.11 In nr- ink precincts in sah! pa?h the vot-l Mowing have been L ?UUt)i and the x s. hool Voting precincts r des,snat|ed as th B M, Columbus TowJ?8rhf8naid ?'K ^ B .:. l'"',k ",>;:se af ^illm5U88hlp - ^ c0Urt. I, (,ri)per's caD T f \ ?f I',.Ik. J V iew I'recinct ^?*'nship i_ s I ^R 1 iMi.j/s.hooi hoiIj,e the Suijny view/ ' P- registrars and judges of election: . la I county Columbus Township: ctcd in a. It. Andrews, Registrar.! li. P. Sharpe and O. cj Bridges, ' ! dnoss. Judges. of all (irccn's ("reek Township;! ! lie Coun. S. I.. Hines. Registrar. . County J. W. Keagan and Robert Mclntyre, Judges. voters C'oper's Cap Township: ordered. C.orge Taylor. Registrar. ; : ******< ********+*< : ++++++++++++ I I . *| i 11 :ts ? I ! 1% ? ? i " i a + + + I jer- won't .!k back to a traffic cop, but thfy'H + i ro:i al argument?and a long one. Miles ] e- nf ! "'".ii ? free service are built into this big, % touyb :-> i (I lire by the world's largest and best J irr mur'1:!;1.!-!urer. Volume production and efficient + , m;iU' high i|iiality possible at prices like these: % [ i'athtmfler ranric. /i + i'v* Pathfinder Cord. T Pathfinder S. S. Cord. + id uc: a price on your size Pathfinder. ' | ES MOTOR CO. | PASSION, N. C. | 4 LE Z^S wL^EW PENCIL CO. NEW YORKJjJ.SA._^ ""* Itime to have that Spring Suit Jess renovated will & FLOURNOY U ~ I ICOOL SPARKLING SODA'S | "'tis Sodas and Ice Cream. A big City I I Al 11 "'Inipped, to dispense dainty refresh iiI) and toot your horn for our curb serv1 Watson's i fryon Pharmacy TRYON. N. C. ! . i 1 I I I '. % . I u ? -- ..y.-jUj i_. fl'tiainJfiWrmjgM - Vv' '""V i J. C. Powell and Belt Jackson, : Judges. j Saluda Township: It. M. Hall, Registrar. H. M. Tanner and It. B. Staten, ' Judges. Try on Township: James C. Fisher, Registrar. John Panther and M. G. Blake, Judges. White Oak Township?Mills Spring Milt Spring Precinct, licnry Thompson, Registrar. J. B. Barger and J. L). Phillips, Judges. Pea Ridge Precinct, Nathan .Moore, Registrar. , B. V. Newman and O. I,. Pond'if, , Judges. The resri tration l>ooks will lie on. h tor the registration of voters in eacn of the voting preeincts of said Coun- 1 ty. from tin? loth day of July, 1926, to the 31st day of July, 1920, ana i will close for the registration of voters on the 31st day of July, 192 ^ *5* ?J? v *j* *5* ?J? ??* *5* { ?J? | ! 0UFM 1 t !| DKIWRT.M 2 IS A CREDIT f '' h; We carry only the best tl i our prices are reasonable. Everything handled by ' found at this store. i| HAM! E The Balienger I ; TRVON, +++++<{ + *+ * ! * * > : * : | I Blanton ani I Announcing Listings of ' Western Noi Alonjr t h( Rlne Rid?e " | Fro I; Try on to Ch ? :: BUSINESS, HOMES. FARM ;; LAKES. POWER PLANTS. !* Tracts From 6 COME TO OUR OF Blanton an r I Polk County's Larg< * Pnlnmhi X WWIHIIIMX ^ > y. The Mountain City of - * '?-V... w?r._r_.v.??: ilgjjj^yjjg - -; ;suittiif rHE POLK COUNTY NEWS. vnd runs thence S. 62 E. 184 poles to i stone; thence N. 22 E. 61 poles jto i sljuie; thence N. 12 E. 88 poles [to i stone; thence N. 72 deg. 15 min. IE. j 171 j,olos to the beginning, containibg lit acres, more or less. This July 1. 1926. CITY MOTOR CAR COMPANY! E. B. CLOUD, Atty. 1-8-15-22 NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL ELECTION, TRYON TOWNSHIP. Notice is hereby given that by order in' Do Board of Commissioners or Polk County, a special tax school . 1 ... i. ? _i j ill %. _ i ii ciiuii n.i.s ouen caneu ana win ue held in Tryon Township, Polk Couniv, on Tuesday, the 10th day of An. rest, ibjij, for the purpose of ascertaining (he will of the people^in said I'owif'.iri"p, v. hether there shall be lpvi. <1 and collected in said Township, ,i special annual school tajc^ of not over 2f> cents on the One Hundred ! ollar valuation of property, and 7f> cents on the poll, for the purpose ot supplementing the Public School fund of said Township, in addition Lo the special county school tax. A now registration of all the voters ot said Township has been ordered. Said election shall be held at the regular polling p'aee in said Township and the town hail in/the Town of Tryon lias been designated as P?"lng place for said election. The following have been appointed is registrars and judges of said eleclion: James Fisher, Registrar. John Panther and N. G. Bjake, I udges. The registration books will be open for the registration of voters from the lOih day of July. 1926, to the 31st lay of July, 11)20, and will close ror lie registration of voters on the 31st lay of July, 11)20. Saturday, the 7th day of August, !!?2G, will ho Challenge Day. On each Saturday during said period of registration, hooks fur the registration >f voters will be open at the voting lirecincts above mentioned, the Town Hall at Trvon, from Nine O'clock A. M. to sunset. At said election those favoring the levying and collection or I TO TRYON | Iial the market affords, and J l! i 1 irst-class market will be X j SACON!! I i r f | Company Inc. | N. c. ! .j. .j>.j..j. :* *; i-* d Stearns 1 Thousands of Acres of f| *th Carolina I * * ; Scenic 4 41 *1 Mountains || m 4 Il imney Rock | S, FRUIT, GOLF LINKS, f LARGE SUB-DIVISIONS. J To 1500 Acres | FICE OR WRITE jj * d Stearns f Jst Realty Dealers * IS, N. C. I Natural Advantages. | >> r "TT - ">' T* T-" 'r:'"r- 7T?v? BERRY'S WEEKLY COLUMN By Albert L. Berry The new audit of the town of Tryon for the yc.'.r ending May 31, 192C, w ill soon be completed, and it la hoped by the next issue of this paper to give Mayor Green's full repor; as shown by the audit. In my paragraphs of last week was an error in tho statement. It should I have read that the operating expenses for the town of Tryon for the yea;ending May 31, 1925, was $4,140.37. The item lead by an error of mine, $5,440.37. Thet sum of $4,140.37 covered all administrative expense Tor the year referred to, including salary of the mayor, who also ;:cted as business manager. Cost of keeping all the accounts, c ilecting the town taxes, election expenses, cost of at- j torney for the year, cost of audit ot the books and accounts, telephone, salary of chief of police, watchman, and sundry expenses. And Twhile i admit that 1 have no love ^for the mayor, when it comes to economy an 1 administrative ability, sound judgment, justice and attention to his duty, you have got to hand it to the mayor. I was talking to a men recently and he said. "I would jusl like to be mayor of this u.vtn." Well, I hadn't heard any great clamor of our citizens for the man to act as mayor. So i asked what experience lie had had tu municipal government, tic admittej he hadn't had any. Then I asked him if he had studied the town charter. He said he didn't know the town han a charter. 1 then asked him if he knew how the taxes were divided regarding town and co snty and how the budget was made up. lie never heard of a budget and didn't know what it was. I told him lie reminded me of an old chap that came to town, and the glory of the old man was tile long crop of spinach he grew on his chin. Tne niglit the boys in the town act him full, and after he retired they cut off his glory from his chin. The old man had left a call for five o'clock. The next morning, as he wanted to go home and when they roused him he turned on the gas and looked in the glass and saw his whiskers were gone. He called down through the tube, ( "You have called the wrong man," | and went hack to bed. I said to the ' man who wanted to be mayor, "It is I evident they have called the wrong j man." ' This is about the capacity or i ^ ' > I > $ I < What Are ?!? |! Sunday will came in your cl ;; The bells \\ ;; gather for devo! if be throughout C f Sabbath to the f Why? | Here is a + point is that it ; f ^ You cannot | What are y * Let's go! || Which Church? I * t t BAPTIS i *** | Regular services eac t a. m. and 8 p. m. y ' j- Special music evenii J; I Sabbath School 10 i | Public cordially invi < THOMAS L. JUST :: f :: CATHOL St. John's Church, c avenue and Lanie: !!' Mass?Sunday 8:30 I REV. J. A MANL + f CHURCH OF THE ] /w?; j . iudow, shook his fist, then shook his head, as much as to say he didn't p.iy personal taxes. A)nother man asked mo how much1 commission 1 received. Everybody that looked in scowled. Well, I don't suppose paying taxes or even filling a return has : ver been popular. wnen wo read or their journeying to Rome 2,000 years ago to be taxed, I don't suppose It was any joy ride. Ducklings Fattened for Market Are Always Best The ducklings to be marketed should be fattened for two weeks before killing on a ration made of three parts, by weight, of corn meal, two parts of low-grade flour or middlings, one part of bran, one-half part of beef scrap, with 8 per cent grit and 10 per cent green feed. Feed this mash three times daily, or use a mash of three parts corn meal, one part low-grade wheat flour, on expert bran, 5 per cent beef scrap and 3 per cent oyster shell, with the green feed and grit added. The green feed Is sometimes left out of the ration during the last seven days of fattening, as It tends to color the meat and may produce a slightly tk?n A Aoak . kAlir. ufiud\ lamci uiau a utui uoan , uvnever, It Is easier te keep the ducklings in good feeding condition on a mash containing green feed. You Going To Do 1 soon be here. It comes every lildhood. ill ring, the organ will make m Lions. Thus it will be in Tryon, Ihristendom?not merely this we< end of your life. force that persists?that aurroi is here, present, living, possibly ignore it. ou going to do about it? When? Next Sunday. When The Church of your preference T I - " ENVot and 1 :n sunaay n -? Second and p. m. ig services. Sunday Sc i. m. a. toted. REV- PICE, Pastor. I(i Tryon?Sec ,, , days eacl orner Melrose and ^ r street. Columbus? a m. days II EY, Rector. Fourth S EIOLY CROSS ERSK >1\ ETT, Rector. Eev. WiI] ] /ices; . ? Sunday?C 30 a. m. j a m- A graded i srmon II a. m. alli. Wednesday Invited to P* m" ces. A friendly Ir ^ THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1926. -u ; ff============^^ ! Know Your Cook Book, Girls, Advice of Diva ! 1 L * at Margery Maxwell, prima donna with ; the Chicago Civic and Ravlnla offera companies, and I who enjoys the ! distinction of beI lng among the first American ^HeMppPpS girls to be recognlzed In grand j opera c 1 r c 1 e s, '? "j : takes particular i pride In her cul- ? 11'^VA ' lnary skill. Cooklng, In her estl- . matlon, Is a fine |V. ; art which Is rapIdly being lost. Margery Maxwell. j "Doubtless one ! of the big reasons for this condition j Is that modern youfig men don't exj pect the "girls, they marry to know j much about cooking," said Miss MaxA...1I I ?UU. "In the future, before man pops the question, he's going to find out wheth? er the girl knows (That calories are and whether she's wise to the elements of a balanced diet "A few questions before the minister asks, 't)o you take this woman?1 would save a thousand recriminations later." There are certain dishes to which Miss Maxwell Is partial. As she-explains them, they are readily prepared. Miss Maxwell uses for Maryland Chicken. Two 1H lb. 1 cup water chickens 8 eggs i (broilers) Pine bread orumb* Bait Pat repper i-? cup Duller I 1 cup evaporated 1 tap. salt , milk diluted Dasn pepper With 2 tbsp. flouf Dress, clean and cut up .cRlckgna Sprinkle with salt and pepper! dip In i crumbs, egg, and crumbs. Place In a 1 well-oiled dripping pan, and bake twenty minutes In a 450-degree F, oven, then reduce the temperataure to 350 degrees P. and cook until tender, ; about twenty minutes longer. Basts every ten minutes during cooking with i H cup melted butter. KemOVeJo plat1 ter and pour around a cream saucs made of fat in dripping pan, the floor, diluted milk, salt and pepper. Asparagus on Frl. ! 1 bunch fresh % cup Water j asparagus 8 tbsp. bhtteg 4 rounds toast 3 tbsp. flour 0 poached egga 1 tsp. salt ' ' % CUP evaporated Pepper milk diluted Vi cup grated With cheese Prepare a white sauce of the butter j flour, salt, pepper and diluted nfllk. i Cook the asparagus In boiling salted j water. Drain and add to white sauce. ^lace a poached egg In center of toast : Pour a&patagus around the egg and ' sprinkle grated cheese over fop "of alt Serve at once. Serves six. I READ THE POLK COUNTY NEWS. I* ?5? ?J? ?J- > ?$ > ?> V '> > > *** "l* *5* "l* ** *$* * *5*4" fr 4* / + * 4? t About It? | week just as it < V > usic, people will J and thus it will | 2K, DUt on every ^ ~ A t > jnds you. The % ' * + ' i ?? To Church: - " * l :; < > i J: flETHODIST I ? Third Sundays 11 a. m. I Fourth Sundays 7:30 !! hool every Sunday 10 i? E. PARKER, Pastor. ;; o it ESBYTERIAN 11 ond and Fourth Sun- i I i month 11 a. m.; First f d Sundays 7:30 p. m. -First and Third Sun- T a. m.; Second and * iundays 7:30 p. m. ^ I :iNE MEMORIAL f ongTegational) | 3. O'Neill, Minister. ;! hurch School at 9:46 * school with classes for < > welcome awaits yon. ^ . -l. Uw