THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1926 Loca|j TTI-. * nrv A DT i 1 I\1J /A. IVVj 11 TWO INTERESTING FULL ( PAGE ADS OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN EDITION THIS WEEK Two of the niost interesting ads in this week's big issue of the Polk County News, are the two full pages of the Tryon Chamber of 1 Commerce. These interesting pages were laid out and data compiled by Mr. Me- ' haffey, the secretary .of the local body, one shows the full membership and tl?o other speaks of the general 1 achievements that have been accomplished by the Tryon Chamber of r Commerce in a short space of time. I | ( LOCAL STORES ALREADY SHOWING XMAS GOODS Many of the local stores are already showing Christmas wares, and y from now on all will be bedecked in gay holiday attire. The stores of Tryon will offer this season a large and varied assortment of holiday i goods, many articles that you will I need can be bought kere at home t and the prices will be just as reason- i able as those out of town. i I WHY NOT A COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE ( FOR TRYO.N I There h is been some discussion of having a rea,l community Christhmas j tree for Tr.von this Christmas, this , idea if carried out will be a {treat i thing for Tryon. and will be in keep- ( ing with the usual customs of oth- ] er neighboring towns. j < \ BERRY'S ARTICLES CARREI) IN ASHEVILLE AND OTHER PAPERS J A. L. Berry, who does quite a lot j ^ of writing of both news and poetry, has sent numbers of his articles to ! ] many of the out of tpwn papers, j they have been published and in | many cases he has received letters a commending him on the good work a he is doing. Mr. Berry is a great j lover of nature, and is particularly 1 interested in flowers, he has written many interesting articles along these lines and in many instances he was ' forced to gea may copies of reprints so as to supply many requests from other sections. He has been of great assistance to the local paper in supplying much interesting news, 1 and has also gotten much data of 1 real importance together for the big ' issue of this week. NEW RESIDENTIAL SECTION SOON TO i RE READY FOR SALE Ioka, the new sub-division near Tryon, that is being promoted by ' R'anton and Stearns, is considered to be one of Tryon's beautiful resi- < now Hovolnn. ment is in an ideal location and is to command some of the greatest mountain views in Polk County. Good roads and every other necessary feature that will make the development attractive, is being worked on at a rapid rate. CONDITION OF COUNTY BANKS ARE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD The general survey of the condition of the banks in Polk County, a news story that will be of great interest to the readers of this paper, will be found on the inside page of the front cover of The Achievement edition. These figures are based on the published bank statements that were issued last week or rather the ragular quarterly statement that is required by the state banking laws. Near Tryon is located the highest elevated Golf Couprse in the world. I1 | Let Us Figu t ^ 1 wn I JOB PR I POLK cou: ;; Let Me Have Your Building Ti ' > Low Cost, Good Workmanship, < Remodeling Old Building. I RESIDENTIAL AND C 1 D. E. B. S X Building C | TRYON, N. C. +++4.*+++++++++++++++++4.+^>j jJews jy lUND TOWN NEW FIRE DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN ORGANIZED A new fire department has been I organized for th^ town of Tryon. I Chief Wilson, of thj local police de-1 partmeut has been ^elected as chief of the department. jMany prominent I men of the town beiong to the vol-1 unteer brigade, and they should be I congratulated in the, interest they I have been showing in this important I organization. The property holders I of Tryon should give them every pos-| sible encouragement to make the de-l partmeut a success in every way. I With an up to date truck, a good I fire house, Tryon iwil rank among I >:her good towns it) the matter of I 111 efficient department. ACHIEVEMENT EDITION iVILL REACH MANY BIG CITIES IN MID WEST Various Chambers of Commerce I vill be supplied with a copy of the I tig edition of the Polk County News hat is issued this week. This will I 10 doubt be the means of getting nore tourist to spend vacation In his section of the country. JHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSY WITH INQUIRIES The Tryon Chamber of Commerce s a busy place these days, numbers >f inquiries continue to come in for various information regarding data in Tryon and requests for rates of Inns and hotel rates. Mr. Mehaffey s doing a great work for Tryon, ind should be commended for the ray he has handled the position. BIG IMPROVEMENTS GOING [>N AT PINE CREST INN Carter P. Brown, Is making a good many improvement s at Pine" Crest Inn. A large rock wall is being milt on one side of the holstery, and arious other improvements that will add quiet a bit to the general lppearance of this popular resort totel. rRYON SCHOOLS HAVE V BUSY SESSON NOW This session of the Tryon Graded Schools, is considered to be one of he busiest of all times. The attendence this year is exceptionally large, and the faculty is taxed to its utmost caring for the situation. POLK COUNTY CLUB OFFICERS THE LAST OF DECEMBER Election of new officers for the The Polk County Club, will be held in December at the meeting of the club that will be held at the Mimosa Hotel. It is requested- that every member be present so that all ballots will be in. This club has done a considerable amount of good for the county and it should be supported by ay means. Dinner will be served as usual and a great crowd is expected to be on hand for the inter esting event. BUILDING IN TRYON , CONTINUES TO GO FORWARD RAPIDLY There seems to be no let up In the building campaign that hag. been going on in Tryon for some time. Most of the building is homes, and loan sfor many more in the near future are the assertions from many of the leading contractors. Farm women of Cleveland County have been making some fine rugs this fall. They plan to add to their income by this work. re With You f Your | INTING | NTY NEWS 1 > i* J-* < + ;* +<* > roubles. T , Good References, Ten Years t COMMERCIAL WORK \ ANDERS f ontractor. ; | LANDRUM, S.C. Box 72. \\ ???< < ? __Lj|_111J_|_jWM? I II ' - AAllllTIi POLK cuunn WTERESTIN The Polk County Club held a very I interesting- meeting at the Stearns High School on Tuesday evening November 23rd. A most * excellent supper was served by the Domestic Department which was a proof of the excellent work they are doing. Mayor Green presided over a gathering of about thirty five persons. The primary object of the meet' ?~ nnminflte the members ing who iv ? ? who should be put on the two tickets to be voted on at the annual meetin December. Mr. F. W. Blanton, Mr. R. N. Hunter and Mr. E. C. Barnard were appointed a nominating committee and while they counted the ballots and prepared the ticket other matters were discussed. Mrs. A. A. Merrick asked the club to donate $40 to pay for a page in the Polk County News to advertise the sale of the Tuberculosis Societies Christmas seals. There i was considerable discussion motions were made and withdrawn but no final action was taken. It seemed to be spent to better advantage. Mr. E. C. Barnard reported that a towel factory was about to be opened in Saluda, with a capital stock issue of $100,000.00 He also said that Mr. Herriott had bis machinery for the glove factory about installed and that business would soon be in full | operation. Miss Arledge reported that only four members of the club had paid their second years dues and it was recommended that she send notices , V-Jnod irflra Hue lO HI] UIOUIUVIB HUUDC UUOB ? ? and payable. Mr. Blanton gave a talk on the matter of taxing savings accounts, certificates of deposits and mortgages and asked the members to consider the matter and be ready to , make suggestions at the next meeting since Mr. W. F. Little, our newly elected representative had promised to be at the meeting to consider , what we had to say about new legislation. | It was moved by Mr. E. W. Thompson that the Chairman ap- < point Mr. F. Blanton, Mr. E. C. Cloud and Mr. E. C. Barnard to act as a committee to draw up resolutions on this matter to present at the next meeting. Motion seconed and car- I rled. The nominating committe reported the following two tickets for the consideration of the members subject to the refusal of any of the nominees; NEW BEAU' ESS a FOB .1. now snOi Answering: ful, well api body on tl chassis, the the first tinn It has indivi It is unusu; arrangemen in texture costliest car; No car, reg None is moi it nimble, < mileage. It ' and body tl The cost is ? even lesj closed cars, pay for any "A Thirty A C. W. BA THE POLK COUNTT NEWS CLUB HOLDS G MEETING 1 1 President, E. W. S. Cobb; Vice President, D. C. Stearns; Sarg. at j Artas, W. T. Hnmmett; Directors, J. H. Gibbe, R. N. Hunter, C. J. . Lynch, H H. Carson, M. I. Flentye, J E. W. Thompson, J. W. Artz, J. R. Sams, E. B. Cloud. j It was moved that since the next , meeting would be the annual meeting and would fall on December 21, that we make it a very special meet- 1 ing and prepare an extra program and have it at the Mimosa Hotel, i Mr. W. H. Stearns who was present | agreed to do his part if the rest ( would do theirs and it was unanimously carried to have the next meeting j the best meeting of the < year. This means that it will be necesnarv for each member to do his or ' 1 J her share by being present at the meeting and by helping on the pro- ' gram if asked. Get all the people ' interested you can but remember that this is going to be a big meet- 1 ing and make sure of something eo 1 m j eat by reserving your place in advance. INSIDE INFORMATION Food To Be Thankful ForHere's ; a choice of menus for Thanksgiving dinner depneding on the size of your family: first cup, then roast stuffed turkey, candled sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, brpiled f^esh tomatoes, individual pumpkin :tarts, with merigue on top, coffee wi^h or after the meal. Grapefruit withl candied cranberries in the center, bkked stuffed chicken, rice, bruflsels ^prouts or five-minute cabbage, grape Jelly, cranberry ice, frosted cup cakes, cider. Have a fruit course first, if you prefer. You don't need both. Lettuce with Rusj 1?-~ i- ??i Bian ureaauig in 6""u. Cheap potonseed meal Is causing dairy catjde owners over the United States to! increase their grain feed and to bi| ythis fine protein feed at the expeqse of North Carolina grewers. In anoijher state the fanners are finding ttyat they receive from 70 to 198 percejnt more for their crops by feeding the mto livestock than they would if they sold the havested crop.. Hens eat mash feed whe nthey do not get all the scratch feed they can possibly ; consume. -es??e S I 11 rY ? N?W COLORS ? NF. W C i JEX SIH R door Sedan wing for the J an insistent demand for a beautix)inted four door, five passenger le smooth and nimble Essex Sedan is now being shown for le. duality in line, color and fittingc. ally comfortable in the seating it. Upholstering incomparable and quality with that used in s. jardless of cost, rides any easier, re easily handled in traffic. Essex quiet and gives unusual gasoline has fine car qualities in chassis lat assure long service. but little more than for any four 5 than for some four cylinder It is much less than you will six cylinder Sedan. iinute Ride Will Win 1 LLENGER MQ TRYON, N. C. MILL SPRING^ Thanksgiving it a holiday to be reify much enjoyed by all people, especially our young people who are in : college, come home to visit friends and relatives. This may well be testified by 'the hospitality at the home of Mr. and Mrp. Marion H. Whiteside of Oree, N. C. A most fmmp^ous dlnnefc served In true Thanksgiving style with 'Master Turkey" hodlng his place. they entertained in honor of the fol owing Aaheville Normal girls: Misses Guest, Margaret Klser, Eva and Mollie Edgerton, June and Barbara Voorheis, Jettle Hague and Sei"tu<^e Whiteside. Friends and relatives who enjoyed the day with them were: Mr. and MrB. W. Q. Edgerton, Mrs. Alice M. Voorheis, Lizzie Dalton, Thelma, Ellen and Wood row Hague, Benson Edwards, William and "Mickie" Egarton of Mill Spring, N. C., Mr. ind Mrs. W. H. Ledbetter, Dan LedbeUer, Earl Jones, Alberta Taylor and Mr. J. P. (Uncle Pink) Edgertoij of Uree, N. C., Fred Lewis of Rutherfordton, N. C. i . uiioip xm xmtfl muuiu mi mu iv | ADOLESCENT BOY Also Found Effective as Discipline in Corrective Institutions. Rapid progress In the nse of music as a means of discipline in corrective Institutions, Is reAsjlSg^k ported by the Conn Music Center ?* Elkhart, V >#|BGk*-G Ind. Music Is not X Mm ? only being used v "ilfrR w successfully as a rl ' osfef r tonic for dls\ ^^Km/. eased minds, but U also b o 1 n g 7fc found effective In eguardlng Vf3fAK^n' youth passing I 'la*. ' ' through adolesW van de Wall. JLIhehn van de Wall, director of the Committee for the Study of| Music In Institutions and a crlml ^ 1- - nologist ana sociologist ww uu spent a good portion of bis life In experiments along this line, finds that musical work with the Insane and mjentally weak tends to make the of such Institutions forget their READ THE POLK CO. NEWI i 1 ? I \ OMFORT8 J - r| a Irst time Essex "4" COACH $695 F. O. B. Detroit PltAM Wur T I I i I I rou" ITOR CO. i I " I There is basis for real pnde in the I fact that customers seldom ask us to guarantee our Used Cars. It indicates I that our efforts to build up public I confidence were well directed. Our I reputation is ample as .c-anceof honest deals and honest vu. .<:% I C. W. BALLENfiKH I MOTOR COMPLY I TRYON, N. C. I A USED CAR 15 ONLY A5 LlEPENCAElf I A5 THE DEALER. WHO 5ELLS IT 1 What Do You Feed For R If you feed Alfalfa, then you need C'e-re-a-liaS*wti high grade 20% Concentrate. Suppose though, you have a low era !? roughage,rati as mixed hay, corn fodder or the like. Then hue? feed a 24% Concentrate-like Tu.\e>;u Dairy. There's no one standard protein fei ; s-aitaMefotcat cows under all feeding conditions. S ir yi u don'tbik ance the entire meal you lose in milk; - >Tacr: r. West Tuxedo Dairy Feeds on this basis and guarantee rescis Suppose you come in and sec m .yard I'll opto more about Tuxedo Feeds and tell you about ourtor weeks' trial offer. J. F. CANTRELL Landrum, S. C. Tuxedo Dairy 241 Cerea-lia Sweets 205 Ce-re-a-lia Sweets Tuxedo Bursal Tuxedo Dairy //Mkl'A (inming Mai Tuxedo Hog Ration f/Tuxc :o Devoop? Tuxedo Chop Tuxedo Eggmat Tuxedo Chick Tuxedo Scratci Tuxedo Starter TuxedoPoultryFx* Noe? how (he ooerlap-^fs ^ ping front of the frigid- VVME^^J WV ?jr? freezing tray com- P* Py P#*fyconm the opening <3c ^ " com pan- "u..w> ? f*. pneUUng a teal VUck intra lower in j*. f P*ratura and Quicker freezing. ANE reason for ^-'popularity is the frrt !iatlt r rtfr-i^' actual weight, than otaer ilectn the same size. 3 The Frigidairc free?!-- 'r3>'s aI'e * ^ white enameled fronts - , ;e ice .y overlap the tray opcuin,. . thus sc ^ ^ tej u . cold of the frost coil p* Frigidaire Offer. n^t. Frigidairc free,., ice qutff ^ More for Less regardless of room temp 1';res- ^ New Low Long ago, Trigidaire <:.s--arded the ^ PRICES favor of the more effici. fr?st c ' c00tra- , .mill -k. assures simpler, quickn '. mpers yj 5 ' ?o accurate arid staNc that **' - ",7~ , . adjusted once it has been pt 'W* 1 !%' ?>I $225 Frigidaire is superior in tan u.7 - storage space, low operating cl" . 25CT^ii$3IO *** Frigidaire offers- ia^a*Llgn. T- -t I,, | .. construction and beauty o? |ityy 1 ?E5??. ?0^" aaSS2lo. ANDREWS. Tr>,. ^'generai R O.ANDHKWS ?/, Trron.N.C. PU-.-d-E"*- ^ ofariac lk? ?cri?/nt?? ?*lck .. ? C_J_xji-L. ^.?y ?"V n"WHi rnfflflwrf MM IMw 4 M --y I I !==1 least. 1 vwas?: .. 'on^^M -?iB\ca l0T" " ?,?tp theirmen- cuvin.: m In ial08!TSercVBes 8tl?U|Jlheir ^ ^ fioiiu- 'l.c "?".d vWM. ? t? ??? """"" """ ' **rte wall M?? ?T broUgM about. Va< u unft?0* !??- m ^ '"""" bT TO0"10* "Music does for the abnormal mind t)) ""-ntali,^, Identically what It does for the nor- j rl(lfi : ,| <- nornm^fc mal," aaya van de Wall r,tl!,-V :"r ,h* lt|A "It dispels the gloom of morbid nt|ll i' their isolation and resultant delusions and . r" thr^ ^ T ""I talk'-!; " ar"l sir-'5 V There's a lot of dry wit over those 1 '"oory-fj S, wet elections. iREAD , ?f. AN HONPqT nt?

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