THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Georgia Press Meeting -Special Train Will Be In Biltmore Sept. 27th With Members MA Y FEATURES PUNNED ASHEYIGLE. N. C. Septembfr? The people of fliis community aro looking forward with great deal of interest to the forthcoming visit of the Georgia Press Association on September 27 and 28. Entertainment committees ar* i busily engaged in arranging a ?oi> tinuous round of pleasure as a partial expression of the good will and cordiality existing between the States of Georgia and North Carolina. The special irain bearing the delegation is scheduled to arrive at lliltniore station. Asheville, on the morning of September 27, and will remain parked tw'o days during which time th,> party will be the guests of Kenilworth inn. Roscoe Marvel, Manager of the hotel and President of the Appalachian Scenic Highway, states that he has arranged for the newspaper men to be busy each jind every minute while under his roof. The press banquet arranged for the evening will be an elaborate one. The Camber of "Commerce and various civic organizations are planning 'many forms of entertainment and sightseeing trips to nearby interesting points in honor of tho visitors. A trip to the lookout on Sunset Mountain will be given ho affor4 a view of the city of Asheville. A "o-in ho taken around *uwi i t'lur iwui ** *ii "v < ?? _ Beaver Lake, where bathing beauties will complete in a swimming contest. Mayor John H. Catbey will conduct the newspaper men through the city Recreation Park, where various amusements, including the Zoo, may be seen. The party will then proceed to the City Golf links, which when completed will be one of the finest municipally owned golf courses in Ant erica. Expert* have already pronounced ihis course one containing unnsaully unique hazards in the realm of golf. On the .morning of the 27 the party wi]j be taken in charge by President Lucius B. Morse of Chlmne.v Rock Mountains. Inc., for a days entertainment in the famous Lake I Lure region. Busses will transport the party over the new state scenic highway N'o. 20. a distance of twen* five miles, and a trip> made to the top of the famous monolith, Chimney Rock. After a climb to Pulpit Rock, the Opera Box and a brief visit to Moonshiners Cave luncheon will bt. serv. d at the Cliff Dwellers Cafe, pearc rd high upon the side of j the mountain. Puritn,' tli> afternoon a visit will be made to the ?ite of tha mutlple j arch >pe i f concrete dam under I enm-iiuctinn, and which is HO per- ! cent complete. It is 104 feet high [ end designed to back water mora J than five miles, and have & shore line of twenty-seven miles. Around | this shore line is now goimkforward the building of a great mountkinlake resort project. It Is expected that the dam will be closed and the waters beigin to form Lake Lure In sufficient volume by September 27 that it may b# possible to arrange snme sort of a celebration marking this historical period, and in which ceremony it is desired that the Georgia newspaper men may participate. President Morse is extreanely anxious that this be possible, In view of the fact thijt 4 number of Georgians are interested in the project, and that the resort when once formed will afford a recreation point for people of Eastern America and particularly Georgia, South Carolina, Florida and North Carolina. RoBt-oe ^Marvel has prepared for the visitors an elaborate ball at the Kenilworth Inn, especially In honbr of the ladies with the party. The Vr.?(1?./.w4K'u Koll rmim 1u tha rnnat nCUUWUI LU O l/a>| ? WV/<|? ? r/ VIIV commodious In Ashevllle. V The Kenilworth Inn is one of the largest and most elaborately furnished hotels In Western North Carolina and has a widespread reputation for Its cuisine. It is situated at the top of a high plateau which rises directly above the Swannanoa River. The site or Kenilworth is completely encircled by the Appalachian. Mouns r 4 * * 4 y \ \ Quality Meats, Air Coolfed j ;; Refrigeration | WILLIAMS MARKET | i Phon* 32 Tryon, H. C. + T 2 Hif, ,r t 9 taina, which form the route of thb i Appalachian Scenic Highway follow) iag the mountain ridge practically > from Canada t0 the Gulf via Ashe-. vile and Atlanta. The central link of a hundred twenty-five mlela from 'Asheville to murphy in this route was recently paved. Its completion was celebrated last week by a joint I meeting of Georgians and Carolinians at Murphy, i The members of (he Georgia Press Association will be given a rids over & portion of | (his scenic route while In Asheville. Mr. Marvel is alson President of the ' Appalachian Scenic Highway. His |1 brother, Joseph Marvel, now at Lake George, New Kork, advises that he j ill will I be Georgia visitors and renew ac viualntaaces with many of those he , I has kown during his thirty-eight I years In the hotel business. I I "The Vine" j - ,-^^i *1 This magnificent bronze by Harriett Frlshmuth Is on display in the Palace f Fine Arts at the Sesqui-Centennlal , International Exposition In Phlladel- \ phla where the 150th anniversary ol the signing of the Declaration of Inde- ! \ pendence la being celebrated. This Is H bat one of the many gorgeous and beautlfnl things to be seen in the fine Arts exhibit Famous artists from all parts of the world have sent their | pointings, etchings and scupltures to Philadelphia to be exhibited durini the exposition, which continues until 1 December L I RALEIGH, N. C.? The recent fail- ' urs of the Miller Bond hbuse did ^ ! not affect North Carolina investors. J } None of their bonds have been sold i j in this state since the enactment of j < the present capital iesue laws and j | its administration by the Corpora- l j tion Commission. I H i ; < +*+*++++*+++*++++**++***< > ? 1 . t I j | Complete j | I STOCKj! T * t I OF J I High Grade I | GROCERIES j I i $ AT PRICES J I THAT WILL i X * + PLEASE YOU | I . ? 4 ? ? i 4 ? let us .. '! have your . next order "j .. . i> it i' >( it , , i < t ? 4, *. . ? it " " :: we deliver i: ;; promptly j; ____ ANDREWS I B ROTHERS I it ik J | "Your Grocery Store." J J | tryon, n. g ;; f TTTTT?.i?lll| r '' ? tMP POLK COUNTY NEWS CLAUDE BALLENGER Jpolk county club OFF FOR GREAT HUNT to meet Tuesday IN KENTUCKY; at mimosa hotel C. W. Ballanger and a party of The reRular meeting of the Polk> friends left Friday night for (he Coun.y CJub wl? be he,d Tuesday ; state of Kentucky for an extensive nlght at the Mjmosa Hotel. Judge. hunting trip that wi'l carry them VVebb, who is now ho'ding court at many miles before returning home. Coiumbus has' been invited to attend A complete camping outfit mounted and it is hoped that will accept the on a Dodge truck was included In InvltaMon to attend his Important the paraphernalia and nlne fine fox 1 meeting. logs wore also carried along for! The officials hope lhat a good the chase. It has been stated from J crowd will l?p present as many im.m authori lve source that foxes ' P?rtant matters wilj he up for conwill ba quite scarce when the vener- i ^deration. \ -K. -I.? fhrniiph i wtth ip* trip. i RBAD^THE POLK COUNTY NKWS. ?????** ' I On Warrior Mountain | | overlooking | | Valhalla Valley | | pflR THE most Reticular home seek- | r er, a summer or winter home that t over looks the prettiest sections of Wes- | f tern North Carolina in the noted Tlier- $ mal P>elt just out from Tryon with jts t ow n private drives, its own water supply * t from Mountain Springs, twenty acres in $ | Graces and other tir e fiuits, vood keep- + I c-r's quarters, 10 room home with private | jj baths, sleeping porches and just the I l; things that it takes to mak<' a mountain * ? borne convenient. | There is not a poet that can begin to di - +' I scribe this wonderlul Mountain home + I with its beauiiful surroundings, situaitd j; on this particular peak in the most prom- * ? inate place, a resting f lace lor the < i weary, i health giving location for the % ; sick, for the home seeker and picnsinr * hunter there is not a place in Western i North Carolina that u i l t eg in to com\ pare with this Ideal Mounta.n Paradise. -1 f 4 t. A look will convince, none hut the Ab'e j, [ need ask to see, let us show you, we are | ;; 'offering this at a sacrifice on lern s. < J* * -4 ? - t' T- i lrfnl /% XT i {1 |. A( iqu IK, ucniftc, IHVC9lifi?uc,in II > t?. 4 [ BUNION AND STEARNS ( t REAL ESTATE DEALERS AND PROMOTERS * P Leading Real Estate Dealers * p Polk County, N. C. | COLUMBUS, N. C. t l f r Liscensed by the State of North Carolina v P Members Tryon Chamber of Commerce, * E t -I-+V| FOR SALE OR RENT { [ -Beautiful 10 Room House Five I | Minutes Walk from Post Office I | A. L. BERRY TELE2poH3ONE | i wmM)MJ CokfuTIticn in Words Ore . - fee"; into the market to buy a motor r e today is naturally confused. 1 : lias read the words besfand greatest so often that they have ceased to be convincing. Where :>!; is be st, he reflects, there can be no best. Thousand -de liar cars have been described to him in ten-thousand dollar language. And vice versa. r He finds himself the target in a war of adjectives; the helpless victim in a gigantic competition of words. And so he is forced to rely on chance?the advice of friends?or his own limited experience. Dodge Brothers, Inc., have never participated in this verbal competition. / Tney are content with the position they have long maintained in the far more vital competition cf honest value. ' They have continued steadily to improve their product, not only In comfort and beauty, but basically?beneath the body and hood where fundamental values lie. Yet they have not unduly stressed each betterment ^hat has marked the steady progress of uicu muior car toward a higher perfection. And when economic conditions or greater sales have permitted them to reduce prices without reducing quality, they have announce^ the fact without excessive emphasis. Unexaggerated truth is not spectacular. But in the long run, implicit public confidence has been Dodge Brothers reward, and this they propose to preserve forever by continuing to build just a little better than they tell. / C. W. BALLENGER MOTOR XO. TRYON, N. C. Dodge- Brothers motorcars i LAjWRUM~AfEWS Nephe . ? I The Marble game at Cross Keys j N. ,C.( was played Saturday 4. Holleytield and Shehan played White An lnteri side and Weaver. Hollyfleld and She- celved trot han won the two' first seven, White- Manager ft sides and Weaver won the last ^System, wh seven. The championship is still in Pa. the hands of Whitesides and Weaver j Mr. Lanl who now will take in more territory, great soutl v nct Twnn vear We will play any ooay ju rw? Three best in five Saturday Sept. 12 larger lake 3 p. m. at Cross K6ya. N. C. | jje wr{tet There was a large-crowd to see 0f the tow who would win out and take part in owns prop* I he games. It was flne to see old and is verj folks enjoy themselves. The crowd jty. The numbered fifty wtih some of the from his If oldest gentle'ment in the Community Jnst one presen. Mrs. S. B. Jackson, My M tbere tbe j A. Cornwell, W. M. Barnett, H. E b eyen a Flynn, David Hall, Elbert Hub- beeQ great bard Hall, Tom Steadman, J. D. project whi Backwell, W. S. Jackson, Mr. Hardin j ghall ce Sam Fagan, Roy Bridges and a large t0 glye La] number of the young folks whose October names will bfe given at next game, j _ ) The Newi ' Mr. Lanier READ POLK COUNTY NEWS erty again. II *5 VV semi fjflf $2 spent goes as fa 'fc costs yf y?u m"E' oil yourse l??e noti quality* gallon of a gallon * ^ ana you J long of tL " TKJ? frMh-mixed - wajaj ? * uu va m * W ?? 1 ? easier and goes further. It won't Bright, permanent colors. A bett money. There's a "Stag" dealer near yot or write us for literature and nam STAG*PA f HIRSHBKRO PAINT COMPANY, Be Sold bar Carelina Hardw TRYON, N. C. fr I I UfA A ?ic n In This 0 i For th< l Auto < ^ Duranl V x ^ ! We Do General I all Mai J Let Us Hanc I Ti KILPIN KIOTO I STAR CAR! I . TRY I * ' ? V 1 i?-?r> - - i i.?. 4f Fanous fTo^a 5? I iKaSl jsting letter hag teen r? * ^^$TER'c n R. D. Lanier, Regional (.++**. . + >r the i Keystone Travel o is located at Meadvllle, er Is the .nephew of the lern poet who lived in l?i 1 s ago and tor whom the w|w A IT I is named W I 9 fipom Hudson, N Y. one 1 ns in his itinerary. He ^ , Brty in the Development I r fond of Tryon commun-jl W/'' ' \ / following is a paragraph j1 VpJ m, >tter-' m Mkl year ago when I was Q I U| I project looked very good, Mffifj B dream could not have enought to explain the _ ch you are now realizing. 7^ ^?i/jwx[ IL.I rtalnly make It a point 1 { eM IMI lier a visit which will be r'JM 3 win be glad t0 welcome m W ^ when he visits his prop-1 b I | of Real 1 r as $3. >u lew because I II I i*tsg I Merchtnd Wi Valiiesl e finest paint artraa^A I i x \ r ^ I ! We (JanSal er job for leas ? . .. you somemoJ u See him? ?of dealer. . j Otl All of Yffl fltf't i Needs. 1 It will Pay M j. s. cmhi _ Landrum, U H CO? Phone K1 I ire Agents I t Vicinityl j Celebrated 1 mobile I and I t Trucks I Repair Work on All I ;es of Cars I lie Your Battery I 'oubles I R COMPANY Inc. I 3 AND TRUCKS I ON, N. C. || *