I J SE for.: delivered SuitJa.v at Uo H likes ' and jv. .!>: ; to H$nc! S5 loved the ^^Biad it. that l^^mt cleanse it wash::.. the to ,10t hav or such be holy of EPh. I (js: i.' :' veals two It that God H the ' : be. It refa.-: intended the be church. The - for the was part pi.il! . gave his Hiat he !: li ive a church > ;: ?. h. not having wrinkle. .uiv such thing; it and withK ordinary ::?.uv of language, ^fcetisc- sp ak f the church Wo r- now building ^^ li. ?v refer ^^^kerird --h'; we are now oh'tr. will go this J: ^ J'fisr IkfiPlf U\ anteed un ^ every elerr B ! heart of tl indomkab animal ha: H t' c'e tissue, B ' renewed d I 'y -'jCy^^C ^ >' tion like [ ' V^W^' nCeC*" ^Cy |Tuxed< I Cere-a-!!i Sweeti I Tuxedo Dairy I Tuxed i Hog Ration I Tuxea-j Chop I Tuxedo Chick TuiedoSurter | -ft** [Hi I Nevei I and Ne\ I Coach . . . *199 Coach Special 115 Brougham . 159 I 7-Pasa. Sedan 149 F.OL& Detroit. Hmr war excise torn. I c. w. B/ S. WILKES D 3ACHES GRE 3N LAST SU morning to church, we say. Again we mean by church the people of a certain form of belief, as the Episcopal Church, the Methodist Church. Still again we refer to the Church as a body of believers In Jesus Christ. When we say that Christ loved the Church, and gave hjlmself for it, what do we mean by the word church? one meaning?an assembly "'of the people of God, a society of .^Christians. Sometimes the word refers to a very small company of believers In Christ, as when Paul said In Col. 4:15, Salute The Brethern Which 1 Are in Laodicea, and Nympha, and I .m , ?, . , . ? - * ?? iue tuurcu wmcn is in ms Mouse. Sometimes the word refers to people living in th^ same city, many thousands of people, as Acts, when Luke tells us "Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the Church which was in Jerusalem." Sometimes, again, as D?. Thomas Witherow has pointed out, the word ecclesia. church, means an assembly of God's people so large as to include a whole nation, as when in Acts 7:38, "This is he, (Moses) Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it." Here it means ' text we have chosen, we read, Husbands, love your wives, even as Christians not only on earth, but in , xedo Builds ling Strength hoice grains, mixed to a guariformitv, balanced to furnish lent necessary for health and J axedo Chop gets rit;ht to the te animal and fills it with an 1 le will to dig in and pull. 1 t a horse or mule, when a stiff dcd, is found only when the s been fed right. Bone, musnerves, energy, all have to be aily, and only a balanced raIuxedo Chop will fill every a few sacks today and watch fe recommend it highly. . F. CANTRELL, Jidrum, S. C. o Chop Tuxedo Buttermilk Growing Mash Tuxedo Developer Tuxedo Eggmash JMBB I Tuxedo Scratch Tuxedo Poultry Fattener, Etc. VMi IV9! Super-Six r Before S< rer at Such At today'8 prices Hudson scale of motor values. It is the best built Hudson i] ? brilliant performanceand ric j in new colors, new lines, nc j /new heights of supremacy i * greatest achievement in H 5 policy of giving most for th 5 Of course you hear coma Hudson's greatly improve In every way today's Hud more economical to operate prevent thinning. The mot dost and dirt?it cannot en dine cm- air. Adjustments to means always a snug, quiet a tod its price advantage that Jh ?the best built,"beat value VLLENGER MC TRYON, N. C. THE POLK CO. N1 ENDY I AT NDAY hat was In the Church In the wilderleaven, for in Ephesians, in this ness. It yet als means an assembly of ill for whom Christ, gave his life, ill saints in heaven and all true followers on earth. There is a usual and a very help- | 'ul distinction made in most theolog- . cal discussions of the Church. There a what we call the Church Visible ind there is what we call the Church ^ .nvlsible. The Church visible consists of all those throughout the , world that profess the true religion , together with their children, and is the kingdom of the Lord Jesus * Dhrist; the house and family of God, >ut of which there is no ordinary ? possibility of salvotion. The invisible | Jhurch Universal, is the whole num- J >er of the elect, that have been, are, ( >r shall be gathered into one, under ^ "'.hrlot tho VlQorl tViorAAf "a J ' ~ * " b/ui >w? VUV IUC1CU1, Uliu 10 LilC ^ >ody, the fulness of him that filleth til. Today, then, when we speak of f he Ghurch we mean the Assembly >f God's People, any where in all iges, in all nations, of and .emominar J don, of this particula denominalon, an dof this r icular Church, rnd of the child' . who are yet to 1 >e gathered it .o the precious num- 1 >er of gems that make up His crown. ' rhe true children of God. Does God have a pattern for themT 1 s there something that God intend- ' d His Church to be? What is the ' ?hurch God Meant? My friends, first of all, the Church lod Meant is a Blood Bought ]hurch. The Church in the Wpldertes was a Blood Bought Church. The ' Ihurch today is the Blood Bought Hood Bought Church. The true ' "hurch toda yis the Blood Bought 1 Ihurch. It is the Church which God s las redeemed by blood. There >s little need to say that his is in the Scriptures. You can 1 lot read the old Testament far unil you come to the blood. You can lot read of the sacrifices for sin n the old testament unless you read if the blood. "For when every com- 1 nandment had been spoken by Mob- 1 s unto oil the people according te he law, he took the blood of the ! alves and the goats, with water and ] icarlet wool and hyssop, and sprinked both the book itself and all the >eople, saying, This is the blood of he covenant, which God commanded o you. Moreover the tabernacle and he vessels of the ministry he sprink 4 I 1 EARLY Christmas JUJI i>N 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Fine . a Price change* the whole a history, with more :hly appointed bodies w beauty. It reache* n motor vaJues?th? udson's long knows e money. lent everywhere os d gasoline mileage ?n is smoother and a. Oil is ventilated t? or is protected from tear through oil, ga??take up wear easily, ir. It is in such details Indson is outstanding " 1 I ! tl ttflMU IH >TOR CO. ) Jr ^ EWS, TRYQN, N. C., THURS., Ie4 in like manner with th6 blood And according to the law, 1 may al most say, all things are (cleansec with blood, and apart from the shed ding of blood there is no remission Heb. 9:19-22. Over and over you read of th< blood in that early church in"th( days before Christ came. And ii Levitivus 17:11 God says to Moses tor the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to yoi upon the altar to make atonemeni for you souls, for it is the blood thai maketh atonement by reason of the life." This blood shed under the old :ovenant was a shadow of the hinge to come, and foretold the idvent of a lamb of God, who shed lis blood once for all, and once for ill time. The Church of the day in which he [Apostles lived was a blood bought Church. We hear Paul say ng ito the elders of the Church at Kphesus, [when he spoke to them it Miletus, Take heed unto yourselves and to all the flock, in which he Holy Spirit hath made.you Bish ips, to feed the church of the Lord ^hich he purchased with his own jiooa. we near i'eter saying somehing about the blood of Jesus Hhrist, as he says "Forasmuch as ee know that ye were not redeemed ivith corruptible things, as silver ind gold, from your vain conversaion received by traditon from your 'athers; But with the precious blood )f Christ, as of a lamb without ipot: who veritly was foreordained jefore the foundation of the world. An the true Chuch today is made ip of souls who have been bought )y the blood. The Church which is i bloodies church is a bibleless hurch and a Christless church. It s no Church. It can not be. A Church is in its essence a body of people called, called out of the vorld, called unto the cross, called into salvation by sacrifice?sacrifice >f blood. Now there are many people who ire in organizations calling them selves churches wlio say that the blod way is a crude way. They are saying that the blodtway is a cruel vay. But my friends, it is God's ,vay, as revealed in His Book, and be It crude or be it cruel or be ii :ostly, it is God's way, and I ain a sinner, and I want the blood to be applied to my heart that I might be >ne 01 me nousenoiu ot uou. Beware of the blessings promised with no blood! There are people whose intentions / may be the best **+** j "Vibral [ BEYOND * Che smoothness and quietness $ of the Greatest Buick Erer 2) Built defy description. This J remarkable new motor car is 5 vibrationless beyond belief. * We hope someone else tells ^ you that some other car also is The Greates t * | /4I I ^ I . WHEN BETTER , ? BUILT. BUICK \ [ Forest Citj j FOREST C [ AGENTS FOR TRYON, ( ****++******************* I t The Bird Mountain Nus ; after as The Hub Citj ! owned by L. M. Gentry, ; Spartanburg Highway, ! ern Shops. L. M. ( { LANDSCAP1 '<' Associa : A. A. M ;; / Engineeri: ' > P. O. I I Spartanfc <. <? < * i > < DEC. 16. 1928. - ~ - 1 ' ~ " . in the world who are preaching that - salvation does not necessarily have 1 to be by the blood way. Christ was - a saviour, but not the only Savior, . they say. Any man that will sacrifice himself can be a saviour. And ? one and only saviour, i The trouble with their doctrine is 1 is that they do not recognize the ' Christ to be who he really is. As Dr. ' Machen, of Princeton well says, "It Is t perfectly true that no mere man can t pay the penalty of another-man's sin , but it does not follow that Jesus could not do it; for Jesus was no I mere man, but the eternal son of God. Jesus is the master of the innermost secrets of the moral world. He has done what none other could possibly do; he has borne our sin." And this brings us to the next1 consideration. The Church God Meant is a blood-bought church. It is blood-bought, and so it is his forever. And in the second place, it is a Christ Controlled Church. How wonderfully blended these two characteristics of the Church God meant! For the blood-bought Church was bought by no mere man ' but by the Majestic Christ. And His Majesty is from the ages to I ..?.. e 1 * i a&UE>, 11 U III tjVCl IdSllUg LU tJVCI UUStllX^. When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss And pour contempt on all my pride. The Church God meant a Blood Bought Church. It is also a Christ Controlled Church. Christ is the head of His Chuch. He is the King of his Kingdom. That church that is ' getting away from the control of 1 Christ, that person that is disloyal to the King, can never be counted part of the Church God Meant until allegiance is renewed and Christ"# way restablished. The Scriptures are ' forever telling us that Christ is the head of His Church. 1 Cor. 11:3 "But 1 I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ:" Eph. 1:22" ' tells us that God made Christ to sit " at His right hand in the heavenly - p'aces, far ,above all principality and ! power, and might, and dominion, and ' every name that is named, not only 1 in this world, but albo in that which is to come: and has put al] things t under his feet, and gave him to be 1 the head over all things to the Church, which is his body, th^ ful5 ness of him that filleth all in all' Col. 1:13. God hath "delivered us [ from the power of darkness, and hath 1 translated us into tho kingdom of v, 1 redemption thru His blood, even the tionless j BELIEF" j vibrationless. For then you may x be induced to drive the two cars, and compare them. <? And you will better appreciate $ the amazing smoothness, at every speed, which now be longs to Buick. X >t Ever Built | | t M'TOMOBILBO AJt? * VILL BUILD mm * I Motor Co. i r JITY, N. C. I :OLUMBUS AND SALUDA. % * *++***************<: *++*++++ * ? > i 3ery will be known here- > ' Nursery, operated and ;; , located on th/ Asheville i 11 1-2 mile nonth of South- j; < ? i SENTRY it 3 ARCHITECT ! 1 ? i ted With o [ERRICK, ;; ng Concern. ; ' Sox 185 4 iurg, S. C. forgiveness of sin; who is the lma of the invisible God, the first-bo of every creature: for by Him wt all things created, that are in heav and thafare in the earth, visible a ! invisible, whether they be thron or dominions or principalities, powers; all things were created Him and for Him: and he is befc his dear Son: in whom we ha all things, and by Him all things cc sist. And he is the head of the bo the church; who is the beginnir the first-born from the dead: that all things He might have the pi eminence." It is this Christ, thg Lord, who h loved us, and has given Himself f us. Does he not have a claim upi us? The Church God meant is Christ controlled Church. And that means, my dear frlenc not only that this service should 1 Christ Controlled, but' ithat eve day of our lives should be Chri Controlled. He is our King. Befo we begin a journey we ought to ha the authority of the King. Befo we make our choices we ought discover the King's choice. Befo wg tcivasu uui our wills, we ought to seek un we find His will. Do you suppose that Amerii would have the appalling Crime Re ord she has, if the people who a supposed to be Christ were Chri Controlled? Do you suppose tl world would show such bitter raci hatreds if the people who are su posed to be t Christs were real Christ Controlled? Let us come nearer home, Wou our own Southern Presbyteri; Church have such a distressing strii gle for funds to conduct the wo she is attempting to do for Chri in foreign lands, if the 400,000 Pre byterians, with their millions of di lars of resources were really Chri Controlled? Let us come near home. Do you suppose this eongi gation would have one doubt in t world that our building program w be carried to a quick and succes ful completion if the entire chur membership were entirely Chr jControlled? We would be giving o means; we would be giving our pn ers; we would be giving our tim we would be giving our loyalty; would be giving the best we have, the task is Christ's task at all, a if it is for His glory that we attem to go forward and to grow and sek out others for the Kingdom God, we cifn have his help, if we a Christ Controlled. Rise up, O men of God! Have done with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind a and strength To serve the King of Kings. Rise up, O Men of God! His kingdom tarries long: Bring in the day of brotherhooc And end the night of wrong. Rise up, O men of God! The Church for you doth wait Her strength uequal to the tas Rise up, and make her great! Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread where His feet have tr As brothers of the Son of Man Rise up, Oh Men of God! The Church God meant is a Bio bought Church. The Church C meant is a Christ Controlled Chur The Church God meant is a Spi Sanctified Church. It is Sanctifi -f OFTEN CALLED THE FRIENDLY RANK OF POLK! The above is an every day remark from our friends. Can we add you to our large list of satisfied customers. Come in today. u BANK OF SALUDA SALUDA, N. C. t==== * i ?> ? ;; Let Us Fij U 0 0 1 i r TX juts r i: polk c( < > i i > > < - ge PRUNING IN WINTER irn v PREVENTS PEAR BLIGHT ire RALEIGH, N. C., Dec. 16?Cutting en out and destroying in winter, the n(* twigs and limbs of pear trees killed 68 ' by blight during the growing season ?r will control the destructive "fire y blight" and eliminate the source of ire Infection for the following year, ve "Pear blight is produced by a bac^ terial germ," says G. W. Fant extension distease specialist at State College. "This disease causes much re concern to growers during the growing season, althought it is during the winter months only, that effecE8 live control measures can be put into or practice. The disease is characteriz-., ed by a death of the blossoms young twigs a^nd later, the larger limbs, giving' twighs of affected trees the 's* appearance of having been scorched 36 by fire. No method of control by ry spraying has yet been found due to 'st the manner in which the disease re works beneath the surface of the Ve bark." re Twigs affected with fire blight can DO * re be distinguished in winter by the adt0 hering dead leaves and Mr. Fant (jj states that it is a good practice to go over all affected trees during the ca dormant season and cut out, as far ,c. possible, al[ blighted twigs. The cuts re he explains, must be made several st tnch.es below the lower limit of the ke cangker in order to cut out al ldiseasal P" it is set apart for the work of the 'y Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is leading it to the end and unto the goal 'd that God has for His Church. ln "But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon rk you, and ye shall be witnesses unto st me." said Christ. "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,, baptizing them in the name ' J er of the Father, and of the Sou, and of re the Holy Ghost; teaching them to ke observe all things whatsoever I have jjj you always, even unto the end of ^ the world." ch What is this talk that the Holy 1st 's sent here to lead us in the " doing? Does the Lord Jesus say that ij. we are set aPart in the world to be ... teachers of science? Does thG Lord e; L lve Jesus say that we are to devote our ^ time and energy and resources to n(j social service? Does the Lord say that we his people are to dictate policies of worldly government? He sent us iorui 10 leacn peupie iu uue serve all tilings whatsoever He commanded us. The Church God meant will do that. It will teach the things of nd ^rist. l'le things of Christ have to do with life in its fullness, the pains of life, the pollution of life, the power of life, the progress of life ,the preservation of life. I A recent book by a great lover of God's word and of God's Church asks and answers this question: Is there no place of refreshing where a man can prepare for the battle of life? Is there no place where two or three can gather in Jesus name, to , forget for the moment all those od. J things w hich divide nation from nation and race from race; to forget . human pride, to forget the passions od,. of war, to forget the puzzling prob. terns of industrial strife; and to ch. .r_t unite in overflowing gratitude at the ^ foot of th'e cross? If there b0 such ' a place, then that is the house of God and that the gate of heaven. And from under the threshold of that house will go forth a river that will revive the weary world." Ours is this wonderful privilege, to be the Church God Meant, bought with His blood. Controlled by His Christ, and Sanctified by His Spirit. God help us to strive to be the kind of Church He meant, without spot or blemish, a Glorious Church. Whose one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord; She is Ilis creation by water and the Word; Pnnm honwon Ilfi OflniO Otl/1 Unilirllf I I Ulll Ileal vit iiv vuiiiv uuu u.<?R..v her to be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her r and for her life He died. Elect from every nation yet one o'er f all the earth; Her charter of salvation One Lord, one faith, one birth; One holy name she hlesses, partakes one holy food; And to one hope she presses, with ' every grace endued. 'Mid toil and tribulation and tumults of her war, She waits the consummation of peace forevermore: Till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blest, And the great church victorious shall be the church at re: t. Yet she on earth hath union with e ' God the Three in One And mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won; Oh, happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we, Lilfe them, the meek and lowly, I ' on high may dwell in Thee." I > ' , :: ?ure With You n Your RINTING )UNTY NEWS " I ***++*+**+*+ * * !'4> * 'I' W***! I '.j

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