sp* % THURSDAY OCTOBER 28, 1926 North Carolina . . V Asso. Hold Raleigh, N. C. October, 19, 1926. According to action taken by the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Sunday School Association at its semiannual meeting in Greensboro a few days ago, the 1927 session of the State Sunday School Convention will be held in Burlington on April 26, 27, 26. The invitation to hold the convention in Burlington was extended by a joint meeting of pastors and unday school superintendents of that city, and was concurred in by the Burlington Ministerial Association, the Almance County Sunday School Association, and the Kiwanis and Rotary organizations. The following sub-committee was apointed to work out plans and program for the Convention: D. \V. Sims, Raleigh, Chairman; J. f. Ivey, Charlotte; L. W. Clark, Spray; E. B. Crow, Raleigh; T. W. Costen, Gatesville; Jonii h. nngui, nonitu, C. M. Van Poole, Salisbury; Thos. 1'. Pruitt Hickory. In reviewing the work of the North Carolina Sunday School Association for the past six months, the Executive Committee found that unpreceded pogress haj been made. In the six mouths eighty-two County Sunday School Conventions were held in which l,:j72 Sunday Schools were represented by 336 pastors, 623 superintendents, and 2,694 teachers. The total attendance at these conventions was estimated at more than 20,000 people. The reports showed that with few exceptions there was noticeable increase in interest and enthusiasm in the conventions this year over last year, which seemed to indicate that the +4+44+v ; > -y < t J Columbus I | uonstrui Highways; Iiridges; Buildir + and Mill Construction: Stow f i ? We are asking for your firs second. * * * ?J? ?*? ?J? *? ?J? *? ?*? y ?J? ij ?* ?j? ?* ?j? ?* ? *? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? *? ?J? ?j? *? ?*? *? ?>* ?j ?? i; I will gre: i ? * ^ " *""* '"V V V W 1 ? 1/1 :: ciciie yuur i| the polls Tu ?i? i; ask your i my past rec ?? i? . o ? ? * f * ?? :! Vote Ti ? * I Novemb ? ? ?* ? ? * ? ? ? ? ? W. Y. V Candid) | Tax Cc On the Demo " (Paid Political \ i Sunday School! I Convention. .North Carolina Sunday School AaIsociation is constantly growing in favor with the Sunday School peoppie throughout the State. The Nroth j Carolina Sunday School Association J furnished 'wo speakers for each of the eighty-two County Conventions. The records also showed that in the past six mouhs 209 township conventions and institutes were held by the County Sunday School Associa, tion officers, without help from the I Slate Association other than sugges| tions for programs and plans for advertising. The State Executive Comittee felt that this great band of volunteer workers was one of the j most important assets of the work of State Sunday School Association. The following facts were taken to j ] from several coutny rc^tio .? ? lus.rate how many County and Township Sunday School Association officers are pushing the work. In Rudolph County the Officers of the Coutny Association during the past year wrote 1505 letters, visited 121 Sunday Schools, held conferences with 166 individual Sunday | School workers, made 134 addresses i in conventions and institutes, and traveled 3,929 miles. At this county I convention 7S Sunday Schools were representee by 8 pastors, 47 superintendents, and 199 teachers and ' officers, the total registration being 713 with probably 300 people attend- 1 ing who did not register. ' The report from Hyde County 1 showed that more than 400 people ' attended the county convention. 1 practically every Sunday School in ' i the county being represented. This j county was organized a little more 1 than a year ago, and at this time alj I ^ 4* { I'4* inilHinor and I SMIIUIII? Mliu + * ;tion Co. 1 * + + igs; Residence; Commercial | e and Concrte work. * ' *! it job you'll ask us to do the % ' * * I : * * > * * ****++ < * + ( *; ;* ( + , t A ! i t * + t atly appre- |; support at I, esday, and | support on I. oru. I 4 * 4? 4 ?? ?? Mam ? ? ? ? ? 4 uesday f i? .? er 2nd. jj mm *? ?? *? ate For < > ?> Elector || ?? ?? cratic Ticket Advertisement) ! I - ; / r r _. , ; ^ . -Jt.- -i-." . . .. r. ,, / CLYDE L. WEST j ) Balatad recognition ha* been acoorded by con grew to Clyde L? Weet, ' former buck private In the army, who 1 rleked hie life to advanoe the oauae of < aolenoe during the 8panlah-Amerloan I war. Weet now a watchman In Waeh- , Ington, hae been awarded a penelon of $100 a month. In 1800 Weet In Cuba, allowed hlmeelf to be bitten by Infected moaqultoes and submitted to 1 Inoculation from yellow fever patients I so that MaJ. Walter Reed might ex- < perfment with a preventive for the dreaded fever. townships except one are organized tnd holding conventions and institutes. At the Gaston County Convention representatives were present I from all parts of the county, all 1 townships being represented. About I 150 people attended, among whom 1 were 8 pastors, 14 superintendents i md 75 teachers. Every pastor and practically all superintendents attended the Gates I County Convention held recently --.a .h tntol attendance at the meet- ' nuu i**t? vv*v?*? ? , iug /was morfb than TOO people. 1 rhe report from Rowan County I showed that more than 62 percent of 1 the white population is enrolled^ in ( the Sunday Schools, the report from 1 one township showing an enrollment ' of 97 percent. I Thirteen County Sunday School ! Conventions will be held In the month of October, and the reports Jhowed ithat plans wefre already 1 aiade for holding city institutes in Statesville, Lexington, Thomasville, 1 Monroe, and Wadesboro in Novem- * !>er. In December, January Febru- ' try and March, institutes will be ' leldin all of the larger cities of the 1 State as has been done in previous years. * EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as executor unier the last will anr tnis wm De pieaaea in Dar 01 heir recovery. t All persons indebted t0 said estate t vill please make Immediate pay- 5> nent. 8 This 26th day of October 1MI. ? H. G. Flynn, Executor. d 28, 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2. 1 Marvelous i at any & Today* Chevrolet provider dple-cyllnder imoothneM of don at every speed that 1* urn anywhere In the low-price fieli Everywhere its vrlvet-Uke p ance qualities amaze all who ?everywhere the smoothest < let In Chevrolet history U a< edged as one of the outst engineering achievements of t Let us demonstrate Chevrole veloua smoothness at every Or better still, drive the car y Then you will know why Chevrolet is such a marked : among buyers who demand , ceptlonal In economical mc performance. Small down payment and cor terms. Ask about our 6% P Certificate Plan TRYON Ml CHEVROLET SALI Tryon, QUALITY AT POLK COUNTY NEW8 TRYON GRADED SCHOOLS NEWS The Tryon High School Is trying hard to get up a foot ball team. In order to do this uniforms must be bought. This is no moderate expense. The members of the would be team are cooperating in every way possible with the principal of the school in order to obtain these j suits. i In the near future regular High School caps will be worn by the stuients which will designate the rank of the weaer. The purchase of i these caps was assured by vote 01 the High School students on last Thursday. In the Elementary grades there ire to be seen decorations meant to ielbrate the old holiday of the bitches, Hallow'een. On the windows may be seen the pictures^ of many ild witches riding brooms and here md there are the same creatures riding on the moon. Most of these figures are cut out by the primary children. On last Friday the fifteenth, there was held at Ashevllle a district teachers meeting. The following teachers represented the Tryon Graded School: Dr. Von Kahlden, Mrs. E. M. Preston, Miss Hayne, Mrs. Lois Preston, Miss Mills, Mrs. Jervey, and Mrs. Walter Jones. Yesterday (Wednesday) there was held at Columbus a meeting composed of teachers of the Elementary grades. The purpose of this meeting was to observe and discuss better methods of teaching. The land that Mr. Broadus Ballenjer has very generously loaned the Tryon High School for a basket ball :ourt is being graded by the various members of the team. In future the ;ames played by the boys will be on :he property directly above the City Hall, near the Polk County News office. It Is hoped that there will tie many people there to witness the fames that will be played there this reason. The Honor Roll for the Elementary School is as follows: 2nd.?Edward Sayre, Betty Con-ad. Mary Jackson, Billy Ward, May fustice, Theo Kerhulas, Carl McClure Robert Pearson, Bessie Pettlt, Ina Wisher. Louise Ford, Edwin Summy, Sllen Bradley. 3rd.?Sarah Rlon, Rachel, Jackion, Ned Swann. 4th. B.?Lillian Ford. 4th. A.?RitDi Creshman, MHldred rippy. 6th. ? Elizabeth Kerhulas, knle iVaters, Billy Wilson, Raymond Waers, Woodrow Sexton. 6th. ? Virginia Dreyer, F^lancis fustice, Myrtle Lindsay. 7th. ? Eunice Rollins, Elizabeth ^vant, Margaret Kerhulas, Trip Jersey, James Moore. Owing to the greatly Increased lumber of High School Students, here are two Literary Societies his season Instead of one, as last ear. These societies hold programs ilternately every two weeks. The iff leers of each club are as follws: Skyuka Society?Ruth Eva, Presllent; John Fuldner, Secretary and rreasurer. JW TromipsnohrVmootkmss Ipeedf - TM equaled cr^ornv drive It . rfe KS? 510 ssa^'fiic t*? mat peed E?irDoorJT5^ ourselfl Sedan ? today1. MsJsJ ;*cs Tfic >tor car H-Ton Truck $*? Chassis Only ivevuenf . , l-ion Truck $j*r? * urchase Ouiais Only H* J? W?" f-o-b.FUnt.Mich. \ 3T0R CO. E8 AND 8ERVICE } N. C. LOW COST ? .i.! . , - I Program Committee ? Marshall j Baliew, Florence Moore, Ajar gar ett | Meegan, Mary Sayre, Miss Hayne, j Faculty director. O. Henry Society?Franklin Little President; John Kittrell, Secretary and Treasurer. ,v . Program Committee?Allen Jervey Robert Burnett, (Louise Andrews), Mrs. T. M. Preston, faculty director. After this week, the programs of each scoiety wil be published in this paper, twice monthly The public is cordially invited to attend these meetings, which are held every other Friday after at 2:30 p. m. i Mr. W. B. Weigel has given to the school a set of books, ten volumes, I which the school appreciates very ~ * ? ?XU (much. These books deal chieriy wim history , and gives clear, concise knowledge of these facts. The school has needed a Historical Encyclopedia, and with Mr. Weigel's gift, the necessity has been granted. The books are of a convenient size, large print, and beautifully bound. LEGAL NOTICE AN ORDINANCE " AUTHORIZING SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WATER BONDS BY THE CITY OF SALUDA, N. C. Be It Ordained by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Saluda, as follows: Section 1. That there shall be issued by ibe City of Saluda, N. C. 160,000. of water bonds, the proceeds of which shall be used fob- the extension and enlargement or the City water system, including the con > goesTtre Shopping ^^1 pounding water sufficient to meet 11 jB the needs of said City and for the pQb a acquisition of the necessary lands 1 * s for said reservoir site. The said * a|CW Vact,in? i? ' bonds shall bear' interest at not to 2 * So ' ' n Manri,,,,1^ wfl , . . j'Vne'A >. exceed six per cent per annum, pay- f able semi-annually, and shall be in * M( adw, I such denomination and from, and the * ' C. N- fl principal and Interest to be payable ; -v..,.,, ^ I at such place as the Board of Com- ? missioners of said City may by ' resolution determine. The safd bonds . fzju\ to be issued pursuant to the Mihiicl- - A pai Finance Act. 1921. //'// I Section 2. That the maximum, ag- jl S. JjSik I gregate, principal amount of said )!}/!, I I bonds to be Issued under this ordi- ill/,' iffc{ /'| | nance is $60,000.00. y I yV 1 11'/$ All o?,| v\*% /ill deulluu O. iuai a ouiuucui iu ' ftw' l pay to principal find interest of said A'jr, Uj'' II I bonds shall be annually levied and Wf I collected. I Section 4. That a statement of debt / ~ of said municipality has been filed rXflml with the clerk, and Is open to publir inspection. /7hT Section 5. That this ordinance shall ffRjfy, ijjw B take effect thirty days after its first publication, unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the T ' BIGGEST vl! I voters of said municipality is filed, in k. 1 *' u'? - ,n tirei ? and that in such event it shall take r,n'^e .Ttter, 5^Cep . effect when approved by the voters m, of said City as provided in said act. Wlt, The foregoing ordinance was pass- Cos- moreOU||,l ed on the 5th day of October, 1926 ga s ' and was first published on the 28th ^ r day of October, 1926. Any action or jn . PUt ' proceeding questioning the validity n an hour, i of said ordinance must be commenc- w. s McDnm ed within thirty days after its first Columbia, N i I nuhHf>Qt{An | rWW..Ww?.VM. WALT THOMPSON, | 'hYON MOTOR h I Clerk City of Saluda. Tr^, ^ t I 28-4-11-18 ,J I HinesSotorjl READ JHff POLK CO. NEWS ! Passiw, K, fl +*< +++**++*** ++*++*+** >* { * ? ^.1 ^ ---= B DOtTFO?GeT I\L LOOKI I ONE humored p ??ier TO BOV A SET Of pOR A . J FOR A SET - *jh^n My; TIRES FOR THE, BARGAIN. OL* BOSISONIYWORIW H Kno-i oontVIH^ I XOOKS\| I M CHEEPER 0^1-iEVE 1 j xifte FOft k GOOD )Ll vIUST THE | I they're either so i'm looktn'ysupe/wvlj High ya cant reach for a place ask ww *em OR so cheap ya where i can man"j?& matar aamdauv i muiun uumrni" Passion, N. C. I Jan Help YouTB ' -f a YOUR BUILDING PLANS, GET.[|!?eI^J BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR OKl?.? pRlC?s V DE MATERIALS ONLY. AND Ol> \- $w * A SHORT DISTANCE FROM IH\0gSjsTA>Nt*l RTMENT WILLL BE OF GREA1 * G PROBLEMS. uitders Supply ComH andrum, S. C. > , . f, ' _ mn