Thursday' September 2, 1926 ^ * * * ****************** | Dances * eas j* 2 I And Bridge | Parties * * ________________ I LOCAL. I HAPPENING^ Mrs "\ (I. tlilinore. "I l".i mi j?:i. K'.l . I . Ill Tl vis:, .1 [i ll days At 'I'll t'ak H i!' Mrs Sanborn ("hasp, of Florence. S. C. is s(> -miin:; i few days in Trymi til llli- >;:(; Mali. n Mr. ManMiii. of i lie Merrick Fiiui iii eriiiK On . sp a- tlie week ' ml with his family a' t ii riiev i'le. S. ('. - o - | Mr. .ami .Mrs. Sylvan, of Columbia.! S. ('.. ale in Tryoti for a lew days 1 rest, stoppim; at the Oak Hull llo--' tel. Mr S#I\an is one of South j Carolina's lareest retail jewelers. ? o-Mr. Ileil lliir sen is w rknm at the Misslldine I'harniaey. ?o? \ The l'.lek;.rd :illilMS'ltd' baker Alltotnoliilo An, my nf Spartniiburu. S. hav - |e - d ih. store building! belonaine- \ A Merrick, on Trade I Siroet. Th,. s .re r oai was I'orimlly ocellped by tiie i lirys'er money. - o X III ! ; e! Try |,!es Will ill I ' 111 .lie .lug Iii:" I; ill I lliliidelphiu. nil Septeiiib r. o - 1 Mr. (.'has I). HrouA left Sunday for his home in Kiver Forest, III. He expects to return to Tryon some lime this fall. Mrs. Brown and son, Stewart, will remain here for some j time. * I Mr. and Mrs. Penny expect to de- | part for the state of New York at j and early date. Miss Mamie Cantrell of Spartan-' burp, S. C., is visiting Mrs. X b) Jackson of Tryon. i ?o? Many Tryonites are attending court this week at Columbus the county seat. ?o? 1 Miss Dorothy Ambler, of Asheville N. daughter of an eminent physician there, motored . to Tryon last Friday, and spent the day with Mrs. ' E. Pue Williams at I he Circle Inn. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Shoff,'of Cadillac,1 Mich., are on lb i w;iy to Tryon by motor, to speno lii in'l nd winter. 1 They v. II i.- j.'io^il l?\ : le 'i daiigh ter II- I nil" :.l- 1'iii i'i iiilllU'. Ill- j suinin r. it 'Ii-- I'm I,. I tut I ?o- Severd ill tIi. I- adieu Lodges itlid lliil- Is .ire r. . ivinu 1 Il ls applying , for rates foj lh(, coming season. H k. Plans are going forward rapidly I' for the re-organizing of the Lanier Library. ?o- f Mr. G. H. Holmes of the Peoples ] |. Bank and Trust Company is out of ; town for a few days on busirtess. Miss Ida Carnegie of the Tryon t Telephone Exchange, spent the j. week-end at Columbus. I '?~ | Mrs. Geo. D. Blakely, p.ft Wednes- i [ day with her mother, Mrs. Gamp- . bell, for Lexington, Va., to he gone j, for several days. I " ?o? Mr. Moore, of the Landrum Builders Supply Co., vrtis a business visitor here this wee]^. 0 < Mrs. H. V. Marmaduke, daughter ^ of Mr. Graham, of Mimosa, has gone ^ t0 New York City, and expects to'^ return to Tryon shortly. ] ?o? Mrs. R. R. Engel and son, Roy, Engel, of Washington, D. C., are guests at the Mimosa Hotel for a jJ few days. I 1 I , Mrs. J. A. Berg and children of |r Florida, are at the Mimosa, with Mr. i ] Berg, who is associated with Ther-'1 mal Belt Development Company here. V"?~ Mr. D. C. Stearns is spending some time in the state of Ohio, where he went several days ago to look after some business matters for his firm, Z: , Messrs Blanton and Stearns. Senator F. P. Bacon, who went to Asheville some time ago to undergo an operation, is reported to be improving nicely and \pxpects t0 be home in few days. He Is at the Mission Hospital and was accom\ panied by Mrs. Bacon. - ^^EnL. Mr. Carter P. Brown and family will sooon be in Tryon again for the fall and winter season, and will as usual take charge of the Pine Crest 1 Inn. ?o? .Mr. Ohas J. Lynch spent a lew days out of town last week on buslI uess. ?o? Mr. A. A. Merrick, made a business j. i ip in Ins home town, W'alhall.i, S. !('. last week. ?o? Mr. U K. lUirnett. spent the I week ml at Wilmington, N. I',, re, u itiiik Tuesday. ?o? .Numbers ol' people from I his sec.ion wem lo HendersonviHe, N. C. Tuesday to see the Sparks Circus. * ?o? The tw0 uew hon#s being buili oy Mr. Band and Mr. W'h.te, of Spariauburg, S. C., at Lake l.anier, are fast Hearing completion ?o? The new fire truck recently purchased by the city will arrive in ilioal thir.y days. ?O?; The ladies of the I'reshyleriau i'liunti heid an informal, in, cling est week at tile home of Alls. Dav . 11 port. ? o? Mr. J. B. Frazelle, of i'ort.and Oregon, recently spent a few da., in Tryon. .?o? Mrs. J. B. Kemper and daughter, ?fr !' >< 4? > PR YON i All Society Newi I MR. KOWENHOVEN RETURNS TO LONG INLAND HOME A Mr.W il'i.iin Kowenhovn who has been iii c.Kii'Ki' of building the golf is,' mi Hogback Al untain has iviuni. d in ills hoin Huntington <>u .slniiii. Hi is associaled with Mr. Ueverea :x Kiuni It one of ilie famous golf course architects in ili<' coiiniry. Mr Lawrence \ eh v.i n; willr hiin to speml a ii*w .to. i.-; holiday wiili his family \. ij . ii (' 11 iii elii ni. Mr. Maz n villi li >- spent a Kooil many I ii-. .( i ilo'hae^ Mmiiiiaiii ami , ii. s pin,;oi. il four !arge canvasses jwhitili will prollihly he exhibited here later. MANY FAVORITES RETURNING EARLY | S The season promises to start early. Mrs. M. (). Kelly is already occupying her atiractive horn.- on .Vi el rose Circle. Mr. and Mrs. It. It I'eatiie will rei irn within two weeks. Admiral ami Mrs. Berry will he here h fioa- October first nil Mrs. Andrew llreen also of Do roit is coming soon and bringing with h, r a house parly of well known worm ii i.'.'in i lie allium.ihil,. city, s MRS. HOLDEN RECOVERS FROM RECENT ILLNESS .Mrs. K. (i. Hidden has recoveredl irom the serious illness which kept io|- in tile house for several months. All,, is active one,, more and enjoyng the beauty of tlie country, as well as th. society of her many .riciids. < r-? ' K1 HOC CM ITU 'in. M II u mnc. u i?i . .. occui'y home on the uandrum road Air. and Mrs. Paul Smith are oc"tipyiug ill? 1 laiglit House on the i.aiiuruin road. Mr.. Smith known to her friends here as "Dorothy Doulilt " is cuthnsi itically happy v r h- r re.urn to her native town. Her liusliatid is conn el d with Carolina MiuiiH.iiii Inc. mrs. MrOONALD HAS taken apartment in spanish court Mrs. McDonald and her mother Mrs. Carson fn in Washington, D. C. Iiave taken up their residence in Spanish Court Apartments. Mrs. McDonald's brother General Carson will spi nd six months in another ipartnient' in the Same building. A 1 Used Cars 1?2G?Ford Touring ? ? i v ?i m ; >??roru louring I?24?Star Touring I?2-1?Ford Roadster 1?25?Chevrolet Coach, New Fires I- 23 -Ford Ton Truck \bove cars reconditioned and iold on terms. TRYON MOTOR COMPANY Phone 217 { *\* !? ^ ^ "l* ^ ?!* %* ?> ?J? ?! !? j; THE SANITARY f I BEAUTY PARLORS % I WILL RE-OPEN TODAY t * SAME LOCATION OVER 1 I BANK OF TRYON I 5. ' * * !* :? ?> *:* *; > ;* ?: ^ ;> *; 4* < -i*+ i for rent! * f I 3 large rooms on Trade St. f t Our Cash and Carry Store T | suitable for office or shop, T | centrally located. Rental I { moderate. 2 | Inquire i | Blue Ridire Forest Office. || J* }??$ !? > !? | Whether Comb or Ex- \; | fracted is Wanted When V, | Ordering. ;> 1 *? ? > | * The Busy Bee Apiary | J < | FLETCHER, N. C. | | i o; +++4>+++++++>J'+++++++++++++ | j . ."W^. -J- v. ' ' tHt POLK COUNTY NEWS. SOCIETY NEWS Phone 99 Must Be In This Offico By Wednesday Noon of Racb Week I" ?. f A -TOUCH OF OLD SPAIN I >xx^^H ^C*S Hnn These entertainers have been brought to the Sesqnl-Centennlal Interna-1 tlonal Exposition In Philadelphia where ISO years of American IndependenceH ^^>elng_celebnited^ by the Log Angeles County, California, Chamber of Com-1 ^ Pi i-^ merce. The westerners have built a line oia bpaniiu iumiuu .?* of Foreign, Civic, Fashion and Agriculture Display and there show the resources and advantages of their native heath. The musicians and dancers entertain all visitors who enter the patio to rest a bit after "doing the exposition." The Exposition motinues until December L ....j,.j. T > | Lot IJs Figure With You" | | On Your | ! JOB PRINTING | f . rOLK COUNTY NEWS ! * +++, t , , , || [[,lr A woman was involved?si !;t of the milk. Pi,it [ news that left us all with mouths muffin tins or ; ?yH plained in but one way: that the cold rut a human male is fundamentally t-olyea- top i>( i mou- I have never seen a lovelier taking < an r,<,r t.i .f^M woman than Mrs. Warburton. nor one rnisi; fill it , fH who approached more closely the ing lb-plan ii,. t.,;. y i i?**H ideal wife and mother. Not that she entire cake with Ir-. F-..**1 was a woman who bristled with con- p.,.. scious virtue. Every one who had u'"f I the privilege of glimpsing her char- 2 tables] ?ion? Self-R-.nj r,_l arter, knew that Mrs. Warburton's 1-2 cup sugar ' kindnesses went unheralded. 1 lemon When misfortune overtook her fam- 1 egg yolk ily, Mary Warburton was a eopho- 1 tablespoon butta more at Wellesley. The girl never 1-4 cup water hoard a whisper of the incident, how- Add the flour to the o> *1 ever, until the close of the college add well-beater, volk aadtf year. Xo hint of mental anguish or ingredients; rook' until thiA financial stress appeared in her before putting inio the oka I mother's letters. ' * -._ _ A group of influential men, friends 0U)r,f of the Warburtuns, made up the de- 1 1-2 cups gugxr *1-: t in the treasuiy, ana Jed War- 6 tablespoons water burton left town. Upon his wife fell 3 egg whites the larger share of the burden? 1 teaspoon vMills temporarily, at ativ rate?of support- 1-4 teaspoon or-an of an- I - L if _u i i? ?u;i.? | ; tu iKi:ni, ami nci uuiiu m .flit we SOgrtJ. wwcr &M QBMKH < !! :p. Within a fi w weeks, Mrs. ^ whites in the top of i ml \> srhu~t' i; Irfgin to oiler cakes and hoiler, and pliuv overhoihiwH i .r.< Mte. Beat for 7 minutes. ramtfcfl Ac nif her with ridiculous flavoring and mcfitM Millie; hi. wou.d accept only a tar, continue Noting imti! 3! li H fair pnee ft?z her T&arcs. Even the right coosisteiK'v for modest v.: iiiation she sot upon her product-- l-. v.ever, yielded her con- * _ rid'Talilf iT-'uras, for orders poured (Recipes furnished V ??t? I i< rh.v >.f us - ho had begun nomka Depurtiro tit. .vft ~:-.l I Tr. > it li/ir.r Mr-* V/arhurton because eiV Association, Vwivl-.h >11 W/TtlJLUW HJNUIL iy IBM v the RED BAND \\ i%imar*>&j I Taglepenc/lcq. newyorkvsa.^ j m Ittt'l IM iVH'ltllttt'H'W +<' + <(-rt++++H* . WE DO ALL KINDS OF H GENERAL CONTRACTING & BUILDING H I WILL GLADLY FURNISH YOU BSTIM \TKs<'N ALL YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS A\TH;I!AKAS'TLL )?? EXCELLENT SERVICE?WORK.THAT V