f"?p ' ' h<)>H<H r< v4 1 eas d Bridge Bar ties : : : ; ; f iMioun of Rarnwell, I'ryon. visit ins her in Calhoun will rey. Iis in South Caro til: of her mother ! S**5* "f*1 II hat Are Sunday will f.-tnit! in your ch The bells w iratlior for devot I ln> throughout C Sabbath to the < Here is a f point is that it i: You cannot What are yc Let's go! Which Church? BAPTIST Regular services each a. m. and 8 p. m. Special music evening Sabbath School 10 a. Public cordially invitt THOMAS L. JUSTH CATHOLR C. John's Church, coi avenue and Lanier Mass?Sunday 8:30 a REV. J. A MANLE CHURCH OF THE Hi (Episcopal' REV. C. P. BURNE' Sunday Servii Holy Communion 7:3C Sunday School 10 a. n Morning Prayer & Sen Friday, Litany 5 a. m. All Are Cordially these servict H-+* V V v V.j. < .5.+ ' v v .% $. > WE ARI STAR , Li r Come ir the adva N cal car. We Hi Tha kilpin St; ? -r-0" i 11 A. * II *+ + * ++** +++*+*+**++*++ Mr. Wick who spent the past winter in Tryon is in town meeting friend^. Mr. and Mrs. Wick were guests at Pine Crest Inn. The New Water Extension is fast nearing completion, with big forces on the job. A You Going To Do soon be here. It comes every lildhood. ill ring, the organ will make mi ions. Thus it will be in Tryon, i hristendom?not merely this wee rnd of your life. orce that persists?that surrou s here, present, living, possibly ignore it. y >u going to do about it? When? Next Sunday. Where mi _ g-11 l_ /* f - ine onurcn 01 your preierence. M 1 Sunday 11 First and Th Second and ! I services. p. m. m. REV. P. E PRE 2E, Pastor. Tryon?Secoi n Have on?l> 1 ,, and Third -ner Melrose ^ , _ Columbus?F street. , ,, days 11 l' HJl . Fourth Si Y, Rector. ERSKI1 OLY CROSS (Con ) -v Rev. Will B. IT, Rector. Sunday?Chi :esi a. m. > a. m. Morning Wo a- - A graded scl mnn 1 T u m _ 11 Wednesday? Invited to P- m. is. A friendly w ! ++++*+* ***+ !* v v !* > > v *> > > *> ?> > -I- > v* ^ '! ^ > > ^ ^ ^ E TRYON A 7br Famous AUTOMC Fours & Sixes' 1 i . i i and let us ta .ntages of this ei ave Many Used it Are Real Vah IYIUIUV1 I ar Dealers For Tryo TRYON, N. C. , 1 * ,, I. "M++++++ ! .? tRYON All Society Newt Mr. George Remick spent the week-end with his father, Mr. Remick of Blue Ridge FV>rest. Mr - ??- ? *.??. v/rrciio ui iu? i Hernial Belt Development Co., Is In Tryon, bringing with him prospects to look over the Estabrook property. i ? > ' & !; ? ? About It? week just as it !! ? ? ? isic, people will ?> and thus it will ;; 1- 1 A it, out on every ?? < nds you. Th# ;; , 4 I 1 > i < > I ? i ? To Church. > ? ; i * < ? ETHODIST :: I? I lird Sundays 11 a. m. / i < Fourth Sundays 7:30 !! i < > . PARKER, Pastor. ? > r SBYTERIAN II f id. and Fourth Sun- o month 11 a rv> Vii-of i Sundays 7:30 p. m. ; > T 'irst and Third Sun- **, j a. m.: Second and J! ' jndays 7:30 p. m. ? ^ ME MEMORIAL 11 J gregational) ! J x ?i O'Neill, Minister. .. < irch School at 9:45 Hi < * "I rship at 11 O'clock. !! J hool with classes for ? J "Quiet Hour" 4:30 ; | < 1 > ' < > 4 elcome awaits you. I\ ? i?, < >, >, < f i , GENTS i ? > * (BILES S 4 > ?i > ? > y f ?i ,1k over I i; eonomi- - | ?? ?? 4 ? 4 4 ? Cars I! < les i! 4 ? 4 > iO. Inc. I < ? n 4 > < 4 ?*? L ?ti 1*1 if. Jr.* * -* * ^ A ? > -*g- - - - -* J-? rTTTif TtTTT (f TTTTI''I'TTTTT' THE K>LK C6UNtY NEWS. SOGIET Phone 99 Mn?t Be In Thia Offieo By Wednesday Ni ti tfi A ?t? ?t? Ji A A A A A ,i A J.4.4.A ?%? <?* ? ? A A Ju JuJuJUA "TTTTTTTTVTTTt**" VvVTttttK Mrs. C. L. Brewer on Melrose Ave., had as her guests last Thursday three of her old friends; Mrs. W. L. Williams of Black Mt., N. C., Mrs. C. B. Cooley and Mr?. W. E. Dudley of Sandersville, Ga. Miss Caroline Jervey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jervey of Tryon entertained Friday evening at the Lake Lanier tea room with a dancing party to which about 25 young people were invited. T,he unique tea room afforded a beautiful setting for the youthful dancers, l'unch and sandwiches were served. l Miss Ruth Eva entertained about 25 members of the sub-ded set Saturday evening at her home in Tryon. jj Dancing was enjoyed by all present I and putich and sandwiches were ser- 1 ved throughout the evening. The house was attractively decorated with garden flowers and the lights were covered with yellow shades. Miss Florence Watson and Miss Rawlingon, both of Columbia, S. C., who have been in Tryon for the , I summer will return home Wednesday. The Lew bridge on the TryonSpartanburg highway near the entrance to Lake Lanier is completed and represents a fine piece of work. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb was a business visitor in town today. Mayor Little of Saluda was in Tryan, Wednesday on a business trip returning home in the afternoon. Tucks from all sections of this territoy are passing through daily loaded with peaches from the vari>ug South Carolina orchards. Indications for a banner fall and ivinter season for Tryon, is the gen eral forecast, judging from the advance applications for cottages and lotel accomodations. The Mayor and board of city comniRsioners have purchased a new ire fighting apparatus for the city >f Tryon. nk..i.u. ?- uv"vw ""* " led a matter of minutes hit a pedestrian with his car and Is held dameless. That is a triumph of the ule of reason. ? <*+++++++++++ } + $ * -tI | ; It's Preserving | ? 4. i T* I Time | * * X CAN i ! * ALL YOU i CAN II f > T Mason Jars I * ! Screw Tops f: All Sizes fi :: fr f I | Ideal Jars All f: * * ! I Sizes, Extra Tops | : 7 J ' | Rubbers and |: I Rings |: i ? | The Prices ; :: Aka Dirrht tl tni g 1115111 x < > X 4 4 4f? iMBMUMi X 4 4? ANDREWS! 1B ROTHERS 1 ? 2 !' "Your Grocery Store." ^ 4 4 ? i: TRYON, N. c. I 4 ? Y > T T * '|| 'M? <1M' ? * < * < 'I' 'I' it?. .|. + I mm ttiipwiuMp 'a Y NEWS r j Don of Bach Week '+++4-+ ++ ; ++ ? ++++ Asheville Complete C Repertoire tor C With but a week left before the brilliant opening on August 9th., of Aslieville's annual opera season, announcenjent was made today of the complete ballet repertoire wjiich the San Carlo Grand Opera Ballet will present during the season here under the auspices of the Asheville Music Festival Association. The new ballet, brought here from Russia, and including the outstanding terpsichorean artists of the Continent, as well as the featured dancers of the fam-1 ous Moscow Art Theatre, will appear | iii her during or following every one [ of the eight operas to be presented. | The opening performance of "Car- j a men", Monday, August 9th., will be C U^5U? Orange Peel Bread , By Josephine Jessop Robin flung out his nrras in a manner that suggested the flapping of I rubber hose?a gesture that warned c his mother of ah agitated mind. c "You needn't go on pilin' up sand- b wiches, because I ain't gonna take fl 'cm! You give me so many my v pockets stick Out like I got the a dropsy." "You need plenty of good, nourish- b ing food." Mrs. Wayne placed chips a of roast beef, dry as whit leather, be- \ tween thick slices of tasteless, slight- li ly stale bread. "If you earned lunch si , i u_a. bufge. n "Iluhl Tote a gunny sack over s my shoulder, you mean. All tastes n like sawdust." i _ J Mrs. Wayne,! having wrapped in b newspaper the numerous parcels of food that were to bo distributed about fil Robin's unwilling person, fixed a calm, f but reproving, eye upon her son. "I I have spoken to your father about a your grumbling, and he said: 'No 1' lunch?no baseball money."1 u Blood rushed to the boy's face; he appeared suddenly to be Strang- o ling. Shoving the packages into his b pockets, ho fluttered a savage "Ghye!" and crashed out of the d house. ' Jj A slight frown creased Mrs. 1 Wayne's forehead as the last venge- cl ful doorslam echoed through the " house. Her complacency was only momentarily disturbed, however, for slie was serene in the confidence that she had don(e her duty by her son. La* 4Vi/~> fnllnnr. li IliU) IlTClJUg VViUUiCU 1IC1 Uiu 1UUVITing afternoon sis she seated herself t at the Teacher and Parent Club. The introduction of the principal Speaker, whose subject was announced as "School Lunches," interested Mrs. Wayne but mildly. "The .school lunch is important? p but not so important as the morning jr ' and evening meal." Snatches of the jy lecturer's words drifted to Mrs. Wayne. "Children can't be bullied into eating food they dislike; they E find ways of circumventing the most At .;..;..;..;..;..;..;. .;..;..;..;. .J. fr ! l Just a j BARG | A five room co I $4,000 Tryon. With ? 1 1 _1 _j t lignts ana siea ? t A five room col :: $4,000 Inn, Water, E :: and Out Buildi :i A six room h< $3,500 Valley with 5 >> land. - ! 1 Rl ANTON ANI | REAL ESTATE DEALE] * Leading Real E t Polk Count I COLUMBL X Liscensed by the Stat Members Tryon Chamber c i i n \ [aft 1 jfe 1 1.+++?i.+++++4.+++++++<.+++<..j+^^ )pera Ballet Ireat Week of Opera featured by a special Spanish ballet in Act II. during which four ballet lumbers of rare beauty will be given leaded by Senor Rubin, and the fam)us Maria Yurieva- Vochlav Swoboda earn from the Moscow Art Theatre, ogie^her with the entire corps de >allet. Tuesday evening's opera, "Madame 3utterfly" will be followed by the ipecial divertissement program vhich includes: "Blue Danube", by dlles. Zari, Madison, Stanton, Scott tnd Vaughn; Country Girl and her )oll* with Mile. Angela Campagna debut) and Mile. Leon, as the Girl ) ind her Doll, respectively; "Adagio "assique" of Chopin, by Yurieva and VSUR.A&L? OOK (TRY I igiTent parents. Children refuse to e burdened " ith cumbersome inches. The food they carry from I ome must be concentrated?so that 1 he consumption of it will not take {i 11 of their lunch period." Idly, Mrs. Wayne watched the j peaker place a menu on the blackioard. Hot chocolate (bought in aahoo) lunch room) j' Lettuce and bacon sandwich Orange Peel Bread and Buttei Sandwich Apple 1 "Copies of the recipe for the Orange 'eel Bread will be distributed at the lose of the meeting," the lecturer i ontinued. "This quick bread can e made very easily with self-rising our, which is, as you all know, soft rheat flour with phosphate leavening nd salt added at the mill." 1 The demonstration of the new i read followed, and the audience was I. sked to sample the product. Mrs. Vayne admitted that it was decious, but as for spoiling Robin with uch concoctlons?that was absurd. i^;~ifir'tafet'neaftxf,irtST!oiflhat ion before he appeared. His manor commingled tear and defiance, forestalling his father's questions, the oy burst out: "Made a deal with Johnny Henderon. He's quitting his Chronicle Dute, and I'm taking it over. So 11 be making my own money now, nd I ain't gonna carry no more , inch." His parents' glances met and parted. Your mother and I will take this p after dinner, Robin," said the oy's father. _ Later in the evening, Mrs. Wayne rew out a sheet of paper from her andbag, and studied it thoughtfully. n . I . I.'-a * ne next morning ner grocery nsi mluded candied orange peel, self-rising our and pecans. __ I ORANGE PEEL BREAD 2 cupe self-rising flour (3 cup sugar /4 cup nuts [ 1 cup candied orange peel or grated rind of 1 orange 1 egg , 1 cup milk Mix flour, sugar, nuts and orange eel. Add milk gradually, and beat l egg. Bake 1 hour in a slow oven, X) degrees Farenheit. (Recipe furnished by the Ho* conomica Department, Soft W~ [illers' Association, Nashville, T ' * ? Few AINS-:- ! s * ff Qoua rtri rirnrlv A VP. * VII VI J. ~ ^ water, bath, electric | ,m heat. | ttage near Edgewood J lectric Lights, Bath | Hig. I ouse in the Pacolet i acres of wonderful | ) STEARNS ! * RS AND PROMOTERS ? Istate Dealers | 7, n. c. | rs. n. c. e of North Carolina < > < > if Commerce*. )) <? .. "I * v. y" " V-t* X, . ' wi THURSDAY AUGUST 5, 1926 r^-wnrxn.' r mjjv.'^rft.uu'i' L ji-Ji'MMKBua tx>" v-v' 'NT- * : > ?: yofr > : I v| * -V 3 ? ' J 7>>'o? C/m^ Notes % . / Etc. | 1 *> * $ t ++++* ; +++ *+++*+*+*+*+< ISwoboda; and the famous "Fado", (first time in America), danced by I Pedro Rubin and the Spanish ballet members. Divertissments will follow Wedensday matinee performance of "The Barber of Seville", and will be of a Spanish-Oriental nature. The num bers to be given at the conclusion of the opera include: "Nautch Dancey; "Flirtation", with Angela Vimpagna; "Oriental", with Yurieva. Swqboda; and a four-part ballet old upd new dances of Spain will be presented, with historically accurate costumes and special settings. The numbers include the famous "Bolero" the "Servillana", the noted Tamborinc Dance of Granda, and the great "Jota" or flying dance of thb Moors. AU of these numbers have Ikoii arranged and developed under t the personal supervision and direction of Senor Rubin, wh0 also provided the historic music for the numbers, having obtained (ioveriuental permission to borrow them from the museums in Madrid, Seville, Granada and Valencia, Spain. Wednesday's night's "Ada" will have the ballet during the opera/and in the famous triumph scene of the return of Rhadamee, the entire corps do ballet will offer an Egyptian novelty never before presented here. The numbers were arranged In Paris for the opera there by Swoboda and Mile. Yurieva and met uproarious applause abroad. Thursday night will bring "Lucia lii Lammermoor" and again the type of ballet will lie changed* to conform with the nature of- the opera. It will also be in the form of divertissement following the opera and will include the following numbers: "l'as de trois" of Delibes; "Variation C'lassique" of Rubinstein; "Dance Egypt inne" by Amaui; and the great llizet "Gypsy Suite" which will be ' ij iffered in four parts, the entire balet and principal dancers participating. $$ Friday night's performance of "La 3*1 Itoheme" the classic of the entire ivcek, will lie followed by divertissements including "Zephyrs", "Noclurne" by Tschaikowsky, and the famous l'onghielli "Dance of the Hours". This ballet was arranged by * M Mr. Swobodu. The "Tales of Hoffman" to be sent two new ballets for _ the first time in America. These are the Mexican Jarabe and the Fado arranged by Perdo Rubin. Mr. Rubin wi'I dance in the Jarabe with Mile. Madson and in the Fado he will appear with Miles. Zari, Madison, StanIon and White. Other numbers for Lite Saturday afternoon divertissement will be Variation by GlazouY| now by Maria Yurieva and Tschaikowsk's 1'as Seul danced by Vechslay Swoboda. The concluding performance of "La Forza d^l Destine" will of course have special incidental ballet work during the operas. . * Subscriptions for Music Festival wheel have broken all previous records. The style of tickets for single operas will go on sale tomorrow, Monday, August 2nd, at Goode's Drug Store, Asheville. Mrs. O. C. Hamilton. President of (lie Asheville Music Festival Association, reports I hat there is still a few choice subscriptions for the entire series and urges all those who intend to purchase, to do so at once, or risk the inconvenience of dissapointment. VOCATION BIBLE SCHOOL A SUCCESS Friday night at Columbus Presbyterian church the commencement of the Daily Vocation Bible School was given. At this service, each of the four groups, the Beginner, the Primary, the Junior, and the Intermediate, presented memory work from the Bible, and sang many songs from mommory. The Junior and Methodist groups presented, in addition to this, two Bible storiesdramatized. 1}ho first was the story of Moses' childhood and the secopd the story /\( noniJ'u nvnot'imw*! nr i t li L' i n o >n i/anigi o ?. Aj#ri icin.f mui iviug Darius. Tho the''church building has no equipment for this part of the D. V. B. S. commencement,, the boys and girls did good work. The church was crowded to capacity with friendg and paernts of the 65 children taking part, and plans are already being laid for a bigger and better Daily Vocation Bible School next year. On*. r\f tho mnat nttrnrHvp foa V"C Ul ?VW. HVW .v Sj .. tures of the evening was the handwork, which was arranged in four exhibits, and consisted of rag rugs bOtUe dolls, flower stands, baskets, log cabins, bird houses, paper furniture, and many illustrated books and paper cut-outs. The first day's enrollment was 26 boys and girls, but during the three weeks of the school this climbed to 74. The total cost of conducting the ../|B school, due to help from volunteer workers, wag only twenty dollars, which was covered by an offering, and making it thus free to all the young peopl? participating. 'jfl

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