THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1926. ADMINISTATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrat of the estatV of Will Parks, decea ed, of Polk County, this is to noti all persons having claims again the estate of said deceased to e hlbit them to the undersigned < 4 GROCERIES < ? ? ? :: OF THE ? i! BETTER 1 KIND 4 1 ? J I ii And Real ii City ii Service ii Rendered i ii Let Us Have j ii Your Next i ii Order i ii For i ii Q ality i ii Food Stuff's i i! ANDKtWS i IB ROTHERS: it i * ?i 11 "Your Grocery Store." ?. and disinctive installations. J Heal insulation for houses Involves a number of signal features about* 4, vvhieii concise information is desira ble. 4! Klectric fountains, in addition to beautifying the borne, are an exit treuiely liealtbfut feature as well. T Sasli ! ustainers lake the place of 4. weights md insure litany years of unT broken \*lndow opeintion. 4> Heat equipment provides a means of Incrojlslng the value of the house. 4. and every builder should have comJ plete In ft filiation at band. 4? J Dumb waiters and elevators stand i" ? I for convenience and good-building pol- I 4* | lev in every building work today. f 1 "** * I 4* > * * * * * * 4. 4..* 11 ! rm ws V* M ^ r * I & Pi* P ! <* j W!: \ II! U I P. A I It sen t tu'ii x ? f V t *! P i + II Is The Last V * * i | Car ' jl + 1 TTt,,rrl vriccM'n A T? $? J 1UL ll.W Tj i ** RIDE IN THE NEW 1927 I > t FUL MOTOR OAR VALUE. I % DEMONSTRATION. WE A I t COLUMBUS AND SALUDA ? % OF MOTOR CARS. I * II Forest City | l FOREST C I ? ? ? AGENTS FOR TRYON, ( j: 4 > *> v v v > > > > v \* v !* v > v v v v > v v v ybr Economical fcL = inds Respect^j ver You Go! le-cylinder qualities ?f pertice of appearance that is uny costlier cars! These are the i respect and admiration for wherever you go! m-built style of the bodies is ed by new alluring shades of And on the Fisher-built en>u will find not only exterior ^ , but a wealth of interior re- Ha sill Luxurious upholstering, w lifts, Fisher one-piece VV goj r-vision mirror, automatic er, centralized spark and gas Kx, 11 front-door pocket and an Sec ht, all serve to give the Chevxt motoring satisfaction. v L*i J _! Ji I Mjms?see inese spienaia cars: >letely they meet your every ^ tnent! - ,.X( lyment and convenient terms. C ?% Purchase Certificate Plan. Prfc */ I ON MOTOR CO Ml levrolet Sales and Ser Try on, N. C. T Y AT L O V .VI- . ' AL l.- ~. f j i n in n 11111 ii 11111111 it I ! Automobile Industry ! II Eighty-two per cent of the j \ world's motor vehicles are 1 ? j!! owned In the United States. ; Motors are now the third Item j ' !! of our nation's exports. . , '; American automobiles to the ' ., nuntficr of 530,741 were shipped .. j abroad during last year, ] | I iIn th^truck and bus field it Is > ; noted that 14,000 mi\s of bus j[ !! routes are operated by electric < ); railway companies. ! The automobile Industry gives 1 ' employment to 8,445,042 per- ! X sons. ;; T Railroads carried 8,040,000 .! I carloads of automotive freight 1j ;; In 1025. ! ' < The purchasing power of fac- ] | II tory wages for automobiles has Increased 150 per cent since \ i: 1014. ^ It required 1,482 bushels of !! 1wheat to buy the uverage motor J | car In 1913, while only 652 i .. bushels are needed today. ' ] [ More than 1,500,000 motor vehicles were scrapped last ' [ year. A total of 14,041,000 motorists 11 visited the national parka In > 1025, or 30 per cent more than !! a the preceding year. ; Taxes pnld by the motor J | * ! vehicle aggregated 1607,000,000 Till I'M"! II1 l-l'I'M 1 1 I I 1 I I I I l'' i jv-:-* 4 W 1927 ! I UTOMOBILM AXS t ILL BUILD THnl > * i/ord In Motor I * ii_i t vaiue * EAL TREAT UNTIL YOU | 3UICK. IT IS A WONDER- ? CALL US TODAY FOR A * RK AGENTS FOR TRYON. * FOR THIS FAMOUS LINE f + * + + r Motor Co. I + :ITY, N. C. ! + ;OLU.MBUS AND SALUDA. | } v v +-5*++++++++<*++*}*++ J **51 1 36' 510 e2-s735 *-"$765 on Truck Suiuij Onij J # J on Truck $ g t%jt hassis Only M(.o.knu, Wick. 'ANY vice" V COST . VJ'^Jl ~-. ~.}- ? * - - --?* "* ' ? . ". .- - -?: -i- " . the polk county news Monitor's Stai Wont Cart Representative Disclaims Paper Will Push Christian Science From Ashevllle Citizen "North Carolian will be heralded to all corners of the world In the forthcoming North Carolina supplement of the Christian Science Monitor," George E- Munro, manager of the New York publishing house of the Monitor told an audience yesterterday afternoon at the First Church of Christ, Scientists, of this city. Mr. Munro, who has been traveling throughout the state in behalf of the special supplement, was introduced Miss Elizabeth Earl Jones, chairman nvo,.,i(ive committee on the Ul VAV>VU ki i u North Carolina supplement. "You want to attract mill industries, branch shipping offices, factories, investors, and also new inhabitants. and there is no other medium in the world where you can reach a more representative audience, and te" a 8^ory in better fashion," Mr. Monro told his hearers in explaining just how wide spread the supplement is distributed and how other states have used , supplements to advantage. He said that the issuance of the 1 supplement is not propaganda for Christian Science, and that it is ' not worked up "for mercenary use ' or monetary motive." Not Propaganda : "Now the publishing house never ' issues a supplement of their own initiative. We hope that we have . a medium through which your state can tell its story to the best ad| vatage to the greatest number and receive the greatest degree of inter! est and the most cordial reception. 1 would like nothing better than to tell the story to the wide world and meet alj the civic bodies I possibly could, and try to show them that ; this supplement is not for propaganda purposes for Christian Sci| ence. The request for the supple' ment always comes from the field." "Second, we place ourselves above 4 + CHRISTMAS CARDf 4 4 Buy Your Christmas C A i *f _i $ ana neip + The Library will display on * meeting of the Club a r ? cards for Christmas and Ne + for other occasions. * You can help the Library j * buying your cards there. I + If you cannot come to the * may be brought to your ho * LO SOI G 5 Usee I i COIN TRYC G '<* J .... .I?. - .* * ' . _ 4" K ' 1* ' te Edition y Propaganda ; i _ ' ' : . 8 suspicion by not capitalizing the OP* 1 portunity to raise our rates in pro- ? portion to the increased circulation; t I The Monito Peace Plan, which ran | two years ago had a circulation of t 720,000 yet we didn't raisy our yate , a penny. 1 believe that isamjJle evidence of our desire t? Jfl J5 -, 1 ew ways in which the suplements j **> an { nay be used. Toledo, 0., he said, ^'ckness 1 mrchased 2,300 copies of the Ohio | pub/j^0'1 !h'" ' nlted J*0' mpplement and gave a copy t0 each eiallyV""!* has Jiat? k!B iChool child in the city studying his-1 N i^V*|B ory and issude instructions to the j * eachers to ' see that the pupils earned the" content^of the supple ' nent. - It was up-to-the-minute his- 'M ory of Ohio he said, and valuable. jjjZj Geoargia, he saitf, purchased hun- j flfc"1 '*" I Ireds of copies of the supplement, I Wjjjki* ~ -Jn!7Ss^M I lad them bound into permanent ! orm, and sent them to every li>rary in the state, asking that they | ^ )e preserved a as fine supplement j o the history of the state. Georgia | jl';';,, C tlso purchased several thousand opies, took tnem to ine siuic iwc, i md handej a copy to every foreign j ;ar entering the state, and with it x i copy of the road regulations of , he state and a Jiighway map. "I Qgjfa Scw|^^B land this on to you," he said "for ? iuch use as you may wish to^make festinp ?. . R XV m xv i "llon''*%? ^cu'u'r HARD-SURFACED p^V t, ROADS SAVE CASH "? " " V--I .^I American itnmnhlle , . ^ ,ho fntted States save , brings on u rtrlklni (Tl ? Motorists S1000()00i000 anuatly in 1 difference a moturNehy, |)J nore tnan . C0StB aH a C08l8 o\er I: -proved uj qiLqB n?t(it nftlte construction, since 1W>4. roads. r \aOW mllw of hard-surfaced | it l8 aim*., that the mtM t,f 133,000 mlles ot gravel tlon for vpes o! act* 3 roads and , president over hard faced roth li gS roads, said . Buiidlng asso- | cent lesv ti n the eostot*^ of the America | o^er r, ,,js ClTWs' statement featured the ad- | coat on gravel red, b dress Connell made before the j less than n dirt roadi ftgi organization's convention when it ipet average e. : ,.?lcs andi^i,;, recently at Raleigh, N. 0. j and other equipment IV m Such a saving In motor vehicle 1 this study and other ulaUu^ costs for the United States exceeds gatlons are e.w beinjetwhj, the annual cost of the improved high- by the bun--, nt public rotb^ ways," ConneU declared. "In Pennsyl- various mi 'way drpartm?n k vania alone an analysis of operating termlne atL< b?>M fore, the additional annual charge due for weeks to mtw, and It to construction Is only $606,000,000. much time to drag a Ella Deducting this from the saving In operating costs of $1,680,000,000 leaves ^ 4* 4- 4- >^ 11I net annual saving of $1,022,000,000." READ THE POLK CdlBfl 4* > 4* *: *vv++H'tMi^B HERE! X Bargains In I ed Cars I )m Last Week's Ad I # ;e Coupe I Coupe I Touring I vn t n\r VHVy 1U11 II UV^IV I One Ton Truck I ?ORE YOU BUY I R COMPANY I and Service" I N. C. I lR tires i __I jm