T ? j + vN y.;5>Nv:' -. --- ? ? -* "" ' TJ^*l>' :' I^L ^^pj|l|| hohhp^ > l^flf P^ . H Hie (,olf Courte I n V \ I'ilTS I hSVe ||.......uk .Mountain? rhanc:: tints in the Knit seasons--the marvei'i.mimg across his !?;Un. H'1 lias always s,, ri'i-ovcii. so indivi >'< ' so picturesque, of Cowper's B. : . beautiful that K liaiiy. whose novelty k::ouicic. and the scrut^B ^ r.v oi yt 'i ">. B-Vndy I divided to try to acquaintance. There ><<:: < ;:aich activity all Ki pin: J.hat I thought it be interesting to know he.;:i"'se!l thought of the :>: is goin on at p; ii: IHue Kidge Forest. Bis not a. simple thing to Bp intimate terms with a Bp::.. today i managed Bs hi::- what he thinks B :: " 'tors, the swim B horseback riders and Bs : are beginning to B- tis-ttis. Ives among his I realized," he Bb.Vd away, almost to him' ' * u . ... q tnai iwvuci inovo 1 re; rv.f some day. It's i- harii work even for an mountain to resist rr-currents of what is I : r >> Rut I certaind oscaj >r many a long ry Vm.j see- I belong to Vv:;r : family." roha-:: V" I quered, reirx my ignorance, fs, Aivha.-n, a very, very in::'-. >:' mountains. There h < K* branch, who are '.v." known, but not r Nci'isive as my own iricitl-ii l.-. ply impressed. ' i-"ur>e. you know," he "I?e Soto crossed nv "ii his wav to the Mispi in ] ">40."' ain my ignorance made iyi' -. lat was si veral centuries ami 1 paid no special at ' I 11 m to incident, smati is of fellows like that littl- impression on me. il?'se I iiad known he 'oiny !,. discover the greati.er in ' he world and be in all ttie histories and aphio. I might have done thing for him?staged a ler storm,, perhaps, or?" tit a kind of tremor and 1 a de.-p gurgling sound, realize.! that old Hogback laughing at his own joketorn time to time there been Indians and hunters txplor. r- and travelers go w.>t\vari 1, l>ut they were what n , own kind, and I r thought much about I was just glad they my lovely woodland the- and i he fine views of fellow mountains. I have ys he,.u very fortunate in '"il and climate, so that tt'ry things grow almost Jwh.ro on my sides and nit. fellows as old are son lean and bare -well--plumb ugly." ars ii'get very near " have ... a.',1 the distant '''' ??f gums. hut only once ('-v r.-ally come here. That h few y. ars ago, when they imI son-,.., (|f the boys ford n Id \\ ;.r ri.rV?+ aw wat, , .(jjll. v/11 "JJ Bt doors!.-!!. There was an " ry_ lao.'i- and they cer y did mar..: me irritable at B* ran] my around and scar| me ; (i;j sides?but I'd stea<h myself after the Bs and ay 'everybody has w>ntrii,in. -.-mothing to the f<">v </ t r.e wanderers I V tnten mn.-d were prosB',rs; Tii. y had heard of hidden w-alth and they B* just t0 make me it. willy-nilly. They have h and . ar. ied off some of h* sou can rest asyi the;. :!?? not know what V1 really worth, and"?here tld fellow sounded small My?"f,,,,y are never going |nd out t,y my telling them ^hiiiy. Major Sharp found H^'l tniy.-et up on his prop the i(tuy) an(j he is I'roud of it?showing it :,V\ - ' f' ^ ^ % V y -.v -.>s/ V i Blue Ridtfe Foreit Jlf /14/M f/Y4/f/l l iv j. if ixmuill to everybody but?" Positively I felt the old fellow shrug his shoulders and make a face "It was just a couple of years ago when I realized fully that the days of my personal retirement were over. There were two or three men who kept coming up over and over agin, and then they brought the surveyors, and I began to hear them planning what they meant to do?a motor road right up to my very summit! A club house, cottages, golf course, swimming pool. I just shook with wrath and excitement. What right had they to take away my seclusion and make me share my beauty spots with folks I did not know? It has taken them some time? but I have to admit they have done it. They had to get across little old Piney and Vaughan's Gap before they even approached me ? but I could feel them coming nearer and nearer. There were roaring blasts and rattling trucks and men's voices and the tramp tramp of mules. Finally they tackled my sides, and day after rlq\r tViov ornf nouror qtiH nooror 14V ? IVJ gvw 11VU4V1 U11U 1IVMA VX to my summit. I'll say I gave them a run for their money"? again the old fellow gave a sly chuckle?"but at last I had to admit they had won. The road was at the top?right in my own private, intimate territory." "You know the strange part: is that by the time they really from him. You know not many begun to enjoy the situation. Furnish Your 0? we will make $25 WE ALSO DO REMODELIN TERATION WORK FOR LAI B. Tl AT BLUE RID< TRYON f | Real V alue | Born Tail ? 4 ? ? 11. ? 11 ?? ;; EVERY garment tailorei ;; utmost in fit, style, qual; 7. You can make no mistak !l for clothes at this store. ? ? ;; BORN tailoring has stc ;! years, and never have th V, been prettier than this s < i i? W. S. M < 11 GENERAL ME] : Golumbi < ? Th? sounds of Tiilman beings when they are friendly and industrious and have no meanness in them are rather companionable, and after a while I was lonesoipe at night when they went Away and sort of warm and glad in the morning when they came to work again." "How do you like all these parties of people coming, now that the chib house and the swimming pool and the golf course and tennis courts are I done?" I asked him- "Did you I count on having such continuous company," "That," said the old chap- almost humbly, "was all a part of the slow change in me, I suppose. As a matter of fact, I really like it. They all seem to appreciate what they find up here, and, of course, almost anybody?even a grumpy old recluse of a mountain?likes to be told how beautiful he is and what lovely sights can be seen wonderful achievement. He just mountains can offer as much as I can in the way of views of I of my neighbor mountains? Paris Mountain, Bushy Ridge, Glassy Rocks and even a glimpse of the big boys, Mitchell and Pisgah and the Blacks. Then there are people who prefer to look out over the South Carolina plains, and the panorama I furnish is unbeatable for beauty." "Then you really do not mind these gay crowds?" "No, I enjoy their good times, too. Laughter is a pleasant noise, and even the music when they dance has a pretty sound. I never thoght I'd like this stuff they call jazz, but it is all right when diluted with mountain breeezes." "I hear them say the swimming pool is fine. It ought to be. They have used some of the best and freshest of my mountain brooks to fill it- and the golf course?they call it sporty?that does not mean much to me I've only noticed that fellow they call 'Bill' and another name that's unpronouncable from New York seems to think it is a most wonderful achievement. He just goes all over those 'tees' and 'greens,' patting them as thought he loved them like his own folks." "No, visitors, even, do not bother me any" more. After all, i r ii r a tfooa many 01 mem are irum my own State?you know I am a South Carolinian myself, I vn Material and you a suit for LOO (G AND HIGH CLASS ALDIES AND GENTLEMEN JBEL GE WEAVERS , N. C. +*4h**++*++**++****++-M-++++ + + In Every 1 4? ored Suit ! V * * ' ? 3 by BORN means the t ity and workmanship. ;; e by placing your order " ? ? ? ? * ? >od the test for many ;; e patterns for fall suits ;; eason. * ? ? ? cDowell RCHANDISE i I IS, N. C. < l i i . , _ i ! ? THE POLK OOUKTY NEWS even if I do have to be approached from the Old North State. You just tell any body you happen to see that I am really getting quite hospitable, and if they care to come up and and explore?why, I'll do my best to treat them well. I can ! always give 'them some cool ! breezes, a beautiful sunset or two and best of all a sense of calm and peace that will rest them from all the cares and troubles and anxieties of the little world that, runs to and from below me." I would have been more than j willing to continue this conversation but twilight was coming on and the old fellow grew quieter and quieter settling i himself slowly into the valleys around him as the sun dropped beyond the mountains and the , I cool of the coming night be- , stowed a sort of benediction 1 upon us both. J MARBLE CONTEST HELD AT CROSS KEYS The Cross Keys Marble game was played Saturday Sep. 11, was full of pep from start to finish- Whitesides and Wea- 1 ver played Hollifield and Shelham the three best in five. Hollifield and Shelham won the 1 first three best in five. Whitesides and Weaver won the next thre best in five. Then Bridges and Hardin played Whitesides and Weaver, two best in three. Whitesides and Weaver got fist seven, Bridges Hardin'! the second and third seven. 1 Bridges and Hardin has the championship of Polk CoQnty 1 and is ready to play Polkites. The largest crowd I ever seen was present to see the game. | Mrs. Hamp Moreland of Spar- . tanburg, S. C., Mr- J. T. Camp, Air. Frank Shields, Tom Stead- ( man, B. B. Flynn, B. B. Hensdale, J. P. Ham, Jim Durham, M. A. Comwell Sam Feagans Bub Culberth and many other. ! WANTED * J 1 | To buy from owner, one I ( * i i | acre with small house, $ z i 1 close to Tryon. Must be * X *fi? 7 * | priced low. Don't answer $ $ unless you can meet re- 1 t t | quirements. X * Address. X J Polk County News 1 * r * * +*++++++*++++++++++++++-5"i-+ . 1 ( :: A ! 1 :: f i < > A 1 Complete |; STOCK > < ? ?. :: of 1 > X High Grade I j GROCERIES | !at prices :: that will j i please you :: let us :: :: have your ;; " * ;; next order ;; o I ===== it :: :: ;; ft we deliver J T ? PROMPTLY || i: :: ?? i 'I ANDREWS BROTHERS :: <: \ \ "Your Grocery 8tore." J < > | I TRYON, N. C. I -fv-'-- ?? :MELVIN HILL MELVIN HILL Misses Minnie and Ethel Henderson called on friends- at Melvin Hill Sunday evnening. Quite a number from this vicinity attended revival meetings at Melvin Hill. Mrs. Ella Putman is visiting relatives at Shelby this week. Farmers are very busy haying and foddering these days. Mrs. Hattie Toney and her daughter Miss Violet, enjoyed a visit from their friends, Mrs. Samons and her charming [laughter Miss Elsie of Spartanburg, a few days last weekTRYON ROUTE 1 Oh, September the beginning of Autumn! Do the flowers like myself feel a sudden sadness, because the summer will depart. Miss Jettie Heague leaves this morning for Asheville Normjal. Miss Annie Edwards accompanied by Miss Laura Jack of Columbus, leaves first of this week to attend college at N. C. C. W. of Greensboro. Mr. Bill Collins was called this week to Great Falls, S. C. as assistant painting foreman Bessie his wife will be at her old home on Route one for the week. * Trvnof V?or? Po/olr /vf Hroon mi . uviiubiiuit jl ?vn vx vji vwi River spent Monday night of last week with R G. Hamilton who has been ill for some time but is now improving. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nance of Spartanburg, and Master Bob Brown were among Sunday, afternoon visitors at Walnut Grove. Mr. Carl Edwards was the week-end guest of Bob Jack Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Edwards were Thursday supper guests of their aunt Minnie. CHAPEL HILL, N C. Sept. 14?Freshman week at the University of North Carolnia begins Tuesday, September 14. All freshmen were required to report in Memorial Hall Tuesiay morning when the regist-ation schedule will be explained to them. Actual registration ;ook place Wednesday. The 'irst year men began pouring nto Chapel Hill Monday, Sepember 13. and more than 800 vere on hand. During the week the new men g in SEP / "' ^5 - ?= i :^yL ?f We WATCH ASHEV NEWSPAPER frm Sept. 19th ti FOR THE MERCHANTS' S 4 i - , .r* ' "**rw... .v vy - -. ,r*- ?; -**?H "Tj^ ** THURSDAY SEPT. 16, 1926 ????^?? ???g?trnmmmmm??f will b? given a thorough physi- ber 17. Registration for the * cal examination, and those upper classmen will take place ' i found to be defective will be Thursday, Septmeber 16, and given special work under the freshmen will register Wednespersonal supervision of the di- day, September 15. It is exrector of the gymnasium. Li- pected that the total registrabrary tours, discussion groups tion will pass the 2,500 mark. ; on student government and the Numerous changes will greet honor system^ consultations the men returning to the Hill, i with deans and counselors are South Building ? formerly a a few of the other items which domitory?has been rembdeled make up the freshman week and now houses the adminisschedule. The purpose of Fresh- trative offices of the Universiman week is to help the incom- ty. New East is undergoing ;ing men orient themselves to reconstruction and other minor their surroundings and start changes have taken place on them out at once to enter free- the campus and in the village. ly into the campus life, to get , the most out of their classes, ... and to make the right kind of friends. , ;; F0R RENT _ Four room :: I CHAPEL HILL, N C. Sept. ^ cottage bath and light. 16?The University of North ;; Near my home. " Carolina wil open its 134th ses- * J _ n \; sion with the beginning of clas- ?> GRANT C. MILLER. <, ses on Friday morning, Septem- +++++4.^.++^++++++++++++++++ Now deduced as lour as 0 l*" 1 iISS!^ Make your Ice*Box a Frigidaire at a. new, low costx * k 'HINK OF ITI A Frigidaire mechanical unit ! ' for installation in your present ice-box now ^ costs as little as $170, f. o. b. Dayton. And the General Motors deferred payment plan allows All FrigIdalrs you to purchase it for a surprisingly small down payment. Msctaaicsl unit arsoj law as 1170. Never before have you been able to enjoy the nuaiJlM i TnTtn?~-' advantages of genuine Frigidaire on such Jj iMt p_ifij^.f ^ economical terms. And remember, that only I] as listIs as genuine Frigidaire offers all of these advantages. L It is the only electric refrigerator made and I X, / guaranteed by General Motors. It is the only ^ ^ electric refrigerator which has proved its depend^ ability and economy and durability in the service of 200,000 satisfied users. Come in today. Or mail the coupon for complete information. -i R. O.ANDREWS Tryon, N. C. ? ? ? m d? ~ R. O. ANDREWS RW| #131 1P/P ' me complete lofocmaJL JL XV-iVLU-LL ^ r* tioo about Fncidaiie and the new piosvcts^fimui. motors rti<^ain**? Name There are bmw MifaUm in mm Aon . ei M>? eieelrle rt^jgw eumUaeif dddreee..... ut,. City State ?? 'Ashevi? T. 22-23-24 emi-Ye arly Trade Event Kg stern NortK C ar olina - - - - 13 \y' IJ9E33a!383393a35? ?-'* / BARGAINS/ 2 j., / Genuine, oona fide bargains in afl ' f lines of merchandise! Supply your winter needs and save money ? PEGIALS in Ashevillc, Sept. 22 - 23.-241*

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