THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 W ?' AH'dT'the County Schools opened this week with a great send off. ^ Enormous, crowds are attending Court this week at Columbus, N. C The roads In the County are In good condition for the most part. The Columbus Cotton Mills are working day and night filling orders that are on their files. A new lunch stand has recently opened up in Columbus for business Crops are In wonderful condition in most parts of the County, and a good and prosperous fall season Is predicted for the farmers. The real estate records of the county show that a number of Important deals have been consumated during the Past month. a If you want to keep abreast with the happenings of your own county, you should by all means subscribe to the only paper published in the county. One citizen of Polk was recently appointed to serve on an sleciion board, his name was duly published iu the paper, he was not a subscriber and one of his friends had to notify him of his appointment. Send in your name today the cost Is a mere trifle. Numbers of interesting cases are on the court docket this week at Columbus. An interesting game of Marbles was played at Cross Keys this week many people from Green's Creek attended the affair. Our correspondent from Green's Creek Is delighting many of our readers with her Items every week. She is interested in supplying news from her section and is regular in sending it in every week. Mr. D. C. Stearns of the firm of Blanton and Stearns of Columbus, is in* Ohio advertising Polk County and we are fortunate in having a man of his type to help tell the world about the great advantages that awaits the newcomers hers. Polk County today seems to be in a more prosperous condition than in vedrs. s? stated an old resident of the county the other day when he was at the News office. The Polk County News want! news articles sent in every weei from all sections of the county. Yon owe it io your community to see that it gets the proper kind of pub 11 ~1 *? rr,Vi ? io u.-llUnp' trv and UU11J. 11J? As V T? O I a " .."P will gladly publish these items, ii you will do your part and furnish the news. Now aslowas y_ eytus modern Ice sua* cutis once-mtk Fnfdauticcstopulmnyj I ? l'v ^BSjv A drastic REDUCTION wFtigidake P rices! program c - these new Not hint manufacti A*. jV offer you ^5^ erator cai V-. f AllFngtW ?*? ?,. ] you the , reduced. CompW metals satisfied 1 cabinet models are as low _ , a*-. . aiinj. Orjoucongci Motors. a Prigidoire mechanical _ unit for your present Sou tome 11 boa for as little as cf the Fr I 0170 j Vj 'so/ ^^PAYTQW^ ^ i- FriOidal XViere on MM Frisiilnlree fat M .,t *11 edw* ?Uc?ri? rrfriswotor. am W". .. noteTnTT physician - Praises Climate Here Dr. Henry Garrigue of New York , City, who spent several of the clos ing years 0f his life in Tryon wrote many articles which were publish ed in the American Medical Assocla! tion's Journal, of the climatic condi 1 lions in' this location, stated in them ' * " * "AnaiHoPAd at various times mat no Tryon's climate the most desirable ' one to be found anywhere for those suffering with affections of the heart or asthma, and the following Is an extract from one of hla papers. "From all I have been able to gather by studious Inquiry of persons from different parts of the country; of people who have traveled all over the States, and from my own personal experience, I conclude that Tryon has the best all-year 'round climate In the United States. It Is mild and dry; fogs, so common In other moutainous areas, are very rare; sun-stoke and ove-heating eare unknown." Dr. Garri^ue's reputation in the north caused many people from that section of America to visit Tryon and enjoy the advantages which he so aptly described In these articles. CONTRACTS ON HIGHWAY 19 TO BE LET SOON (Continued from page 1.) have loaned the State Highway Commission funds for special work. As you know, McDowell, Rutherdford and Henderson Counties, have all loaned State -Highway -Comission money for special projects, and^>t course these projects will be let as soon as possible, but no project requiring onfr state funds will be let ahead of No. 19 between Columbus and Rutherfordton. 11?? Wrt 1Q1 hatwoATl Trvon rvt?K?iuiu? and Henderson County line. You know a new seurvey has been made and figures are being worked up, slowly but surely, but I am frank to admit that until we hare anothei bond issue, I cannot even give thh consideration, but assure you should we have aonther bond Issue, this j particular project In your Countj I wilj receive first consideration and be given first preference. I cannoi tell you Just at this time what type of road this will be, until I know what the figures on the dlfferenl I ' types of road are, and how mucl : J will be available therefor, i With very kindest personal re i! gards, and assuring you that I an | extremely sorry not to be able t( [' glve you more definite reply, 1 re t ! main, l 1 Yours Truly, A. M. KISTLER /^\ mm f o b. I I | l ,J>AVTnM PSIGIDAIRK now coetaleaa than ever before. Today you cad get a genuine Frigidalre, complete with metal cabinet for only $225 f. o. b. Dayton. Or you oan get a Frigidaire mechanical unit for your pr?it ice-box at a price aa low ar$170. Overwhelming public prtfcnoee for Frigidaire, coupled with a >f greatly increaaed production, make low nricea Doanble. I but the vut buying power and oring economies of Frigidaire could such values. No other electric refrigi offer them?just as none can offer endorsement of more than 200,000 users and the guarantee of General a today. Find out about the low price igidaire you need, and about the cooerms of the General Motors deferred plan. Or mail the coupon for corormation. R. O. ANDREWS p Tryon, N. C. t r !R. O. ANDREWS f Tryon. N. O. X? ioroSs Usr pew | ^ Name ?' ? *fa?d Stmts thi polk county NEW ' r J"|| teresPat the present moment Is In flfirascac railII comPletln& the great dam at Lake ' lllvl vddvv | villi Lanier and he is a freiquent visitor ' t0 the property, studying the pro ' Osn _1L gress pf the improvement program ' l>/)!!/) I I TV ' and the construction of the dam. vllUUvllV Mr.-]. Bafcon is also President of one of the banks in the city of Try ^ _ on and has represented this district P. P. Bacon President of the Tryon Jn g(jn8te ^ ^ (UU * North Jevelopment Company and who Is L ?. . ? . Carolina. ''ten referred to as Tryon s lead-1 ng citizen is a firm beliver In the 1 uture of this mountain city and it | Mr- Lindsey Weaver of Hopewell, ins been hls^investment in various |va? 'a visiting friends and relations ndu8trles that has contributed |'n Tryon ad Columbus. He was the argely to its progress up to this dinner guest of W. *C. Ward last ime. _ Saturday. Mr. Bacon is also President of J *~ he Southern Mercerizing Company. M,8a 0race WardIow of ^Vette, (ne of Tryon's leading mill Indust- ?a-' apent last week-end Mr. lea and where, at this time, there and ^r*' ? -rrr oa| . . I V ' Green Creek I i .t "News ] ? i I We are enjoying fine weather now | j although rather warm, we have oc" L , casionaj showers, which are very re- j j . freshing, also very helpful to grow- j , ing cops especially late crops and } . gardens. Plenty of delicious water- ( . nicLns and a bountiful fruit crop j . make life worth living on the farm, t , aren though the corn and cotton I crops are not all that we think they ! shou d be. 4 I I There was a large crow(L_aresent 1 . S inday to witness the baptizing at the Qreen's Creep Baptist Church. Thirty-six were baptized and received into the church. At the service immediately following the baptizing the pastor. Rev, H. G Melton, preached an impressive sermon on the subject, "Continuing Steadfast In the Faith". We are sorry that we had not room and seats to accomodate the large crowd, and some were thus prevented from hearing the " sermon and taking part in the ser. vice. 1 ????? r .*! Work o the new parsonage is pro- 4 greasing nicely, and the pastor ex- ^ pressed himself as being well pleas- j ed with all the plans of those who h have carge of the work . The work 4 being already started was more than j he had expected to find at this <i time, but was," of course an agree- h able surprise. j <1 J School opened Tuesday, August SI with even a larger attendance than ! heretofore. Extend to the teachers a cordial welcome, and hope they will soon feej Quite at home. We were glad to have with us at church Sunday, a number of relatives and friends from Columbus, J N C. Relatives and friends of Mrs. Chariey A.?Jolley, of near Finger- < ville, S. C? will be glad to hear that ! she .has returned from the hospital at Spartanburg, S. C., where she spent the last month, following an operation for appendicitis. We hope 1 she will soon be well again. i Several of the new teachers now J ! staying at the Domitory went to 1 . Spartanburg, S. C., Saturday on a J ( shopping expedition. We hope they J I were able to find everything they 4 , needed In the "City of Success." ' < <1 I A par.y at the home of Mr. and J Mrs. Marcus Davis was enjoyed by < , the younger set one evening last < i week. t i To remove a light scorch stain from a cotton frabric moisten the . stain with water and place in the i sun. ) EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as executor under the last will and testament of W. D. Painter deceased, late of the county of Polk. State of North Caro' Una, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his residence in Greens Creek township on or before the 9th day of September 1927 or this notice wllj be pleaded in bar of their /ecovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 6th day of September 1926. JAMES C. PAINTER, Executor of the Estate of W. D. Painter, dec'd. 9-16-23-30-7-14 READ POLK COUNTY NEWS J ^ ' ' ' " 0 " Landrum E / L , ? b being completed a large aaumuu ... ... . .. Mr. and Mrs. w. w. v?u. o that factory, which will no doubt , . - , . family were Aahevllle visitors last five employment to a greater num- i >er of workmen. Sunday. He Is also Interested in the prop- n _ . . t i? n . ? Born to Mr. and -Mrs. W. b. Jackirty known as the Gillette Estates _ . , . ? . . vi v j, . . , t i j . son on September 2, a fine girl, vhich adjoins Lake Lanier and U y eithln the corporate limits of the ? . - ^ ity ** Try?n read polk county news Perhaps Mr. Bacon's greatest Id- -frfrfr 1 Amhah nrmo1 ItllllVUIIViiiO I [ The Opening f : of the | PACKARD * and | STUDEBAKER | Automobile AGENCY I IN TRYON It | O * ? ? x .i . n 1 _ I [ We take great pieasnre in Announcing 10 me reopie [ of Tryon and this section, of the Establishment of ]j r an Automobile Agency, handling the famous Packard ;: [ and Studebaker Line of Superb Motor Cars. !> t We wish to thank the people in this section who Purf chased Cars from our Spartanburg Agency, and we ;; | are showing our Appreciation by enabling you to get t real City Service right here at home. I We expect a shipment of new Cars in a few days and ?; * will be glad to have you come in and get Acquainted ;; | with this new concern. 11 | Real City Service | To Every Owner ! DDIAM CI nvn Inn II I vmnii ilvi mo. i | Trade St. Tryon, N. C. | J .|,I|i|i^iiHI 1 i>++++|.it+i| | IH'M-ll^ * I 1 1 Good Seasoned I LUMBER! j That's What You Get There gg We Can Supply All of m Your Building IpJeeds At Great Savings to B You. B5? I = - Let Us Have Your Orders I / I luilders Supply Company andrum, S. C. " ' t dT*r^I^?f? tftlr 8 mA * 10 Wl H SSSSr^": s2S ??? *?t handr" W8184 ^1 I * -^o?en'? w ? county t??r\ >NS10t ,NFOr^^^B ** *? r V/lnt^r or rv^B B U, ?e# tWl . xagocla- \sliced w?.l > -?1 \\V ^ SUf ?""" POPULAfl EXCURSIOI Cincinnati, Ohio] and I nnicvillp Ku I BiVHiviniV| uj, | ? Return Trip I *13 ?? I 0 * From Tryon. N,. C. 1 r?;j O 1 11111 I rrraay, dept. una 1926 I *' Tickets good returning prices to mid-night T^l V. October 2nd 1926. Corresponding low fares from otis^H '! North Carolina points. ;; Consult Ticket Agent | Southern Railway Spl Thp IVIi^ia/ I WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILE* AJR BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD TUB* 1927 I BUICK I The Best BUICK ever built 8 i! * Call us to-day and let us demonstrate this ?reat jfl .automobile. We are exclusive agent for Tryon jfl Columbus and Saluda. fl jfl| < >. <? < . . ?I < > - J 1 I Forest City Motor Company FOJWEST CITY, N. C. j A0ENT8 FOR TRYON, COLUMBUS AND SAlt P j 1 ,riMf

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