' s THURSDAY NOVEMBER 4. I PROGRESSIVE RED 1 CROSS CAMPAIGN '" i FOR HEALTI Public Health Nursing, Nutritiai and Home Hygiene Wor!Cover the Country. Important contributions to publi health were made by the Americai Red Cross through its Public Healtl Nursing Service, Nutrition Service and In Instruction In Home Hygieni and Care of the Sick. In every Stat< and Alaska, with the exception o Delaware and Nevada, tnstructloi was given by tbe Kea uross, m?u u the Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. A total of 57.371 women and girla learned to make a hygienic home, and care for the sicl 1b their hotnea. The United States Public Healtl Service estimates that adequate ruraJ health nursing service would coel 120,000,000 annually, but would ears a billion dollars In value of human life, earning power, and economic con serration. The American Red Cross, through its Public Health Nurses, of whom there were nearly 300 on duty the past year, Is doing its part la meeting this requirement The Red Cross, through lta nutrition Service, taught thousands what to eat for health. In this country, 2* States were served with from one to ton Red Cross Chapter nutrition programs in each State. In 33 States, antritlon instruction was given either through the regular nutrition instruc tors or through volunteer dietitians. During the Bchool year an average tt 13,413 individuals a month, including parents, teachers, pro-school, and school children, were assisted to a better knowledge of food In Its relation to health, and how to apply It to their dally lives In March. 111,211 Individuals received this Instruction, while during the year 3,533 classes were conducted and 6.450 conferences and home visits were given by nutritionists, thug reaching thousands eI Individuals. The Annual Roll Call for Membership from November 11 to 25 is an invitation to all persons to assist in maintenance of such services through Mother year by enrolling in the American Red Cross. RED CROSS SERVICES SHOW UPWARD TREND Dlsa?t?r Relief, Veterans' Aid Foremost In Fiscal Year. Services All Vital. Atpemdtturae by the America* Red Oil? tor the last year shewed a feevnttng enrve as compared with these tor the preceding year?911,692HMI as against f The atgtandtng appropriations were for St? tor relief and assistance to disabled veterans. For disaster relief fee Americas Bed Cross sxpeaded H.871.S27, of which the National Organisation contributed S1.I41.S27, and tte Red Cross Chapters $211,906 For disabled veterans, a total of I3.62S.17S was called far, of which National Hesdqnarters appropriated 21.641,171. and Chapters, |1A67,900 The disaster relief figures do net tocinds the VlerMs eperatlens, which eccnried after the end of the fiscal ? w * edilHUm hn Ska .arV 9 mm Aim /OTH, LB oeaasaifcSVW PW MO WV1 B IVII w tied TitiruM, the Red Cross continued 1U work en behalf of men In the Regular Amy and Navy ui Marine Corps, which called for a total appropriation at $5?$,4H. The enrolled nurses' reserve, from which nurses lor disasters aad other emergencies are wiled, cost $47.JS2. home entirely by the National Head tnarters. Public Health Nursing, a part of the Rod Cross program of national health work, cost $366,322; instruction In home hygiene and care of the sick required $152,466 in nu trltion Instruction. $164,107 waa ex pended. Tke Red Cross campaign to reduce deaths from accidents and drowning, conducted by the Plrst Aid and LifeSaving Service, oalled for $352,SJ5, and has shown tangible results In lives saved annually. The Junior Red Croas, one of the foremost peace Influences In ihe world, was carried on at a cost of $531,05$. All local Chapter activities of the Red Cross cost $323,000, while other domestic operations of (be Red Cross, borne by National Head quarters, amounted to $264,040 The remainder of the fiscal year's wxpenaitnree were accounted tor in insular and foreign operatlona. of which foreign disaster* in which the American Red Croas erred, absorbed $53,075; League of Red Croae Societies, f180,000; Junior Red Croe* foreign projecta, 174,015; assistance to lnwular Chapters, $49,119; other Insular and foreign work, $54,7S3; supervision of service activities and ganeral management, $$70,(29.37. The total axpendltnres for the year ended June SO last were divided; National Organisation, 97,SS1.8(9.85; local Chapters, $4,511,000. In the Tenth Annual Roll Call, November 11 to 25, the publle la invited to share Im this vast work tone in their name by enrolling in the Amerlaaa Red lOroes as membaaa. i W. F. LITTLE : NOTARY PUBLIC ; !! Tryon, N. C. > .. < 4 i CHAs'jLYNChI < > < ;; Real Estate ; 11 Phone 173 Tryon, N. C- ' i fii ns^rV " # L j . . , / 1IM North Carolin; Indui 1 Warrenton?Work started, on new parsonage for Baptist Church. Oxford?5 carloads of.- hogs were shipped from here to Richmond market recently. Mount Airy?Tobaccon market opened here with one of largest breaks c of weed In history of market. 8 High Point?Several city streets 3 being resurfaced with asphalt High Point?Southern Real Estate 3 and Building Record, " new publica' tion, to be issued here monthly, beginning November 10. 1 High Point?Stadium to be erected, on high school athletic grounds. ' High Point?November under way, k | to establish radio broadcasting sta t Ition here. Morehead City?Contract let, for ! building causeway to connect MoreI head City and Morehead Bluffs with [ Atlantic Ocean, costing $400,00. , Hendersonville?Building at corner i of Main and 4th Avenue, West to be remodeled, at cost of $10,000. Pittsroro?Silk mill here employs 1 30 people. ' Silver City?$4,000 fire truck purchased by fire department. ' Silver City?Work to start soon, I on new municipal building. Lakeside?$60,000 school to be erected bere. Lake Lure?Bids asked, for corn structed of new school here. Shelby?Work under way, paving state highway No. 20 from this city to Beaver Dam. Pinehurst?Carolina Hotel being improved and reconstructed, at cost of $50,000. Wilminton?Iron fence being built around courthouse park. Wilminton?Contract awarded, for conjstrutltion of new First Poesbyterian Church, costing $300,000. Greenville?Oil test well being drilled here. Asheboro?Rapid progress being made, on improving highway from Asheboro to- Lexington. Southport?Road and causeway to be built across sound. S miles above Southport, connecting Fort Caswell with this town. Lumber Bridge?20,040 bales of cotton ginned In Robeson County, prior to October 1. Wilmington ? Boathouse to be erected at Greenfield Lake. Wilmington?Ideal Pood tftore Do open here, at 129 Market St. Smlthfield ? Overhead bridge on highway No. 22, between here and Four Oak, nearlng completion. Wilmiligton?Industrial siirvey Ho be made in this city. Raleigh ? Large hay crop being harvested) tn surrounding territory. Wilmington?Quaker State oils and gTeases will be distributed at Wilmington, through Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Company. Knew age A of ter Tt on d? eua m< inc \ n ad an la1 en T1 an Cc : S ox | RAI E %e. > ? - * !* ; - ->rr POLK COUNTY NEWS -j W/nAlrlTr ' ' Charlotte?14tfa annual Good Willi X - W tJcJViy Tour of Charlotte Chamber" of Com- j, . i ?. , merce, started. KPVI P W, ? Highway NO. 20 from , O L/X 1C11 V I C W Asheviile to Lake Lure, being pared, , Elisabeth City?Bids opened, for {construction of new Virginia Dare i Hendersonville?Large commercial Hotel. i bote] planned f?r this town. I Greenville?918,744 pounds of to- < Goldsboro?Various city streets to bacco sold here recently, bringing ] be improved, and sewer and water $254,948. i lines extended. | Belvidere ? New bridge proposed Durham Work progressing rapidly across Porqulmans River, near here, j on construction of new heating plant Qienola ? North Carolina Public ; at e University. j service Company constructing pow- J j "?""""n Sonhla I ( Durham?Work being rushed, on er ana ngnt to iu?uu.o??? ' new Law Library building of Wake land Glonola. I Forest College. I YauceyvllLe? Yan<^yv$Ile-Denvflie i Wilminton?Apple white building road nearing completion. I being remodeled. I Blandenboro?Old wooden building i Wilmington ? Standard Oil Com- on Main Street to be moved, and i pany to publibh bookie furnishing De brick building erected. < list o ftourist routes into Wllming ton. VETCH FOR HAY 4 North Carolina fishing Industry In the rise of hairy vetch in j Industry yielded $2,500,000 in 1925. usefulness and poularity, different < ! * i 4 Improvements j Special fell Showing j \ ^ Wfe invite the public to view our special * i fall showing ot Dodge Brothers Motor Cars feat4 uring two of the most important improvements i ever made in this j dependable and long-lived product Wfeekof November lC Open evenings C. W. Ballenger Motor Co. Tryon, N. C. dee- Brothers motor cars in railroad building TV; fteight truffle <m the Southern last rear tea* about 15 per cent greater than in Oil. Bote much greater than the 10*5 truffle wilt the 1SU trafflebet TOT so many years ago railroad building meant the I ? ? * * w w N construction of new lines in sections of the country lere rails had not been laid before. new age in railroad building has come. This is a time intensive development of railroad capacity within the ritones already served. le Southern Railway System is handling today two and e half times as much freight traffic as it handled two cades ago. The increase in traffic in the next decade o will be great. Beyond a certain point no railroad can iet the increase in the demands made upon it without Teasing its facilities. lis means double tracking its lines?and in some places ding third and fourth tracks. It must also build new d stronger bridges to support heavier train-loads; erect ger shops and terminals; and provide more and larger gines and cars. i le Southern is developing intensively its present facilities, d it plans many more improvements in the coming years, intinued good earnings will maintain its credit and make possible to carry out these plans. JTfcLEKN lwa y( (bk)js Southern the South ~~ - ; v'-v," r r ways are dere^oplnf. lor JWtar lt.onx&eoesssi'ji to prevent winter killing 7" Southern farms. Although Its main On moat Southern soils and an- Whet use Is for soil Improvement, It la plication of 4.0 ponnda of acid phoT " bl* VB com In* Into use as a hay crop In phaie or basic ?iag per acre win Anot t combination with oata. * well. Nitrate of soda may be need 30(1 ?a" -7? '' ? I Parmera who hare tried It hare d for the oats next spring. Tbi. i >0R! ' ' r *?CB found that this combination makea hay matures In the sorlne i? h I eum? r i . ,, c rt or/'lB ? -* MS U te.d M white . crcpT' i large yiew ?? .? )t more than three tona per acre a^ve been repoted,'although thla 1s ^ . _ fj ct?i I ibore the average. < > lftl ,H 1 The oats and retch seed are i! a A m m~ _ planted together In the fall of the | A . IwXT^T > 1 ? r rwr. The ml. * ??1I? to Urn j: -"f1 i Xf'|> 1 pecks to one buahel of oats and. 20. ' ENGINEERING SERX I\ I >punds of retch seed per acre. Thla ! ''' K I .8 the standard amount' of retch j J SURVEYING ENGINEERING I eed when planted alone. It la necee- ;; VALUATIONS DRAPTiw ' " 'JG-VI.\G I jary to reduce the amount of oats <> 11 ->? <, tnd plant the full amount of retch ] | MAPS Voftn "? "out f . Orders taken for si>n,, ,,, ^ I ? I " <:? iolng" the retch. . X TRYON, N. C. pHnv. In the central and lower South J * ? ? ?N^ l|l .he mst-proot varieties of oata are 4< |4, t I preferred. AloM Uw dortton. borler o fthe cotton belt turf oats are 1 ..v., Why's and Other Why] GROCERIES About I ? J | I better j | <|fnlT R T.^t J ! KIND I I f^SWiCTI I i _ | iMImI t And Real J Jersey Sweet Milk. , "41 f I Sweet Cream, Double Strength. Sugar I City One-half of 1-' Per Cent Chalmers A A Gelatine, I qprviep Flavor?the Kind You Like Best I Rendered | & ?"??* I ii TRYON DRUG CO, I Phone 174 I Let Us Have ii J r T } Xour JNext || THE NEW 1927 I r I Quality I :Food Stuff's ii;! . I o O WHEN BETTER AUTUMOBIUI Afl i^? <? ?| >UILT. BU1CK WILL tUUD THU H All DDT li/C '>' + 's The Last Word In Motor! AHUIftnO iij[ Car Value I D DATUfDO ir i: you have missed a real TREAT ENTILjJ 0IIUI IIlKO < RIDEIN THE 1927 buick ITIS A mwM o o ful motor car value. CALL US TODAY Ftffl -Your Grocery toro." f * demonstration. we are AGENTS O ;; COLUMBUS AND SALUDA FOR THIS J-amuw-m TRYON, N. C. OF MOTOR CARS. === :! Forest City Motor Ctl Watch For The j; | FOREST CITY, N. C. I Special ;; AGENTS FOR TRYON, COLUMBUS ANDSAL^M Hfttrtttt Ht i?***************************++++*< We Can Help YouTl ,^.p?s o!1' let us help you with your buildinq plans, get 01'r i TOur requirements before you place your order *_ - # h we handle' high grade materials only, and our 1 h reasonable. . ..n nil qinc^e^ic^dn?isatt>a sh0rt distance from trvon. ^ b| be of great ,-^ce LandrumfBuilders Supply Compel Uwdruni, S. C. ^jk i

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