. THURSDAY JULY 12, 1926 BIG REDUCTION I IN FRIGIDAIRES d DAYTON, OHIO, August 12?Dras- j tic price reductions effective Immediately on all lines of Frlgidaire j! were announced today. The cut in i ~ ? ~ ton ^ ton in. priuf uuiu f in f^v. in ^ creased demand for Frigidaire, fol- , lowed by increased production, is assigned as the reason by E. G. Biecb- g] ler, president and general manager of Frigidaire. "Through anticipated production m increases we expect to materially lower our production costs," said Mr. Biechler commenting on the announcement. "We have sold more J than 200,0u0 Frigidaires to date?a larger number than has been sold by all other makers of electric refrlgerators combined. We feel that the Kr vri public wil ldemand Frigiraire in ever increasing quantities and now It Is tH time to pass on the savingsc that '1 (j will bo accomplished." Frigidaire recently announced a V<1 120,000,000 factory expansion program which will give it an output m' of 600,000 refrigerator units next ')c fla year. This new GeneralMotors plant will be completed within a short 1,1 time and will be in production early in 1927. The price cut affects Frigidaire ot' metal models, residential and com- ar frti mercial installations and als0 cooling units designed for use in the SUl standard makes of ice boxes. "Retail sales for the first seven wo months of 1926 Indicate that we will ^a pass far beyond the JSO.OOO.OOO market set as our goaj for this year." na Mr. Biechler* said, "We have -every an' reason to believ that cold weather osl sales will run many times higher we than last year, for the public is just rt" beginning to realize that It is sum- 111 mer in the kitchen the whole year "ai round and that adequate refrigera- tlv tlon is needed every day in the year. pr< "During the past twenty years, the American citizen has been prolonged ten years. This has been done through dissemination of knowledge I of sanitation and health safeguards, nut plus the fine wrok done by the gov- w; ernment in supervising the preserva- ma tion of foods in transit. Rctter re- loc figeration in the home is the next wa logical step." foe Rapid strides are being made by gul Figidaire in the commercial refriger- wh aton Ifield. Sales to grocers, restau- gt'e rants, meat dealers, druggists and j * florists have more than doubled in rec the past year. The tremendous in- i-al crease in tms iieia is auogeiner uue to the great economies and added nt'' convenience afforded by electric refrigeration, Mr. Biechler stated. thii to i r TO DIRECT BOY SCOUTS 11" lak The former smiling representative the of the Eisele brothers organization tin George Poston of Gastonia, N. C? is stu going to have charge'of a troop of Boy Scouts on this property from DI that city next week and recently this genial gentleman visited the property office be-dolled in uniform with a C large red handkerchief around his iff neck and many of his old friends vet failed^ to recognize him until he vai smiled. cat "Nri hotter selection cnnld have been found t0 lead the scout troops ,io on a vocation than Mr. Poston anil the it is quite natural that he would so- (-it: lect Lake Lanier as the most desir- wh able place for such a vacation. We 'hi are sure the boys will have a great S,U time under his leadership. ha1 vis LAYING BIG WATER MAIN a,t ing Th6 Tryon Development Company to has recently engaged a large force tor for the purpose of laying a large 3 water main to the site of the new ,a' Tryon Shelton hotel so that the contractor on that project would have C ample water supply. >? This necessitated making a connection with a large main some dis- * tance from the property and running ur perhaps one-fourth of a mile. It is proposed to continue this main 1101 around the east side of the property c for the use and benefit of those who frlt will build on that side of the lake aro this fall. R ing WAR CANOES AND wt SWIMMING PARTY in* The gracefully gliding war canoes a manned by boys from the Piedmont t*lt' Counsel Boy Scout Camp can be pc< seenon Lake Lanier daily and pre- nia sent quite a picture as they rush p'a through the water. ^ The diving boards are also attract- *5* ing their share of the youngsters in- !? terest and many can be viewed div- T ing into the clear sparklnig waters -jof the lake at frequent intervals. a This Camp is certainly a model one % with its craft-shop, athletic fields 5'ttfle and archery range together with ? every feature so essential to outdoor * life. t I ?f? Mr. and Mrs. Shield who are in i A charge of the camp are truly capable for this work. * t* +4"H''J''I' Il t'++++'1''1''I' 1t,,k++++ X read the polk county news, i | r+++*+++*++*++* * * '< +* > Let Us Figure On Y JOB PRI POLK COUN1 " * * " " ' 1' '4' *<* 'i' '1' t 'f 'i'?!' 'f i|i 'ji >|i i|i >^i i|i i|i i|i >|i iy t A v ??? i? n I JNION HILL WILL HOLD ? CHILDREN'S DAY SOON Announcement was made ycsleray by Superintendent G. V. Hurgess n! lat children's day will be observed s n Sunday, August 15, by the Union L [ill Sunday school. h1 Inaddition to a special program I ^ > be rendered, by the children, spec- cl il speakers have been invited, and a ic afternoon will be given over to jeeches and special music. Dinner ,i: ill be served picnic style on the round, and a great day for th,. comuniay is anticipated. s" sr OUNTIFUL GRAPE cr HARVEST *' pr KiUt vine Tho famous inermui irds are now producing a bountiful 111 ape harvest of the Catabwa and plt iagara variety for which this secin has long been famed. They are fered for sale along the highways 1)1,1 nRR depot platforms by the ov ndors of this delicious fruit. The Tryon vineyards hav0 for TI any years been renowned fror th?? autiful coloring and delicious ivor of their grapes. They are ever demand in Eastern markets for ,)'1 iilc use. '"l Their superior quality is attributto the fact that the vineyaurds 10 ' so locaed as t0 be protected 1:1 im extreme changes in temperature tults here as they have produced '?i' their native enviroment. This '8 i been a splendid season for cut- s,r ation and grape culture is a niosi '"g ifitahle undertaking. , < rai GULLS VISIT LAKt: s" ail tecently there has been seen ajs ( inber of visitors overcircling the!1' iters of Lake Lanier who have 1 de quite a journey to reach tilts ation. Visitors to the property tal tch their efforts to catch tjieir (i with great interest. These is seem t0 he of a small specie ick ai\. found along the coasts in ' at numbers. ,al Several variety of sea fowl have i' 11 ently learned of the location oi ' "f ke Lanier and it seems that some | ?r lilies decided to make a perma- | it home here. cr" i. pair of white heron settled here '111 s spring and their chldren seem j be natives of this location. 1 great white crane recently took 1,3 his residence by hte shores of the ' ' e and it is expected that many oi ' "O : migratory water fowl fill break i . ir southern journey this fall l>v i' ( I l( 'Piling over at Lake Lanier. SPUTY SHERIFF KEPT BUSY _ Officer John Panther Deputy Sherof North and South Carolina Is y busy these days supervising the ious camping parties who are en nped at Lake Lanier, n addition to his police regulans this genial officer sees tliar ! parties are supplied with electrt y water and all the conveniences ich the modern pavilion on the rd lake basin is in position to >ply. Many favorable comments re been received from former itors as to this officers courteous ention to their comfort and noth seems to please him more than help make these delightful vis! a at home on the property of the on Develpoment Company at to Lanier. 1RMER ADVERTISING MANAGER VISITS HERE j. J. Penny who directed the afltising policies which made Lako tier famous throughout this seci of America last season visited property again and renewed old -ndships with the members who sfill with this organization. Ir. Penny directed the adverttsprogram for Bennett Associates Highland Lakes Avon Park durthe winter season. Vt the present time he is making survey of business conditions In 1 state of North Carolina and exits in the very near future to ke an annoucement of his futuro ,ns. WANTED?Middle Aged Man. jjj Hustlers make $40 to $100 * weekly selling Whitmer's guar- ig. antcert line or toilet articles, T soaps, spices, extracts and nied- J icines. Polk County open now. X Team or car needed. Expert- T ence unnecessary. Salesman- ? ship taught FREE. Stare niak- J ing good money this Fall. X Write today. T Dept. 25 J THE H. C. WHITMER CO. I ColumbuB, Indiana. 7 ? With Ynn I our NTING TY NEWS ! " ? ;OTOR ROAT FOR HIRE AT LAKE LANIER 1 lie lar,;e twenty-five passenger lotor launch which has been obrved on the shorP line at Lake anier fro some time is being overruled for future service on the lake, aptain Davis who has charge of aft states that he is going to fix very reasonable carrying charge r its service and in a very short me will have it in condition to serve le public. Now that the water is reaching ich a level that there is plenty of lace for the operation of such a aft he expects to have a very busy ason with this launch catering incipally to picnic parties and sereiders who enjoy moonlight trips on e lake at night and it is most easant to sit on the walk at the tke Lanier property office and eny the singing of those young peoa who are out on the water in the flnlnf ELEPHONE COMPANY RUNS NEW LINES The dcm.tnd for additional teleone service at Lake Lanier has' ns( d the Polk County Telephone mpany to run additional lines Inthe property aim their linec re? n lie found erecting poles placing >Ks arms and stringing wire along : highway. BUSY PRESSING ROADS G STEAM ROLLER The big roller which is employed the Tryon Development Company pressing the fills and streets incompact from before the material hard-surfacing is placed thereon quite busy these days moving from eet to street and its work is prov; quite effective. )n account of the unusually large nfall recently it nas been neces y to keep it in action practically of th? time but it is well that h condition has rixisted because gives the new ground work and se earth a chance to settle which necessary iviore ine iiaru-vuriace 1 he placed upon It. camp rotary \t ih,' present wrilinK Camp Ro y which is the vacation home of > Spartanburg, S. C? Roy Scouts America is unoccupied and quite lesome. S'o doubt in a few days another itingent of Scouts will arrive for rampment. The Camp is splendidlocated and considerable labor has an expended in makingit an at.ctive place. \ small dam has been constructed ross Vaughn's creek to provide an le Swimmin Hole" and many a out dreams longingly of his visit Lake Lanier again next year. IAD THE POLK COUNTY NEWS. | I 1 The educ the Soul South in the in the follow In the last V than $125,000, for the constru buildings in the served by the In 1900 then 73,000 school states of the S Southern, and for education a cents per pers ? * - * T t no/ Bliim 1U was $6.85 pe number of tra increased to 1: Inl900only64. dren of school The ! prosp agetu S world Ol RAJ. %ei. rr*T"r. w . ' ',lf. THE POLK COUNTY NEWS FILM DISTRIBUTOR i IN TOWN i i C. Alston Matthews Film DistribuI tor for the Tryon Development ComI pany visits the property last week. This gentleman who has charge jot the distribution of the Lake Lanier motion picture film .yisited us last week and conferred ; with Mr. Hester and Mr. Ellsworth regarding the distribution of the jareroplane picture which was made of he prop|ty last spring. ' I Mr. Matthews stated that arrangeIments have been made for the show Ing ()r the. h-.rurt pTclure in over jo no hi.ndred theatres in North Caroliua and South Carolina during the next 30 days. No doubt this will I prove a very successful mode of advertising this beautiful mountain development. J PROGRESS ON THE DAM Splendid progress is hetng mam; cm the construction of the new dam at Lake Lanier. The fill on both sides 1 of the old structure Is being pushed ! forward with great speed and the concrete work is progressing quite satisfactorily. I The large steam shovel is busy i moving earth and the steam drills are cutting their way through the plant rocks for tile dynamite charges, i ??????? I* ?} ?*??% ?** ?i? j* *1* *5* *J* ?j? f I * * i Visitors Ar HE 1 < i Come in and rest yc ;; easy chairs, have a < < i of ice water, use ;; make yourself at ho i? ;; This is an invitation ?i vou make a purchas \ t Furniture, C T I and R I Come In i ' + C? T. I + + X MM A v $ IKAUt 91., ++++++++++++++++-M-+++++++++ rational opportunities for the bo> th are keeping pace with the lea s economic progress of the Natioi .ring facts: twelve years more attended school, \ ,000 has been spent for the nation a ction of new school 72.4 per cent. E ; states of the South latest year fcr ' Southern. figures are availal e were less than t^le children i . . thi^ Smith teacners in ine " ~ "" outh served by the ern sc' 1 the appropriation avera?e for the n mounted to only 90 was 8L2 cen on living in these Thc. growth in I the appropriation facillties of the S r person, and the (he numbor of d lined teachers had a(jvantage Qj 59,309. tj^e fortunate and 8percentofthechil- the prosperity th age in these states the South. Southern Railway System has contributed erity of the South, as a tax-payer, as a Iat r of men and tvomen?and as the transpo y which carries Southern commerce to an 1 markets, regularly, dependably and econon jTFLj J JL LW^y(ppi)j, touthem ,, * GRAND OPENING OF FIRST BUSINESS HOUSES The opening of the first business undertaking in Lake Lanier occurred Wednesday August 1st when Mr. Davis who recently completed a modern store building provided his barbecue dinner and invited all the representatives of the sales department t0 have dinner with him as a guest of the new concern. A very fine dinner was served and it is predicted that this business will prosper and attract a very satisfac-1 tory amount of trade by virtue of| the fact it is the first store wihich I has been opened In the business j section of the property. | THURSDAY CURB SALES REACH THE $250 MARK j Sales on the curb market amount-1 "'L" ?.Ma I ed to $250 yesterday. wuue amount is below the average amounts of late it is significant that ail the produce brought to the market was sold. Mr. Arnold stated that most the farmers were delayed last week by the rains and had their big day last Monday, which accounted for the fewer number on the market yesterday. < .5. * t 4? e Welcome ! RE I ?urself in one of our I cool sparkling drink J our rest room, and f ?? me. ?? to everyone whether ;; e or not. arpets, Rugs > .anges ? i To-Day PRICE TRYON. N. C. I ;;,j \ Vv (' >uth i j 's and girls of 1 dership of the n. This is seen ; * "* 4 * vhile the average ? < s a wncue was 4 tut in 1922, the j which complete j ble, 81.4 percent j n the states erf 3 1 by the South- J tKX)l, while the $ at ion as a whole i t t 1 I the educational | auth, as well as | tildren that can ^ ! them, is one of direct results of ] I at has come to ? ? to the c i ge em- < J notion ,. d from 1? lically. | iRN SYSTEM *? '/o South i: *4 1. * '> I Jjf1' " > r iL. J.,./ J 1 DEFENSE HOLDS "~^->vB STATE WITNESSES ^B TELL TWO STORIES ????? t^B I Cabarrus Deputy Sheriff, Slay- fl er Of Simpson, To Have A B Brief Trial MONROE, N. C., Aupr. 12-TIi. (|, B fense for A. B. Medlin, deputy sheriff of Cabarrus county on tri., here for the slaying of Mark Sir.,|. [son, today attempted to t.-ur ,|(>kVil r, , B i the evidence bui't up by the si-,,, ' ' l.l! j>rvB yesterday. The state r-sicd ) , ' (|'I|\, JB yts.erday, after placing only n,,., jl( witnesses on the stand. Tin " * * 5 J onlir ? f,.,,. J rensc imr"U!!' ^as believed I he < ' nesses and ? (){ )h? j,,,- . ? would be >-n ,lin la chared with by Fr,day" murdPr 1" ronn-i-M-u second degree ur ?--CB 7Srr: "t 9 I Many People! I \re Taking \dvantl 1 BALLENC.ll 1 Aiir-iwi .n v. v j i oi Clearance Sail k.? Come in to-day ami buy I all of your needs whiltB prices are so low, pier J of real values on hand. I i The Ballenger Co, Tryon, North Carols * | Mid-Summer Seashore I EXCUK SIOW I I MOKEHLAD ClT\,xm and I WILMINGTON, N. I [ The Southern Railway Will Sell K.mii.i-Tri; T-?fl [ Morehead City, N. C., And WiJmi.n-i..11 i. Beach ), N. C. August Mth and Milt. Saw ' ( Regu,ar Trains Of Those Pair-. With F.G ' ' UrnifT-^-i !? v ^ v a?VUV1I V/l K ' 1 '4 ' [ Night Of August 23rd. J FROM !' <:' ' Andrews ; Black Mtn Brevard Bryson City ; Canton Hendersonviflp Murphy ,:l Waynesville a,;EV| CALL ON YOUR LOCAL Tl' L'-- ' FOR INFORMATION AS TO Si I AND PULLMAN RESKKVAl'1 J. H. Wood I Division Passenpir Agf"1 Asheville. N. * s.