to Bermuda; ( He leaned o'er the rail, x Caught a shark by the tail, And carried it back to Saluda. r ,8 There was a young lady from Tryon, | Whose dad was a noble old scion; 'e She rolled them so high 1 That they reached the blue sky? t You can imagine how it shocked the old scion. J There was an old buzzard in Linn, X Who grew spinnage long on his chin; f An old owl built his nest While the man was at rest? I They will show you the guy down at Linn. t t H There was a scream of a girl came to Tryon, ( Who borrowed some pajamas to try ' on; e She was so charmingly clad ( That the boys all went mad? "Take 'em off," they all yelled, "or i we die on!" 1 t i There was a young man lived In ( Tryon, j Who thought he was a regular Lyon; He played all the games, And he crushed all the dames, So they called him the terror of Tryon. ( There was a young lady named Piatt, Who lived alone in a flat; But she climbed up a tree, Then a troublesome bee i Got busy Just where she sat 'i | 1 Specia 2 Of the Cel 1 Florsheii | $7.9 * | In Tans and Blacks, newe; ;; at the low price of $7.96 11 chance to save on good sho V. in our windows. The Balle lie tryon. |i ? , 'l ; i MAM ? Cai ? ? ! By purchasing your building ? I SAVE you money. Call us t Mill Work. One order will < k ? k Landrum I H ^ I (l"h | years ago. ! TI . ht and daughter are in ySfJJZo aa usual for the sun, ^ ,1 "spartanbur^iB^Bel^t^^1-;;:: \ ; J ^o/uckets have been subscribed., - Dr. Pratt will preach only on the i lecond and fourth Sundays at the 0 3apti8t Church until he regains his v. lealth. For rent: Reibling store building. See James Leonard & Co. .(I Mrs. J. P. Williams has openea lie;, " B 3restwood and is ready to receive juests. i , ? ^ I i C tj. t. The Lightners returned to thetr s. . lome in Detroit Wednesday. j II. -I Hon. T. T. Ballenger attended the I j?_.; B rustees' meeting of A. & M. College ! his week. Wallace C. Riddick was -j, v . sleeted president of the college, sue-1 I seeding Dr. D. H. Hills. President * * * * a . t liddick is a North Carolinian and * If ?i stands high in national educational j.;. L V :lrcles. | LA I nil I Mr. Frank Hellen has brought his * 5] * nother, Mrs. Jos. Hellen, to Trvon, j * A|\|uJ vhere they will sj^nd the summer at 1 V UfjlH heir estate, "Roraima." Mrs. Hellen J Ol?U s in rather poor health, and Miss * 3ain, the nurse, is in attendance upon ler. ^ The annual meeting of the cougie- m ;ation of Holy Cross Churc'n will he 11 K leld at the church Monday, June 5th, + I it 5:30 p. m. All members are re- j luested to be present. , .? Advertlsinp Pays. i | Bottli Samson had the right idea about ' H idvertising. He took two columns : lUIAkiARfl ind brought down the house. j* IwlwRlfllfB KetcfJ I Sale < J fi j lebrated .II n Shoes 19 ii 15Pair j'l J I i * Lav in V?ur i* * 3t shapes, and leathers, j | per pair. A wonderful | | oo qno tviom at? rlicrvlmr V ! M A M PI I!ANDKW nger Co. |J broi! N. C. | | TKVO.V N-fl '*** 1 '11'M 11,111 1 'I * +4?MmM.+++L ,Y DOLLARS I n Be Saved I supplies from U8, wc wn suppJy a|| onvJnw 'Ct "" fig"K with you- v,v >:" j:;X~ W v?? ?f ? rpndor | Builders Supply ^ I Landrum, S. C. I T2ZZJ

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