^? I Pci /^T> TT^TrX^" Childrens Day exercises were held KE^ ^ at the Mill Creek Brethen's Church W Sunday. A good program had been arranged by Miss Ethel Henderson L I ::I <: . ml* ?1 the antj 0thers, and the children perr, niion at Coopers forme(| their parts very creditably <5"Uit'> 1,1 tact st' 'arpe indeed. Ibat i'1' '.:n:,Ut J*113 We are glad to report the steady I'i ("ri'K '' a improvement of Mr. W. Y. Miller, V' .......t A fine program ... ... v 1 r:eiJ ,.<p . i..liy the address jwn? nas oeen sick ror some time M\ P s-'-s "t Raleigh, hope he will soon be entirely 'well I' Briip, ru:s I 111 of prominent again. ' weu H;,! Sari i> School Assocla South ?'s very warm | Our Sunday School ?o , I! uri-b Sunday afternoon, the j keeping up very well for m I Keld h>s audience well. In- 'of the year. Last SnnH season Kf; his .'.ins-sr appeal wits nearly two hundred anJ h* ^ fe: " ::i de,ight ?f k"? ?<** ^ht on up. Ahrdl;;' o.ni hi"- invitation is given to all 1WHFS HF: IER AUTOMOBILM AH * 1 Hi 111 MICK WILL BUILD THEM * ou Will Make jj No Mistake + . 4 \ When You * c BUY THE Is 4? letter Buick i. < t America's Most De- | y x . 1 ! IpiilUUUlv LjUr * ( + fr * + . ire Exclusive Agents for This Car in Trvon, * * 1 uda anil, Columbus. Phone us for a Demon- * at ion. I + t + rest City Motor! Company 1| forest city, n. c. j | * v .?.... .{..r.... jj. .j. .j..;. .%+ , *+*+*****++++*+*** ANNOUNCENI 16 Are Distri bti'ors In T For The Famous TAR AUTOMG "Fours & Sixes'1 DURANT TRU Four Cylinder,. One ow Cost T ranspc Sturdiest Most Powerful And ] I Low Priced Car ne In Today For Dem ^ve Some Good Values In Go lpin motor ( TRYON, N. C. ** ??+?+?????????????????????? 17 'i ?> - ~ *" The woman's [missionary Society will meet at the church Saturday afternoon July 24. We ask all the members to make a special effort to be present. Also we should be glad, to have the help and presence of the other ladies of the church and community. The revival series of meeetings will begin at Green River Church the second Sunday in August. Rev. H. G. Melton, who has been elected as pastor at Green's Creek is also pastor at Green River. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hlnes of Spartanburg, Mr. Croel Hlnes and ( family, also of Spartanburg, Mrs. Hattie Hlnes of Richmond, Va., and Miss Fannie Sue Hlnes, of Charlotte, N. C., were among the week-end and Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hines. Mrs. Ellabeth Jackson, of near Chesnee, S. C., attended church at it Green's Creek Sunday, spending the afternoon at the home of her itepson, with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jackson and 'amily. Misses Millie Rogers, of New Hope, ind Marvin Hlnes, of Melvin Hill, eft Saturday to attend Summer School at Hickory, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Green, >f Brevard, N. C., were visitors her^ Sunday, being the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Swain and famiy. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wllkins, of ! tutherfordton, N. C., were visitors lere Sunday. Miss Fannie Sue Davis, of Green iiver, Spent the week_end with Miss tnnie Belle Swain. I We were glad to have with us igatn on last Sunday our former pas. or, Reverend J. J. Slattery, of Henlersonvllle, N. C., also Mrs. Slattery md their little daughter. Mr. Slat- 1 ery's familiar appearance in the pul- 1 lit, coupled with his usual friendly 1 ind earnest manner were very gratl- 1 ying. wis suDject was marriage, i vhich he discussed ably If rather : iriefly to an appreciative audience. 1 Miss 11a Giles, of Splndale, N. C., vas a week-end visitor at the home >f her parents Mr. M. R. Giles, at- 1 ending church and Sunday School i Sunday. 1 Mr. Henry Cantrell Is In the hospfnl following an operation for aplendicitls. 1 Mr. Willie Sperlln, who underwent in operation for appendicitis at the *utherfordton Hospital recently Is 'eported as doing well, and we hope vill soon be able to return home. i Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Feagan of | Spartanburg were here Sunday, at- i ending the preaching services at Jreen's Creek, Sunday morning. i Tom Tarheel says he notices that i Jie cow which the boys pet the nost give the most milk. It costs a million dollars to work .tv q ronntatinn n n (\ annthfir million o live it down. [ W. F. LITTLE I ? ? \ NOTARY PUBLIC ;; ? Tryon, N. C. E Crushed Barley Malt t E AMERICAN MALT GO. J f One Hundred Pounds... .|8.50 I f Hop Flavored Malt Syrup I h per dozen casea $5.75 T ? ALBEMARLE, N. C. J h***++*+++++*+*++ +++++ >+ ?NT | his Section j BILES ' CKS 1 r r . Ton | >rtation I 41 Economical i: onstration i| od Used Auto's :: JO. Inc. ii * * >, - ^ iitAAAA f 4-41 l'4*^4"lt4?llMl?itMllll"ll4Mf?li"lllfr3 f TTTf' ' - V .TT r rTTTVT rTTT^ &.. r. - - i - -- ^ 7 " ' * - '. ? THE POLK COUNTY NEWS. n?ASEEMPURCHASER TELLS OF LAKE TRIP Writes Appreciative Account of Her Visit to Property? From Georgia It Is refreshing to receive from a recent lot purchaser the following unsolicited account of her trip to Lake Lanier as the guest of the Tryon Development Company. It Indicates an appreciation of the company's efforts to entertain pleasantly all who are Interested in the Lake Lanier development and The News la pleased to publish it in part. The writer is Mrs. R. R. Hatcher, ot Harlem. Ga. On Tuesday morning a congenial party of Harlem, Appling and Thomson people, conducted by Miss Sallie Stuy and Mrs. Johnn Lamkln boarded the Lake Lanier bus for the mountains of western N. C. After a brief stop In Augusta at their office, of which Mr. Crowell has charge, we set out for the mountains. We stopped at the Oregon Hotel In Greenwood a short time and again continued our Journey. Reaching Tryon about dusk we drove up a winding road to the old colonial hotel, Oak Hall, where we were cordially received. On spacious verandahs and in Its large, airy rooms (each with private bath.) We refreshed ourselves then descended to enjoy a good dinner. Early the next morning we were Invited by Mr. Tolsen to take a ride ud Clarke Mountain where we had a wonderful view of the mountain and lakes and also drove through the Pacolet gorge with the Pacolet river running through it. / On our return, after an excellent breakfast, we found our bus at the door ready to carry us to Lake Lanier, a mile away, to view the wonderful new development. On reaching the office we were conducted by a number of genial gentlemen over the lovely hard surface roads wind'ng around the lake with the majestic three lakes or basins below. It was a wonder to us that so much oould be accomplished in one short year. After returning to an artistic tea. room where we ate lunch we were ready for our return trip. Those who had invested In lots were pleased with their purchases and we voted the promoters among the most couijteous gentlemen wo had ever met. untiring in their patience to explain and show us everything. Tryon has long been a winter reBort for northern people?a town of nearly 5000 Inhabitants with an elegant school building, good churches and hotels and many lovely homes. Now It Is also a summer resort because of its wonderful climate. We returned believing In its wonderful possibilities?to see it to believe. MRS. R. H. HATCHER. Every day sees a group of interested spectators on the East Shore Drive, watching the progress of the work on the new dam. t Let Us Figur On 1 JOB PR] POLK COW r fr Let Me Hare Your Building T Low Cost, Good Workmanship Keraodeling Old Building. RESIDENTIAL AND ( D. E. B. S Building C TRYON, N. C. WE DO A Banking Come in and get.our a business affairs. This if render to our customers or obligation. May we e Start A Savi < > J. R. Sams. Chairm ;: E. W. S. Cobb, Pre: ;; Frank Jackson, Vic W. T. Hammett, Vi Fred W. Blanton, V P. S. Lewis,.Asst. J; M. L Arledge, Asst Polk Cou/ity B: i: Columbus, BASS FIND HOME IN LAKE WATERS ?ir?t Basin Stocked With Fry o' King of Game Fleh? Native Trout too. Sportsmen whose particular pleas| ure it is to lure the wiley bass from its natural element will be elated to : know that .25,000 game fish of that j species have found a home in the i waters or Lake Lanier. The fish, both fingerlings and fry came from the government hatcheries at Erwln, Tennessee, and were liberated from their traveling tanks with much ceremony by J. A. Beswarlck, Superintendent of the property, -and a group of interested persons who had gathered at the mouth of one of the many mountain streams that feed the lake. "Here's where you bhgln[ your sporting life, young fellpws," announced Mr. Beswarlck as he tilted one of the big containers and slowly ] poured several thousand young bass ! into the clear waters of the lake. Angling experts of local fame de- j clare that the deep channels connect. : ing the three basins that form Lake i Lanier are just what this ktnK of ! fresh water game fish likes for a | home and that the shadows and j gravelly shores at many pqlnts about j the lake are ideal snawnin* erniinda. I Vaughan's Creek which runs its ! twelve.mile course from its source j between Hcg Back and Rocky Spur | mountains and is the main source of [ supply for the chain of lakes, has al- ready furnished its quota of piscator- 1 ial life. Many rainbow trout and horny heads have been taken from the first basin within the last few j weeks by local fishermen. LAKE LANIER SOCIALS x Mi-, and Mrs. Clarence Peters have | been hosts at several recent radio i parties given at their villa on the j second basin. Mr. Peters, who Is a radio expert, says that the Lake Lanier section is far superior to either Hendersonville or Asheville j in the matter of radio reception. Mrs. C. J. Rolle and son, of Cincincinnati, O. are spending several weeks at the lake as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.. W. Bauer. They are delighted with the mountainous surroundings of this section and are especially pleased with Lake Lanier, j Mrs. Bertha R. Miller, wife of | John H. Miller, assistant director of sales, has returned from a three months' visit to relatives In the north. Old Dan Delver, the steam shovel, promises to give an Interview some 1 day when he feels rested, on "Dirt That I have Dug." Dan ia thirteen i years old and has been around a bit in his time. C arm ley has seven jokes to add to his repertory of 764,392 gems. ! ++* *++**++?++*++*-5>+*+*+++* * + e With You :: four :: [NTING j: 4TY NEWS :: ?? it+,l";4lH,+'i,+++4+4,+Hl+4,++t4+* j * I roubles. 11 , Good References, Ten Years % * + COMMERCIAL WORK + ANDERS j Contractor. 2 LANDRUM, S. C. Box 72. J +++++-5-M-+++ +< +++ i"M^+H++H?*++t+t+W++*+* GENERAL !; <? n...: ! Dusmess i i? ? > < ? dvice pertaining to your o i a part of the service we < and friends without cost ixpect you today ? < I ? > ngs Account < > < > an of the Board. sident. 1 ! e Pres. . ; J i ce Pres. 1 ,4; ice Pres. and Cash. > > Cashier. !! Cashier. !| ? ? ? > ink & Trust Co. North Carolina :: ? . 'V iil tfiiSfrv 2 ' ?? ? NEW ROADS MAKE HEIGHTS ACCESSIBLE Lots Hitherto Difficult to reach now Easy of inspection? Afford Fine Views Road building throughout the Lake Lanier property has been active during the last three months and several sections of the development which have been difficult to reach are, now easily accessible by automobile. This will enab'e those interested in home-site or investment property to reach many of the most desirable lets, notably those on the high ground overlooking the third basin, with its boat club house and bathing beach, and the entire range of mountain peaks, from massive Hog uacK 10 ruggea wnue <_>aa, iniriy miles away. Material for hard surfacing the sixteen miles of road already completed Is being brought In daily and several miles of streets have been treated to the first two courses of crushed, water-bound rock. A great road roller, weighing several tons, makes dally trips over the road-bed that has been so treated, with tne result that it is now a luxury to drive smoothly over the broad avenues on the; west side of the lake. It is of interest to every lot owner or prospective purchaser to know that these roads will run in ffont of every lot on the property and in man;- localities lots will have roads both front and back. In building these broad highways the engineers have many problems to solve in their efforts to reach every portion of the development and at the same time not depart from the g:-acpful curves and gentle grades which form one of the most attractive features of the property. That they have succeeded in carrying out their plans Derfectly cannot be doubted. BIG WHITE HERONS MAKEJfOME HERE Sociable Birds Amuse Visitors at Lake by Their Antics I In Quest of Food i / I . Visitors to Lak? Lanier during the ! past week have been much interest-! ed in a family of seven white herons | that recently made their home on ] the west bank of the channel con-1 necting the first and second basins. Five of these beautiful birds may be seen every day ranged along the shore, standing on one leg at the waiter's edge and waiting patiently for the innocent frog or the adventurous minnow to come within striking dis- | tance. I The great, white birds stand mo-1 tlonless until their quarry comes | within three feet of them. Then there is a flash of a long, white neck ' and with unerring aim a sharp, six-1 inch bill impales the victim. An instant later it dissapeared down the *++ **+++*+*** ? **+* * **** ! f REPORT OF THE + The Peoples Bank & Trust Co., a % Carolina, at the close o? buisness, 1 * RESOL * 1. Loans and Discounts 4? 4. 2. Demand Loans * 3. Overdrafts, secured, $1000.38 * 4. United States Bonds and Libf * 5. North Carolina State Bonds . J 6. All other Stocks, Bonds, and + 7. Premium on Bonds 4? 8. Banking Houses, 38,145.41 X 13929.00 J 9. All other Real Estate owned 10. Cash in vault and net amoun j, 4. Bankers, and Trust Compani 7 11.' Cash Items held over 24 houi * 12. Checks for clearing 4, 13. Customers' Liability on Acc< * * Total + LIABIL *u 1. . CaDital Stock paid in ^ 2. Surplus Fund * 3. Undivided Profits, less currer paid * 4. Unearned Discount ? 5. Dvidends Unpaid ? 6. Notes and Bills rediscounted f 7. Bills Payable s * 8. Certificates of Deposit represe J 9. Deposit Due Banks, Bankers, i + ?0. Deposits subject to check, Ii 4* 11. Deposits Due State of N. C. o J 12. Demand Certificates of Depoi j' 13. Time Certificates of Deposit, ] + Days X 14. Cashier's Checks outstanding ? 15. Certified Checks * 16. Time Certificates of Deposit, 4, Days J 17. Savings Deposits 5 18. Trust Deposits (net) $ 19. Accrued Interest due deposi T 191-2 Certificates of DeDOsit for l * * Bonds <i> 20. Domestic and Foreign Accep: X Total j State of North Carolina?Cou: t I, W. B. WEIGEL. Casher ol 4> swear that the above state X knowledge an^ belief. * Correct?Attest: t X + Subscribed and sworn to be: * / 1926. | J. B. HESTER, Notary Pi * f ' "f. :r-? 1 heron's throat and the bird resumes its statuesque pose ready for another contribution to its commissary department. Ornithologists are authority for the statement that the great white jn| heron is a social bird and that it ex- ^ tends its sociability to the human species. PICKENS CO. CLUB 1 GUEST AT LAKE . Jj Home Demonstrators Spend Part of Beautiful Day Visiting Fine Development Seventy-five members of the Home Demonstration Clubs, representing every section of Pickens County, eight clubs in all, were recent guests of the Tryon Development Company at Lake Lanier. Piloted by Miss Sadie Craig, Home Demon, stration Agent, the party arrived at the lake early ^tnd spent the great, er part of a beautiful day viewing the charming environs of the lake and driving over the sixteen miles - M of fine roads that are already com pleted through the 750-acre develop ment. Luncheon was served at the Lake Lanier tea room and after that pleasant function the party was divided into groups and driven in automobiles to the many points or interest inclining the (boat club house, the bathing beach and the si* of the Tryon-Suelton Hotel now be ing erected at a cost of $400,000 on 4 the heights over looking the three lake basins and commanding a view of nearly thirty miles of the magnificient Blue Ridge range. Among those who enjoyed the day were th>following well known residents of Pickens county: Senator John E. Craig, W. H. Mauldlng, A. C. Gravely, T. A Bowenm, County Farm Agent, Mrs. W. H. Morehead, County Conusel of Farm Women, Mrs. W. E. Eden, Jr Mrs. H. M. Phillips, Mrs. R. L. Leslie, Mrs. L. O. Latham, Mrs. R. L. Perry, Mrs. 0. H. Powers, and Mrs. John Craig. Other guests from a distance and former residents of Pickens County, were Mrs. J. T. Rogers, of Charleston, S. C., and Ambrose Griffin, now a a resident of Alabama. I ' ' 1 EXECUTIVE BOARD TO VISIT CAMP I i The Executive Board of the Piedmont Council will hold a regular mooting at the Piedmont Scout Camp on July 30. Members of the Board are urged to come for supper on Friday evening at 6.30 o'clock and spend the night and the follow- , ing day at camp. Blankets and dishes +' should be provided by men attending the meeting. i ?i ! i Sidney and Ray Panther, who take turns in the watch, on Lot 118, looking out for anything that may require the attention of Superintendant J. W. Beswarick, have had no startling reports te make so far this summer. ______^__ i i (JUfN L)1 1 lUIN UP J t Tryon, in the State of North June 30, 1926. X [RCES < X $304,817.95 T None ; unsecured, $1286.11 2,286.49 $ rty Bonds 25,55O.0o J None Mortgages 500.00 X None t Furniture and Fixtures, * 12,074.41 X None i ts due from Banks, .. T es 56,214.83 X X *8 None ? | 2,613.15 T jptances None X X 404,056.83 t ,ITIES T 25,000.00 T 7,700.00 X it expenses and taxes X 4,193.99 f rNOUtJ T None Z None t None * intlng money borrowed None + and Trust Companies . None J idividual 236,116.92 ? r any Official thereof None sit None * Due in Less Than 30 J None .,. 4.27T.69 $ None J Due on or After 30 + 51.319.87 % 57,148.36 I None T tors None + customers Liberty * 18,300:00 + tances None + J404.056.83 7 r Dty of Polk, July 9, 1926. + ^ t above named Bank, do solemly ^ ment is true to the best of my + 5 W. B. WEIGEL, Cashier. + ' G. H. HOLMES % 3 JULIAN CALHOUN, + !n W. F. LITTLE. f Directors. % v tore me. this 9th day of July, J in ubllc. % bp i IMHMl

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