' I JBS? kflref I THURSDAY AUGUST 5, 1926 \ _ , / I: SUNNY VIEW - - _____ E? / i Wie sure are having the rain in this section at this time. A large crowd attended Sunday School at Cooper Gap Sunday. John Taylor of Chimney Rock, spen tt,he ween-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Taylor. We were glad to have some of, the Mill Spring young men with us at the 11. V. 1'. U. meeting at Cooper R Gap Sunday. i fe ? WQQ in Mr. Joe and ttay wainci t this section Sundav. ? ; A crowd of our old fashion people ( went horseback riding Sunday. They , report a nice trip. , ] l Maiiyy Luc and Minnie Lynch ^ visited Lucille Taylor Sunday. ' There sure was a nice baptising [ i at (lie river just below the dam, 1 Saturday evening. Tltey were from c the Haptist church of Mill Spring. f ~~ r Missi* t'elecn _ and Ethel Stepp. ft Mr. Joe Whiteside and Dewill Helton v was out riding Sunday. a s It Mrs. Dovie Lypch, spent Saturday v night with her parents, Mr. and J * Mrs. N. 10. Williams. h n The two Mr.' I'ools were called a home Sunday night to see their p father who is very sick. b . tl Terrel Taylor, Fairis Laughter, fi Curtis Grown. Odel Dimsdale and Wilburn Gibbs left (his place for tl Raleigh, on Saturday. July 25, where b they have a position with the Elect- S rical Construction Co. ti w Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wilson of g Rills Creek visited Mrs. Wilson's p - .... parents sunuay, i?u. ?uu ....... ... t) S. Gibbs. * a n Rorn to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Williams a boy. I, M Mr. Ernest Gibbs, of Mill Spring. ^ passed through this place Saturday, j. We hope that he will come again. w P GREEN'S CREEK J it Ten Commandments," which was given at the stjhool building Satur- jj day night was much enjoyed by all. c Enough was realized from admission fees to defray the expenses of this a fine show with some overplus. We think all who attended were more j( ' ' 1 v . v. ... ?u 1.1, was so expensive to produce, which we were permitted to use on g such reasonable terms, rnose wno i f failed to see this production missed e something worth while. c t! Mr. K. II. Lancaster, of Sandy r. Springs attended church at Green's a Creek Sunday. ii Mr. Gus Miller, who has spent sev- 0 eral months at Akron, Ohio, anti s other northern points is spending his c vacation with' his parents, Mr. and j Mrs. K. N. Miller. c Messrs. E. C. Hines of v Hines Motor Co.. and C. Edwin Ilines, made a business trip to Charlotte Friday. Mr. Dewey Jackson has returned to Charlotte, after a few days visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Jackson. Mr. Willie Sperlin has returned from the hospital at Kutherfordton, N. C., where he spent some time following an operation for appendicitis. He is improving steadily, and we hope will soon be well again. Mrs. W. T. Head spent Sunday afternoon with her stater, Mrs. Bud Hines. S. L. Hines and son Ernest made a busioess trip to Landrum, Columbus, and other points last Friday. Miss Edith Miller, who has typhoid is reported as doing well, we hope she will soon be entirely recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDowel of 1 riendersonvill, N. C., were week-end visitors at the home .of Mrs. McDowell's parents. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Branscombe. Miss Annie Davis has returned from Wake Forest College wbere she attended Summer School. * Mr. and Mrs. John Proser, ot Spartanburg, S. C., spent Sunday with Mrs. Proser's parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. It. Giles. ? v. Misses Estelle Steadman, Edna ! Blackwood, and Pauline Miller have returned from Summer School at Rock Hill, S. C. TT S fionato roarhofl on atrreftTYlATlt to postpone the rivers and harbors bill until December, thus to be sure that by that time the bill will be as cold as the rivers and harbors. The proper hour tor a wedding "breakfast" is not till one o'clock In the afternoon. Of course lovesick H? t * people don't eat anyway, but It's pretty hard on the parents. * - i Bp.1 OUR CLUB TOUR f TO SPARTANBURG L IZ Oil the first Monday in August at 11:30 a. m. four school busses of Polk County Club gicls and boys pulled out of Columbus and headed for Spartanburg on an educational j lour of Spartanburg County. There j were sixty-eight including club members, chaperones, and drivers. I Tfie first bus wag driven by Jacob Cobb and chaperoned by Miss Vadah McMurray and Mr. Artz, the second i bus was driven by Theo. Edwards j and chaperoned by Misses Dalton j and Edgerton of Mill Springs, tne a third bus was driven by Lloyd I Wesbrook and chaperhoned by Miss f Mary Camp and Mr. Archie Feagan, ihe fourth bus was driven by Rensy Hines and chaperoned by our Home \gent, Miss Holderbaum. The first stop was made at SVver I Spring Park, just arcross the state ine, where dinner, with ice-cold lem>nade was enjoyed. The second itop was made at the Shamrock tayon Mill, Landrum. Mr. Mallory, he owner, and his assistants were ery kind in showing us through REi nd explaining how artificial silk is tade. The next place we visited bur as the farm of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. fiel 'urpin, Gramlln. We were very T ospitably received and enjoyed very moi nich their treat consisting of cider io i ^ * ?'?nnl?iir Olio nd peacnes. uur iicai B.i/fi>iub lace was Wofford College, Spartan- ly urg, where through the courtesy of thui ie officials we were given rooms pow ee of charge. "y AH of our meals were taken at as ie Southern Dining Room run by con y Miss McWhorter, on North Dean treet. After supper that evening the enre party went to the Rex Theatre, | here they sof, "Keeper of the s^0 lees", also, avery interesting com- jjjS| dy, "What is the World Coming or(j >?" Both pictures, to say the least 0f fforded much pleasurable enjoy- Cor lent. bui On Tuesday morning soon after reakfast we drove out to the Glennrood Farm of which Mr. W. S. llenn is owner. There we saw many "fn ine Jersey cattle. One of the cows jo re saw had a record of 17,000 Tr: ounds of mijk In a year. After or< lis visit we started back toward " -(nnhiiro anH tf\r ftlO TlPTt hOIlT 1 I rr JKU iauum(5 uuu *V| ???v ?? ||^( 'e busily engaged In tranvers- gn( lg the Spartan Cotton Mills. del We saw cotton^ In all stages?in le raw state, in thread and in the loth. The next stop was a very enjoyble one, the Hub City Ice Cream o? the manufacturers of Frostkist ^ cream. We saw the packing, When dinner was over we left Ipartanburg again, but for good this >n the way we stopped at the Southrn Railway Shops, where we were ordially received by Mr. Johnson, he superintendent. This is the only ailway shop of Its kind In the outh. The trip home was without event mportant enough to mention, tuveryne reported a happy trip and an intructive one, one that will be remmbered a long time. Each successve stop Beemed to vie with the last ine in making us feel weloome. The names of the Club members vho took the trip are: Woodrow Hauge, Ellen Hague, i talph Smith, James Ormond, Clar- j ince Smith John Williams, Ruby raHant, Grace Waldrop, Clyde Wilon, Zeno Green, Exie Thompson, Srleen Edwards, Nellie Lynch, Nanlie Sue Withesides, Elsie Champion, lessie Helton, Lloyd Waldrop, Geo. libbs, Joe Dajton, Myrtle Stepp, >eola Taylor, Oehler Newmab, Eveyn Cole, Frances Camp, Pauline iVestbrook, Myrh Feagan, Ocle Henlerson, Bessie Henderson, Woodrow iVilkins, Velnia Steadman, Herbert Page, Ray Watson, Fred Powell, Elizabeth Anderson, Keith Arledge, 3tho Swain, Kyle Feagan, Tench White, Knox Womack, Irene Giles, Madge White, Meredith White, Irace Smith, Andrew Cowan, Morris Summey, Virginia Pearson, Eloise Cobb, Ruth Cobb and Emma Kathjrlne Cobb. The Commerce Department re porta there is now one automobile to every 71 persons in the world. Since a good many even our flivvers seem to carry the quota undoubtely the I New Golf Handicap Quit* Interesting One Of the DMt BUUBUal handicap proposals la the history of golf baa bow presented to tb? Elroralde Golf dub (Portland, ?ro.,) handicap coramlttoe bp Arthur K. Tronholm. chairmen of that committee. Aoeordlng to tha plan, playon would start out on even btrme bat the winner of the drat koto would giro his opponent one stroke on the second holt. If the winner of the trot hole ropoats on the second one, then he grants his opponent two strtikes on the third hole. In Trenholsj^ opinion this method of ascertaining handicaps would make for better golf and more Interesting matches. , T . , ri 1 WW READ THE POLK COUNTY NEWS. o *1 J v i i K^V I H m I |pp^n||HP^^KjHJgP I W Mil I IN ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY CORDS GREAT (Continued from page 1.) ning plants in the great Southern ds. 'ha public thereby is assured of re reliable sources of power, due the fact that the high water perion the several water sheds rarecomes at the same time. It will s be possible to use one set of rer houses to their utmost capacas long as their flood period s,- and then to use another water tes on. NOTICE Ve have purchased the entire ck of goods and fixtures conting of drugs and merchandise linarily cairied by drugstores,the Tryon Pharmacy, and will iduct a drug store in the same Iding formerly occupied by the the Tryon Pharmacy, under i name and style of Tryon Drug mpanv. All accounts due the kon Pharmacy should be paid it; all of the obligations of the ^on Pharmacy are to be paid i ?ettled by the said corporation. have assumed noneof theob- { ations of the Tryon Pharmacy | 1 are not liable for any of its I )ts. THE TRYON DRUG CO. | By E. E. Missildine 4 New NOV The Sup in Ch These hea X Brougham great Supei colors?ne> Each is mo T??L clIlCC. and price a< height of il For more t principle h; reliability t This long < brought ah every parti< mies of ma amazing pi These new attention tl far excel an Standard I Rear-Vie* Shutter*, The ( The] The 7-P A V T The CO A T W. BA . ; me POLK COUNTY NEWS. ^ - ' ' 1 * !' J IVfid-Summer Seashore ? ' r.P *' ? > I EXCURSION I * I ? + to j; ! MOREEEAD CITY, N. C. I 4. I N " I I and J ! WILMINGTON, N. C. j * * .. i* 4? < t :: * : ;; ? ^ i + The Southern Railway Will Sell Round-Trip Tickets To !I * IvJorehead City, N. C., And Wilmington (Wrightsville t Beach ), N. C. August 14th and 15th, Same Good On All " j * *? I Regular Trains Of Those Dates, With Final Return <> n--:~ 1 Pnint Prior To Mid- J! + Limit To Keacn uriBWin k,l<" "**e % Night Of August 23rd. . 2 * x I FROM round trip fare J j. Andrew s J...., $17.00 |j t Wad; Mtn j 14.00 % * Brevard ....: 16.50 X i * Brvson Citv 16.50 ? t Canton 15.50 + * Ilcndersonville 16.00 + * Murphy i 17.00 % * t Wavnesville 16.00 ? * $ * * I T i i * ^ I X I I CALL ON YOUR LOCAL ticket agent * for information as to schedules | | and pullman RESERVATIONS * + Z ! J. H. Wood | I I + Division Passenger Agent + Asheville, N. C. X % J l xxi ; | . 1 : / I Hudsons / SHOWING ?er-Six Qreatly Improved assis and New Bodies utiful new Hudsons?the Sedan, and the Coach?overshadow all the r-Sixes of the past. New bodies?^new n beauty, performance and comfort. ire striking and distinctive in appear1 is a triumph of body quality, comfort dvantage. Kach is mechanically-at the :s value and reliability. :han 11 years the patented Super-Six as given outstanding performance and o over 850,000 owners. experience and vast production have >out not only a much finer car in :ular, hut also have neulted in econoinufacture and distribution that give ice and value. Hudsons are commanding a greater lan any preceding model because they y previous achievement of our history. Equipment Includes: Automatic Windshield Cleaner, v Mirror, Transmission Lock (built-in), Radiator Moto Meter, Combination Stop and Tail Light. :OACH - - - *1195 BROUGHAM *1495 assenger SEDAN - * - $1595 F. O. B. Detroit, Plus War Excite Tax ). (At Your Door) Prices Below CH The BROUGHAM he 7-Passenger SEDAN i i v LLENGER MOTOR CO TRYON, N. C. / . I r' ""V - - j Sale Now in I>ro? 1 Entire Stock 1 DRESSES I STREET DRESSES H AFTERNOON DRESSES H SPORT DRESSES H VOILE AND COTTON' I)i:i;.ssps H $69.50 dresses-now $59.50 ?BEssEi-Now $ J $49.50 ?res"" J $39.50 ,mEssKs-N?u' < $29.50 dresses-now {|A $22.50 ?resse^now $19.50 DRESSE"N0W ]] $15.00 ?resses-now Sjl $10.95 dresses-now jjl $8.95 DRESSES-N0W ill ENTIRE STOCK H Bathing Suits - Reduced I ENTIRE STOCK Children's Dresses - Reduce? ENTIRE STOCK "Dix-Make" Dresses - ReductB Store Closes Thursday, ] P. M. H reenewald' J incorporated *1 Spartanburg, S. C. I Let Us Figure With You H On Your I JOB PRINTING I i 'polk county news I I ' I i Wise Shoppers I are H TAKING ADVANTaJ of Our Big I a t irj TCT I rx v_^ VJ a | CLEARANCE SALE I Ritf Rar^ains I for I Everybody I i | f | | COME IN T< )1) V| TheBallenger Co. *4