\w ' THURSDAY JULY IS. 1926 ^ f SUNDAY SCHOOL COfT | VENTION . I (Continued frcm pngo 1.) day School Association. 9:25?Announcements. K SUNDAY MORNING, jyLY 18 10:30?Dovotijnal. . 10:45?How to Reach and Hold _ie Young People. Miss Myra Batchelder. 11:15?Business Session: Reports a .t County and township Officers. a Appointment of Committees. Rec- s Iord of Attendance. 11:35?Sunday School Efficiency c a Result of Cooperation. Mr. D. W. ( Sims. y 12:10?Offering for Support of g County and State Sunday School Associations. q 1J:25?Announcementa. j. 12:30?Adjourn. Church. Kxerybody come and bring a basket. ' m SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 18 2:00?Dpyotlonal. ? 2:10?Training Workers for Ef- '' flclent Service. (Speaker tOf-be sup- v plied. ,Jl 2:30?Teaching As JetfOB Taught. h Miss Myra Batchelder. 11 8:00?Song. * 1:05?The Workers' Council at 8 Work. Mr. D. W. 81ms. 8:35? Discussion erndy Questions. r Opportunity for thq presentation 0 and discussion of special Sunday a School problems. 8:50?Business Session: Report* e of Committoes and Election of Of- * fleers. Place of Next ^Meeting, h Presentation of Attenjdahce Pan- 9 nant. <* 1: 00?Adjourn. !< SUNDAY NIGHT, JULY 18 " 8:00?Derotlonal. a 8:15?Securing Home Cooperation, b Miss Myra Bachelder. Miss Myra Bachelder. ? S:15?Song. h 8:55?Teaching TArougn me aye- ? Gate. Mr. D. W. Sims. 1 9:30?Adjourn. SPECIAL NOTICE e The Attendance Pennant will be s presented at the close of the see- I slon on Sunday afternoon. This s pennant will be awarded to the Sun- c day School having In the Conven- a tlon the largest number of represen- o tatlves. sixteen years of age and c ^ over, acording to the number of*l< miles traveled. s I W. C. HAUGB, e County President. u CATHERINE McCHESNEY, ? County Secretary. c I READ THE POLK COUNTY NEW8. ( : \imm \ \ i ? I' i: * What Are ;i Sunday will came in your chi <>. The belle wil gather for devotii ;; be throughout Ch <' Sabbath to the ei ;; Why? ;; Here is a fc S \ J I>oint is that it is ft '> You cannot \ '< '> What are yoi Let's go! \ J! Which Church? it * % t ;: BAPTIST Itegulnr services each ! I a. m. and 8 p. m. ;; Special music evening i,l! Sabbath School 10 a. ;; Public cordially invite :: tiiomas l. justk < : CATHOLH ;; it. John's Church, coi avenue and Lanier ? Mass?Sunday 8:80 a >> REV. J. A-MANLE <? ' A- it S '' riTTTPmi rw TUP ViAViVVil V/A A AAAJ AA' 1 ' . ! (Episcopal' :; REV. c. P. BURNE' ;; Sunday Servii jy'' ! 1 Holy Communion 7:3C i - ;; Sunday School 10 a. n ! I Morning Prayer & Sen > Friday, Litany 5 a. m. ' All Am VUIUIOUJ B&f <? these service - < ' 1 k-"' ' K- ? ? 1HM > ?? < ? < K: B I I t J ' ~ ? ) % 4 ...SUNtSftEW | Tho farmers of this section are ibout done In their crops which ire looking fine as we have had onw nice showers lately. We had a nice sermon preched at Sunny View school house by Rev. J. C. Cogglns of Rutherfordton. He rill be with us again the second Sunday In August at 3. p. m. Mr. Posy Brown. Ivey Corn, and "errel Taylor of Chimney Rock was n this section Sunday. W. L. Whiteside and Miss Lola Ilbbs was the dinner guest of Geo. "aylor Sunday. > Shafter Brown and Mrs. Lillle Tayor made a business trip to AsheIlle and Sky Land Saturday. We are glad to see the school ouss going up and hope to see t complete at an early date and rust It will be filled with bright iris and boys this winter. The man that waate his time Lghtlng against a school Is like the Id woman who was shouting and aylng she woe going when the reacher aaked her where she was olng the answer was, she dld'nt now but was on the way. They ig. It la dangerous to get oat In mnnyvlew , there Is email pox. mad ogs and special school tax dodging iround. The Dr. says small pox la rorae before it break out; mad dogs nd school tax la worse after tt reaka out, the two dlaeaaae are ery much alike; they slobber at louth and if bothered son? times a re fits, but I am not' much afraid f small pox and mad dogs, while am not a bit afraid o< school tax. School tax is only a little bit of xtra money and money the bible ays Is the Image of the old beast, doney and selfishness is about the ame thing and is a curse of the ild beast. Money and selfisness Is ,bout the same thing and is a curae if the world. We can't get alog with iuta little bit of monney but people ets do try to get along without elfishness. Leave it at home *n? iverbody come to Cooper Gaps Satirday the 17th and Sunday, to our Sunday school convention. Lets sill :ome along ufd Iforget selfishness ringing a big basket of dinner, lome along one and all. i n You Going To Do soon be here. It comes every ldhood. U ring, the organ will make im ms. Thus it will be in Tryon, i ristendom?not merely this woe id of your life. tree that persists?that surreu here, present, living, xjssibly ignore it. x going to do about it? Vhen? Next Sunday. Where The Church of your preference. I? Sunday 11 First and 11 Second and Services. P- m. m. REV. P. ] d' PRI 3E, Pastor. Tryon?Secc t days each . and Third ner Melroae ^ , Columbus?j street. days 11 Y,"Rector. Fourth f ERSK1 3LY CROSS (Coi ) Rev. Will B IT, Rector. Sunday?Ch :es? a. m. I a. m. nmin rr W< AW* " 1* A graded sc non. 11 a. m. aH WednesdayInvited to P!9. A friendly \ i J. i pwwww^i \.V .v- 'X * 8 :j*. . ' "'? < *' ^ouNri . ? " < ^/calogrcff? GREEN'S CREEK. Miss Annie Mae Miller has as her guest this week her cousin, a Miss Wilson, of Tryon, N. C. t Miss Ruby Shields, who Is attending Summer School at Cullo.< ??? Mr. and Mrs. Beaufort Thompson and family, of near Chesnee, S. C., spent Sunday with Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hlnes. Rer. and Mrs. William "Davidson and little daughter of Greenville, S. C., spent the week-end with relatives and friends near Green River Church, Mr. Davidson preaching to an appreclatre audience both Saturday and 8unday. Mr. W. Y. Miller, who has been 111 for some time, continues on the the sick list though, some slight Improvement in his condition has been noted. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hlnes of near GhaaoM fi C . and Mtss Mabel Lan caster ol New Hope, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hlnes Sunday afternoon. Several from this place attended preaching services at Green River Bapttat Church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Greene and little daughter Midred, went to Spindsle Sunday, visiting Mr. Greene's sister. Mrs. Bob Giles and her family. gSH-L.. m* ? *> ' S'JIHW Tom Tarheel says the $25 his wire brough homo from the cur'.) market last Saturday was Certainly welcome .t hie !. use. Tlio hog nitlook contlni good. Man/ .< -rib P wollnn farmers a a cashing :n on this farm crop ill's year ? ?? 4 ? * * oft i--t + i Get Your Wants At j Furniture Store \ ^ About It? | week jast as it Z isic, peopla will and thai it will | k, but 0:1 every ^ ; > nds you. The ; ? > * To Church. ;; < > i. > ITHODIST I ! i; rd Sundays 11 a. m. Fourth Sundays 7:80 || < > PARKER, Pastor. ;; I BYTERIAN jj ii:d. and Fourth Sunmonth 11 a. m.; First ' t Sundays 7:30 p. m. first and Third Sun- I m.; Second and t lunda'ys 7:30 p. m.' t : E MEMORIAL | ^icgnuuiiw; , i> . O'Neill, Minister. x inch School at 9:45 t jrship at 11 O'clock.1 1 !tl :hool with classes for - - >?j i? -"Quiet Hour" 4:30 \\ ?' < > volcome awaits you. o < ? ' ? ' {' tut POLK COUNTY NIWl Carefully Keep Cattle i Vards Free of Rubbish j Cattle commonly show a tendency j to plclqp np and swallow obJectM other: than food which they ijBsy. happen tS j And lm yards or In thefr fted. , This: habit Is not always Bamtta? and especially not when the objects are mpre or less pointed and of metal. 1 Such 'foreign bodies may consist gi plecgs of wire, nails, hatpins, ktplot and so on. 'r . I After being swallowed (bay are fid* talned In the Second division of the stomach and by The combined rmitlrias of the latter and the diaphragm, ihtf ane likely to become pushed forward through the wall' of the stomach and through the diaphragm finally to In " - -*??w ciwne arretted by in* ?u ? the heart. On their way and whan Lodged klht heart or Ita surrounding 0** rise to serious cap tic processes MMI eventually cause the death *t Mm aMr mal conoerned. PMox to iutk the ist mal shows fever, |ruta sal Meaad when moving, the veins 0U m stand out !promin?tfr and * im doughy swelling St the tfcrSM MM dewlap Is likely to term. There Is no help feri rash QMaa but care that cattle yards spa tftfl free of rubbish, pieces the debris of old hulldJ*g? ?Rd figM* Is an effective meflkrd tf pasffaaljfc deplorable accident 4# the wMI Is a rather common on* It always JMI to give the matter altsrtrtni. Sows Should Be Drfnuqfl When the sows art eosMaML jnMfaM to farrowing, tfesQr oosSU il tuu zsra wphin/*?o & ' warnm m M.IP wA cot flra* to ?M>. (list ttllfc. 2ha DbuM ^BfcWkAJw I ? ? ^?? " ; ^ AE ^ \T' i " '< % % A 1 ' .v ? ' '; \ it * * V ;: > ^ .. v I * .r . -1 > ? > I, . i I I * ! i . t ' ' \ . ' ' -.w- : .i .. ; *.?? , r '' ' ? | j5pf -i i ' .?? ? .1 mm ? gna TJJtsr etre* **? oueneet arts In m (NHM behind the heed. In the 1 wrlaklee new the hocha end in the 4 refeton Jnat beck of the forelet. fcbejr j ere thidteet here becetue the pit 3 I cannot nib here end henee ehe en- j Joj* beta# ecretched in theee epote. j I ?.? ' i Small Orchards Best j She ohled riheon vfc?cera orcherda 1 r ere eo aadtoa ehilerted end become J , nartto-d? ere tore* to thet they I cm ton torse, le $*yt Pmf. W. a tftct of ?to Oltonto 0dle?e of AMrieetttoh Ito iroek thinka thet ft ftnerf em enoegh tor the adtarafe turn. J $bU atobher. he eera, cen be made to ? PWdnm a toce tot of trttt eeoeoaWl- J % W Wtttortd totorfcrtn* wtto the < eVtof tM werk, if fcrife* equipment j f to Mhd end the naeatnety attention to j . i i ir;i? 5 W?y IWl Ghii#ktn? tfmm m * Wp agrt- J <*** W?Wlt; H Woto, Mr* J a,-. ?>*.-.?h ; #af Tttf/fwrlfef * ration ftilti . 4wk ItosaMri esqiflramecU. n?tk? J *f ft M?a t?k?H rattoiu, oa ail < *?* W a* MNttk grain or oe ; Wltlnly * (t?t| ?l mash wttfc tm i?H% UttiM & attldraa i? ,' 4?|r*aatoji?tWoapact to sack nitii One community In Alamance Conn- ,' ty U sow skipping 9,000 gallons (ft ) milk per mondi from which ah In- 1 ?*???<*??? ; Nice Steel Benches end Chairs For Your r.al._ Lawn, ax rntt; rui-| nfture Store. V .4 iodbb bac kr\r xm " ?. * People are surprised to lear sturdy car now sells for $81 t, : They have heard so mm valut that they are under t) a higher pricie. Morever, the Sedaa possesi 1 ?i 1 cnaraccer 01 cioscu cars uu investment. It is substantial in appearam tial in fact And serves its period usually expected of The body is all steel~saf< smartly finished below the lacquer, with cartouche y in black, lacquer?sheilds an baked enamel* Blue Spanish genuine leath ? ..... Li.l. 1 i! 1 i car acM'uacK, uuu upuontu included among many othei themselves forcefully to th Many who expect to buy 1 that. Dodge Brothers prod . means, Many who had ex] more expensive, now find e\ ible desire in these smart an See the cars for yourself-and time-payment plan.. ' Tourincr Car -' Roadster - - ? Coupe - - - - f. p. b. i t t C. W. Ballenger S TRYON, ] / i tmmmtmm? \ 149 Acres Near Mill Springs! 1 On Highway ^?' ^'neteen 1 \ > - out Mm ot'ou J&S 1 t make some *X county, North Carolina, M it t citizens oi rv . oWiaer. \ , has its pre, "_d look at this Suable 1&m t To go oU ua excellent condition, and then t ' and notice i? d liberal terms of purchase, I* ' learn the P * a"8DeCtire buyer a purchaser, \ yrill tnake an^p gUff iclent for a purchase ot I \ if hia lund?t ?iU not Uke much money. \ 1 this size. , ning \a quite modem. It has \ The main owe ? btJng ayatem which Is V it8 own elec*^ ^ ^uipyea With Other | l quite an ^^g i nceB. The knoU on which i modT shos it toe** * tno^ to i t ' this beautiful n^ why a maa would to anyone. I want to fkrm; a 49 aero pasture will I L But aa head 0f cattle; 80 acres under I I fet?> wfll make a bale of cotton an acre I t cultivation uilW> u an ordinary year; an I \ With little ie one of the finest in this I t orchard ?ald^ntry afford* plenty of fruit . r<-r?r-'-*="~ * I 1 BUNION WO STEWl i u?V vstate dealers and prouoxeb i i real es (johjmius. n. c. i X' ; qwI TWt? lX . rru - T !. . 1 lit? UIMgCXrc U] ; ; : ... . Folk .Coomty, N. C. 1 -v, ' v.- v THtm '&m* Ml /JJ I n that this beautiful and - s ch about, its > exceptional le impression it sells for ses all the roominess and it calls for a much greater :e because it is substanowners far beyond the a car at any pricey * '/r / * *. e, sturdy, fireproof, and ; s belt line in eoolie blue ellow stripe?upper body id fenders in black, oven er uphostlery, removable wood or- steel wheels are ? r features that commend e buyer. \ cheaper car, now find uct is well within their >ected to buy something * erything they eould possd dependable vehicles. investigate our attractive . . . i' ' - ' . - - - $795 - - - - $795 ' " $845 % . Detroit * / ? i - , v i , . .. ... Bf i lotor Comnanv N. C. "-""V : I \

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