i P 1 K**' * J f I I THUKSDAY, JUNK >A, 1?26. h I [ Indus trial Weekly j | fieveiw j Kliznb ill City \\ ck jirji irrssinP rapid!) on iiml suif.icin;: r lad'i i>f Pasquotank c.unity; new lOOiixim ln>111 5 1:11: u f. 1 !' r il.'.iti. erst l !R $2:"iO.uuo. V?'i.I an. uii i:;.ls rectiyod fcr I) lililiriiT new jail ami coartli; use. and new i-iMiiily Inmi . T. vnii \V> rk liir.ki; ; headway "n I spillway for new turn. Charlotte ? Four :;rad; crossings over railway track.-: to ho e!i jiinated. Fit}cttevillo - Cohstructioi: started t.ii now theater to east $ll>t),(!ljo. Wilmington Airplane passenger servict .hotween muiitaiii an j heacn resorts til' North Carolina plai ned for coinino summer: now equipiient tndallod in Victoria theater: petition t'il d for opening of Fourteent j street In luvti I'riness and Market; bridge propos- ! to s'"itii Capo fear within harbor lines; tv.o ferry boats being repainted: Atlantic Coast Lille railroad to spend ?."ip00.0(;0 for additions and bett. rmonts >to its transportation facilities: work progressing oil ieauseway from Wrightsvi'le Sound to Harbor Island: '.'ids oi) tied for construction of public comfort station on Marlad stiver: Ktfi ds' will spent $"(>. ;m)iI iinpivvinj: their Front ant Grace | sirett store: new Iisthtinp sv-tein coin-I plated: permission asked fi r trdetlonl of bridge aeioss Myrtle Sound: tin- I frovements being made at Oak Island I life guard st :tien;y str el interitctton |to lie widened. | f ilcndersi-nville?Blue Kidre Estates I petted s'm.i :t eight ntii'es i ast of tTic J i it v: Third avenue being rest rfaeefl I with asphalt. I>: >? ::> Martin a.- Conway ehatr I facKuy !: ring i . btti't: contract 'ward-1 ed f, v digging wells for waterworks I1 system. I , Ceneoft Xrth Carolina Building I, and Loan Lea en' holding com ntlon I , hero. Chimney Rod: $1,000,000 dim! a!- I most ei.mplrted at Lake Lr.f. I Moo:herd- Poetises deepening ehan-I nel of I'ungo and Alligator riyork Liueolnton Hiphway to he qon- I stiitcted between this place and \jlor-I pan ten. I I Cloltl- brro- Stat-' Merchants' Aiso-1 | eiation holditip annua' convention: 11 Andrews' Prup Company located j tnl i new tjttarfers; since the first of the | : year $.">13.ei>'i building permits ipsueti. Hickory ? New hotel at Mineral Mountain nearly finished. Littleton?Contract mad for i2Z. 000 addition to school building. Cuvr.s! oro?New theater building started. I Nashville ? Contract let for new j , school at Momcyer. 1 Red Oak?Petition filed for hard- I surfacing highway to Rocky Moiinrl Rutherfcrdton?County to establish crt ornery here. C.rter News Farmers setting tit.r tobacco. Franklin?Gap in Rout 50 to joe hardJsurfaced. I New Hern?Casino t > he burnt at .Morehead Rlttffs. \ ' Wal'aco- ("aims to l> the g: . attis: strawberry shipping station iij the 1 world, selling .IS cars dui'y: firle tie- 1 Tirtment buys n w truck ami .< ijgine. 1 I *m v ?a r * . i i ? Wiry* ? ' Wwmk f Building Town Planning Needs Ability of High Order , There is little to be gained tjy attempting to determine" whether the engineer, the architect, or the landscape architect Is better fitted for the jwork j of town planning. Euch has his own peculiar advantages and limitations. I In this nnimtrv the landseane archl I tect hits taken a prominent pHjrt In town planning for two reasons: First, the profession has had the good fortune for several generations of having a leading firm of gifted men, with high ideals of professional work and t>ubllc service and a developed $oclul sense, who In turn have trained many younger men. "A second reuson for the high place occupied by the landscape architect In town planning is the fact thiit the most complete course of specialized training In town plunning offered by an American university Is most closely related to the udvunced technical courses and research work In landscape architecture. These courses of Instruction, however, are equally jopeti to engineers and architects, and have been taken by many men alreudy well trained In these professions. Town planning finally simmers down ve^y largely to the relation between I design and construc tion, and the fneth- I ods by which design can be translated J successfully luto construction, kejeptng I always iu view the element of emit and the legal authority with which to pro: ceed. There must be wider training In de sign of those who have to do primarily with construction, and a larger experlence In construction of those; who have to do primarily with design; The^ town plan Itself must show an orderly distribution of all Its purts, with a ?iee regard for the practical requirements of each part, and Its esthetic potentialities. And there must be foresight and vision as to what Is in rolved In the social and civic life at the community In the execution 6f the plan.?Philadelphia Record. Premier Briand names new chbinejt for France. North Carolina Building and! Loan Association meets at Concord, |N. <:. ] | S ^ i? Cspt. 'Jcrdon Campbell,? V. C., D. S O., known as the "Boy Captain" of the British navy, who lias been named as commander of the g-eat warship Tiger, of the British cruiser type. Captain Campbell Is net yet forty years of age, and is known as one of the greatest heroes of the World war. He was the inventor of Britain's famous "mystery ships" that accounted fori so many Ger Hum submarines. Fli. i:r Cir.xli Kuc ton 5lr.ee Earliest 'Afjes Doctor Le Cour. (K'lvinj; in CarthaJ" ?' Q ??nwili rums, ??*\ > mv u>u imw ??i4*? *? play similar to o::r card game. They used small tablets on which were painted figures, There is also mention lu one of St. Augustine's works of curd.- tliat are used for gambling. Still the pi a \ inc cards we now use tvere Invented in the Fourteenth century by a French painter named Jujues Griligoiineur. It Is said that lie invented them to amuse the mad Kin;: Charles VI of France. The kings were David. Alexander. Caesar and Charles; Ihe queen; were Arjrlne. Ksther. Judith and I'allas; the four knlglits. now railed knaves and vulgarly "Jacks," were Ogier the I>atte. Lancelot. La llire and Hector de Garland, knights of old romance. The Cardmnkers' company was incorporated in lt!20. ind as early as the reign of James 1 ards were taxed. Probably the first game played In Kngland was called "trump." All the most Important historical events have been at one time or another depicted on playing cards, ind some of the packs are very rare md valuable.?Pierre Van Paassen, lr 'be Atlanta Constitution. Millions of Americans Are Owners of Homes Fourteen million American families are home owners today. It is estimated by the Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's association In a survey showing llie growth of the home-owning idea. "America, perhaps rightfully tagged the most extravagant nation in the .vorld spend* in one year the sum of nearly $.'!,0v*')lO tch:.o. i> hill runs almost as high, while candy, cakes, lee cream and 'he ike consume another Yet with all this seeming disregard for the future the great enterprise of home-making Is by no means overlooked." sn.vs the nssoeiation. "Residential building being nppmxi matelv CO per cent of the year's cstl mated ?G.000,0W.0Oi) construction pro gram, home-niuking Is easily the big jftst business of the country. Most convincing evidence of the stability and strong'.". of the American people, despite their so-called pleasure ex'ravngnnee, is the ever-growing influence of 'lie tuore substantial type of dwelll"g." Cowpeas, soybeans and Sudan grass iav be planted to furnish late hay nd forage for livestock, say oxteniou workers at State College. It pays to keep the cultivators gong and to maintain a dust mulch durag periods of drought. WilpHT p | ftiEASUflE HERE Fresh Vegetables and Frncy Groceries of every description. Phone us your wants today. Our prices low. ANDREWS BROTHERS "Your Grocery Store." B * s 1 TRYON, N. C. r RENO'S SHOWS ; ARE DELAYED BY 1 HEAVY RAINS i j Tiir i; no Shown thai were scl|< >' i I tiled ! t upper in Tryon .Monday |uvr>> obiigcd to postpone their j< i:- I I nl until today, on account or | | I ::!?i- Ko.d that dining. it their eciutp ::) at. The show will begin a we.Ik's iva .enient in Tryon today, featuring ,: different iiill every day. Tryonues will he afforded a great form of enjtertai;inijnl each day,, composed lot | some ol' the best stars on the ro^rt. The show will be in Tryon three days of tills week and all of next week. One of the main features of this organization is the fact that they hartrc th.'ir own orchestra, made up of some of the best musicians In the country. Tic admission prise is extremely Miia'l for this class of show, being only '.o and 25 cents. The company has completed a two weeks' stand I in Anjt.ista, Ga., where they were e^ij ;hi;siasiicnlly received. I Lloyd George s j Office To Openi I i j Sales Begin For White Oak f Lodge Cabin Site Development i ' ' Ashcvillc. N. 0., Juno L'3.?The new j offic's of Lloyd George. Inc., and as- , sociati-s will lie opened today for sales j ; a;:d reservations in the headquarters j I section of the widely known Whtfej " Oak Lodge Cabin Site development. ! Advance reports indicate that this is very welcome news, as hundreds of inquiries and personal interviews have been received by the officers of this development, which is located on White Oak Mountain in th" Tryon see-a tion. one of the fastest growing districts in Western North Carolina. Llovd C.corge and his associates .have had considerable experience In developments of this character, and have contemplated the development > of White Oak Lodge for a long period of time, but due to the interest shown in this particular camp site by ntili tarv academies, schools, sportsmen's ^ associations and other lareo orcantza !J ti nts they have delayed their offerinr | t-ntil they w.-re positive they had in- ^ eluded everything in tit ir develop- ^ nteiit that anv hack to nature lover 4 4 or rural cn'ct: dweller could wtsh Tor. | ,| ; | I WEATHER |I Virginia: Local iluindc- showers I ' Wednesday, Thursday fair, riot much j haiiL' ip. temperature. .nth Caroline.. Georgia, extreme J : ortiiwes' Florida and Alabama: I.o- j' !< ;! thunder show* rs Wednesday. I Thursday fair, gentle variable winds. jj Fl?rida: Fair in central and rout*. * , * local tlinr.d r show. r in north por- : lion Wednesday and prohturly Thurs I. : y. Rentie southeast winds. I' Mississippi: Fair in north, loo.il i j thunder showers in the south portion . | Wednesday. Thursday fair, gentle J >" riahle winds. ] K liltjcky: Mostly fair Wednesday t nil Thursdav, not much c:h an ire in j I J emperature. , j T un ssee: Mostly fair Wednesday J. and Thursday, possibly local thunder 5 showers. , ^ Louisiana: Wednesday partly if not | ! wholly cloudy, local showers in east j !] j portion, Thursday partly cloudy to jj unsettled. ' Arkansas and Oklahoma! Wcdnes- .< day and Thursday generally fair and 1 warmer. ! 1 East Texas: Wednesday and ! Thursday partly cloudy, probably seat- .i tered showers. 3 West Texas: Wednesday and 3 J Thursday partly cloudy, unsettled in -j south portion. ! i The State Raptlst Young People ?: Union holds seventeenth annual sea- ^ sion at Raleigh, N. C. ,t. < J** * * > + * *i I BUILD < > % AND YOU CAN SAVE O | FROM US. REMEMBER V t CAN DELIVER THE GOO \\% OUR PRICES ARE WITHI * ?s? | Everything *' t Landrum * + T THE POLK COUHTV NEW?_ Young women artists turn from tl issist plasterers In setting ornaments the main entrances to the Palace of . rast exhibition buildings which forms .nternational Exposition being stag< December 1 to celebrate the 150th anr lion of Independence. Climbing ladde is nothing new to these young ladies, thrill^ Wlien the first organized govern ment was founded is not knowp. All that can be said with certainty is that , the following day a cry went up tor tax relief. r I I Poultry experts are trying to get the egg production of liens up to an egg a day. It would seem to be no more fhnn fair to give a ben at least one day off a week. When a man complains that he does not get enough exercise In the wlntei It Is not safe to conclude that he Is j longing for another, heavy snowfall so that lie may clean off Ills sidewalk. > > * > > * * * * ? Let IJs Figur j ? Oil 1 JOB PR] ? ' pot.k r.on> f t ? ?> a .% ?g? .j. *j. ? -* v > :? ! v > >* ; > ! *?> > > ! > > > ! * j< r We Have All r : nn . ? 1 _ 0 100115 01 i Our Prices f* ; ? W H I Carolina Ha TRYON ! ;? ;? *? ;? >; % ?*? ?% *? ?g? ?*? ?j? ?J? ?g* ?J? ?J? ?J? ?j? ?J? ?J? ?Ji ?J? ?* *? ?J? ?*< > ?J? A A ?% A ?? A A **4 ?% A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A ******** ?- ?- r r r f - t T TT T T NOW F< UTURI N ALL OF YOUR BUILDINC ^E ARE JUST A MERE WHISI DS QUICKLY. PHONE US 1 N REASON. . .* T ? In The Vtuild Builders Sup Landrum, S. C. * " if*. ij ' ^ . '! o mortar board 1 lelr Jara of color and paint brushes to < In place atop huge pylons which adorn | Agriculture and Food Products, of the i a part of the great Sesqui-Centannlal j 3d in Philadelphia from June 1 to liversary of the signing of the Declare^ j re and walking along rickety scaffolds v , but each time they do it they get a r I I I Lace-Maktng Uia Art Lace-making, embroidery and fine a needlework in general are credited to : the Greeks, and its antiquity goes bock to mythology almost. Minerva w is said to have originated the art of 0 pictorial needlework. Many books oe ,, lace making and embroidery have been traced back to the Middle Ages The Greeks are thought to have | " brought it from Egypt, and the Chal [ ' deans, whose civilization was earliei than that of the Egyptians, had de veloped It to a fine degree also. France gave It wide pooularity after the christian era. [ +.P T = e With You tjj T fid 'onv A * . UU1 . ^ [NTING | JTY NEWS t 1 I t tr ' *: * * * **<- * > < * * * ** * * I n : a A > :< :* * w > I | + V *" The Ncessarv ll %s v | Supplies | * + * Are Right f * | | _ rdware Co. jj , N. C. t t $ *? A i? * * * :* > * * * * *> < *> 41 * ?i ? i? )R THE 1 1 M E i |:: X ?? A '? 5 ' ' I NEEDS RY BUYING | J; >ER FROM TRYON AND I jj TOUR ORDER TODAY. | o ? i < I <> x? I jo t:: ing Line !;i: Ply Cp. I >. ;; ? o y f * J! It'. >? :.v>>V 9KJ; v pff^Kt v -y/.v?' NEW NEWS SUBSCRIBERS. Miss M.yttie Wajdrop, Bafltiniorr. Md. Capt. Kenneth Smathers, Ashevilic. | NT. C. Miss Nellie Johnston, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Curtis Garrett, Saluda, N. C. Miss S. C. Purdy, St. Louis, Mo. William C. White, Deerwood. Minn. Miss Alice E. Thompson, Saluda, M. C. ' M. L. Hutcherson, Tryon, N. C. J. C. Gibson, Columbus, N. C. B. H. Gibson, Mill Spring, N. C. . Mrs. G. Calhoun, Tryon, N. C. . j C. A. Jolley, Landrum, S. C. ' Edward W. Frost, Burlington, Vt. Miss Bessie E. Merriff, Chautauqua, I si. Y. M., E. Cash, Rock Hill, S. C. Cuyler Adams, Deerwood, Minn. M. A. Richards, Newark, N. J. George W. Justice, Hendersonville, C. F. McBrayer, Rutherfordton, N. C. j M. R. McCown, Tryon, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS ITEMS FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE COUNTRY j TWe Central Conference- of Amerl:an Rabbis are in session in Asheille, N. C. Lieutenant Commander Byrd arrives r: New York City and receives great { relcome. ? Mrs. Calvin Coolidge narrowly es- < apes fall in front of Wh ietHouse on i, 'uesday. I't k : I; Union plumbers in Durham, N. C.. j. emand increase of 25 cents per hour. I J The North Carolina Bar Association | 'ill meet at Wrightsville Beach, N. [ ' on June 30th. I < President Coolidge signs the feder- ; 1 aid bill at Washington. Carl Williams, Oklahoma publisher, . as nominated as the fifth member f the railway mediation board at : Washington. ( LAWRENCE V. Landscape i Consultant on C Indianapolis "'"ZTme ENGINEERIN Prices as reas consistent with TRYON. ? mosph freeze: ? Buy F easy p and se model: 9 . < I Fmc?] ELECTRIC & F I R. O. ANDREWS. I Tryon. N. Western Nor Real Estate is Payir to the Wise ] See Tryo rpi X JLLtJJ C. J. L " Realt* I can't sell all the E offer you th Try on Dirt Wil "It Can Be CHAS. J. 1 Real Est Phone 173 V / I v M K * '.w H tivec * c- P.: ( H | |)OI!i{l> I'l.AM Kil ! /J !\.,l*liu< ? I 1*111.1 i. :? tu . v. 5* |;. ; .r | / > x* ' V ;i . J 11]I T. fl : in. . j. > * > SHERIDAN Architect ity Planning Tryon :uui(K G SERVICE onable as is i accurate work. SAiru M""** *1* V V V V V V V V V V V V* ' 'IN better than ice daire keeps all foods , better, longer, because y, cold, sanitary atiere npver changes. It > ice-cubes and desserts. 1I rigidaire on the GAIAC 1I ayment plan. Come in II e the new metal catbet 11 idakel iefrigeratios ii Representative 11 th CaroliM ig Largo Profits Investor n First a ynch or" larth, so 1 ?n'ie Best. 11 Clean UP Done jYNCH I ate N C I tryon,1