p'ifii,J jupv.mpp^|?piiii9uiii THURSDAY. JULY 29, 1926 j ^ < ? : [ JDances, 1 eas < > o And Bridge * > ;; Parties ?? ? NOTED ARTIST LEAVES FOR THE EA8T Mr. Joseph Birren the celebrated Chicago artist who has been doing some work in Tryon for the past two months left Wednesday for the East. Mr. Blrren has finished some wonderful pictures while In this section and states that this section has great possibilities from many standpoints. Numbers of Tryonltes have seen some of his work that he completed while here and expressed keen delight in the exqulsiteneas of the class of art that Mr. Birren is noted for. Mr. Birren made a host of friends here and during his stay. The last to weeks were spent at Blue Ridge Forrest where he made several sketches. He has the distinction of possibly being the only Artist that Is a member of the Rotary Club of which hel * 1 1 ? 111 r?h?TV I is a memoer 01 me miwu., ..... . ter. He expressed his appreciation of courtesies shown him while here and no doubt he will return to Tryon again In the near future. Local Happenings Captain Douglas A. White of Washington, D. C., Is spending his vacation with Captain A. L. Smith of Tryon Hiite. Capt. White Is an overseas veteran and Is in Tryon for a good rest. He has expressed keen delight In this section and has shown marked improvement since his arrival here. Work on the Water Extension Is progressing very rapidly and the contract is expected to he finished J soon. I Mr. Qreen of the Ashevllle Farmers Federation is In Tryon looking after some business matters pertaining to the Tryon Farmers Federation. Mr. OwenB who is associated with the Thermal Belt Development Co. Inc.. is going to Greensboro in the Interest of the Company. Mr. C. J. Penny who was in Tryon _ last summer with the Tryon Development Co. and with the Happy Val-j ley Estates at Lenoir this season is now in Tryon for a short visit. Mr. Artz the County Agent was a visitor at the News office on Monday. Mayor Green has been invited to attended a meeting of the Forreetry Association at Mo re head City, N. C. ________ ' Miss McFarland of the Missildlne Pharmacy has returned to her duties after a long vacation trip in Cbe East, while away Miss McFarland viaitosi Iho Pontpnnial at Phi lad a]- I phi a. I The Ballenger Company announce this week with a full page Ad the opening Saturday of their big August Clearance Sale. Mr. Mauldin of the Merrick Engeering force Is off for a few days vacation and will return shortly. Mrs T I. TiiiHmi has returned Ga.. has returned to her home after a weeks visit with lir. and Mrs. W. W. Burton of Try on. Miss Alene Ward has returned home after a visit to Spartanburf, with relatlvee. Mr. and Mrs. Bacon and Miss Minerva Avant motbred to Little Switzerland last Sunday. Dr. T. L. Justice and Mrs. T. J. Kennedy attended the Baptist Assembly at Ridge Crest, N. C. Miss Francis Murray of Atlanta, Ca? is now in Tryon and will make her home here with her slater Mrs. W. W. Burton. Numbers of parents who hare sons at Ae Boy Scout Camp at the Lake were In Tryon i Snnday to pay a visit to the Camip. ' t I I Mill i Asheville Musk Be Great ASHEVILLE, N. C.. July 29? p When the San Carlo Grand Opera C Company opens Asheville's third an- p nual Grand Opera season on Mon- t day evening, August 9, iJie mountain p city will enter upon the most ambiti- p i? Western N. C. Rrought s uoa la here under the asplces of me Ashe- f ville Music Festival Association, the t San Carlo roster will include artists ' o noted, nationaly and internationally, I and the goal set by Fortune Gallo, 1 imperessario of the San Carlo group. ? seems destined to achieve for this f brief season the most perfect ensem- I ble artists ever seen in the Caro v Unas. Always a financial and artis- < tic success in Asheville, Grand Opera s this year promises to be the crown t ing feature of a series of successive i notable events which have made * this city a center of artistic and I social glory- ' The repertoire announced yester- ( day for opera week, August 9 ? 14, was selected by Fortune Gallo sped- ( fically to meet the musical wishes I of music lovers in Asheville, and it < embraces what opera lovers regard i as a perfect balance of outstanding < works. From Rossini's flippant and i airy "Barber of Seville" to the re- j nowned, ponderous, but magnificient ( "Aida" of Verdi, the range of selec- ( tlons touches every spot or operauc < lore. There will be an opera for j every taste, and plenty of entertain- < ment for the eye, as for the gently ( attuned ear. i . "Carmen", Biset's famous and thrilling opera, redolent with Spanish airs and Spanish atmosphere, will open the season on Monday , evening, August 9. The favorite opera of the vast majority of music lovers ? the bewitching, tuneful, vivacious "Madam Butterfly, is scheduled for Tuesday evening, while i Wednesday will have both at matinee and in the evening two of the most masterful pieses of musical glory ever accomplished by a composer, Matinee will offer Rossini's bright captivating "Barber of Se- i vllle", while the evening opera will be "Aida". Thursday night will see "Lucia dl Lammermoor" with Its magnificient coloratura lead and the Immortal "Sevtette", and Friday "La Bohme", often matched against "Madam Butterfly as Puccini's most popular and effective work. Saturday's matinee, "The Tales of Hoffman", though in a decidedly lighter mood, will be no less tuneful than the rest of the repertoire. Indeed, this light but perfect music will prove a revelation to those who for years have been Rearing snatcheq of It, but have never known the pre cise sourde of them. Delightful strains in abundance have been purloined from this pleasing work, and home after an extended rlait with her father in Lileirllle, N. C. Miss Clyde Metcalf la a pending her vacation with her father in Brandenton, Fla. Misses Mary and Betty McFar iana nave returnea some aiter mi extended visit with their aunt, Mlaa Fisher, at Hendereonrille. Mrs. C. W. Bundacho of Atlanta. it is expected that opera lovers in Ashevill will welcome it generously. As a climax of a week of masterpieces, the season will close with "Porza Del Destine" ? heavy and entrancing. Plans for transforming the city Auditorium into the most inviting rendezvous for Grand Opera is receiving specla] attention from the committee, now making plans to install electric fans throughout the building and assure patrons and stars that the Auditorium wllj bo the most comfortable place in Asheville during Opera week. Interest in opera has never been greater in Ashevilje than it is now in anticipation of the San Carlo season. Preparations are being made for the most gorgeous festivities ever staged in connection with any event in Asheville. The committee has already learned that scores of people will come here from distant sections of the state, and from many MRS. CHA8. D. BROWN OF RIVER FOREST, ILL., IN TRYON. Mrs. Chas. D. Drown and son Stewart, of River Forest, 111., have taken the Wilson Cottage on Metrose Ave. for the summer. Mrs. Brown has her house guest Miss Augusta Householder of Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Brown will be remembered as a very pleasant visitor to Tryon this past winter when she and Mr. Brown spent considerable time here. Mr. Brown became so enthused with the climate and general sur. roundlngs here that he purchased a lovely residence on Melrose Ave., during his stay. He Is expected to Join his wife and son in a few days. ? Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rankin and daughter, Miss Luclle and Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Loughrldge of Gastonla, N. C. weire visitors of Mr. and Mm. J. P. Eudy last Sunday. MR. AND MRS. REMICK MOVE TO HOG BACK MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Royal Romlc.k havo moved to Hog Rack and are occupy, ing one of the cottages there, George | Remick is at Black Bear Clamp. TRYQN All Society Newt i al Festival To t Affair laces In the South for this occasion. ??*"l"'! a a jhf? )pera is universally nsmuvu ? ieer of al! forms of musical enterainment and, In this case, the repertoire has been so selected that a leasing balance of stage beauty and plondor wilj serve is a background or thrilling music, 'lhis is expected o appeal strongly to every type of ipera lovers ? to those who revel 11 pure music and forget the trappings., and for those who enjoy the ray settings in which the world's inest music has been enshrined, juvish costumes will be seen, and irinsonie women, gay, vivacious, and (impelling ? especially "Carmen" md "Madam Butterfly ? as wel as nasterful males. The Ashevile that tho 1925 nDera season TlllCiuuca o ?-?v ? ? ? ? -? vill have much to look forward to. fortune Gallo declares, "It anajl >ring my finest and give you the op;ras you love." The following internatlonalljr-fam>us artists will be presented for the olio wing ro]es: sopranos ? Biaca Saroya, a Metropoitan star; Lorna Joon Jackson, a Chicago Grand Opi'ra artist; Consuelo Escobar. Olga sopranos ? Stella deMette and Ber nice Schalker; tenors ? James de Javiria, who will make his Ameri' an debut in Asheville as "Rha lames" in "Aida"; Franco Tefuro, t)emetric Onofrei and Francesco Cur L-i; Baritones ? Joseph Royer anc Guiseppa Interrante; bassos ? Hen i Scott and Nata]e Cervi. HOG BACK MOUNTAIN 1A#II OCT CCCMC n c YT ILL U U OVk.l1k v MANY BRILLIANT FUNCTIONS The Blue Ridge Forest Club located on the top of Hog Back Moun tain will in the future be the scent of many great social functions. A1 though not nearly finished with th< improvement program at Blue Kldgt Forest, many dances and promineni social functions have been noted ai the Club House, many delegation! from various sections have been en tertained and much social actfvlt; can be looked forward to from thii great development that is becomtni more popular every day. idoit i i now! i I : 11 re v? i % Phone us \ t 3 % To-Day ; i 3 t For all of 3 + i t y ^ | Your i ! GROCERY i NEEDS -j I We Carry Well Known ; I Brands and Our Prices are ! ? 4 ? ? < > Right. May We Have ! 4* ? ? t ;; Your Order Today? ? ? > | : ANDREWS IB ROTHERSI ' ' ? i 4 "Your Qroeery Store." , :: tryon, n. c. ; i i 4 ...... <1 ?T?t rvTwr-r rfTT'F'FTTTT^TWW! I i . . \ ' ' av, . , W. *y' | | ' . ' t \ - ' '-''v ':. THE POLK COUNTY NEWS SOCIETY Phone 99 Mnit Be lo Thio Offioo By Wednesday No mr. and mrs. ward , entertain the 1 newly weds with ' reception ' -? J Last Friday evening at their home on Melrose Ave., Mr. and Mrs. W. , C. Ward entertainen about thirty of their relatives and friends at a reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Anderson whose wedding took place July 17. I A color scheme of yellow ana white was carried out in the yellow daisies that adorned the reception hall, living room and porch. Japanese lanterns on the porch and lawn added much to the attractiveness or the scene. During the evening piano solos i were Tendered by Mr. Ray Jackson,' and baritone solos by Dr. T. L. Justice. Refreshments of punch, cream and i I A Mountai i Colu We have just one ' | Columbus availab f an 8 room house | basement undere* is equipped with >' and bath. The lc > and 327 feet deep. - from the business I :: a concrete walk i ? This property can | ;; cost of the house. J BUNION AN ! i REAL ESTATE DEAL! ICOLUMB The Largest Real Polk Com Members Try on Chamber . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ II Why | ' + ID I ^ } o ?? We Can The . .> > 4 4 . 4 , ? 4'P JSi ? *? f "\ ? V;i% i f ? '? I i ^n *s* ,^jy5jS*|^?E-^.: B^^fcr->^|L^ H1 CJliPl . ^ OhPHHH/MH^A If We Sell Lum I I This is wonderful BUILDING |! JI better prepared to serve you ? !! all your building needs and tl o son. ; ;; WE MAINTAIN A SEP \ :: HIGH CLASS MILL WO ;; Another feature of our service the fact that wo Viovo Mf V VU1 UW1 j? ?Q? ;; special work. Let us figure w ;; building line. * " i ? || LANDRUM BUILDEI LANDRUI I ? I ? ? i ?f?4.||>44|444i4?4'|i'$44>$frj>4>$|||44.'{,i|H * .4 !? . \ "i - v.. ' -L ;; u'- A. i h,#*,1" m'* * ; tai.'hf ' ? , ?j"'lia2s Y NEW! on of Bach Week iniii.i.tit,i,i, jake were served, each guest being presented wltlt dainty little yellow baskets containing yellow and white mints. Mrs. Anderson was becomingly gowned In orchid georgette over yellow satin, and will be remembered as Miss Ethel Ward of Inman, S. C., a niece of Mr. Ward. Mr. Anderson, a cousin of Mrs. Ward, is prominently connected with one of the railroads at La Grande, Oregon, where he and his bride will reside. They carry with them the best wishes of their many II IGUUu | in the Carolinas. RECENT ARRIVALS AT OAK HALL HOTEL Among the many recent arrivals at Oak Hail Hotel are the follow- | in?: J Mr. W. Wyber, Charleston, S. C., Mrs. G. Jones, Columbia, Ga.; Mr. G. D. Smith, Newbern, N. C.; Mr. H. ?????... ~ l + + .{. + + + + ^.>.> + + + <. + ^+ + + + + +++ + A i I ( 1 I n Home In I < I mbus i? > modern home in f le for sale. It is | with a fine size < i trth. The house <: < water, electricity ;; ?t is 199 feet front It is only a block :: , part of town and :: ill the way. J be bought at the | D STEARNS 1 5rs and promoters | us, n. c. :: Estate Dealers in < ity, n. c. :: of Commence. , y < < > Not I fwli: * Deliver I Goods I iber Service 1 weather, and we were never f than now. We can supply t le prices will be within rear ? ARATE PLANT FOR f RK OF ALL KINDS <; > to our valued customers, is ? > i MILL to take care of your ?! ith you for anything in the < ? ? ? ? > RS SUPPLY CO. | m, s. c. % * ^ II II iry,m iL ?^*+****JZ p perkins^Baltimore. Md.; Mr NV.il. n., ' V Wilson, AsheyiUe, N. C.; Mr.jHrk and Mrs. C. L. Stedman, Ft. Worth. |( ar. .. Texas* Mrs. D. N. Woodword, Ah- j s ,. - H berville, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Luth.r W,,n , ? Brice, Spartanburg, S. C., Mrs. W. ..r, : V:,.. \ A Seemes, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mr. H Small A. Binghar. WheaWn 111.; Mr. j.nai. sand Mrs. Claude Crawford, Memphis. II I. tPLttsuwftl I C^K?Rv| measu^r^ _?rr% u/^' y taken for gras^^^| C?j V* -? f that tiie oven ij Ver>- hot J jH ^ 1 ? degrtM Fannheit), ^U "ft iBif^ prefonil.il! with alf-h , J xy-* fresh buttermilk (ustdw^H ?? four after cfc-arao^ 9 ... . an admirable LLtcuit. Concerning Bndes ana with the f?m4tno . . biscuit, a number of itoiJ biscuit tions are possible. By Jcarpbin* J?wp BISCUIT Leavening with love is a pretty no- 2 cups Self-Rkm, ft* I . . L1lt ofter the honeymoon, you ^ tablwpooni! lat Sf 'tod ,ot h^nd pSUg W 2/3 -P -lk. cuits which contain more common- Sift and mea?ure plft/v. rising ingredients. You may cul or jt mt0 u.e on B have incorporated a host of lovely nnlk a little at a trntv^H ] dreams in your baking; but if you goft, dough, roll Uicdi^^H have failed to add to the flour, correct pbico on liaking sheet c9 proportions of soda and acid phoe- a hot oven about 10 nre^H phate, you will perceive small trace FRUIT BISTff Sfyour rosy imapSngs in the finished UT I i product. Every twirl of the rolling 2 cups Self-Rising fh> I pin may have been motivated by a 2 tablespoons fa; fond thought of your lover but if 2/3 cup milk you have not sifted the flour and 2 tablespoons butw leavening thoroughly, your biscuit 2 tablespoons supi will fall short of your hopes. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon The intelligent bride realises the 1/2 cup raisins or data sj^H significance of bread in the marriage 2 tablespoons craig Seme. The correlation between poor peel biscuit and indigestion is high; and ^ & rlam biscr. as for indigestion and a a recun^.iar sheet, 1( position-watch the man who is ob- ^ ^ ^ ^ liged to eat flat, hard nubbmsof pjnnRmnn whlcb bread, or great doughy wads, o* totter, ether, snnnkle with ail^H I jeuow-?pecKiea aoominauuna - cum ?o , ~r measure the amount of sweetness and f?r s jell)' rol cm ufl fight he sheds on his companions, P'eces, place on i especially upon the mrtH'nn of his sheet, and bake in ihfl stomach. degrees Farenheit) ital/H TTm bride and biscuit commonly form a theme for tragedy; the movies (Recipes furnish i? > 3M tell the sad story, and fiction is full Economics DepiraaiBlH of it. Yet vith modern milling fa- Millers' Association. The Better? - ?mm IHi + WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILMMJJ + BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THW | The Satisfaction of J I owners is won by 'the it wavering loyalty of Hfl i|; performance. I |o Rarely, do they ev?B consider any car bu'B Buick when anotherH i car is needed. I Forest City Mo| Comoanv I I ~ - m | forest city, n. 11 | nts por trvo\ COLVMIU'S iv"