frwo FIT IMF OH mi1 Time to Take Need* Hj Precaution* I* Be/ore the Start ML rer.T Indication that motor H|3J rsrr!>'u'"':J' lotif dlatanoa : ?[,'i exceed a!! prerlous recvol use this year, the Amerl^^JjIoecMo asa'elation sounds * ^E/rarnltig about the lruportanoo the car fit while on tour, to lake i recautlon* 1* b*tour starts. the American AnK iMoclatlon warns, pointing Kit otherwise the motorist la U. to let himself In for hurried r*. Incidental Jela^s, which or* {o car the tour. preparatory PrrCMutlont. warning Is expanded upon la ^Ketla ImjoJ by the mechanical Hm department of the Chicago ^Hcluh, which stresses the neceo^Kr three preparatory precautions ^^Botvofh clears.'::; of the water ^^Kdoo system the Hssuranee that ^^Eglos are In perfect order, and ^^Einhallcg of good rubber. Bat were only the high spots; the lists half a score of other augbased or the experience ol of emergency road serrlce IItint ibould be either new or In Li condition, all cuta and Ku having been tilled with c% Ld?reliable gauge to keep the K, it a proper level should be to a tide pocket. A dally At* K toipMlon will prove wall while and perhapi prevent mi breakdown. L the lubrication will depend It 80 per cent of, the car'a servne jaotorlst should determine Ly that the oil partlcularlj to his car lutty be obtained ex 'or be thould take enough wttl o last until his return. Thi applies somewhat to gaaollnt ould always Insist on a rellabla able brand. To Insure contln Idect operation It li necesaarj rer tie grease cups and othei of lubrication before Martini t'i trip. II wlss tcurlst carriea at lew i* spare tlree complete with ?i iwo spare tubes In waterproo: Itproof bags." Contents of Tool Kit. cprehenslve tool kit and com let of chains to prevent akld inl to help extricate the cai BUil bales also are essential o! tit.!: Is suggested, might In I large monkey wrench, a smal I wrench, two alze9 of sorts I, s ee: of socket wrenches, i [ open-end wrenches, a pip L a machinist's hammer, a se Ikes, cold and cape chlsela, tw If ties, a pair of pliers, a knlft LsslV.v a small vise. A goo refers:.? of the long-handle ' i powerful hand pump If th cot equipped with a powe I:g wrench and a small bloc! 1 to g under the Jack In aof 1^0 are a part of the equip motorist Is alio advised t tow rope, which It la points 'one of '.hose things one ma uve to use, but which prov liable it the emergency ghoul to arise." sew gasoline strainer and a Be: will Increase th# efflclenc; car, and some sort of light t its the right-hand ditch a Ikec passing other cars la ala le An citra roll of wire an (light bulbs will not be amlsr tWa fc w t. If ? Krxfflza /v .o i . IK/L IV, a IWIU? V Hi water f r the battery wll Hu frequent to five th H I drink." B>per Tire Inflation ^Prevented by a Vain ^puwe the proper Inflation < H1-" '-lreg at all time*, a Norl Creator has developed a pre H^c?-r.j ,::j controlling > H*hich 1* capable of being el B la several waya. Mm aril B8' ^ Instrument la euppe* BatUched permanently to tl H ?ach of the four tlrea of H* a*l Connected by meane to ?n electric annunciator 1 l?c the dush It la 114. !nch ^ft, lact.cs wide and a J0* of Tar: JUJ and c Connect B*? bHcJ ^"^ocjulpped wl ^^^ctur'"Ur* :W9mmende<l | mat * aped Pely lnllats ? equip a c l? valvea, as a pock evlce can tube at a t \y used.?ft ? : CO. NE^ \/dciety}\ MISS BEACH ENTERTAINS FRIENDS AT LOVELY TEA Miss Anna Beech, entertained a number of her friends, with a lovely Tea, Tuesday at the Mountain Industries Tea Room. MRS. ANDREWS WILL BE HOSTESS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Oliver Andrews, will be hostess at a lovely bridge party on Friday afternoon which promises to be an enjoyable affair. MANY SOCIAL FUNCTIONS PLANNED FOR HOLIDAYS Tryon society will have many social functions during the holidays. Dances, teas and house parties wilt feature the social calendar for the v ? Aiuaa w tjea.. MRS. JARYIS AND FAMILY TO SP?ND HOLIDAYS IN TRYON Mrs. Arthur W, Jsrris and family of Princeton, N. J., will oome to Try1 on, Friday to spend the Xmas holtdays with Mr. and Mrs. Kilpln. I I- ??????? DR. AND MRS. BISHOP 1 TO ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE i Dr. and Mrs. Bishop will entertain 1 at bridge this week. Quite a few 1 will take part In the affair which ^ promises to be very Interesting. > MRS. CONRAD WILL ' LEAVE SOON FOR 1 WINSTON - SALEM i i Mrs. H. H. Conrad and little Miss Betty Conrad, will leave soon for Winston - Salem, N. C., where they will spend the Xmas holidays with ' Miss Betty's grand-parents. 1 MAIL ;l| i ;' EARLY t BUY |*S t| Christmas -^3^1 r k ?1 t H ctm??ae=c B? ? ^ ! ?li td i Ask a SOI 8# d ?r rpHB 60, X South S welfare is and that v South bent ij Southern 1 getters fort man about has behind and of the informatioi h# Southern I in the trad a They have u traditions. ! Soi ; KA. lil- ? * VS ^r. iMHM^BX?J!!>-151" ^MUH I flB I Bwi3&fi II m Be ^1 ^k^VS Iflk. I ^tl I H ' .*./>>:>>? PRESIDENT COOLIDGE tgala ask* America to observe International Oolden Rule Sunday. By Presidential endorsement the day has been observed for the past three years to aid child welfare and relief work of the Near East Relief. This year the day will have the auditional significance of aiding the earthquake victims of Armenia. The President's letter of endorsement follows: "I regard International Golden Rule Sunday as a movement of much importance. Begun in an attempt to care tor the orphaned children s( Bible _ _ ? ii A. A. MI : ENGINEERIl SURVEYING ENGINEEI | VALUATIONS DR. J ' M * Orders taken for s | TRYON, N. C. t SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE PO: s. oa 7m the Southern there it in effect a bonus-payt ystem through which the employeet engaged in t perations may share the benefits of economies o their efforts. LHHERNRA] ,000 men and women wc ern Railway System kn< bound up with that of th whatever benefits the Sout dfits them. Railway men and women he Southern. Talk to a Sout fc your transportation requ him the support of his fellc ""inoimmflnt If he does uin i i you desire, he will get it Railway employees are bre itions of the South and of the desire and ability to n j JTM ?m Southern serve$?*j?^ news, tryon, n. c., thurs., : ,res Observance I Golden Rule Sunday |'t| * I I f iffl <. Wx> r.' , IP!mK? * 1* jl I . :&! .* . (i^^d , * j {^BYIS lands. It has been extended to other ' countries. "Practical help la the beat erpreoslon of friendship. The aid we may give out of our abundance to those less fortunately situated than we should be of great value In bringing about the application of the Golden Rule to the Settlement of misunderstandings among nations as well as among individuals. "I hope the voluntary observance of this day may become Increasingly prevalent in America and throughout ths world." . ?J. i A ' ' -! SRRICK 1 vg service | iing designing " afting landscaping ;; aps ? ? ;ipns. show cards, etc. ;; phone 130 ;; lk co. news: thank you. i ram L J dut ^ ILWAY man )rkers on the dw that their e Southern? hern and the are business hern Railway lirements. He )w-employees not have the for you. xi and trained the Southera maintain those EBJM ])SYSTEM 'the South ' .. . -*fw J <><.' r. * . . Y,t- V 1^-V? DEC. 16. 1926. TRYON ? 13 FROM TiHE POLK Mr. E. R. Rankin has gone tp Itatesville lor a brief stay. Mr. W. M. Day and wife of Indiana ire located at Melrose Ave, for the vinter. Mr. Whit Beaton, of Tryon, attendsd the federal court this week at Charlotte, N. C. Every morning the frafn 'g'oinp vest, takes a large crowd of Polk :ounty passengers for the fair now n at AahAvillo Miss Mae Sue Epton has acceptsd a position as teacher in the Innan school. Mr. J. Lv Voughan and wife, are >ack from their outing trip to Kiniton, N. C., where they spent several veeks. Mr. Samuel Hill, formerly with he Tryon Supply Co,, has accepted i situation In the general store of [leaver-Patton Co., at Pisgah Forest, j C. Rev. P. C. Morgan, Jr., began his pastorate over the Congregational Society here, last Sunday, by preaching at both morning and evening services. Mr. Alex Beatson will occupy with his family, the cabin at th^ Llndsey vineyard this winter, and take charge of operations there. Mrs. H. J. Garrignes, accompanied by Mme. Talma, left Tryon Wednesday night for New York, where she expects to spend the winter. Mr. G. P. Claxton, the marble monument maker of Spartanburg, is moving into the large front house of Mr. Doubledays for the winter. rattle Kosena Eisner ieu some weeks ago on the macadam roadway, injuring his knee, which has developed into a very painful complication. Mr. E. E. Lewis proposes to Install next month a feed grinding mill, run by electric power from the basement now ubed by the drug store for that purpose. He Is to take possession when Mr. Missildlne moves into his new building. FOR RENT ? Unfurnished. 3 rooms on 2nd floor in Private home, convenintly located and priced reasonable. Phone 165-B. i A Sugg aC ANi thi If you buy y< Dec. 24,19: the followinj BUMP WITH MOTO WITH YOU SHOULD TA ? rnrm T SUKfiUSJEi ItlEi I OFFER APPLIES ALL MODELS Of REMEMBER ALI ROLET WILL CO TRYOI "Ch t" YEARS AGO I COUNTY NEWS The Stailings Co., of Spartanburg, have the contract for the plumbing and steam heating In the new residence of Prof. C. A. Lightner. The many friends of Mrs. D. B. Conner wil rejoice to know that she is recovering safely from the severe illness that prostrated her some weeks ago. Capt. Sharp has bought an auto mobile and Mr. Claud Ballenger Is coaching him in how to run it. Tryon will soon need a public garage to stable transient autos in. Mme. Talma's farewell song recital at Oak Hall was a very brilliant affair an dthe select audience that greeted her, fully appreciated the rare excellence of her performance. give the most I I Feed each co< I 1 will eatuD clc FRF HT or Ce-re-a lia L duction> Kee{, Introductory you this pie j; Sample Feed Tuxed: 2 lbs. Tuxedo Sweets '20% Starting Feed 30 days. Fo in every bag of produce mot Tuxedo Eggmash doesn t show sold between entirely satis January 1st "e'll refund , and question. March 1st J Tuxedo I Ce-re-a-lia S Ce-re-a-Iia Sweets ^ Tuxedo Dairy Tuxedo H.g Ration Tuxedo Chcp I s .. ',.'i Tuxedo Chick . \> Tuxedo Starter A \ ;estion for Ch hevri ce Presen b Entire F, ?ur Chevrolet beti 26 at closing timi g equipment FRE ERS-FRONT AND REAR. ?PA TUBE AND TIRE COVER. ON^ R METOR AND THE TANK GAS. KE ADVANTAGE OF THIS UNI FAMILY WITH A CHEVROLET TO STRAIGHT SALES ONLY. I DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW RO , OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT ST YOU ONLY ONE CENT E3 U MATOP no 1 IVIV wa? WW ievrolet Sales and Se TRYON, N. C. 4 ii? 1 A N .-J ^ The millinery opening of Misses McFee on Friday and Saturday last attracted.' much attention from the ladies of this locality, rendering the occasion very successful, the display being numerous and up to date In every detail. ??? / Sheriff A. L. Hill has rented hi3 ^ residence to Mr. E. E. Lewis of the Hosiery Company's store at Lynn, and Miss Julia Butler ha staken Miss Childer's Cottage for the winter. S ubscribe to The Yolk County News NOW 1 See Special Offer - Back Page 7our Concentrate and Roughage lust Be Balanced! (lis is a fact. There is no one andanl proteia feed suitable r dairy cows under ail feeding nditions. Low grade roughages 11 for Tuxedo Dairy 24%. if >u raise high protein roughage, en Ce-re-a-liaSweets.20% will : profitable results. n liberally all the roughage she an. Adjust Tuxedo Dairy 2-1% Sweets 20% to her milk pro> accurae records, and we make ge: > Dairy 24% or Cc-re-a Ta to any one cow in your!? rd tor !low directions. It she doern't e nfiik or richer milk, if she a bigger profit, if you are not fied, send in your record, and the jrrice of the feed without . F. CANTRELL Landrura, S. C. )airy 24% n>r\0/ weeis lkjvo Tuxedo Euttermilk Growing Mash Tuxedo Developer | Tuxedo Eggmash I" * 3 T'- cuo Scratch s'&yts'***&1 Tuxedo Poultry T fN'' attrncr, Etc. ristmas nlet it for amily ween now and e, we will give , 1 !Efor lc extra HE TIRE X BALL FILLED JSUAL OFFER AND r FOR XMAS. THIS OMS. r FOR YOUR CHEV- ' [TRA. * MP ANY rvlce"

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