t ? .* ^E?S k% Rgf v THURSDAY JULY 22, 1926 ... f ai ? M READ THE NEWS ON 7 THE SPORT PAGE ! EVERY WEEK ? h LACIiQSSE HURTS i ^SEBALL GAME Its Inpxpensiveness One Reason for Increase. That lacrosse Is rapidly forging to the front as a leading sport la college circles and in a number of cases has already displaced baseball, U a statement made by "'Ralph 6. Leonard, assistant professor of physical education at Pennsylvania s?fe college and couch of the Nlttany lacrosse team. No other sport has made such rapid | frldeo amiine the collects In recent I years, according to Leonard, who recently completed a survey of the sport for the annual meeting of the National Collegiate Athletic association. ^ He points out tb?t almost thirty colleges have taken up the sport during I the past two yean and are now placing It on an Intercollegiate basis, j Among the Institutions that he mentions are Dartmouth, Brown, Williams, Onion, Lafayette. Carnegie Tech, Unl- i verslty of Pittsburgh, University of J Virginia, University of Tennessee and Georgia Tech. During the more khan j forty years since lacrosse was first es- J tnhiuhed as a collesre sport In 1881, it I Is the only sport that has not become professionalised In America, points out I-eonard. Among the reasons advanced by the Penn State mentor for tbe growing popularity of the game are the follow lng: The rules have been Improved to the point where the game Is clean and scientific. Because of Its bodily contact, lacrosse appeals to the American youth. It builds character, one of the main purposes of physical , education and athletics. The game Is | Inexpensive, being probably .10 . ner j cent less costly than baseball or trafk. J And, finally, although requiring a high j degree of skill to play, the sport Is easy to teach. Visits of a combined Oxford-Cam- j bridge team to this country three j years ago and a return visit to Eng- j land of a Syracuse team one year | later have placed the game on an In- j ternatlonal basis, says Leonard. The Oxford-Cambridge team will play a schedule of ten games In this country ! next spring as furtherance of this ' international relationship. Cubs Get Stephenson mrz Rlggs Stephenaou (shown In photograph) hard-hitting outfielder und ' Shortstop Schreiber of IndlanapoiU have been traded to the Chicago Cubs for Maurice Shannon and Outfielder Munson. Stephenson was one of tieleading hitters In the American asso elation. Briton Claims Money Is Help to Us in Sports "Although athletic victories cannot be purchased like "old masters,'' money does certainly give the Americans. a good start In sport." Lord Wodehouse, International poloist and sportsman, thus summed up American ascendancy In sport. "I do not mean to say that It Is their weaKh which gives them their) prowess In polo or any other sport." I said Lord Wodehouse. "There Is no getting away from the fact that they re keen, afid seem to have a knack of giving themselves as wholehearted ly to any special line of sport as thev do to the organisation of a factory. "I mean that by reason of their great wealth Americans are able to buy the best Implements and the best tuition. "Another advantage that the Americans have. In my opinion. Is the fact that they are able to play all the yeur round In one part of the country or another." BASEBALL NOTES Catcher Raymond Haywerth of the Toronto club of the International league, has been sent to the Detroit Tigers. Time was called by the umpire In a Toronto gatne recently when the sun's rays made It Impossible for the batter to eee the ban. Howard A. Holland, collegiate pitcher from the University of Virginia, reported to Manager Jack Hendricks of the Cincinnati Beds. The Boston Braves announce the release-of Wilfred "Rosey" Ryan, a pitcher, to the Toledo dab of the American association. Within tl? months after graduating from Isifayette College. In IMS, Mike A Oazella earned $10,080 as e Member of the New Tjork Y Oh see. I Ml ll nil i Mfa-itltrrrKamM- III llHi || 11 iiiAtii MaaBiiaMBi "HI IN ' FOUR VO'JTHS SWIM ARO+JND LAKE SUMMIT Fou.- boys who left this city yes terday to accouiplish the difficuli feat of swimming around Lake Sum mit, a distance of some 12 or 15 miles, were successful in the at tempt, it was learned last night. The swimmers were in the water from 10 a. m. until 2: p. m. The party which entered into the record swim was gotten up by "Red' Dobson former all-around athlpte al ? ftthlptk' di rurman mm ai yjwcuv ~ ?- ? rector at Whitney. Those who ac. companied him in the long-distance swimming grind were Joe Sexton life guard at Cleveland Park swimming pool; Wallace Smith. of Panama and Elon Minor, of Richmond. Va. As far as the ptople who live around the lake can remember, th.e> say. this is the first time the swim around the lake has been made. standing of the leagues american W. L. P.C New York 5G , 32 63< Philadelphia 4S 39 552 Cleveland 48 42 533 Chicago 47 42 52S Washington 44 40 524 Detroit 45 43 511 St. Louis 36 51 414 Boston 26 60 302 national w: l. p.c Cincinnati 51 39 561 Pittsburg 46 37 554 St. Louis 48 41 53S Chicago . . 47 41 534 Brooklyn 46 41 52S New York 43 43 500 Philadelphia 33 52 388 Boston 33 54 37S SOUTHERN W. L. P.C New Orleans 64 31 674 Memphis 54 35 601 Birmingham .. . 54 37 593 Nashville \ 51 42 54S Atlanta 44 46 488 Chattanooga 35 56 385 Mobile 30 57 345 Little Rock 29 61 323 PIEDMONT W. L. P.C. Greensboro 12 7\632 1 1 1 fi *7C \\ insion-saieiii n ..... High Point 10 9 526 Durham 9 9 500 Raleigh 6 12 333 Salisburg 5 13 278 I (do it i ! NOW! i * i * 3 | 5 * j ? Phone us 1 * J To Day h I < * 3 > * For all of ^ % i * I r j * }our ; * < 4* I GROCERY j NEEDS | We Carry Well Known + Erands and Our Prices are * Right. May We Have | Your Order Today? 1 ANDREWS I 14* "Your Grocery Store." & 1 > * TRYON, N. C. > \* FHE W r) College I !l ' Jl/' I mm '" H These live students of Lake F across the United States by Joe Rot ''ley of 941 West 41st S^treet, Lot Angeles. ' On the return journey to the Coast Jurgensen added further glamour tc j his driving achevement by lowering i the Omaha-Denver mark from HE A-- V + } >+ v t v Jr *> * { i! \\1 WE DUAL I GENERAL CONTRi t t V * I vVILL GLADLY FURNLS! \ X YOUit BUILDUG REQUIF | EXCELLENT 3EKV1GE-W p J PROUD OF. 1 NO V HAVI l* BER OF TRYON BUILDIN I Y0U? BRICK UOOI) AN fit R. A. * >' J |*1 | General Contractor \ 4* * i h * ' .... jj > >J? ?; ?' *? v ?j? -V y *s" *! .* *" ! JZAAi*.. i-." > i Why's and i * Ab i i i| wm l illyllS ? Jersey Sweet Milk, r Sweet Cream, Double St \ One-half of 1-' Per Cen t Flavor?the Kin * Everv R te a Dp [I Phon J TRYON P . . tutrix ii lin A I ' #i * IM riiAii'ViY itffcl' li'ai*"i^r^lH (h - J ' TiE POLK COUNTY NEW8 'OiLD ( 3oys Ate Arrested as (rest college, Illinois, iiown with a poll< aat()iiiol>ile tres and the others admit tl p house. * (hours, 31 minutes to 14 hours flat. Harold Meyers, an Omaha boy, was " - ?- ?? fhn |! passenger Mid ienei un?ci ?? I way back, Rolley remaining at Omaha. The youth's demonstration is - more titan i stunt. It is proff that i transcontinental touring has become 1 practica lfor the average motorist, t Roads are eood and danger has been , eliminated as a factor. The young ) Cheverolet mount, giving It a clean 3 bill in th" matter of speed, power r and rood worthiness, t "Transcontinental touring is a i mere 'ride aro td the block' in these days of hij-h-powered light cars and - wonderful roads," Jugensen declared. t ' Included in Prof. Einstein's theory , of relativity is the proposition that i there is no such thing as time. Bet i if yo t'd ask him what time it Is ; right quickly he would pull out his i watch and tell you. t A good book is an asset: esI pecia'ly the telephone book. r Th re's a closed season for quail, i squirr Is, rabbits and black bass, but apparentlv none for wayward hus: bands. ^ i It takes these Americans to win ; at tennis, foot ball and the confii dence game. . j. M-++ ? ? L KINi.'S OF I ACTING &i;UlLDL\G || H YOU KSflMATU.S UN ALL I t EM EN I'S A N O G U All A NTE E j roKK r iAr yuu WIL;. HE 1 2 CON t'tiAC lo VOll A NUM- J GS. MAY 1 FIGURE WITH | ! t I) COMCRFJ E HORfi * iEXTO.N t I ryon, N. C. J < f + I* '1* / ; : ^ j 1L0W PENCIL V\ II e RED BAN!) rauttinrwairKiwry IQ. AEWYOP'WS.A^ * '"""yj Oth-i:r i,y'S ?*iT out ., * .TT^saraBEKTtUSH Bii Sweet Butter. ;rength. Sugar, t Chalmers A A Gelatine. d You Like Best light e 174 i HARMACY 'i ; * * OF SP( i Burglars HHHhmu^H^^SI BW^^I^WIb M| ? officer, were arrested for burglary. ?at they robbed a residence of houseMakes Good at St^rt J 1 i_v; y.it -jmesmi J Shortstop Thevenow of the SL Louis CardJnals Is one collegian who has made good In the big league right from the start. Soon after graduating be was placed at short for the Cards and he is now considered one of the stars of the National league. |^EAD THE POLK COUNTY NEWS j* Good ra transpoi MM iktM IUBM Miktnl mmsib* 4 liPV Ml WW WMfl WWW MM! I Haw frmaarndfoiowful? aftrtU mO, bmajfworhtkeotamd ?aiy con**y mmet for m* amd foods from placs U v n 5 0L RAH Hie So ~ ^ __ 11 11 BASKETBALL 1 11 II "ASERALL I iR I \\ \\ 110X1X6 I ? . t p IB needed to 1 "I -t'll nov,r M?; 0ne hour out of condition. ridtM State, weep {be tractor In ^ I l.ensh-n *hM '.vUn MkJS * . en horses separ- t was t< am !i,s to , Salt should be g they 8hould 1 est lltils .*. l-ke ??.* You can count yoU' C cftrefully \ RM- . m ?, they hatch if yf? of eg? section \ and a*1 if ^ M the correct principles of eg? | \ anu luruumiuu. i , -rt '! w.'ll h.."^ I I ",,r :t?! not . "! Arsenic, the poison In spray mate- | lp 'llaJe I rials, is not a violent poison to warm- "?H blooded animals and small amonnta The f. |], u cause no serious Injury. | (lr ^ to . , , him. ' A number of Insects, such as the white grubs, wire worms and cut- j ? H worms, are always present In sod. I r'1'' "f r.ov, ltB They frequently destroy corn and oth- l"m" vv" th- ,,;,i er row crops. I an'l "v.-rhaiih ,] '/B ' I come- . .... - --..j | l READ THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, due fion, r.M th. ? V / oc4? I | : -> > ?> ** Mm5' > * v * * >*.> ?> *.%...... *?"* ! *> | Thermal View! How Do You Don 4* | ? " * it. i . . J % Yes, last rrinay saw ine oeginmngof | one of Tryon's most scenic residential % subdivisions? Thermal View. > * We want to congratulate the people who * came, saw, and bought. We consider it * as evidence of the confidence buyers ? have in our selection of "choice spots" H | for them. * * We sold 126 lots before sundown * brought the sale to a close ? said to * be an excellent record. Since last Fridav * 11 resales have been made at a profit to * the sellers. We still have 76 of these I $ sightly lots that can be purchased at $75 J to $100 per lot (a few higher). You i J cannot go amiss in owning some of I ? them, either for a home or resale. | r ! BLANTON AND STEAll t | REAL ESTATE DEALERS AND PROMOIM | COLUMBUS, N. C. I The Largest Real Estate Dealer? i I T Polk County, N. C. ?^?1 ^-1-T?I Lilroad I to finn ic rhp/ltf I ggS3 JrM I n ///T fflF "if^^f raflroad transportation, with its attend I ril ^8 uncertainties, is expensive Wasteful, irrespective of the charges forlt I A" "toppers know that. 00 the other hand. . Ptllljr assist*th^ ^ "nd dependable senf All"?hiDD??p? t_ e economica' operation of industtf- M ' PPCT? know this, too. Thn# ^ cost to fh moat be mc*. purchaser of railroad serf ?rvire asbwh"^ as mQch by the quality of ^ I ^ ? actual charge in dollars and ctf3 fl : '^TJZ^Tdo"- and cent calculation ^ Southern pa:^Jb?Ta how cheflP service i"1 ^ I " taw System is in relation to ^ ^yOoer^?!^ everything has incre^ I B C6n* the last decade, but the avftJ? ^^^B ? rinsed odf Per 011 ^ Southern have u*.? In relation to 00 ^SoutJj^6.0084