rl THURSDAY, JUNE 24. 1926. m II GREEN'S CREEK,) We have enjoyed cooler, cloudyj weather for several days, and arc] still expectantly watching and waltj f ing for another shower. The ground was so dry when these little showers . *-.i nf tjjem word began to i p/irrv rmlv K^cf 4 ? j Ill V. MV,0 L I I our prices are reasonable. I Everything handled by X found at this store. HAM! I ? ? > The Ballenger I TRYOH, ' J JUJS i l j %> I I oaak^rapbs headquarters in Chattanooga, Tenn.; P. II. Gross, secretary and treasurer of thol system board, Chattanooga, Tenn.;j W. L. Moninger, Riihmonrt, Vn., chairman of the northern district and home committee; G. A. Link, Jr., Charlotte, N. C., division chairman, and c! W. Crowell, Spencer, N. C., selected Saiuda as the logical place because of its accessibility to employes of the Southern Railway. The eommtttee spent two days here arranging the details and choosing the site. .Mayor G. R. Little and Dr. R. M. Salley contributed the land. The was .brought to Saluda through the effortR of J. F. Trexler, til employe of the Southern Railway, and t^e~~h?cal_Chaniber of Commerce. | Thef clerks plan a miniature resort city ofti the mountain top where thetr members can spend their vacations without cost for lodging, and meals will be served at cost. Each member will have the privilege of spending is miich time as he or she desires. The community will be made sanitary in every modern way, and will have eviry convenience. A swimming pool .s proposed on the site. | The committee plans a delightful program for the formal opening which they hope will be during the present summer. This is the first time in the hisItory jof organized labor that an organization of this type has provided residence for its members A OUJUimv * . ~ .uul their families. The idea of the committee is to keep the well workei .vt 111 that he might do more proficient work, realizing that many members ire Jumble to pay the cost of spendinf a vacation in some distant community at the usual prices. This will mear that clerks and their families will as semble here from eleven states ant many of the large cities east of th( Mississippi river and north as far at Washington, D. C. Saluda, N. C? June IS.?Among th< summer visitors in Saluda is Miss Vt deau Marion Girardeau of South Car olip.a, well known singer, choir direct or and voice specialist. Miss Girar drail has enjoyed great advantages o study under the celebrated Madanr Clara Raur, founder of the Cincinuat Conservatory of Music, under Dr. Fer; luitek, the Austrian baritone, now o N't-w York City, and with Henry Br nnnii ,,f Shakespeare, London. |tauqua, Monteagie, icuu, auu been choir director at the First Pre: ijbyterian Church, Richmond, Va.; th Fiijst liaptist, St. Petersburg, Fla., an others. Miss Girardeau is stoppin at The Oaks and expects to have claiis in voice culture. The fellow who used to put notche on: his gun uow has a graudson wh puts them on the front bumper. Even if they do perfect the art n sending checks by radio, it won't eve i cause a ripple on the wave. ! kVe don't need to get so cocky ove the decline of the franc and thi mark; our nickels won't buy anythln; either. i -.it ' o WfifVa Vaii ' . v.* T ? Itll X vu Sfour INTING sity news : t , TO 1 V JF-s. 4 MEAT \ ? ? i ? 1ENT ? ro tryon :: + h&t the market affords, and !! < 0 a first-class market will be * \ if 1 ? ? T 3AC0N!! Company Inc. || N. C. i I I ************************** > TRYON ROUTE 1 ; < The long looked for and much ap- ' p-eciated rain came at last. It's not too lale yet to make a good garden, 1 t ?'? can get seasons from now on. | Miss Essie Edwards left last week ' icr N. C. C. W. to attend summer 1 school. Mrs. Bessie Hamilton Collins will also attend the full twelve weeks, as she now resides near the i college at Greensboro. Mrs. T. P. Rice and little son, Rill Sam, are stopping this week for a rest with mother and relatives. As we go to vote for a longer term j( - ?i i?,? most important thing' 01 HCIW?u?t ? is to plan for a way for the bus to : convey all the children to school, for | there are some who are deprived of j school1 on that account. If it takes ! better roads, let's see that we have them. Seems we are burdened with taxes on cars an| other property enough that our county should have I better roads for the bus to run to the | homes of all the children, or near I enough so they will not have to he exposed to the weather. The W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. E. B. Edwards Thursday. Subject, "The Moving Picture-Social Serv-! ice." Discussion topic, "What Is the Moral and Spiritual Effect of Moving ! 'Pictures on the Life of Our Youth?"! We were fortunate to have Rev. Mr. | Simpson present to help us in this ! important discussion, also in the boun- j tiful refreshments, consisting of delicious baked apples, cake and ice tea. Mrs. Alice Voorhces and daughters are visiting in Michigan for the summer. We greatly miss them in church and other gatherings. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . Having qualified as Executor of the , estate of II. P. Ponder, late of Mill , Spring, N. C., this is to notify all . persons having any claims against j the estate to file the same with the , undersigned at Mill Spring, N. C., on I or before the 8th day of June, 1327, , or this notice will be pleaded In bar , of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said csI tate will please make immediate pay< ment to the undersigned at said adi dress. This the 8th day of June, 1926. J. ROBERT FOSTER, ^ - Executor of Estate of H. P. Ponder, Deceased. 10-17-24-1 LEGAL. State of North Carolina, County of r Polk. p Having qualified as Executor undef 1 the will of T. G. Randolph, deceased, y late of Polk County, North Carolina, r this is to notify all persons having ' - ? J. l* claims against tne estate 01 saia ac? : oicaai llcat* I EDO IJftV a * TOURI.STA^I r | a | Hot android Wa1 I Phone 167 r i. : T j TR ^ I High CtassVa [ JUNE : For Nin ud day of April, 1023, and of record in the office ot j d Register of Leeds for Polk County, j 3 in Rook 18, at Page 175, to secure M the indebtedness and conveying the 4 lands therein described, default baving been made in the payment ot J said indebtedness, the undersigned J _.ii ?f 0??Hnn tn the highest d Will SCI1 Ul> WUVVawaa _ bidder for cash, at the Courthouse J door of Polk County, on Monday, the J 5th day of July, 1926, at Eleven J O'clock, A. M., the said lands de- . scribed in said mortgage as follows: J Situated in the County of Polk and J State of North Carolina and in the . Town of Tryon, bounded and de- J scribed as follows: ) Situate in the Town of Tryon, be- ginning at a large Pine Tree on the ! Eastern side of Wilcox Road, distant approximately 300 feet North of the Sneculation line, and running thence ' with the Eastern side of said Wilcox | ttoad ISforth 7 32' West 87 feet to a I Locust Stake which bears North j 81 35' West 4% feet from a small Oak Tree, marked; thence .South 78 115' East 180 feet to a Locust Stake; thence Sjiuth 13 10' West 88Vi feet to a stake; thence North 76 West 158 feet to the place of beginning. This being the same tract of land conveyed to said John N. Parks, by deed from John P. Lockhart and Nicie E. Lockhart, his wife, this conveyance being made to secure payment of the purchase money therefor. Tills 1st day of June, 1928. JOHN P. LOCKHART, Mortgagee. WALTER JONES, Attorney. June 3-10-17-24 * 1 Crushed Barley Malt + AMERICAN MALT CO. | !! One Hundred Pounds.... 13 50 X J | Hop Flavored' Malt Syrup I |0 per dozen cases $5.75 r |+ ALBEMARLE, N. C. J Read The News " - 9 9 1 1 J uooa meais t inn pPOMMERCIAL Mwnable I^MUEvery Room. $ Ik Tryon, N. C. | flNG! 0 r o n udRvillo Shnw 24th. ie Days of Tent Theatre A RENO \KERS TRACTION Y ORCHESTRA iow of them all. Caterer class of Family Trade, sure?each night's per aag wnn reireshing feaeast a Show that is enhas no opposition. En- r ils, Newspapers and City ,ady Will Be Admitted h Paid Adult. 110c&25c Million Friends j I ^ " ' ' ' .' ' p. _ - '?S r . "?(?? , . . > I , ' T/. /I . F What Are IOU t Sunday will soon be here. It t came in your childhood. The bells will ring, the organ ; gather for devotions. Thus it will "I be throughout Christendom?not m I Sabbath to the end of your life. Why? ! Here is a force that persistspoint is that it is here, present, livi You cannot possibly ignore it. What are you going to do aboi ; Let's go! When? Next Sui Which Church? The Church of yo * ???????-i???????????i???iBAPTIST t ?; Regular services each Sunday 11 \\ a. m. and 8 p. m. ;; Special music everting services. Sabbath School 10 a. m. ;; Public cordially invited. ;; THOMAS L. JUSTICE, Paster. i ? > :: CATHOLIC ;; St. John's Church, corner Melrose <> avenue and Lanier street. ;; c Mass?Sunday 8:30 a. m. ;; REV. J. A- MANLEY, Rector. i > CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS ;; (Episcopal) :: REV. C. P. BURNETT, Rector. I! Sunday Services; ;; Holy Communion ? 8 a. m. !! Sunday School ? 10 a- m, ;; Morning Prayer & Sermon II a. m. ;; Friday; Litany ? 5 a.m. I* All Are Cordially Invited to I these services. *, it 1KB* i <| Fu I home that the llhsiX h is well done i n JWr the home that I ft \\jo2 ffj foundation of tht * our civilization. A myriad- of li and household gc Southern Railwe day. And every In Ou Iart three yean more , . . ,., . Aon $700,000,000 hoe been loaded With pTOd along the rafls of South served by theSouthem. markets. Thus tl Carrying the woi South's goods to is the service of to the Southern 1 and economicalgti lest or good railrc SoUTl RAILWAY[(i Hie Southern served 1 ++**++++**+***+**< : ... r ' ' '' i * j To Do About It? | | comes every week just as it | j will make music, people will J , be in Tryon, and thus it will i erely this week, but on every J - t * ?that surrounds you. The j J ng. J it it? iday. Where? To Church J ur preference. J METHODIST First and Third Sundays 11 ... m * Second and Fourth Sunday a 7 :;i0 I p. m. I Sunday School every Sunday 10 I a. m. REV. P. E. PARKER, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN' j I Try on?Second and Fourth Sundays each month 11 a. m.; 1'irst and Third Sundays 7:30 ra. \ I Columbus?First and Third Sundays 11 a. m.; Second and Fourth Sundays 7:30 p. m 11 ERSKINE MEMORIAL JI (Congregational) ,1 Rev. Will B. O'Neill, Minister. Sunday?Church School at 9:45 a. m. < I A graded school with classes for aR ; . Wednesday?"Quiet Hour" 4:30 p. m. ; A friendly welcome awaits you. fr ^ hern home and I :hern Railway 1 :reation and preservation of the world's work goes on. And when and prosperous times come, it is benefits most Besides being the i State, the home is the ALL of Fe's necessities?food, clothing >ods?passes over the rails of the ty System and into homes every day thousands of freight cars ucts from the South are carried the Southern, bound for distant be South grows and develops. "Id's goods to the South, and the the world, day in and daj^ out, the Southern Railway System tome. This regular, dependable "ansportation is the ?im and the ad service. Y i-. n \TH I W^SYSTEM^ South |j