THURSDAY JULY 22, 192ft [ SPEEDING WORK ON I DAM CONSTRUCTION New Spillway Foundation, Retaining Wa I and Base ready for Pouring Concrete P.- DOUBLE SHIFT ON DIRT FILL Working night and day on the new portion of the Lake Lanier dam the contractors who are restoring the structure that confines the waters of the three basins are confident that completion of the dam - -4 i ^ tta auj the return or tne water iu no normal level will be contemporaneous about September 1. Construction of the massive rock and concrete foundation at the west end of the Jam, which will do double' duty as an abutment for the great concrete structure that forms the core for the eighty thousand cubic feet of earth enclosing it, and as a base for the splil-way, Is practically comp'eted. Dirt taken from the heights above the western end of he dam is being deposited in front and behiud the original concrete arch at the rate of more than a thousand j cubic yards a day. As it Is shot down by gravity the dirt is distributed and watered. This mjetfiod of sluicing packs the clay soil into a permanent mass. An interesting feature of this work is the method employed in getting out the earth that goes into the fi'l. The great steam shovel that digs the dirt from its original resting place, where it has lain for millions of years, labors untiringly with a'most human intelligence. Under the expert manipulation of Its engineer the big shovel with Its four steel teeth bites into the bank of red earth,t taking nearly a cubic yard at a mouthful, and then swings around to deposit its load in the waiting dump cars, three times every t. sixty seconds. As the cars are loaded they are run down to the fill by gravity and dumped from the end of the tracked trestle, thus building the ''hill that will surround the original dam and extend seventy-five feet back of it and one hundred and seventy-two feet in front of it. There will be a thirty-foot roadway across the top of the dam which will connect the east and wes^ sides or tne iaae, giving quic* nuu cmj access to the .new Tryon-Shelton Hotel that wil lcrown the heights overlooking the lake and which will - afford a view of thirty miles of the Blue Ridge range. G. S. Brown, engineer in charge of the dam construction for. thaf contraetors, Berry & Fortune^T Hickory, N. C. Is working ^^ader the direct supervision of ^Jlees & Mees, nationally famous engineers, of Charlotte, N. C. John Frank Stevens, who has a world-wide reputation as an engineer and who wa^ associated with Col. Goethals in the building of the Panama Canal, is oonsultant. 5 \ ? SCOUTS THANK PREST. F. L. SMYRE Troops attending the Piedmont Council Camp have drawn up letters of appreciation and resolutions of thanks to President F. L. Smyre for his leadership in the development of the camp. President Smyre's patronage ind hard work has won him the love of hundreds of boys all over the Piedmont Council territory. LEGAL. State of North Carolina, County of Polk. Having qualified as Executor undef the will of T. G. Randolph, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this in t n nntifv oil nnronno howtnir claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his residence, Fingerville, 8. C.. Route No. 1, on or before the 15th day of June, 1827, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 8th day of June, 1928. N. W. WEBB, Executor. 10-17-34-1-8-15 pd NOTICE OF SALE Unded and by virtue of the power of the sale contained In that certain mortgage deed executed by Phoebia Sul'ivan to R. D. Dobson of date 8th aay or August 1324, and of record in Mortgage Deed Book No. 21 at page 314 of the record of mortgages for Polk County, North Carolina to secure an indebtedness in the sum of five hundred and twenty five dollars, default having been made in the payment of the same, the undersigned wil 1st 12 o'clock M. on Monday the 2nd. day of August 1926 at the courthouse door in Polk County, North Carolina, to satisfy said indebtedness, interest and cost offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot of land lying and being in Saluda township,. Polk County, North Carolina as conveyed by said mortgage. Cnntslnln. 4 > w/uvHiuuig ai/uui uijc aurc, auu being the same lot of lend situate at Sal-ida in the State and County aforesaid conveyed to the aaid PhoeIda Sullivan in the year 1924 by Jes?! Catinaday. This 1st. July 1926. R. D. DOBSON, Mortgagee. J. R. BURGES8, Atty. 8-15-22^-2? BUILDING BEGINS ON LAKE PROPERTY Twenty-three Houses to be Erected by Spartanburg Contr'actor? 30 More Planned SPAN iSH VILLA IS COMPLETED Building operations at Lake Lanier have taken 011 added activity with ihe construction of two more attrac-j five homes in one of the most deslr- j able sections of the property. This 1 brings the number of homes to be , built before next fa'1 to a total of' twenty-five. j J These latest additions to the lake J home colony are being built at the intersection of Lake Shore Drive! and Clarke Road by C. E. Band and j H. L. White of the Baud & White j J Printing Co.. Spartanburg. S. -C. | The houses are of the ldg cijbin type j ; with native stone foundations and; | are to cost about fi.SOO each " moat aitrac Up to IMS llilie mv ? live borne erected at Lake Lanier is I hat Just completed by T. E. Kell,: .f Union, S. 0.. on the heights on ' the east side of the first basin and commanding a fine water view and thirty utiles of the magnificient Blue Ridge range. The architecture of j the house is of the modified Spanish typ.' with dark cream, stuccoed walls and red tiled roof. More than thirty property owners li-.vo atreaify notified the Tryon De velopment fCo. of th,Jr intention to i build homes at Lake Lanier during I 'he coming year. FIRST SCOUT CAMPERS HAPPY Cliffside, Spindale and Cherryville Boys to Retur'n Next Year I The first groups of Scouts to at- i 'end the Piedmont Scout Camp at , Lake Lanier have had a wonderful \ ;ime and indicate that next year they will want to spend at least two weeks at camp Troop One of Cliffside under the j leadership of Scoutmaster B. E. Roach was the first Troop in Camp. Following the? came Troop One, of . Spindale, under the leadership of ! Rev. O. L. Simpson, and Troop One,! of Cherryville, under the leadership j f Scoutmaster Hunter Huss. Troop j Ten of Gastonia is now at Camp under the leadership of Assistant ( | READ THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, ' + ^ ! U/L /-? -f 4 4-/) II rr nui nsv T + Sunday will + came in your cl $ The bells w | gather for devot + be throughout C + Sabbath to the i | Why? + Here is a i + point is that it i I You cannot | What are y | Let's go! J Which Church? X BAPTIS' fc + Regular services eac + a. m. and 8 p. m. fc X Special music evenir | Sabbath School 10 s Public cordially invi' X THOMAS L. JUST * CATHOL | St. John's Church, c< * avenue and Laniei + | Mass?Sunday 8:30 | REV. J. A- MANL + * t CHURCH OF THE 1 f * (EpiSCOpj X REV. C. P. BURN] | . Sunday Sen , * Holy Communion 7 :i T Sunday School 10 a. X Fo'-ninpr Prayer & S<;> I-iiday, I.itany 5 a. rr All Are Cordially ; these servi i. I ^ I ' ?5? .*? .J. ?! CAMPERS TO FEAST : ON PINE BARK STEW OMMM | Spartanburg Sunday School Will Spend Three Days at the Lak^ i 1 As this edition of the News goes to press preparations are being ' made for the annual encampment of the Sunday School Society of the Second Presbyterian Church of Spartanburg, S. C. The campers will arrive Tuesday, July 20 and frill occupy the Tryon Development Companys' property office at the head of Lake Lanier's third basin. hlonlrofo and other iKMUiUg, UUtO) uawMuvvw ? . omforts were furnished yesterday, .jnough to accommodate seventy-five campers, separate quarters will be provided for the girls and women while the men and boys will be housed near by. The campers will spend three days at the lake and it is said that the commissary department has many surprises in ,the way of special dishes that will appeal to the palates of yo ;ng and old. Pine bark stew, a favorite of former President William H. Taft, will be one of the dishes served during the stay of the Sunday school campers. ROTARIANS VISIT BOY SCOUT CAMP Sixty Members of Spartanburg's CliiK Maun Fine Dav Sixty Rotarians from Spartanburg enjoyed a day at the lake on Tuesday. They camped at Camp Rotary, located at the head of the third basin and along the east bank of Vaughan's Creek. The Rotarians were the guests of the Roy Scouts at supper and afterwards made an Inspection of the , Piedmont Council Camp."' They wandered over the fifteen acres that the Tryon Development Company has given to the Scouts and expressed themselves as greatly pleased with the arrangement of the camp which has all been under the direction of Scout Executive Scheile. The party returned by bus to Spartanburg voting the trip a" big success. Other civic organizations from five | counties will visit the Scout camp! Cows will pay a good price for all j ahv raised on the farm, find those ! men who grow their own feedstuffs. I J You Going To Do soon be here. It comes every lildhood. ill ring, the organ will make mi ions. Thus it will be in Tryon, \ hristendom?not merely this wee and of your life. :orce that persists?that surrey s here, present, living, possibly ignore it. ou-going to do about it? When? Next Sunday. Where The Church of your preference, r m h Sunday 11 First and T ' Second and ig services. p. m. i. m. REV. P. I ted. PRI ICE, Pastor. Tryon?Sect days each IC and Thirc orner Melrose Columbus?. r street. days 11 a. m. x Fourth ? EY, Rector. ERSK1 10LY CROSS (Co ll} Rev. Will B 3TT, Rector. Sunday?Ch dees; a- mm o m " Morning W< m- A graded s< rmon II a. m. aU i. WednesdayInvited to P- pi. ces. A friendly 1 V % -< i THE POLK COUNTY NEWS NORTH CAROLINA'S ! ECONOMIC BROmH j Sec'y. Hoover Believes Population Trend wi.l Continue Because of its Industriai Developments Discussing population movements in the United states, Secretary Hoover said that North Carolina has hud the greatest economic developI incut of any State in the last fifteen i? meant years, and that migrations . months had b?en the most, rapid in J th? history of the country. Si crotary Hoover expressed the I belief that population increases in the So Mil would continue because of its industrial development, such as vat i-power, iron and steel and cctton spinning. lie v...s asked if this development wou.'d convert some of the Southern States to the protective tariff. He said it might happen and that already there appeared to be some tariff sentiment there. ^ Regardless of the growth of the South, Secretary Hoover expressed the belief that population of the North . i, States would continue to increase. This has been the situation. he said, during the recent niovuncnt of large numbers of people to the South. The water in the lake is rising at tin- rate of nearly six inches a day. t ven in these dry times. A Tew At-I days of rain would increase mm i rate materially. J Halifax farmers have found that it costs aoout six cents per pound to raise peanuts. LEGAL NOTICE H tvir.t qualifield as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Sallie Pit- ' I man. deceased, late of Palk Coun-i ty. North Carolina, this is to notify I all persons having c'aims against the' estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before July 26. 1!?27, o- this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will I'leape make immediate payment. This is 22nd day of July. 1926. C. A. JOLLY, Administrator of SALLIE PITMAN, deceased. 1 July 23 29-5-12.19-26. +-M-+++-J-5- ++ + { ! +++++ + ' < > < > < i ?> 1 ?? About It? 1 ! ?? week just as it ;; ;; isic, people will !! and thus it will ! > k, but on every !. < < > < ? nds you. The i ? To Church. | ?? ? ????????? i? [ETHODIST ^ ;; hird Sundays 11 a. m. Fourth Sundays 7:30 \\ < ? < 2. PARKER, Pastor. !; < > CSBYTERIAN 11 < > )hd. and Fourth > Sunpionth 11 a. m.; First l! Sundays 7:30 d. m. X [first and Third Sun- \\ a. m.; Second and !! Jjundays 7:30 p. m. ;; [NE MEMORIAL 3; nlgregational) I! O'Neill, Minister. .. J; Urch School at 9:45 1! orship at 11 O'clock. ! I :tiool with classes for <? i -"Quiet Hour" 4:30 ;; welcome awaits you. ! I <? ' > < * < > < > i > . NEWS FROM BRANCH OFFICES Activities of Field Representatives In Various Sections Reports from the Greensboro of fice indicate that there, will be mucli activity in that district during the present week. Messrs. Humphries an<f Pfaff, managers of that office ' L tn bring three bus nave au??o? loads of prospective purchasers from Greensboro and one each from Mt Airy, High Point and Burlington The managers report that the Greensboro territory, which In eludes Winston-Salem and surround Ing communities, will furnish a high type of Interested visitors. Robert McKlernan and Clarence Peters, both of whom have Intimate knowledge of the Lake Lanier prop erty, will go to Charleston, W. Va to develope that territory. Offices will be established on one of the main thoroughfares and a staff ol field representatives will be organiz ed under the direction of Messrs. Mc Klernan and Peters. D. P. Weeks, Chief Field *Repre sentative, who Is making a tour ol the branch offices, wires that four teen bus loads of interested visitors may be expected on the property during the coming week. This means that more than 150 qualified pros tive purchasers will certainly view beautiful Lake Lanier within the next few days. The hardest job for most of us is to do without eomething we don't 1 Big ( .tit || g ji juiy < ii the j.i + + + I L h Will offer < 4II : tire stock < A ?> 1 + I to make r< I new growl I Dry Goods f Dress Gingham T Apron Gingham f Organdie | Voile J Cheviot % Chambrey i Sheeting i Bleeching T Bed Ticking + Notions | Pins and Safety Pins X Ribbons and Laces I Childrens Fancy Socks T Ladies and Childrens Ho; X Shoe Polish X Shoe Laces f Handkerchiefs f Pencils Tablets + Men's Furnishings :* % X Men's Furnishings 5* ? i ' J ; Men's Union Suits j f Men's Collars I 11 Wdrk Pants I ;'[ Shirts * Men Boys Hats and Caps * U Harvest Hats X Socks | Work Gloves , I :: Toilet Articles t Tooth Brushes * Tooth Paste I " Mennen's Baby Powder f II Bath Powder % I! Madine and Melba Face t ;; Powder t <> Shaving Soap ? Palm Olive, Glycerine an X I; Octagon Toliet Soaps ?|? " ? ip neme I JULY ckmx:::rs ~~ HOTEL) ON HEIGHT? i . (Continued From Page 1) I Carter Construction Co. of New! York and Spartanburg, have erected buildings necessary to house the en gineering staff and for the use of! i the .draughtsmen. Besides this, ex> cavations have been made for the i kitchens and laundry and the eleva. or pit. Foundation walls have been staked i out and material is coming in dally for starting the actual erection of the hotel, whJch is to be a four-story I structure of the stone and half-tim bered, old English type of archltec ture. The architect's drawing shows 1 it to be one of the most attractive buildings of its kind in the Carolinas. B. C. Fiske, president of the con, struction company is authority for . the statement that the hotel will be | ready for ^the reception of winter i season patrons by December 1. Its , ! cost will be around $400,000 and if ; will be furnished and conducted in . j the style of this country's best host| lories. Tt is cxtiected that the Tryon ! Shelton Hotel Company, builders of the hotel, will use every possible ef> j fort to popularize It among^ the . wealthy tourists from both North ! I and South who have been making , j Tryon and Its environs both a win, i ter and summer home for many . j years. , Gcttng even Is a viture if It's with your bank account. Nights at the lake are delight, fully cool despite the hot days. ** * * **++ *++++++++++++-MH inAninc r|fcimi? 24-31, S. CARPEN ANDRUM, S. i at a Big Rediici n t rn , oi J. s. uarpent* oom for new g :h. * Shoes Ladies Oxfords Men's Oxfdrds Ladies Pumps Men's Work Shoes Childrens and Infants Shoes Overshoes Boudouir Slippers Hardware Gun Shells riows ana now foints Singletrees Horse Collars Horse Shoes i Curry Combs ; ( se Back Bands Mule Bits ; Cross Cut Saws Hoes ! < Axe Handles ' ' < Water Buckets Wash Pans ! ; Oil Cans Coal Hods ' ' . I Crockery Glasses 1 j Plates / < ( Cups and Saucers ( Fruit Jars 1 Fancy Bowls < Drugs i Castoria ? Meiitholatum J Vaseline ? Sulphur ] Salts ( Cough Syrup / Sloans Linament Castor Oil d Swamp Root * Bee Brand Powder 1 mber The 24?31, T>**+5+5++*++7+55++57T?55T5 - -&*> -- SlLKTiffrl 5,000 mi J I Professor C R. Ki-llogg 0{ I iFuklen Christian University ai chow, China, v.b<, has 8tu4j^ ^B Bilkworm industry of thal u^B believes that the culture tin^B I 5.000 vears into lh.- past, ^ B the date assign- d to us ueg^^.B the Chinese is the r :gu of ^ ^B i peror Huang 'li, -4-,.' 1; <; ^ (^B kept secret more th a vg,J(J ^B with tlie aid of a death penalty B posed on any one aim r B I Telling of the maimer iu uhich . B I secret of the industrious i*erm8 ^B j^ken first to Rome, l'rofwa?- - B logg says^_ '** "During all this time- silk wag I rled to the Western world by ^ I vans across Asia Minor, or u, jw I and then by boat a . th? jjs, " I ranean. Justinian, tln;^B peror living In < ' s-'.aiitinoplt I his supply of silk . ut off by ;h/p. I sian wars, and o minis-ionrt jog, I monks who had formerly b^ . I China to get th- silkworm lor ^ I These men w-nt all th- way by (<-1 to China and t*t.r?.:il wrh ^ H seeds of (he mulberry tree secret I in a hollow bamboo cane. I "Five years later, in br,; \ j I they returned to China and brojje I back with them the eggs of the sj I worm. These eggs supplied Euro* with all its silk v. rms from th; I time until a new supply was brosfr, Into France to c-mbat th- ditt* I I which broke out in 1844 " I \ Sale 1 HOC II 19?Q| - - f. H TER CO. I - B' 4 I tion the en- II er in order jfl i ! O-nr] Q ' I |UUU.d CLllu a |B Groceries Maxwell House Coffee xH White House Tea jr^H Best Ground Coffee II A Good Ground Coffee iH Mortons Salt |H Rock Crystal Salt ll Canned Tomatoes Canned Corn |H Canned Peas |H Canned Beans Apricots } Cherries Crushed and Sliced P'Df j|H Peaches jfl Campells and Van Camps j ;H Tomato Soup ||H Sour Krout I fl Pork and Beans }fl Asparagus Tips |l Salmon iH sardines J ; Roast Beef Horn Flakes J |l Quaker Oats }|l Lard 11 Syrup !! Rumford Baking P<>wder J Stock Powder Poultry Powder J I Starch Red Devil Lye )ctagon Soap ;I irand Ma wasmw " der (latches jixx : i Date 1 1 Q?fi I * 1

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