H i 0 ' ? r Let Us Figure With You f On Your . I JOB PRINTING ; j'OLK COUNTY NEWS H * WE DO ALL KINDS OF . !' GI-: N vAL CONTRACTING& BUILDING , u .\1>LY FURNISH YOU ESTIMATES ov at Vl? -DING REQUIREMENTSANDGlMRANTER " .v A-r service-work that you will bI ill ,.K . 1 NOW HAVE CONTRACTS FOR A NUM * ,;VON BUILDINGS. MAY I FIGURE WITH !! I \ WOOD AND CONCRETE WORK I R. A. SEXTON Cent ^ 'nfiactor Teyon, N. C. *IIM?im?r '' ~ | - l jj ???? I BULBS AND PLANTS knyin tu ; ainbow mixture of 20 colors 40 for $1.00," 100 Knin'Qi'-'" darwin tulips all shades 30 for $100 -100 BT$3.0I?. Racinrhs ill colors bedding size 15 for 1.00. 100 for $6 00 -- J .~ 1A , AA v Hyacinth snaues juiiiug ?iz,e iv iux THREE HOUSES IN TRYON ;; ' 0 two nine room houses, just completed, \'t seven room house?new. All have mod1 pment. The two have steam heat and the ;"l air. No one has lived in any of them. /"< well located and can be bought on reaterms. None are for rent. Phone to us ? > 1" will show them to you. - ? BUNTON AND STEARNS AL ESTATE DEALERS AND PROMOTERS ; \ Leading Real Estate Dealers , 11 Polk County, N. C. < J COLUMBUS, N. C. '*cen?ed by tha State of North Carolina Membert Tryon Chamber of Commerte. ?' '7** L. J. PETTIJOHN L *+ An especially posed portrait of L. J. Pattljohn, member of the federal farm loan board. OFTEN CALLED THE FRIENDLY BANK OF POLK! The above is an every day remark from our friends. Can we add you to our large list of satisfied customers. Come in today. BANK OF SALUDA : SALUDA, N. C. i H>+++*++++++++++*+++++***+< I What Are I Sunday will ! came in your ch I The bells wi ; gather for devoti ; be throughout CI ; Sabbath to the e ; Why? ; Here is a f< 4-!,? (- {f ,*c t POUU IS mat ii/ You cannot ; What are yo ' Let's go! 1 I Which Church? BAPTIST Regular services each '; a. m. and 8 p. m. > Special music eveninf ;; Sabbath School 10 a. II Public cordially invito THOMAS L. JUSTH ;; CATHOLIi 11 St. John's Church, co I V ;; avenue and Lanier II Mass?Sunday 8:30 i 11 REV. J. A- MANLE ;; CHURCH OF THE H 11 (Episcopa) | REV. C. P. BURNE " J Qown K 1 ) y v ? c'; r. S' . \ * '7*,"r - - - >.-, r ?. ;.. .".*'^*;i . ". . J?- . "- -Ss POLK COUNTY NKW8 PAPER APPEAL IN LOCAL NEWS EDITOR ASSERTS * V?- / Local news, brightly and tall talt T ' ten, Is the backbone 6f every news-, poper it wos declared yesterday by Stephen Bolles editor of the Janesville (Wis.) Gazette speaking at the opening seccion of the annual convention of the Inland Press association at the Hotel Sherman. "Once we had national newspares but today distance is a wall," he said. "Once more than 500 copies of the New York Tribune came to the Janesville postoffice every day. No more than a half dozen come now. "Newspapers are no longer an ex perimenjal venture. Newspaper publishing is a business as sound as the making of steeU The newspaper is an established institution, vitally necessary to every comqjunity. Mr. Bolles rapped "yellow journalism." "The greatest blot on the character of the American people," he said, "is that newspapers with screaming senstions, back alley liasions, Magdelenes weeping over yellow criminals, and columns of moron piffle written for the brain of 16, have readers. They may win an audience, butit will leave hastily when some one else makes a more daring exhibit of distorted mentality." Most of the 226 newspapers belonging to the organization are represented at the convention, which I closes tonight. The territory of the organization embreces the state of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Minnfesot^, Indiana, Kansas, and | other western states, as well as On- i tario, Canada. , THE POLK COUNTY NEWS |< I Let Me Have Your Building Tr Low Lost, tiood workmansmp, !; Remodeling Old Building. > ? \\ RESIDENTIAL AND O j D. E. B. s. ! Building Co ' TRYON, N. C. ! ? You Gotng To Do 1 soon be here. It comes every v ildhood. 11 ring, the organ will piake mui ons. Thus it will be in Tryon, a; iristendom?not merely this week nd of your life. jrce that persists?that surroun i here, present, living, possibly ignore it. u going to do about it? IVhen? Next Sunday. Where? The Church of your preference. - MB i Sunday 11 First and Thi Second and I I services. P- mm. REV. P. E. ' PREf 3E, Pastor. Tryon?Secor days each i C and Third * rnlnmhllQ F rner Melrose ~ days 11 i street. Fourth S i. m. REV. S. !Y, Rector. Pastor. ERSKII OLY CROSS (Con ) Rev. Will B. TT, Rector. Sunday?Chu >ces > a. m. 0 a- m- Morning Wo h* A graded scl mon 11 a. m. alL WednesdayInvited to ro* es. A friendly v V - >7 . If. - - -t^il:,.'y '" isr.fv< ' * ' ^ tr ' K't ' . -J.. '.. ^ ' North Carolina j Indus ' .->-V . - Elizabeth City?New public library to be built In this city. Raleigh ? Large hay crop being harvested in this vicinity. Durham?Contract let, for erection of addition to Watts Hospital. Hendersonville?$1011,000 new hotel proposed for this towh. , Laurel Park?$150,000 bonds lssu* el, for city improvements. Hendersonville ? Contarct let for, hardsurfacing 7th Avenue extension w uiii uiu cny mm oh 10 poini near Blue Ridge School, at cost of $14,814. Hendersonvtlle?Green River Manufacturing Company, maker of fine combed yarns, increases output $200,000 yearly. Cliffside?Work started, on construction of plant for manufacture of Terry Towels. Smithfield?Tobacco on Smithfield market continues to bring gobd price. j Washington ? Standard Oil Company to construct wharf and dolphins on south side of Pamplico, opposite Washington. [Winsteadville?Road between Winsteadvillle and Belhaven being improved. Mooresboro?Yarn mill may locate here soon. Statesville?Atlas Oil Company of $100,000, chartered. Durham?Ground broken, for new home of Y. W. C. A. Tryon?Melrose Power & Manufacturing Company, Inc., purchased by General Gas & Electric Corporation. Hendesonville ? $25,000 plant for Wilson & Wood Lumber Company being erected here, at corner of Church Street and First Aenue West. j Sanford ? Temple-Mclrer Motor Company, with capital of $15,000, hartered. oubles. | Good References, Ten Years $ OMMERCIAL WORK I 4NDERS I ntractor. ? LANDRUM, S. C. Box 72. * t V I ^ I ( ibout It? | reek just as it f ric, people will 5 nd thus it will f 1 ; but on every f ? ids you. The ;; ? f 4 4 T To Church. < > ? ' ' I ! :thodist t . ird Sundays 11 a. m. i fourth Sundays 7:30 | PARKER, Pastor. | 3BYTERIAN . f| id. and Fourth Sun- . \\ nonth 11 a. m.; First \ \ Sundays 8:00 p. m. irst and Third Sun- JI i. m.; Second and <| undays 8:00 p. m. WILKES DENDY, II 4 f HE MEMORIAL j \ gregational) ; | O'Neill, Minister.-".. J rch School at 9 :45 o V rship at 11 O'clock. 100I with classes for o < "Quiet Hour" 4:80 j; (> , ? H I. relcome awaits you. J; \ i > ii : lifeinSVitfiri i' yy-h W 3 -.f*',: ^P^rW^St^ 't?W#?f55S < .; ? " , r!w*^., . *>^ ..? f ' .v* 1 i Weekly itrial Review jt b . ' ~ ???? ! Henrietta -'.North Henerletta St. being ilhproved. Hollis ? Farmers of this section busy pulling fodder and picking cotton. Chimney Rock?New school to be erected in Lake Lure. Durham?Construction under way, on Duke University's coordinate school for women. Ellenboro ? Harrilli's Drug Store being Improved. Balfour?Contract let, for erectlnon of new school here, to cost $59,929. Kenansville?146 hogs were sold recently by ten farmers in Dulpin County, for total of $3,690. Peach 'A' Rena?Work progressing rapidly, on costruction of Brogden High School. Red Springs?6,490 bales of- cotton ginned in Robeson County, prior to September 16. Louisburg?Standard Oi] Company erecting new filling station here. Newell?Negr0 school in Crab Orchard township near here, recently burned, to be rebuilt. Smithfield ? Ground broken, for new traffic signal to be installed, at intersection o? English and Main St. Graham?New road to be constructed between Graham and Piltsboro. High Point?Centennial Avenu,, be ing paved. High Point?$1,000,000 high school : being erected, on Jones Street. High Point?Work progressing on I new Tast End Methodist. Church. I Atkinson?Tide Water Power Com-1 pany to extend its electric current | into Atkinson, at cost of $25,000. Newton?Work to slart soon, on j Newton-Statesville link of Central Highway, to cost $1,000,000. Asheboro ? Old Dominion Box Company organized hove, for inanu- j facture of paper boxes used in hos- i iery mills. Liberty?Well being bored at waterworks here. Durham market to open in this ; town. Louisburg?Franklin County Building rapidly nearing completion. Wllmignton?Industrial survey (Jo be made In this city. Maysville ? Mill Motor Company, with capital of $26,000, chartered. Wilmington? Wilmington chapter of American Institute of Banking, reorganized. Burlington ? Southern Furniture Company opens furniture dactory I here. I Hendersomjflle?Few The Florist j with capital of $50,000, chartered. Hendersonville?Chamber of Com-. merce working for establishment of ! cannery in Hendersonville County. i Hendersonville - Work slarled on new Chamber of Commerce Huiding it corner of 5th and Church Sis. Oakdale ? New Highway No. 21 southward fr<5m Laurinburg to South j Carolina state line near MeColl, lie- | Ing paved with asphalt. Ashevilel ? S uithwes' Inc stin-.-rif Corporation. with capital stock of ?100,000, chartered. Construction contracts in No'rlh Carolina during August reached !<>.>09,000; total for S ;monihs. $73,-1 >15,100. I. -RUIT GROWING PROFITABLE IN WESTERN NORTH CAR. ASHEVILLE, N.' C.. Oct. 28.-Western North Carolina is one of he best localities in the United 3tates ,for the production of some of he small fruits such as grapes, j itrawberries, raspberries, sour cher-1 ie and damson plums. 1 t tA'cur would be about #(ili.oo per acre, and that the annual cultural cost after tli0 second year would b,. about #Ha.00 pL> racre. The third war the vines, under good care, should yield 8,100 pounds per ner.', which, if sold at five cents pep pound would yield $408.00 Per acre. So ili.ii vienyai'd tost, plus six tent in toil st for i Lie current season would lu si cured tlie third year with an annual prospeoiiv,. profit of $300.00 per acre Ju-reafer lor many years. .\t nine coins per pound, the price received hy grape mowers, at Try on. \ this year, tlie return would lie 1.40 Po facte, or a net >ii lil nvi-r the coat for the third Iyear of Jills.*8, hut such higher figures rciiiiire good local demand and rou 1,| probalily not be counted on ior a iarg... commercial production. The above figures are based on seldng lite gr.ip s as they come from the i'-.tto. V. ry much higher profits .... o lootiucd if u market is do'. eiop; ,j fcr grape products. Mr. hi uric li show.- that 8,100 pounds of grapes from an acre ol' land would yield ios g lions of grape juice worth .; 1:1."."Co, and hat, from the grape pulp remaining, by lite addition of at aiu ab ,j water and sugar, 952 doza I w o outtce glasses ' of jelly, worth s'l.llj.lo, iiHild hp made, making the posMiii,. gross' income per acre, $1, V7.00, wiiii ihe fur. her opportunity of making inarmalade from the resi>t aft. i tttaking jelly and using the skins to mak,. the highest grade of lab),, vinegar. dr. Aiimvll culled atiention to ijI ol' I lie culi.tloial lists might h,, mailt of a grape juice and preserving plant, Raspberries produce prolnscly in that territory and raspberry marmalade is in active demand. Apple pi citin that can be iliiulo. loin tile cull apples now largely going to waste in Western North Carolina, when flavored with raspit riy makes a high-grade raspberry i-rv,. which may be sold at a ? !:::ihi,, price. it '. plums, which make a sn; 'i , piisuwe, may profitably he ; rov. in tins locality as nia\ a'.-o s.-nr i ll r:; ... I,oih 01 which would i . .. .nd.ed under proper managelit mini I fr tils (,t' t!; kinds nicn il.:i. t! V lie lllildl- lli-'llly profit;>: ;1111.- of \\'i sli rn N'orili Ca:?*: i r:?i. T HEAD THE POLK CO. NEWS f v v -i- !' -j- ! > v v v i' v -i- *;* -j v > -i* > *i* ?> > % v v < * v v ;* | STRAIGHT SALARY: $35.00 * * PER WEEK AND'EXPENSES * > MAN OR WOMAN WITH RIG | TO INTRODUCE EGG PRO- % ? DUCER, EUREKA MFG. CO., % * EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. * V V > + LOW PENCfL l( RED BAND mumnpaicn factory I NEWYOPWM* ^ I II liher Why's j ?ut j /;? -VAJS&. - - i m ii?i nnsm mm > Sweet Butter. ;ngth. Sugar. v ^| Chalmers A A Gelatine. I You Like Best 1 igM )RUG GO. .. J >174 ..