fcrSNEW PLAN I TO BOOST GOSSIP B h r Teach Britons To Use Phone H moilicr of many (in..1 ilio necessity , .1 people of England H. : Ilio telephone has hr III .-(USgCSt. that into?" lio introVc H mo Your Kuilding T Hj.(m (Jood Workmanship ^ncn!iii!'.vi' ,r Old Huiiding. Ki:s:j)KNTIAL AND ( (D. E. B. S Building: C 1: itrong rei conser many new cus . :::\ ?!? \ ou to come tc All ;u i-Mimts, wliether sr + * ++ + The Eta,ik i aluda I | ? at these m I Low Prices/ i=ts 5J0 8s^$645 fe'$735 u"ii"$ 765 'TonTruck $iAC Hunti* Only ^ 7 V iTonTruck Cko,,:, Onl* W 0 9 /. O. h. f lint, UlA ijl \ JW ut I in* ;l Q U A 1 duced to popularize the general use "J of the telephone. England lags far behind the United States in the matter of telephones. and though the system is owned and operated by the govern- n inent, an association of private individuals is working to stimulate public interest in the telephone as a means of bettering the service. ^ The queer plan suggested above is but one of many emanating from rfl private individuals who feel that rEngland needs to know more about I the telephone before better service can be looked for. < < > < + $ > >j? j VrmHloa ^ ivruuivkj* 'T I X| , Good References, Ten Years * T tri f Pe COMMERCIAL WORK % H< 4. ?p ANDERS IE ontractor. f j wl LANDRUM, S. C. Box 72. J inf ' ? ? < j LOW PENCIL (\ ???-???II c ol RED BAND \ nUKurmsinciw,/ Kri t NEW YORK,USmo r > >: * > { ++* ?* |H>. ' am JABLE AND j;z VATIVE i| I +-5-+++V ' ' f01' 4 ' am itomers to our already large <> > us for roal banking SERV- < j llaJ nail or large, appreciated. j | J'.'J ****** ;; itWi of Saluda If - - N. C. :|| ft>r Ecc IumhEB rhevrolet i Multiple-C with Ch Into the field of low-p cars the smoothest Chevrc Chevrolet history brings < ly the velvet acceleration freedom from high-speed1 tion that have been th reasons for the buying of cars. Upicv j ? Imagine loafing up a hill loaded car?with the n turning so easily that yo scarcely aware of its oper You can in the smooth Chei Imagine rushing from 10 miles an hour before watch ticks ten times ? never a semblance of lab ITON M< I If . vni LITY AT HEY MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVIH ecesgities in America But Luxuri in Europe Here are some of the thngs -vv-n "-c icgaru as among t Jcessities of life?but which I peans regard as luxuries for t ch and well-born only: 16,300,00 telephones 16,337,000 electric light and pow lers 15,000,000 automobiles 9,000,000 phonographs 3,500,000 radios 59,137,000 useful "luxuries." Assuming that each article cc butes to the well-being of fi rsons, it is not hard to see wh ;rbert Hoover means when 1 eaks of the "diffusion of faervi d use" among our people. Ve: w are complfctel y jsola/ted fro ntact with all five of these thini rich make life better worth li r MUTT AND JEFF MEET at is, Biggest and Littlest Ele trie Engines The largest electric locomotii ?r built and the smallest were r itly brought together and phot iphed side by side, making xlern version of the old "Dignil :1 Impudence" picture. The giant of the clan. built fr ivy freight duty, is 152 feet lor 3 weighs 637 tons. It carrii tors of 10,000 horsepower and ca nl n two-mile train over heav ides. rhe pigmy locomotive is fort: inches long, less than one-fort; irth the length of its big brothe 1 weighs three thousand pound motors are rated at four and oni f horsepower, and it .haa bee It to work in a mine, where : 1 displace a more picturesvue bi s industrious mine mule. W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C., ftomicnf Tro n

r ig !g You can find predictions of fashion authority that it is to be two inches above the kees and you can find predictions by fashion authority that it is to be two inches below the knees?the hem of the efeminine skyert. This is a situation that will ' be watched with interest. pn It is nice to know that the wornen's club at Asheville has a new 11 home and the picture of it is elegant t I but Ye Paragrapher did not really . grasp its significance until he read * in the Citizen that "the fragile fabi ric of a double decade's vibrant T vision became the utilitarian embh^rrr l of imposing actuality." Jf * * READ THE POLK COUNTY NEWS * \ est t History! a nee I ty ' J 4 lotor. You con evrolet! $ i ?Ie to drive bo* I ) miles an hour t 3ur?in perfect I r free from any * Ive speed and | :ven the slight* i the road. You lj i Chevrolet! j "-* i I1L.U 1 iltneincrcuww , is winning the } let. Arrange to i scar today! and i for a ride the J \ you never ^ ; le in a car that it's low prices! 4 4 4 4 CO. / COST ) ' I . roooSc M-******++*******++*+d^++ We are very glad to be blessed vith these nice refreshing showers rom above. We can now see the ;ardens and fields looking just fine ifter all the dry weather we have Lad in the past. Revival services closed at Big ,cvel Sunday with eight new mem>ers to the church. Rev. Pasoo from Spartanburg, S. C., has been helping n the meeting. Mr. Walter and Mason Poole who lave positions at Lake Lure were ailed to the bedside of their father t Clinton, S. C. Sunday. The moving picture under the diection of our county agent, Mr. Artz londay night at the school house ras a great help to the large crowd resent. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Wilson visited er sister, Mrs. Archie Smith near !ampob?llo,' S. C., last Saturday. Georgetown Hoi President Charles W. Lyons. S. J., merce Herbert Hoover the honorary WS^MMmMfc {<&&-- /-tM Why's and G Abe 'Sfljil _ fell Jersey Sweet Milk. Sweet Cream, Double Stre One-half of 1-! Per Cent < Flavor?tie Kind Every Bite a Deli TRYON D Phone I Western Noi Real Estate is Payi tx> the Wise : See Try< | | Th< [ C. J. ] [ " Rea L r t I can't sell all the TTA11 I Ulicx yuu i ? Tryon Dirt Wi !! I i ! "// Can 1 :: 1 :: ^ ? ? O II CHAS. J :: Real. ;; Phone 173 fuyw'jy I' -tag v/T^-v * >7rx:- v ; "*?? r?# "--*' ap'newFI Mr. W. D. Helton and Mrs. G.-L. Taylor and Mrs. A H. Lynch were out horse back riding Sunday afternoon viewing the oM mountains of North Carolina. Missee Gerrel Tayfcor, Fariest Laughter, Odell Dimsdale, and Wilbern Gililes left last Saturday for Raleigh N. C., where they have accepted a position for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Biddy Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dewlll Hilton and Mr. Joe Whiteside were callers at Mr. King Stepp Sunday afternqpn. We are glad to see that our new school building will soon be completed for school to open this fall. The many .friends of Mrs. O. L. Wilson will be glad to learn of her improvment and being able to be back iors Mr. Hoover conferring upon Secretary of Coindegree of doctor of laws at the 127th commencement exercises of Georgetown university In Washington. On the right is Sir Esme Howard, the British ambassador ither Why's | >ut | I mm MM?? ^Jl^> gMM T I Sweet Better, ngth. Sugar. Chalmers A A Gelatine. You Like Best ght RUG CO. s 174 th Carolina t ing Large Profits ! t Investor * 4* & Dn First I i I 4 Bn :: Liynch ltor" ii O Earth, so I only :: the Best. jj fill Clean Up it __ + t 3e Done9' ! *v 1 . LYNCH Estate I Tryon, N C. j .. - H7 THURSDAY AUGUST 5, 1926 'VI 11 at home again after such a long 111j Hess. Shf lias been at Spartanburg 'for treatment. Mr. W. 1). Helton and daughter Bessle Jane were in Itutherfordton Monday. i Mr and Mrs. John Grant Lynch of Tryon who, have been visiting their parents in this section have re turned to tlii'ir home. Misses Maude and Clara Womack visited their grandfather T. M. Kuppe Friday. A very good time was reported at the woodman meeting Saturday, ice cream and lemonade was given ta all that were present. We are glad to ? e so many young people at Cooper (lap taking part in Revival services wi 11 begin at Cooper Cap the third Sunday in thus Lots of people think Florida has withered up hut you notice that no sonuer had the Me Pearson story become permanently established on the front pge ;Im Miami produced the Russian romance. He who follows the commendable rule of learning one new thing a *" day gets it from the attempt on the Spattisii premier's life that, they st i 11 have poniards over lift-re?and use tlief on occasions. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED IN TRUST SkUo Of North Carolina. County of I'nlk. Pursuant to ami by virtue of the power* contained in that certain deed in trust ex ciiled Ity M(ttie Mooney, widow. Mary Mooney. Samuel Mills anil wife, Charlotte Miljs and Ue'a Mooney to the undersigned trustee for M. ('. Toms and C. b\ Toms, lidteil llie 1 r>111 day of August. I!ii7, and 79 of tie Records of Mortgages and Deeds in Trust for Polk County, X. 0.. saidfcdeed in tru^i conveying the herein.tfh r described hyul to secure an indehtedness there in nieulioned and '.escribed, due by the said Mattie Moottey, Mary Mooney, Satnunl Ml]ls and wife, Charlotte Mills and Delia Mooney lo the said M. C. Toms and C. ! '. Toms, default having be. n made in payuient of said indnlrtc.diies^ and demand having been made upon the undersigned trustor to forreclojp' said deed in trust. I he undersigned trustee will on Monday, September (!, 192(1, at 12 | o'clock Noon at the court house door of Polk County, Columbus, N. C., of for for sale to the highest bidder fgr city, itr-wtt r ~~ FIRST TRACT. All that piece of fl property located in the city of Asheville, N. C., described ajt follows: licing a part of lots No. 1 and No. 2, Block A of the plat of <)wens and Herman Jands Duly recorded in book 154 on page Vi of the records for plats in Btttvconibe County, and being a part the land conveyed by Harris Harnett Co. to M. C. and C. F. Toms, as set out in deed to them duly recorded in book 20(1 at fl page 3 of (the records for deeds for Ihinuombe County. IKirNNING at a stake standing at the intersection of Herman Ave. and Powell Alley, the North Kagt corner of jot No. X;thence with West margin of 11 or twill Ave. South 25 degrees 45 minutes Hast