-VS ?T-' . v- -.?? THURSDAY OCTOBER 28, 1#28 MRS. HOLMES AND MRS. < PEATTIE ATTENDS MEETING OF CLUBS AT ASHEVILLE Mrs. George Hamilton Holmes, president of the Lanier Club, and Mrs. Robert Burns I'eattie, State ', Chairman of Literature of the N. C. ( F. W.motored to Asheville Saurday , to attend the annual meeting of the second district of the federation. The meeting was held in the fine new club house which all of the I women's clubs of Asheville have uni- I ted in building. It is a wide, two- 1 . a maanificient ' stonea euim-c - auditorium, a fine pipe organ, draw- ' nng rooms, a dining rooms, rooms 1 for the meetings of small clubs, and ' all conveniences for club housekeeping. It was clearly evident that the wo- f men of this club district are doing , more and more every year in the j way of civic, and benevolent and educational work. Their ohe weak point appears to be the lack of cooperation in political matters. It will be ' remembered that every bill sponsor- ' ed by the women was defeated at ' the legislature. However, they will return this year with i(he same bills and strengtherend purpose. This includes a bill for limiting the working day of boys and girls between fourteen and sixteen to eight hours a day: a Mother's Aid Appropriation 1 bill; an appropriation for a term ' colony for women prisoners, and the i taking ovey by the state, of the I colored girl's reformatory at Efland. About two hundred women were ' present at the Meeting. Mrs. J. S. I Silversteen. the new district presl- K dent, presided. -o? ( Miss Smith Is Guest in This Section Many Friends Here 1 Miss Folsom Smith of Sedgefield ( Manor, Greensboro, N. C., is stop- < ping with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Howes , of Valhalla. Miss Smith is a relative - . ' ' 0~:.K Trmn trills | 01 uapi. a. ij. ouuiu ui a i j \tla ? Her mother was a near relation of Sydney Lanier, the poet. She Is very much delightej with the beau-'j ty and charm of Tryon and hopes j to he a frequent visitor here. P. T. A. Rally Held At Green's Creek 1 High School At the Greens Creek school building last Friday night there was held a most interesting and enthusiastic Parent-Teacher Association rally, and an association was organized in that community. The school , children gave a very creditable program, after which the principal of the school turned over the meeting to Miss Seidel. Miss Seidel first introduced Mrs. Doubleday, the president of the Tryon organization and after this address in which Mrs. Doubleday urged al |the mothers and the fathers who Datronized the school to lend their support to the the good cause tor which sucti associates stand. Other Tryon women in attendance were Mrs. Allen Jervey, Mrs. Lois Preston, Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Hayne and Miss Mills of the local school faculty.With the organization of the Parent-Teacher Association at Greens Creek there are now. five in the county, the others being at Tryon, Saluda, Columbus and Mills Springs. Mrs. Charles D. Brown, and son Stewart, who have been in Tryon for several months, are expecting to return to their home in Rvier Forest, iy., soon. Probably returning here later on ^.o spend some of the winter season. Several Halloween parties are planned lor Tryon, and in many circles great preparations are being made for mis event. Dr. Darby Fulton, of Nashville, Tenn., wil lbe in Tryon this Sunday where he is scheduled to deliver an address at the Strand Theatre on Sunday morning. Dr. Fulton, Is Associate Secretary of Foreign missions for the Presbyterian Church, U. S. The public is invited to hear this talk. Mrs. William Rhin Mackay, and Mrs. Morris, have returned for the W. C. T. "U. Convention in Salisbury, where they reported a wonderful and interesting session of that body. k Dr. Wall, of Shelby, has been a visitor in Tryon for several days. Miss Richardson, who is a sister of Purdy Richardson, is visiting her brother here for several days and fitnnnino> of f A IT/1 ormrnnfl Tnn u*vW*uO * V kUo UUQV ? WWW Mr. Floyd L. Llles, one of the pioneer merchants and residents of Spartanburg. S. C., who has been in bad health for the last six months, has been a guest at the Edgewood Inn for several days. Miss True and Mr. Morton, ol MMi y. ;J1. ' " -vr--. 4 Greensboro, N. C., spent the weekend w'th friends in Tryon, returning Monday. Mr. Eugene Brownlee, proprietor of the Oak Halj hotel, who has been on sick list is out again, and we are ? '"-nrnvine very fast. ?taa io Bay ^ Honorable Zebulon Weaver, Congressman from this district is expected to be in Tryon Saturday, to confer \qiifh some ,of his .friends iere about the political situation. Mr. Weaver has a host of friends >n this section, who will be glad :o see him again. Mr. Metcalf, of Chicago, 111., who las a home near Columbus, N. C. vas a visitor to the News office on Monday. Mr. M. R. McCown, and Waverly Mester, made a business trip to Jurham, N. C., last Friday, returnng here on Monday. Mr. Red Harrison, was a Saluda risitor las tFriday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Leonard, of ^eidsviHe. S. C., were visitors In | rryon, on Tuesday, returning home j n the afternoon. ^ Mr. Merrick, a brother to Mr. A. \, Merrick of this city. si>ent sevjral days with friends and relatives lere. He is associated with govern- J nent in the prohibition departmen, operating in Injiana, antj- Illinois. Friends of J. H. Stackhouse. are ilad to hear that he has fully recovered from his recent sickness, siid is able to take up his business duties again. DANIELS MAKES BIG SPEECH (From Asheville Times) Josephus Daniels preached a vigorous and Inspiring sermon to a thin but enthusiastic crowd at the Democratic rally in the auditorium of the new Hall Fletcher high school. West Asheville Monday on the text; 'Whatsoever ye soweth, that shall ye also reap." "After the war," Mr. Daniels laid, "the folks at home in America were more shell-shocked than the |-5-+++>3?i-}-+++++++++++++^++++. I Your su] I election Tu I half of mi f will be gr< j ciated, if | promise t( I people to 1 I my ability Vote T ? ? I Novemt ? I ? ? * * 0 1 Ralph I Candid * I Tax C < > o v On the Repi * * ?? 1 . (Paid Pojliticj !' _ J N < > <. I T o * jf* ' v?- v~ "T>-' * k $3" ' . V'7 -j':. ' soldiers who had weathered the i [great-storm. In their mad endeavor I ,o forget the terrors of war they set out in hot persuit of pleasure and the dollar. America sowed ma-^ terialism and contempt for world peace and all other ideals. We are g now reaping the harvest: materialism, a Jazzed-razed, dollar-mad peo- j pie unprecedented corruption in gov- j I ernment, disrespect for law and brder." Says Nation Threatened "This nation cannot endure, mr. ( Daniels solemnly warned, "unless the people get back and stay back j to the fundamentals of our Demo- j cratic principles of government. Our citizens must take an active interest j in their government and vote their honest and best judgement at every j election. ! "The biggest club in America to j day is the 'What's the Use Club,, made up of citizens who take no ^ interest in politics and refuse to vote. They say the government is t corrupt and the country is going to the dogs and their little vote t of corruption in' our government and our country will go to the dogs if t this 'What's the Use Club' is not put out of commission and our citizens t don't realize their duties and responsibilities and take an active j hand in their government" .. Scopes G. O. P. Corruption t Mr. Daniels had plenty to say about that record of the Republican t party since it took the steering wheel of the nation. He scored ] "Newberrism" and declared that cor nntinT, in rnvfirnment affairs of pub- i lie officals was growing at such a rapid rate that the very foundations f of the nation Were being shaken. The speaker had no nice things to j say about Mr. Coolldge's management of affairs, his vast* silenoe and economy. Mr. Daniels declared > j that all the much-talked of economy | was pure myth and bunk and that Mr. Coolidge had mighty good reasons for keeping silent on much that has transpired in Washington and j in Republican circles during his ad ministration. The former Secretary of the Navy during Wilson's administration re- | lated the stories of the Newberry Tea Pot Dome and Vae. He declared that corruption and the bribing dollar had their terrible claws at the throat of free and Democratic government. He warned that unless i the people step in and stop this < growing evil that the nation could 1 not possibly endure. ' Judge Robert M. Wells, Democratic condidate for solicitor in the 1 Nineteenth Judicial District, pre- I sided at last night's Democratic I rally. Plato D. Ebbs, candidate for i re-election to the state senate intoduced Mr. Daniels. The Rev. J. ' B. Grice, pastor of the Calvary . Baptist Church opening the meeting with prayer. ( ?? I I READ THE POLK CO. NEW8 1 5- ! +++++++ { +++++++ ++i^V++++ pport in the ;i esday in bej candidacy satly appre- ;j elected I ) serve the ;; -1- - 1 x. ? I? I ,ne uesi ui | J "uesday 1 ier 2nd. jj mm t Newman late For ollector i: t udlican Ticket il Advertisement) ;; - %V . < 1 > ? : mm " ' " * *" -J*? t -" / v T' >?, '2 ' . &?_ :'~ > * - POLK COUNTY NlWfl mmus I -EXPECTED TOES. (Continued From Page 1) ion J. Hayes. For Representative In the Sevenieth Congress, Tenth District? R. Cenneth Smathers. For Member of Corporation Comnission?Joseph J. Jenkins. For Chief Justice of the Supreme )ourt?James J. Britt. For Associate Justice of the Su>reme Court, (Vote for three)? I Jerbert F. Seawell, H. R. Starbuck. For Judge Superior Court, Third district?Thruston T. Hicks. For Judge Superior Court, Fourth Jistrict-z-E. L. Gavin. For Judge Superior Court, Fifth Jistricf? For Judge Superior Court, Seven h District? Willis U. uriggB. For Judge Superior Court, Elevenfa District?Leland Stanford. For Judge Superior Court, Thlreenth District? For Judge Superior Court, Fifteenh District? John L. Rendleman. For Judge Superior Court, Seveneenth District? Wade Reavis. For Judge Superior Court Sighteenth District? For Judge Superior Court, Nineeenth District?Joseph F. Ford. For Judge Superior Court, TwenJeth District?R. D. Sisk. For Solicitor, Eighteenth Judicial District? For Senator of the 27th Senatoral District? For Member of House of Repreientatives?John T. Smith. For Clerk of Superior Court?H. fl. Carson. For Tax Collector?Ralph Newman. For Register of Deeds?Furman lackson. For Sheriff?W. D. Westbrook. For Coroner?James L. Smith. For Surveyor?Marvin Edwards. For County Commissioners, (Vote tor two)?C. R. Bradley, Walter Thompson. WEAVER HAS FINE RECORD (Continued From Page 1) and al*? was 800n be the location af one of the two great National Parks that were to be established ?ast of the Mississippi. Congressman Weaver Is likewise understood to have reiterated that he favored and would support a further tax reduction at the next season of Congress which the Republicans dod not seem to desire, but instead wished to wait until lust before the national election In 1928 for the take of political affect, and he stated that this was an old time Republican manoeuver, which they practiced in 1919, when they I | Usee I It will pi 11 TRY( I Phone 2 ; *. ..-a - _ S : j .? had" control of Congress. Smoky M Mr. Wearer is evidently In hie lnotromen campaign speaking to bis constltu- lower Hoi tents of both parties, alike In regard In leng to many matters of national import- Is almost ance that concern them snch as the Carolina creation of agreat National Park In session oI | < I RE * 4i, J In AH | THIS I We have , i } I in overhaul v : | Roadsters, I Overland T + ? + + - . . f n j_i | All 01 uiese I teed mechi II why walk i I low cost tr ! Terms to si ! + | KILPIN M01 | TF i < NOTIC rOR S I Cars ai One 1925 Dodge One 1923 Dodge Two 1924 Ford ( One 1926 Ford" Ti and Stake Bodj tI- I f ay you to look tl h< r' ' r. . * ,? * ** * * ON MOTOR "Chevrolet Sales an 17 Tryon, N. .? I? W * f ' . ... *. . . ^ 4 V.. J ?l ,.m'A >jR358*kit 3. < ountalna. In which he was'rr.c tal In passing through the th? Po?dH n?e. fri ,,,1. In tfc jjfl th of service Mr. Weaver 5 the dean of the North -. .. r * ^otj* delegation, and at the last t iy "I"'0' ?f (J8 I Congress he received pro- y as :ducu Used j WEEK I some big bargains id Dodge and Ford I Ford Trucks and I ouring. I 'cars are guaran-B miceally prfect, so I vhen you can get I o n cnnvi9 t i on * Vs w I CillU^/ux vuvxvuj jjtujj lit Buyer. rOR COMPANY I J tYON, N. G. I ;e i ALE I nd Truclfl Screened Truck I loupe's ruck Closed Cab B B le above cars fl f" . COM PAW id Service" I K H B 4M4MOI ? ? ***** . B