f ^ BP I r ! THURSDAY. . ULY 1. 1926. ' ~IN M Boy Golfer Lauded / i?' . i Ronald Mackenzie, the boy golfer of Washington, 11>. [<_'., received great [irul.sc from the Hngllsh newspapers ^ for his expert flaying in the British amateur golf championship at Muirfield, when he llefjcated W. J. Guild i of Hurray fiekj, and won 3 and 2. MaeKenzle mudh tre tirst nine holes . In 33, which included an eagle and three birdies. &M&QU/BJ ? j I V?" The Blue Kldge league is employing the double umpire system this year. ?[ 4 Harry Albers.j star second baseman on the St. Xavler college team, with the Cincinnati ^let|s. The current season is the best the v National league e\er has seen, says President John j H< ydler. * * * Pete Donohue. if t)\e Cincinnati Iteds, has pitched t venty-one consecutive victories ovjer Ihe Pliillles. . . Clyde Sukefonth | catcher from the Cincinnati Natiojnnlfc. has been bought liy the Minneapolis Association club. * * * In a recent jgane between Pittsburgh und Brook yn. Ciujiire Jim Sweeney was stiucl six times by foul tips. #| * * Babe Ruth Is teliiltely coming back. There was a pdure of bini In the paper the other daj- signing a bushel of baseballs. McNeely has apt a rent ly won himself a permanent p ace ill the Washington outfield tjhls year through his consistent hittiiifr. i i Seventy-five i|er ! cent of a hall team's success d^pehds upon Its pitching, according tj> Jhe Mctrinnlty, the "Iron Man of Blist'hnll." ? t Another current double-play comKinotinn fhat Kftmp nf thp haunt Ing music of thej older trios is Bluege to S. Harris to 17. Harris. . ,T '' In no sport bul baseball do athletic heroes hold oven for more than a few years. Boxing,; flotball and swimming stars have a brief reign. A c.vnlc Is one wllo preserves half a doze:, copies of ;the basel>all expert's pre season prophecy and mails them to him one by oi^o ijluring the year. After tv?enty-t\vu years of service, "Doc" Crandall Is still puzzling bat- ' 1 ters In the I'aciHcl Coast league anil hoi>e.s to win lilt usual twenty games for the l,os Angilep club. Unlike most base^a" catchers, "Mickey" O'Nell Brooklyn backstop, has the hands ai|d fingers of u clerical j( worker. They are as perfect as when he first started the National league six years aga Vz:-JL2|_>lv . . ^-----. Whvff, Kui -J i *: VI 1.:' . I I! c:v. ??? - ii.mww -*? ?>. ^ * : ;| * jfi! 1 \ i T? J- ^ |jfJ % 1 I j ^^ i c_b UUJi.1 j _ I Jersey S:/(el Milk: Sweet Cream, Double Stren One haill' of 1 Per Cent C ALn lr.l* ? 1n.irjir?use mmt Ewrj lite a Cais Phone i ( YRYON PH ,M-?? 3r V i ' - 'V,- J .4 :! h *" ' -< - j,* wa*. ~w**. *rr-v - / Mi % i I V~ " i > . fM. -v- ? - , ! i . j v r| . . , ~ -- 51.H-U ...... . : ; \ . s :< lis!) CJi M i-llii' c!i ! : !!>. " Vl el iciin \ !.s|{ .lc!in 1 iiiid ilie i:. i 1 11 . .. ! (:> S libit I cili Ji 1- |/.i I V wolilil ii! : ??? .'! I !i: ! ' 11' < l'1 liir i ,ri. ;<!] cm.., * t " ?till' i i- ha , n: f .hp A-;? : : . I " Jli I : : ill i i i* ' i' ! ' : 1 I iitt t1 . iVi-itl's : !. in iftus . . i \t f' . *><1 i !- |tv r . ' ;.y(i ;:l > 1 - , .. I ' ? .1. II- ! \ i;.: < i ii: i : f >' . '! ; . . it:- :llf . ' ' i .ft., t- ' '! V.:,!. (1 . . .II *: - I ' . - / ' *.'! ' V?*I?" ' M: '' '' :*.i r nr-r r ! I ' . h* I . I l.till*' . :t wil !: - *1 'it \ ni. ! : \ mm !i. < ! . ij.i. ;v : ... r. ;ili? r. *h" circijii t. ..\*r j;J? \}\ <\: ' </. -irr. ..r ' nn S. !y. .i ' . i ! , ; :,i \*ner?can I* 'J1 . ?;? :vi .55 V !' !l.i .'M .51 j:-:-. :: i '7 . " "' !:' . in a... - IT *->l? ! ' ? I'. :. . r. i .? . r( !.!< :>) :!i ' . < :;i >1 il Ipll'.l . . . li'i ll< of y : jo il Pc jthern. .. i Jf .f'1 ' i v, i::r. 37 .4! -u .4.1 I.'-- ' . & h p ! Fa ty Sv.vei Butlcv. gth. Sujfar. halmcrs A A (J<lal:ine * ? i/a 6 VOU L'-KG 6m >*i 1? J 174 ARIVIACY jftjSTh'V iifir^ilirfiii#^^ ' 1 4?'V" * Most Valuable F '<? . '* -"2-i * * :'.^: ' *ifi ' -''-?'>jS?v^ ^7'it -j yaraano .v .. ? ?! MrtLaMKmanMui ii r I r.'i).' i'. .. ill is is shown "I :' .v> i ii -ii;:! ' i h *71131 StlllllJlillK Ii "i< . : i< fork's lesn t;. fi o 1 ! ; hi ill Hie fir .? : : . rt:sr 1 " ?( ' 2 .29" /' Piedmont. ' M.-' '>:o . . .. 2"> .riJ3 I I1 . . . . ' ' ' :: .11 hi ' ; ; !.-? ..37 Si . 21 v. 'i'sliin Sa!i in ..31 !0 . !3? led- iuli 20 -it) 120 Dili !:: :;i L'ti -12 .377 Wr*.1. n C.told a. . XvU-iM: r. 7 .Villi llid.-t.cy 7 2 .777 . V: 1 i, < ...?; I 3 . I.lifl . .\ioiv 1 .471 ' !i..; 2 7 ."Oil ; .! vl* :1'V ill 0 S .000 EXrCUTOS'" NOTICr. ' 'x 4-nfi?r oT Use ri .n I! !' "o:ol' r. int. of Mil! " I i'.' i- tii iintify r.'l his Imvio'tS iitiv c!.'iri.? ar-iimn ' tilt itf in fill 111.- ?:i;r. \v|Mi Ifcp * 'i ! r::?i:i?: ?! ill MiM Sjirin.-. N' on In-1". ri l! ' tli !: ;. (if iiiii- . ::i27. ' j. this rot ice will !" v! - o i in leu i f llii-ir y. i ov-ry. .Ml i rsoiis iad-bt d I th ah! ( " ! ie M please took lllinv Mir::f ;> ;> (menl to (lie undersigned at sn'd t.it' ' dr. rr. This th Sth day of .tunc. l'J2o. .1. I'.OnEUT POSTER, j .r m l-'state of II. I'. T'ond r. j ; as< !. 1017-211 , , j LFCAL; 0. 1 of f\'i iili Carolina. County of 1 ' t 1 ...n-ii ilifi.-d at Ex cut or uitdof s i . it of T. C Randolph, d(c ased, j. 1'.!: ( oui'jy. I forth Car Una, x !.i: is to notify alt persons havpnr 2 | . : ..:t: -f tit - state of said rif.-i ! ;o \hibit their. to (li unrti-r<7 ..t r- id-nee. Fins-rvllle. r 111.t:ta M i. i.'j or before the I ' .ill t Jii'i , lv27. or this nothe I " I ;)c-id ii m loir of their rc-mv.' ; r no ind. i*t' -1 fo aald os. ! i | i as. ill ;! . iinn-ediaie payII oh . v of .In no. ill'Jfl. m.-v.' v;::i$d. iixoc uor. " 10 17-::-4 T-S-15 nd 1 I ' * I . ITsr.o Yiuiv Building 'I ! L . , flood Workmanship ' I:'(-:--.(HKlii5g Old I'juilding. ].% i:t.:sii)EN'rjTAL and ? SI I). E: B. S 12 a Building C - % TitYON. N. C. I .... . a .> *.> .5. ! I.j..5.A .j. ,j. .5..;..j.A,;.A ,< .j. \ ?reensb@r( I 1 . Rending Public is doi r. / lev vealrs ago such 1 : l?' .' U.O;: . 1 . . (iuc of the many featu i. . ? is ii;; outstanding hull i... to I! ( welfare!anil progrc .lib. Oil'ijr reasons . am"'!;; all classes] throughou In. ; ..eti\ 1 an.l boldness < ph u: news service; its exce I .;, / v. lib storks, bonds, c< l.aioo. and market reviews; loaini making it a newspa :i j '.lie jp owing d< niaiul in Nor its daily papers that keeps ill' and progress!vencss. i r ?j'Subscript ion rates are a: i-j;lisbing such a newspaper pe ( One year. Daily and Si ,. One year. Daily only . if (MESiSBORO *! : Greensb< l:i THE polk countv news. here presenting to Itogei I'cckiiipuugh I im as the most valuable player In the imates arc shown gathered about him I iltith stadium. ,\ iJk Gives Most F< od Value At Least Cost; . Vive's more food vnlue for essj cost than any other food known to; / jgcgft*-, mnn, according to f mr is. Herbert C. Hooks, ? 111 secretary of the i Evaporated Milk | *!>*< .ii association. ' -w "Dietitians are1 "ol 4' unanimous In ad- j \ / vocatlng the usej It .XM of milk by men. [ W women and chll-j /i Jgj dron," sold Mr. jPg fA ' /JM\ Hooks, "fli 11 k ?}and evaporated Iw. v- is&mj milk supply some H. C. Hook,. of "? the ,nute" . r1u 1 s necessary for the growth nnd maintenance of the Itody; they furnish energy for work, i lay and warmth. ''.Milk helps repair the wear nnd tear of the body. It Is a good as i meat for huIMiuc muscle. Moren ,-er, | it is thcaper. A quart of milk will j supply as much protein as seven | ounces of sirloin steak or four large i eggs. Milk, particularly evaporated ' s ilk, which has twice the mineral con! li'iit of market milk, Is one of the best; j and cheapest sources of lime, which !; a form of calcium. Infants nnd aroivhe; children need lime to build hones and teeth. It Is just as neees1 s. -y f,.r iidi'lts to keep their bones, In - ?I I'mdltlon. One quart of milk, or tie pint of evaporated milk; furnishes . iam b calcium as ten large oranges, ' tl lrty-two eggs or twenty pounds of beef. Milk also Is a valuable source of phosphorus und- supplies a certain amount of iron. "Ily some authorities ntilk Is said t he an aid !n longevity. Dr. Herman Pan ! sen. health commissioner for PhbavM. gives his prescription for long lift' .:s follows: T>rink one quart ' <>f milk a day and mix with one hour of sunshine.- Repeat ad infinitum. "I ?:: to the efforts of health officials to ?n t across to the public the message of milk, its penernl use In the United Steles lias advanced tremendously in the last decade. This Is especially true of evaporated milk for reasons of lis convenience and economy. Housewives know there Is no fear of obtaining contaminated evaporated milk, because U Is not only the best prude of market milk rendered doublerich by dehydrating, but It Is sterilized as well." > . I v v v ; /..y.j. f 'roubles. ^ | i, Good References, Ten Years | * r COMMERCIAL WORK | iANDERS j Contractor. - J LANDRUM, S. C. Box 72. | v -k * : * :< * * * ** * >: * * * > t ) Daily News! * * manding an independent news- ? i a thing would have appeared ? i res of the Greensboro Daily * 'pendente in matters pertain- 2 :ss of the people and the com- f for its growing popularity f t the entire state are: The 4. )f its editorial page; its com- 5 llent sport page; its market f )lton, grain and produce quo- $ and its many other special | per that in every respect fills f ill Carolina for something In + pace with the state's cmw+b $ h low as present cost of pub- t rmits. * undav $9.00 1 $7.00 | DAILY NEWS [ >ro, N. C. f >++ >+++++++++++++++*++++ 2^ N W.WipwfW--'- r-.v t Trees Need Thinning &+* Most trees need thinning, rather j than pruning, which means cutting off , many small limbs or twigs. On old, J J Lg( IJs }< , sod-bound trees, pruning often re- < > 1 solves Itself Into a matter of main- j | talnlng the balance between the feed- * j ' Ing and fruiting parts of the tree. J f/"\ I p Some farmers do this by excessive top + ,| V J j > j pruning, others do It by liberal feed- ] \ Ing, either with nitrate In some form, <? POlJv ' or with manure. Fifteen or twenty i , cents' worth jof nitrate will give the ' J owner much more fruit, and better fruit, than cutting branches out of the top. |-"" ' ' ' ?? ^ I Keep Advertising. " sB ~ Notice i f'"hJ WANTED ? 2 or 3 furnished + \ 4 .' * rooms for light housekeeping. ? d.1 '-ViQ^Ajin Notify this office. I' ' L. 1 ^ *' i IS back of fH?; J Your satisfaction with r: . by the financial and > a.%****4**************** V General Motors, by it, -a. hSB PLANTS FOR SALE % A products, quantity produa. a, great^l Sweet POTATO, Tomato, * X l***Ciihto?i?>o and Collards Plants, ^ There &T6 new met'i c p^_^. I * 11.50 per 1,000. Shipping daily. and Frigidaire mcch nflPRIS PT ANT CO v present ice-box. Am. . . sH lr ij i n ? X on the GMAC time ; , Valdosta. Ga. t for complete informal..-. ? ?j A ? 9 * 9 ] 3 [tlJ I My shop in Tryon will be * j " X a ^ i Mill V closed most of the time from % j rt pptd i r* jd t- t ^ l| J.I, l.t for 3 month.. It I am jj X ELECTRICF. . ,<!0ERAT||B !j. not here, leave your work with *! R- ANDr. . ? Mr. John L. Jackson. > V T X W. H. HAWKINS, ?! ^ ?* The Watchmaker. .j, i ? , Cool Summer Suits! Reasonably Prices I i :ri Men who know the value of a favorable impression win "Iftl" readily approve of these suits. The styles are the very ** latest, and the colors are the new shades of gray, tan: ^^/0\ also fancy weave blues. ? Just received a shipment in patterns that have met with favorable endorsement by men who prefer the best. All ' Ahl linolv irarrunt vnlnp I I* fc>* a V v ' ? ? * * * $16.50 to $27.50 jn IPl *jjf|^ Classy 3'iJ j^y These new Shirt. $1.95 t. si j GREENEWALOS I SPARTANBURG, S. C. jj "The Style Center of the Piedmont. 1 BUILD NOW FGftfl ? ? i; ruiuiffc '| i p * i Ji :: AND YOU CAN SAVE ON ALL OF YOUR BUILDIN' FROM US. REMEMBER WE ARE JUST A MERE Will-Tl CAN DELIVER THE GOODS QUICKLY. PHONE US :: OUR PRICES ARE WITHIN REASON. I > Everything In The Buildtnk > * < o A Landrum Builders Supply $ landrum, S. C.

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